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Lambertlust's Adam Lambert Collection

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, November 11, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, November 11, 2012

Many of you know who Lambertlust is! Well, check out his Adam Lambert Collection! It's amazing!

Nov 10, 2012 | My Adam Lambert Magazine Collection! And that's not even all of them! @adamlambert by LAMBERTLUST on


Anonymous said...

BUICK Presents OUT 100’s Boldest Photo Polls

Choose your favorite photo from the last five years of Out100 portfolios.


Anonymous said...

MTV Style Reader’s Choice: MOST STYLISH DUDE of 2012

ADAM LAMBERT’s megawatt personal style landed him a spot.

Anonymous said...

WOW! I envy you, Lambertlust!
Wish I have all your collection!

Anonymous said...

Bloody Hell!!:)

I envy you Mister:)))

You are one of the loyalist indeed!!!

More power!!


Anonymous said...

Dang him anyway !! I thought I had the most but he beat me. My INROCK will be here soon, ha! I subsribed to him on Keek if I did it right.

Anonymous said...


Can we vote for Adam as MTV Style Reader's Choice? Who picks from the 10 nominees?

Anonymous said...

Lamberlust I believe has streamed some of Adam's shows for us. What a great collection!

Anonymous said...

I am anxious to hear a tweet from Adam that he and the band arrived safely in S.A. Just being an overprotective Mom lol!

Anonymous said...

I read some comments,on the Vh1 site the one with Adam interview with Jim Shear's. Maybe I took that comment wrong I doubt it, Glizylady, there is a person on here who life's mission is cutting me down! When she or it, saw I was corrected for the word ovation, and I was correcting a mistake with a mistake, she jumped on it. I just saw your and other's comments, before it was pushed off by other articles! You Made me feel better, with your level headed self, in the real world I am pretty level headed, but when it comes to people tearing Adam a hard working hugely talented celebrity, for no reason but to make them feel more important. I just plain get mad and yes there gonna go at me, because I have challenged them about it more than once! There one person, maybe more that takes a shot at me when I just make a comment, try to act like my comments are words are so inferior to her or it's comments! Maybe I took this one wrong, but I highly doubt it! Thanks for the comments to me. I hope everyone knows what I am talking about, this is referred to some comments on, the site Adam and Jim Shear Napa valley interview was on! Thank's to the kinder people on this site you did make me feel better! Sue, will now go look at this above video! again Sue!!

Anonymous said...

I do hope Adam and the band get there safe and sound and remain that way! In Africa and china! Another over, over protective mom! Sue

Anonymous said...

@7:26PM I didn't understand your comment. Can anybody translate it, please.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm impressed by his collection. I thought I had most of Adam's magazine covers, but I'm not even close to his.

Also, don't have twitter so can't vote for Vh1 Greatest Artists - boo hoo. But am voting on the others. Go Adam!

glitzylady said...

My advice again is to pay no mind. Unfortunately, some of us :(( from time to time have negative comments directed toward them. Its not fun, but part of the public blogging experience. Keep on being the enthusiastic and supportive Adam fan that you are.

Anonymous said...

are we also keeping up with the radio requests? It seems like Adam is getting no where with the radio.

Anonymous said...

Yah, Adams in our hemisphere!

Anonymous said...

9.19 maybe so but more important he certainly getting some where with television, and frankly that reaches more people, and is good thing. Of course we want both, one great thing is his radio play world wide is great! Hopefully, with more tv. Exposure it will get better. Adam is a unmatched performer, and singer, there just something special about Adam, I mean really special! So that I believe alone will eventually carry him to greatness, Adam just loves what he does and is grateful, to make a nice living doing what he loves. Honestly how often do you hear Jennifer Hudson on the radio and other's and she doing very well.thank you GlizyLady, you are right as usual, Thank's for your support! Sue

daydreamin said...

I had the pleasure of meeting Lambertlust the very first time he met Adam. We were at the same Meet and Greet. There were about 8 of us that went out to dinner afterwards (him included) and then I have seen him at several other Adam concerts or Meet n Greets this year also. It is so much fun getting to know other Glamberts; especially ones you meet here or on twitter etc. Definitely we are a Glamily. He also won the guitar that Adam signed a few months back.

Anon 7:24 you are correct about Lambertlust doing the live streaming. Thanks to him we have been able to see Adam soonest at concerts!

daydreamin said...

Sauli just tweeted this pic 46 minutes ago...
Click HERE

HK fan said...

wow, I really feel like a bad fan...I don't have any magazines with Adam in them, I didn't realise he'd done so many covers.

daydreamin said...

Adam just tweeted!

