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Adam Lambert Tweets: Donate to Sandy Survivors!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, November 2, 2012

Posted at : Friday, November 02, 2012

Adam also tweeted his love for @Gagusik's avatar.


Anonymous said...

I have already donated to #Sandy hope many are being helped. Whoa that girls make up is sick. My idea for next year has arrived.hehee

Anonymous said...

I will make donation as soon as I can, Adam.
About this aviator. This is Tim Burton's influence. It is sick. But it's mentally sick. Probably, this is just me:)

Anonymous said...

I love that avi! And that is the same girl who organized that flash mob in Moscow. *_*

Mia said...

Every single time Adam tweets, he makes me want to get a twitter account. First I have to get a new phone though. My old one is...old, lol. Then I can follow Adam and Sauli and Brian May (whose twitter is quite brilliant!!!) ^^

Anonymous said...

That avi is gross! But in a good way. :D

Anonymous said...

It always makes me happy when Adam "gives back". He is such s great human being. I hope more people could see that. <3

Anonymous said...

nice adam ur very thoughtful kind- mitt romeny also on his speech in ohio said donate send it to red cross and etc. good man as adam lambert love mitt romeny also.

Anonymous said...

Not again this election sh*t.

I could post about Obama but it wouldn't make any difference. No one is gonna change their opinion about Obama or Romney no matter what others post. This republican vs democrat game is the reason why our politics suck. Let's all just enjoy Adam.

Anonymous said...

Anyone seems this:

She got completely crucified by glamberts. xD

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The People's Choice Award voting just ended. On Nov. 15th they will put up the five winners in each category to vote for. My fingers are sore and I hope and pray we got Adam a nomination in one of the categories!My fingers will be set to go again by then.

Anonymous said...

9pm thanks for that link (NOT) lol I just spent the last 45min reading the comments, mostly positive a few trolls thrown in for good luck. ha ha

Anonymous said...

well we either got Adam a nom for People's Choice Award or we didn't. It will be interesing on November 15th when we find out.

Anonymous said...

or text REDCROSS to 90999 to give $10 to American Red Cross Disaster Relief.

They are asking for blood donations as well.

Anonymous said...

How do you follow someone on instagram? I want to follow Adam but can't figure it out yet. thanks.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:00 PM
I posted a comment on that blog earlier tonight. Expecting that the author of the blog won't authorize it tho. I'm temporarily without Internet at my home due to cable modem problem so can't check to see for now. Either way, I hope Ms. Taub takes time to ponder and reflect on her harsh words re Adam. They were unfounded and uncalled for, in my opinion: The epitome of the term "entitled", which in the words of Adam himself is NOT sexy.

Anonymous said...

glitzylady I went back to the article just now and if you used your tag it is not on there. Other people are complaining she is picking and choosing the comments she posts which is sort of weird if you ask me.

glitzylady said...

@anon 11:35 PM
Thanks for checking...I'm not too surprised. : )) I suspect she stopped reading comments at some point. As I said in my comment above: I hope she took time to reconsider her angry words.

lorraine said...

OT Just had to share this little happening with all of you tonight....I was sitting with my hubby in a local restaurant here in North Co. San Diego {just a few minutes away from where Adam grew up} and I heard the first few bars of BTIKM come over the speakers. I just blurted out"Adam!" My poor husband just stared at me because he knew I would be in a semi trance until the song was over. I wish Adam could know the simple joy he brings to all of us in even the most unpredictable moments of our lives.
My husband asked me {after the song was over] Aren't you glad I picked this restaurant to come for dinner? Thank you, On The Border

lorraine said...

OT continued---And..."Thank you, sweet husband."

Anonymous said...

lorraine......JAK here

I like little personal stories, it makes you all seem more real to me.
Though I think all men come from another planet, they are often amusing and quite dear. :-)

Anonymous said...

JAK....I always love your comments..and so true I think men do come from another planet

HK fan said...

My daughter had very similar makeup as that avi for Halloween this year!

@ANON 9.00PM,
That article had a lot more positive comments but she has been deleting some. and @Glitzy, I know of others that wrote comments that haven't been posted either. It was funny how she changed her story in the comments. There is another article -fishbowl la - that has picked it up, basically defending the Glamberts and trashing the writer of the blog.

Anonymous said...

@9 pm- thanks for the link, I too have spent the last 45 minutes reading it. So glad the glamberts stepped in. I can't imagine adam ever being rude as some suggested on there or think he's all that- that totally blew my mind.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else done this?
Chance for a meet and greet with your favorite celeberty.

Anonymous said...

I just requested that California station, whatever been up here, 20/20. All of it zoo, all of it. Please do this for me 99464, Houston station, please request trespassing Adam Lambert, I would really thank you, for it!! Sue

Anonymous said...

I also read that article and all the comments a few hours ago. Hope it all goes away soon.

BUT, the incident she described is proof that one small moment can change a person's mind about a celebrity forever. A celebrity can lose a fan over one small incident that really means very little. Celebrities are under the public radar all the time. Some celebs ARE really rude a lot of the time and somehow get away with it. Others are really NICE 99.9999% of the time, LIKE ADAM is, and then one person perceives a rudeness that really wasn't a rudeness, and her undies get in a knot. And then the whole thing snowballs and suddently the celeb is accused of being rude A LOT of the time when they really aren't. You get my drift. I'm glad so many Glambs stood up for Adam and told their own stories of his politeness and kindness. Nobody is perfect all the time. including Adam, but it's how you act the majority of the time that should count, not some isolated incident. I would say this even about celebs I don't like. It's too bad that stuff like this gets spread around and believed by people who will think less of Adam. I know we will continue to love and support Adam. I think this woman figured THAT out.


