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More Pictures of Adam Lambert Posing With Fans

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, November 17, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, November 17, 2012

Thanks to ALFC!


Anonymous said...

love the second pic,but it isn't new..always liked that jacket.I do like BB's new "Trespassing" outfit( the pants in that pic are perfect for the song and album.) Where is everybody??

Anonymous said...

Oh blimey, Joan Rivers said this on Fashion Police? I don't think it's bad, lol.

"She has canceled shows in the past due to what doctors call throat fatigue,which is wat Adam Lambert suffers from after Gay Pride weekends"

Anonymous said...

I think that Joan Rivers is rude and pitiful. no way that is funny

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if that comment is offensive or not. But if that is used to refer to homosexuality in any way, that is very distasteful.

Can someone confirm she really said that?

Anonymous said...

It is not necessarily anti gay. Let's face it, Adam has a raunchy reputation. Similar jokes are made of straight men too.

Anonymous said...

Karen ‏@ladistardust
Adam Lambert article in South African newspaper. The Saturday Star 17 Nov 2012

Anonymous said...

Delta Rae responded to Adam's tweet earlier:

Delta Rae ‏@DeltaRae
RT “@adamlambert: WOW! SICK ” THANK YOU ADAM!! We loved your set @liveinvineyard --Your vocals are fucking wicked!!! -L

Anonymous said...

When is Adam going to have a blast in Brazil. Some amazing crazy fans there too.. ;)

Anonymous said...

Keri ‏@KLambooy
Met Adam lambert on tuesday😝😁and th amazing toya delay

Anonymous said...

Of course it was meant as a dirty joke. That's what Joan Rivers does. Just remember that she tells off-color jokes about lots of people of all persuasions, genders, etc. Adam is just one, and don't worry, he can take it.


Anonymous said...

that second pic down..dear lord, he is so damned fucking beautiful..those one of a kind amazing eyes..about Joan..she likes Adam..she is just as outrageous and raunchy as he is Adam more...he, if he heard it, probably laughed..

Anonymous said...

LOL! Read Brian London's tweets from bottom up:

Brian London ‏@brianlondon
Ok I'm done for now. Heading to the pool. Ttyl!

Brian London ‏@brianlondon
RATED-R beware!!!! He's doin his thang. #mufassa

Brian London ‏@brianlondon
Trying to eat my phone.....ahhh!!!

Brian London ‏@brianlondon
Some of u asked for he is.

Brian London ‏@brianlondon
I want to see you run.

Brian London ‏@brianlondon
The lion walked up to our truck, WTF!!!!!!!

Brian London ‏@brianlondon
U hungry huh???

Brian London ‏@brianlondon
Petting the lion! Africa!!!

Brian London ‏@brianlondon
Had a life moment in joburg. SAFARI!!!!!! #MUFASSA @ashleydzerigian @TommyJoeRatliff @LoveMrSpencer @whoisjohnnyrice

Adamluv said...

Joan Rivers insults everyone, most especially herself!!!! Comics dont make jokes about people nobody knows and yes, this joke was definitely said due to Adams sexual orientation. No reason to take offense. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

More fan pictures of JoBurg concert:

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert has a reputation of being one the best if not the best rock pop singer, in the industry by people who really know's talent. He's sexy and edgy on stage, but there are a whole lot more raunchy artist in this business than Adam! Kesha, many rock groupes, gaga vifeo's are worst than anything Adam does on stage, Rhiana's no angel either. So just because Adam gay that does not mean he any racier than them. Joan River's make a comment about Adam all time , least that shiw's he relavent! So let's face it that was an uncalled for remark, let's face it Adam Lambert has a Rauchy reputation, he edgy, and sexy and no worst than any of them, just because he gay! Tired of nasty remarks on this blog! I have not heard similar remarks about straight people! There were a bunch of comments when all the video's were up, these are new posts that just came on, to the one who said where everybody is, there were several video's up, now these posts just been up a little while, why not so many comments!

Anonymous said...

From Adam's UK publicist:

shoshanna stone ‏@shoshannastone
Follow @danielrcurtis for the latest gossip and news on Britney Spears and Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

Robin in NYC ‏@robininny
@peternaz Have U heard Liam McEwan's show from New Zealand? Last hour is all @AdamLambert music. Starts in half hour

Anonymous said...

Kim ‏@Glambert620
VEVO Adam Lambert Playlist (Billboard counts views) …

Anonymous said...