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
CAPETOWN! The sun is breakin thru the clouds and its beautiful!

daydreamin said...

Nice Bravo article:
Click HERE

daydreamin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
daydreamin said...

Ahem...GB alert:
Click HERE

daydreamin said...

Ustream for Adam in South Africa tomorrow:

daydreamin said...

A picture of SA tweeted by Brian London:
Click HERE

Anonymous said...

Aaw!!! I want a collection like that.

Anonymous said...

Thanks daydreamin for the link to Afrobert!! :-D

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard if there is going to be a Trespassing. video

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin - what time does the Ustream start in Capetown tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

Chris Coffer is winning in the OUT 100’s Boldest Photo Poll.


Anonymous said...

3:54 Adam said there would be a TP video if the single was a hit and so far that is not the case. TP should have been the first release if you ask me I'll never understand it, but what difference does it make if nothing is played? Is it even charting in other countries?

Anonymous said...

4:04 that doesn't surprise me , the gay guys really like Chris and talk about Adam like he is a dog. I didn't even go to that site.

HK fan said...

@anon 4.09am
maybe you should go to that site and actually read what you are commenting on. The poll is for the 'boldest' photo, not the best looking, or nicest guy. Most of the nominess have less than 100 votes, Adam is 2nd with 11,500, Chris Colfer 1st with 15,000. The As far as I can see the comments are mainly very positive.

Anonymous said...

HK fan I didn't mean just that site but overall in general, but It could be better now I haven't been to any gay sites in ages.

Anonymous said...

Ok everybody let's get with the important stuff and get Adam on the Top 5@5 today on 102.9 Dallas. In two days we find out if Adam made a PCA nom.

Anonymous said...

Actually CC has his own competitive drama going on at that site. Apparently a lot of fans of the other Glee character, Blaine, are upset that he's not on there (or that they are not on there together). That is fuelling the votes - a little Glee fan war. LOL. NVM Adam is doing well. Everyone vote and be happy!

Anonymous said...

Thanx a bunch for sharing your awesome collection.

Anonymous said...

I'm from Finland and Lambertlust's fan site (Myspace) was the very first and best Adam fan site I found and started visiting regularly in 2009. I went there to see pics, videos and listen to Adam's music.

Anonymous said...

Great collection, but I hope you other outside interests, balance in life is important.

Anonymous said...

Adam is in So. Africa!!!

"CAPETOWN! The sun is breakin thru the clouds and its beautiful!"

Anonymous said...

Wonder where Sauli is in that picture? Doesn't look like he's in SA with the rest. Love his big hair wig!
I think Adam will get more TV gigs. The PLL show had good feedback. He has such great potential. And the VH1 show will get people to HEAR him sing in top form with other singers. Lambertlust is a lont-time, loyal fan! Great collection.


Anonymous said...

Now that Adam is away for a month or so, Sauli has more time for friends and skyping. Sauli and Niko skype too you know, lol.

Anonymous said...

Don't let people get u down, I let people get to me the week before the election . I had a bad week anyway and I didn't appreciate negitive comments about my ideas... so I took some good advice and took a little break. I even sat down and wrote a little poem about Adam. I try to remember that Adam is about love and acceptance .... for those who aren't... that's their problem....peace light and love to u ....rose petal

Anonymous said...

Agreed. I don't blame Sauli for not schlepping around with Adam on every tour date. Even though SA is a fascinating place, Adam will be totally busy performing, interviewing, etc. Sauli has plenty to do with his own interests at home in L.A. He's got friends apart from Adam's. I'm sure he and Adam keep in touch on a daily basis.


Anonymous said...

I would not be a fan of Adam if I didn't like the music. I don't always like Adam's personal behaviour. I think his personal behavour has impacted his career more than the fact that he is gay. He sometimes annoys the hell out of me.

Anonymous said...

I know, why oh why wasn't Adam born a little choir boy.

Anonymous said...

7:43 I wish someone would have given me that great advice 3 years ago. lol

Anonymous said...

But Adam is like a choir boy. Everyone says how nice he is, but I just don't believe it anymore.

Anonymous said...

9:19 yeah a bunch of pathological liars the whole bunch.

Rebecca said...

apparently I'm once again on the outside looking in because i have no clue who Lambertlust is nor did i realize this person had a fan site but then again I'm usually left out on the know anyways but definitely loved the video

Anonymous said...

I love Adam BECAUSE he's not a choir boy. He's far more interesting. And however his behavior affects his career, well, that's his choice. To me, there is far more about his to love, than to dislike. Far more. He stands out from the crowd. I love him for his music AND all the rest, not IN SPITE of all the rest.