Anonymous said...

DRG I hope you are not losing the fact Adam was not rude here and she wasn't really a fan to begin with.

glitzylady said...

Here's my response to article linked at 9:00 PM: It seems its still awaiting moderation, which says to me, its not gonna be seen on that blog. In my lifetime.

"My thoughts coincide with Lily [another commenter] above: to stop and chat with a celebrity during his private time, briefly, to say “hello, nice to meet you” is one thing, but to draw attention to his presence by asking for a picture, is something entirely different. It could have drawn others’ attention to him, and he could have missed part of the performance he was there to see. Adam is a busy man, has been away from home in LA for a good portion of the year, promoting his music and performing all over the world. Meeting thousands of fans (I’m one of those lucky ones this year on his promo trail..he’s friendly and gracious with his time and I NEVER hear comments about him being rude to anyone)..Seems to me he deserves his privacy during his quick stops at home to relax, catch up with friends..and enjoy some entertainment starring an old friend of his, Ty Taylor. [I've seen this same show recently, in Seattle, and I totally agree with you: Vintage Trouble is AWESOME!] Yes, I’m a fan of Adam’s, one of those Glamberts that some like to dismiss as unable to see the forest through the trees when Adam is involved. So just to get an unbiased perspective on this blog and your comments, AND Adam’s behavior toward you, Lindsay, I read the blog to my husband. He agreed with the majority here, those who felt your negativity toward Adam was unfounded, and to use the word frequently used here, “entitled”. Adam was polite, sweet and generous with his time at this event with you, and for you to complain about not getting a picture and then call HIM rude? Of COURSE he is not going to ask you to follow him to his seat…Sorry, but that is just laughable. Lastly, your comments here:

“Might seem like a small offense to some. But it really bothered me. He doesn’t know me. He doesn’t know who I know. He doesn’t know what I do. What if I was a big-time producer who wanted to do a show with him or put him into one of my films? What if I was an agent who represented a huge talent who wanted to collaborate on a record with him? What if I was the ad sales or marketing guru for Pepsi or Gucci and wanted to do an endorsement deal with him? You just never know… And in this town, that’s even more true.”

I would guess #1 Those “Big time Producers” etc. would identify themselves to him if they approached him AT ALL and #2 Not ask him for a picture or moan about it when he said “catch up with me after the show”. Adam isn’t just some small time wanna be celebrity. They’d go through the proper channels: call his management and set up a meeting as professionals do. And they realize that even celebs like a little “off the clock” time. I think they’ve already taken a class in Celebrity 101. I suggest you sign up now. By the way, I don’t often give people advice or criticize..but in this case I made an exception. I’ve run into celebs (yes, even in my part of the world) when they were obviously on their own time, spending time with friends and family and I was respectful of their private moments. This was one of those moments, in my opinion. Adam was more than generous. Please re-think your blog and your indignation. Thanks for listening."

Anonymous said...

Is the Zodiak-Hitler idiot on every thread?

Anonymous said...

1:02 yuuuup

Anonymous said...

Glitzy, very good comment.

Anonymous said...

12:31, Yes, I agree on both counts. Adam was not rude. She was not a fan anyway.
And thanks again, glitzlady, for a good viewpoint on the subject. Bottom line, it can be a real pain in the ass to be a celebrity.


Anonymous said...

On the few occasions when I have unexpectedly come face to face with a celebrity, I am super cool, a moment of stunned recognition, then a smile and a "thumbs up" gesture which is almost always
returned with eye contact and a matching smile. Short and sweet, no intrusion on my part.....JAK

Celebrities don't owe me a darn thing, just the pleasure of their craft.

Shiggles said...

In my opinion, Ms. Taub prooved a point she mentioned in the article about us Glamberts...we are a force to be reconned with. However, I think she got what she really wanted in the first place when she wrote this piece. She got fodder for a new article; a Glamberts vs. X Glamberts confrontation written in their own words. I only hope she doesn't use Glamberts to trash Adam once again.

Shigigles said...

Sorry, it's late at night and I can't sleep. Missing you just runs too.........Yikes sorry again. I meant to point out that the last word in the first line above should be "reckoned". I think "reconned" means I was fooled for the second time. I'm going to bed now. See ya

Anonymous said...

@ Shiggles.....recon could also mean to check out the territory for a military mission and hopefully not get caught.....thus speaks an army brat....JAK

HK fan said...

I'm sure you will appreciate this article in response to the Pacific punch one, its a must read....

Anonymous said...

Oh, so now Taub will rile up people who are x-fans of Adam and get them to vent about all the stuff they "hate" about him?? What a fool she is. Why do this? Why rile up hate? I have no patience for people like her. She craves attention in a negative way.


glitzylady said...

@Hk fan 5:52 AM
Thanks for the info. I left a comment on the blog you mentioned. : ))

Shiggles said...

@Glitzy - How proud I am that you are a Glambert and a very talented writer to boot. I read your response on Behind the Veil of Society and you were spot on. 24/7 has always been a better place because of your quiet demeanor in your posts. You put to shame the in the heat of the moment posters with cool, calm and factual data. I bow to you and your charm, personality and humor. I get you!

HK fan said...

Do you mean the blog I mentioned ages ago to you, that I thought you'd enjoy?????
If so where's the comment, I can't see one anywhere??