Adam also has a reputation for being one of the most humble, gracious, sweet singer celebs in the business! Along with being one if not the best talents in the music business, why he so loved abroad and among people here who are actually real fans.before you bring up any old award show, some people learn by there mistaks and what he does on stage at a big concert not like a live in the vineyard concert, is very tame in comparison to most, of the really Rauchy big name performer's out there, today.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert makes a little girl’s dream come true (photos)

Anonymous said...

Just saw the latest issue of People. It has 186 sexy men alive. But I didn't see photo of Adam!Did anybody buy this magazine today?

Anonymous said...

Great to see Adam with the guys.
And...Hey, how did an old HUM picture get in there! Great day indeed!

Anonymous said...

Just sitting back and watching Adam take the world. Long overdue promotional wise but now it's all happening right before our eyes.
What a beautiful moment for such a beautiful man!

Anonymous said...

South America HAS to be on back burner for sure. So many fans just going crazy there.

Anonymous said...

Re the tweet from Shoshanna - updated with this

shoshanna stone‏@shoshannastone
Clearly, I didn't write the previous text. Never leave your phone with your friends!

Anonymous said...

Is Kesha really a party animal or is it just a name of her album?Gaga doesn't party anymore. Remember her oddly civilized birthday party that Adam crashed. It's true that it's more acceptable for rock stars to have groupies, trash hotel rooms etc. Does Tommy have groupies on tour? Tommy is fandom's pet, he is allowed to do anything.

Anonymous said...

Do not take offense at Joan Rivet's comment's, she would not, bother to comment on him, at all if he was not a. Relavent artist! I did not hear it but sure Kelley gave her disapproving finger, and Juluanna who back loved it! I only take offense at rude comments, like here like let's face it he got Rauchy reputation, no racier than Kesha, gaga and many other relavent artist, he sexy and edgy and that why I love him, not to mention hugely talented, sweet and humble, Chairatable, loving and generously to his fans, his real fan's! Joan Rivers Manitoba Adam all the time, She does not bother to mention people who are not big in pop culture! Yes she meant it as gay remark, but her best friend for years and years who died a while back that they called uncle tommy was gay and she love him very much, not taking up for her at all, she makes jokes about people who have just died so this is nothing! Certainly not saying that right, because it not! To correct a mistake Joan River's mention's Adam all the time, mention not Manitoba crazy type mistake! Mentioning him that much, even if irritating to us and Kelley o. Does show he a very relavant, a current celeb in the business! I take less offense to Joan who is a comic than Julianna R. And Perez Hilton who or Snatky out of pure spite and jealousy especially PH.

Anonymous said...

Gaga may not party anymore, and that probably bull, but her videi's are worst video's and concert's are certainly not tame, are non Rauchy. Adam actually did not crash that damn party he was invited by dancet's that she worked with. Do not believe he needs to crash any parties now since he, gone to Katy Perry's, Elton John's and Queen event's among other's in England.guess what this is an Adam L. Site, why do you come here if you are not a fan, boy you are so obsessed with him totally and absolutely obsessed, your scary, your scary sick!

Anonymous said...

@2:14PM Gaga's civilized party!? That's news to my ears.

Gaga is a very talented musician/artist and very smart business woman. She is controversial and pushes all the social rules and morals.

I'm sure if she was gay you wouldn't be saying this. Ent. news media shows her as a straight artist. Plaster her with her boyfriend all over. Hope you don't tell me that she's bi cause the LGBT doesn't consider her as bi. She know where the wind blows and she uses it for her own advantage.

Anonymous said...

@2:47 I also happen to think that Gaga has used the gay community for her own advantage. But can you tell me why the gays themselves, also Adam is her fan, worship her and consider her as a gay icon?


Anonymous said...

They like all female pop artists. Not only Gaga. Yes, that's where the wind was blowing couple of years ago because of CA Prop. 8 that didn't pass.

Anonymous said...

