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Adam Lambert's 'WWFM' Covered on Party Pilipinas (Philippines)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, November 12, 2012

Posted at : Monday, November 12, 2012

Skip to 5:45 to hear it!


Anonymous said...

vote every hour

Anonymous said...

Hey slow it down. I really appreciate Adam's acoustic version sometimes.

daydreamin said...

Katerina @Jadelle1 11m FYI: Adam's probable show will take place at Crocus City Hall, near Moscow. Capacity is about 7000…

Anonymous said...

Just voted for TP on 102.9 for a bit. They show the last three songs played and it was never TP. Nooooo.

Anonymous said...

That was a terrible rendition of Adam's "Whattya Want From Me".

Anonymous said...

WWFM started ok, then they lost the melody & it was a train wreck in the end..The female singer is Rachel ann Go, She's into ballads and R&B..WWFM is pop/ROCK.. Hated this show they should sing tagalog/pilipino songs instead. Even wide awake was bad :(

Anonymous said...


Did I miss something? Adam might be playing a concert near Moscow? When?


Anonymous said...


Just voted on 102.9 5@5 (about 15 votes) and I do this daily. I hope it helps. Also, I tweet requests daily to this station and Z100, KTU and my local stations here in L.A. Let me know if there are other very impt. big stations I should add to my "tweet" list...Thanks :)))


Anonymous said...

@CT I request TP a lot on 102.9 top 5 at 5,plus text or tweet them and use their mediabase request form. They are giving the song maybe one spin a day really late at night or very early in the morning when no one hears it.But keep requesting. Unfortunately it is going nowhere on radio so that means no real music video, sucks.I know we can't change what has been but imo if TP was put out first then Cuckoo maybe things would be different. So many great songs on the album that may never get a chance at being a single. If I were RCA I would release more singles overseas where Adam is getting play and is more accepted. So sad,sorry I had to vent. But I am thrilled with the opportunities that Adam is getting!

Anonymous said...

@CT Request at Q102 Philly also!

Anonymous said...

On my email I receive a rate the music for HAC,I guess I signed up for it awhile ago. BTIKM and NCOE were on it back when they were singles. Trespassing is never one of the songs on it,to me that means RCA is not pushing it at all,when it's one of the best songs on the album. So let's keep requesting like crazy!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what's this about Adam performing in Moscow???


Anonymous said...

@DRG It was on adamtopia about Moscow,just waiting for definite confirmation. But sounds very promising.

Anonymous said...

I heard he was going to do 5 , concert's in Japan and one in Moscow in Febuary so far! Pretty sure about Japan, hope Moscow too! Sue

Anonymous said...

10:24 -- See, that's where one person listens to something and doesn't like it and another just loves it to pieces. I'm of the latter. This rendition was great because they made it theirs. I loved the male and female voices meshing together and got a rush when the whole group sang the last part.

HK fan said...

the Moscow rumour has been around for a while, from a Russian fan, it seems pretty definite, just waiting on a date, either february or June....

HK fan said...

mmm, I'm on the 'didn't really enjoy that' side, I'm not sure what words the guy was singing, he kept changing them....

Anonymous said...

I'm with @3;41 on this one. It was good and I'm thankful just for singing WWFM and making it the finale part of their group singing.