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"Never Close Our Eyes" featured on Argentinian TV show "La Pelu"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Anonymous said...

I can not get the video in. Argentina has been very good to Adam featuring his music. xxoo to Argentina

choons said...

that was fun - Adam's song, the girl sort of boogie-ing and a quick glimpse of a yellow and black striped pole - and the audience clapping in time. Seems to be more about the song than the fashion show here. yay Argentina!!

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam will get to go to Argentina and other S. American countries. They are so supportive of Adam and deserve to see him live. Another continent he can conquer.

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of Adam he has come so far every time some one would knock him down he would come back up higher.I watched the X-FACTOR tonight there was a girl on there from Decatur Illinois Cece Frey I thought she did very well she was no 12 but the way the judges talked to her was awful I can not imagine being talked to like that then having to go back home & face her home town.I think when you talk about bullying that was a perfect example.Here is her number if any one wants to vote for her 1-800-843-9812 #12she is very good.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert Medley(Mad World, WWFM,FYE) on ASAP.wmv

Anonymous said...

X-FACTOR number is 1-855-843-9812

Anonymous said...

Lambosessed ‏@lambosessed
Adam Lambert's full Cape Town set - my playlist of picks

Anonymous said...

@9:11, thanks, that's a great playlist! Has a great vid of Fame, Strut and Fever in it that I hadn't seen yet.

Do we have any great versions of Shady or Trespassing yet?

daydreamin said...

Here's Shady:
Click HERE

daydreamin said...

Adam spotted in Seaport:
Click HERE

Anonymous said...

@8:40 & 9:03 What's going against that Cece Frey is she was obnoxious from the very start and I was glad Demi told her so that she comes off as unlikeable.
There's not much talent on there at XFactor, the talents are at The Voice.

Anonymous said...

love that Adam gave that person a big "F...You" when they indicated to him to wrap it up...what a nerve..and how stupid to want ADAM to end his performance..dear God, I wish he could sing 24/7 and we could all watch him all the Adam's way of saying FU...

Anonymous said...

I'd love to hear Adam sing Shady with Sam Sparro and Nile Rodgers on guitar. That really would be a show-stopper!

Anonymous said...

Here's a really clear clip of Adam singing "Are You Gonna Go My Way" at Cape Town concert .... enjoy.

Anonymous said...

@12:04- I disagree, I think there is more talent on the x-factor this year, especially diamond white, but yes the judges were way to hard on cece fry. She was 10times better than that rapper group lyric 145 (yuk) IMO.

@daydeamin - thanks for that picture of Adam, what a lucky girl- SA looks beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Simon is becoming one big commercial for 1D and tooting his horn about SB and others. I'd like to to tell all the US xFactor people they should have tried out for the British xFactor and Simon would bring them over here and make stars out of them.They don't stand a chance here.

Anonymous said...

2:57, I must have missed something, because I don't know what you're talking about. What was this situation?

Adam looks so great down in SA. Meeting fans and relaxing between shows. Can't wait for the JBurg show!


Anonymous said...

Let's not jump to conclusion when we see Adam with male fans! We should be happy to see that Adam does have male fans, and for some of the young male fans, Adam is their idol who inspire them to be brave and to be who they want to be!

Anonymous said...

1:51 who was jumping to what conclusions??

Anonymous said...

@6:13 I disagree. I prefer the contestants on The Voice this year than XFactor. There are only a couple standouts, Tate the country singer and Carly Rose Soneclair, the 13 yr old.

Anonymous said...

I am 8:40 PM if any one voted for Cece thank you because she was no 5 tonight.I think she just wanted to be her self & they changed her hair color & all it seemed her spirit was crushed to bad she can't trust her self like Adam did.I admire him so much.His concert is great hope to see more vids tomorrow night thanks to all the people that posts them for us.