I agree with that 2.58, Adam seem to take up for her no matter what but he a great guy, seem to think she all of it. Love Adam much more! Also I cannot think of anyone any racier than Nicki m., I meant racier, she out and out done porn! It is a big difference to kiss a guy, if you are actually gay, than doing naked sex video's lot, lot worst which she has done! Her performances sure are Rauchy.don't tell me she all that talented because she is not, just lots of wig's and in you face raw sex, nothing as tame as licking a guitar, she a fad artist that got for the moment, her raunchiness and she really is does not seem to bother anyone because that kInd stuff sales for awhile, but real solis talent will, barons forcyear's no matter how many battle he fights, sooner it later he will win them . Sure doing a great job abroad, and stating to get some good things here! Again NM, GaGa, Kesha who is edgy like Adam, not just the name of her album so rediculous! Adam is far tamer than most and reads what kind of Audiance he had and performs that way,and why do we keep on and on giving these obsessed trolls who matter not the time of day! I admit I am the absolute worst, at that. But I really adore Adam for his talent and personality, and kindness and ability to see these kind of people for the looser's they are and ignore them! To correct my usual mistake! nam is a fad artist , is hot for awhile, but Adam a solid artist, and has had to fight harder bacause his sexuality, but will win those battle's in the end and doing great job with these concert's! I think finally getting regonition here this diva thing is going to help a lot. He going to take this live show and prove what he can do, live, because he done nothing even in concert like that old, award show on tv since then, so over it! He is a remarkable performer! Sorry mistakes hand or bad today, really bad!oh, I do think GaGa uses the bi thing doubt she bi, maybe but she uses it to her advantage just my opinion but, I have alway's believed that, I have never ever seen her with any woman in that way! Sue

Anonymous said...

Gaga was a burlesque dancer in seedy bars before she became Lady Gaga.

Anonymous said...

What's all this talk about going to China? Brian London tweeted he was going from SA to China. Adam said in an earlier interview that he would be spending Thanksgiving in China. Sauli has made plans to spend Thanksgiving with his Finn friends in LA - so it does appear that Adam will not be in LA. Is this an actual event in China? If so, why isn't it listed on Adam's schedule? If it's only Brian and Adam, perhaps it's several radio and TV station small acoustic performances. Anybody have any info?

Adamluv said...

@3:16 - Prop 8 here is Calif. did pass! A "yes" vote meant a vote against marriage equality. I have always believed that a proposition where a "yes" vote means "no" to something is very confusing to the voters and purposely done for that reason. BTW the Mormon Church out of Salt lake City, Utah was the biggest money contributor to passing the prop. here in Cal. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

it's a private engagement in China for Hennessy (XO brandy) not a concert for the public.

Anonymous said...

The Hennessy engagement in Shanghai isn't until December 2nd - that's over two weeks from now. What on earth are they going to be doing in China for two weeks? Shopping?

Anonymous said...

It must be a damn good offer Adam got from China..

Anonymous said...

@AdamLuv that for reminding. You're right it was a 'yes' proposition but it was against equality marriage. I totally forgot. It was four years ago.

Anonymous said...

Probably Adam or his management thought since he and his band are out of US to find another gig cause maybe it's cheaper to fly from SA to China and hotels there aren't that expensive. They can stay at a nice hotel. Do promotion and/or private gigs. Next thing your know it's close to Dec. 2nd for that public event in China that we all know about.

Why not make a most out of it while you're out of the country?

Adam worked hard for his album and if you remember he said at one of his radio promo. that he will do all he can to promote his album until the end of this year to make the most out of it before he starts his world tour for Trespassing.

Anonymous said...

Request @AdamLambert for Saturday Night on line (800)2420100 or text to 55100 or @ saturdayonline #Trespassing

Anonymous said...

Great photos and I love the photos Brian took as well.

Anonymous said...

Can I just say- I really love adam in blue or white! Stunning colors for him, Red too.

Anonymous said...

Whow Adam is hitting those private gigs all over the world. What a way to go travelling in style. Dream come true for the band

Anonymous said...

2:47 and 2:58 - There is a "GaysAgainstGaga" twitter that I follow and they highlight her support for LGBT as a marketing tool. Even at her big speech on the Mall in Washington DC in 2009 she said: "This is the biggest moment of my CAREER" (not my life.)

It actually makes me less then enthusiastic for her, even though I do like her music.

RE: the China trip - I am so excited to hear that the band, or at least Brian, is going with Adam. It means that they are doing stuff to promote him in the biggest market in the world. I even wonder if they turned down the festival in Hannan because they don't want to over expose him concert-wise. Wouldn't it be amazing if he as able to add several stadium shows to his world tour?

So sads if it's only one event and then they go home on the 23rd for a week. USE THAT WEEK!!!

Anonymous said...

OOOOPS! My bad - the official Tweeter from China was mistaken. Adam IS performing at Hainan Festival. Still hope he uses the rest of the week to promote the heck out of himself (and shop! lol) I bet he can fill some stadiums there in the Spring!

Anonymous said...

Anon. 5:21 - have always thought gaga was just "using" gays and never sincere about it.