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Adam Lambert: Wish I had more time in South Africa!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, November 18, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, November 18, 2012


Anonymous said...

Certainly seems from the post concert media and twitterverse coverage that they WANT HIM BACK. Good for Adam

Anonymous said...

He is the Rock/Pop of this generation.

They want him back because he is the true entertainer that no matter how much is the ticket price, you will not think twice just to see him live indeed.:)


Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam had disagreements with the Chinese concert organizers. Adam maybe cancelled the gig and then later he has agreed again. I'm guessing disagreements about the performance, or money. Maybe they don't want the adommy stage gay in the festival. Adam does not like to compromize when someone attempts to limit his artistic freedom. Well known fact since 2009.

Anonymous said...

Not gona guess what's going on in China. Adamhas said arrangements with China always delicate. One can imagine. The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

Adam seems to be conquering the globe one country at a time. They want him, they support him, they love him. He is fast becoming an international superstar and he is taking all of us fans along for the ride. I love 'trespassing' into his life through the videos we see here of his concerts and also those on you tube. When I am bored and want something to liven up the day, I just watch any of Adam's radio promo concerts and the more recent global ones. The man is an amaaaaazing performer and is mesmerizing to watch on stage. Now, if only the American public audiences would wake up and see what we have known about him since his first appearance on Idol and all that has followed with the release of his two albums. Can't wait for the next videos from his China concerts.