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New Picture: Adam Lambert with @jarrydwalker in Cape Town

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, November 19, 2012

Posted at : Monday, November 19, 2012

Via @jarrydwalker:

Yep that's @adamlambert and I haha :)


Anonymous said...

I couldn't imagine what it would be like to have my picture taken with Adam. I would probably just stare at him like an idiot with my mouth wide open and a crazed look on my face.hehe nancdruuu2(dream on!)

Anonymous said...

I would probably have the biggest panic attac of my life and then I'd run away...but I still want picture with him!

Jadam NZ said...

I would feel short, Im under 5 foot, and shrinking as we speak. I also would probably not be able to string two sensible words to gether.Oh well probably dont need to worry about that happening. LOL

Anonymous said...

@ Jadam could visit the Hobbit Village they've built! I've seen it under construction and almost completed on TV and it's so charming I wished I weren't a giant. I love the cottages, but I'd have to enter horizontal!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Too funny @Jak


On to the next venture with our rock god Yeah!!

Anonymous said...

I've never met him, either, but I've dreamed about it. In my dream, I'm quick and funny and friendly and real cute with him. He laughs at my quick joke and answers my interesting question while looking straight into my adoring eyes.

REALITY: I'd probably be sputtering like a fool and going "um, er, uh, I love you, Adam." And he'd smile and say thanks for coming. And that would be it until I turned away and walked straight into a wall or something.

DRG (hoping I will get the chance...)

Anonymous said...

Lucky fella!

My fantasy..... An extended chat with Adam about his life/success without an audience or cameras. I have so many questions lined up.


Anonymous said...

When I met Adam I was trembling while I was shaking his hands.:)

I didn't get a picture with him but it's okay for now...

I just adore him so much!!!


Anonymous said...

It's been on my mind that ADAM is the embodiment of a perfect friend for anyone, someone who would be so much fun to enjoy doing things together.
I envy his friends who could sit with him and just talk and talk and talk, ask advice, share things or secrets, exchange jokes and laugh out loud together because I see him as a good, kind, compassionate person.
But it was a let down somehow when I got to meet with him face to face, I got tongue-tied and only said 'I love you, ADAM!' a couple of times. LOL!


Anonymous said...

So many WONDERFUL photos coming out of South Africa. Loving the interviews too.

I've met Adam once. It lasted all of 1 minute or less but I remember extremely well the touch of his hand (as in handshake).