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New Pictures (November 16, 2013)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, November 16, 2012

Posted at : Friday, November 16, 2012

Adam posted a "BED HEAD" photo on Instagram.

Adam with Jennifer Su

@Eusebius with @adamlambert

@AkiAnastasiou: Hung out with a cool cat earlier. Adam Lambert is so down to earth!

@ChantalKorcz: Love you @Adamlambert

@heatSouthAfrica: Heat Mag's @andreneveling and @elanamarais55 with @adamlambert


Anonymous said...

So Cute & Adorable with the little gal:) Huggies:):):)

Anonymous said...

So precious Adam. Came down on his knees to be next to the little girl!
You could not ask for more from a superstar! He's THE BEST!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I oould go on and on about each picture, but suffice it to say: I am in love with this man. Period.


Anonymous said...

Great pics! Thanx for sharing. The first one makes Adam look reeeeally thin.

Anonymous said...

Reading tweets from over on Adamtopia. Adam outdid himself in the arena concert! Wow can not wait for videos. He is adorable with he little girl and he looks gorgeous just getting out of bed in the morning!

Anonymous said...

Someone from S.A. concert is going to upload the first part of the concert soon. Go over to Adamtopia to see pics of Adam,so much chest, you are going to die!!!!

lorraine said...

This man is precious-beyond any words I could ever say. I love you, Adam! XOXO

glitzylady said...

And one more picture with the little girl.. so sweet!!!

Anonymous said...

Bed Head - sooooo cute !!!!!

glitzylady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
glitzylady said...

And just in case anyone is interested (as if anyone wouldn't be! LOL! ...) ...Shoshanna Stone has been hinting via Twitter that Adam is doing something quite HUGE...Here are some tweets from today..including one from me..and her answer about "when" we might expect to know what it is:

Glenda ‏@glspence01
@shoshannastone And you promise you will shout "it" from the rooftops the second you're permitted to, please?!!!

shoshanna stone ‏@shoshannastone
@glspence01 I won't be the only one. Everyone will be talking about this!

MaryMaryQUITE ; ) ‏@glitzylady
@shoshannastone So excited to hear whatever the "shouting from the rooftops"re Adam. Any particular time frame?? "Soon-ish"? ;) @glspence01

shoshanna stone ‏@shoshannastone
@glitzylady @glspence01 soon. Next couple of weeks.

Glenda ‏@glspence01
@shoshannastone @glitzylady Is it the next couple weeks yet?......hahahaha.

She answered someone else re an "International Magazine" something worldwide involving a magazine...hmmmmmmm.....

Anonymous said...

@12:03 DRG - I know you love him..but guess what?? I LOVE HIM MORE LOL!!!! precious pic with the little girl..hugging him and him going down on his knees for her..he will make a great dad one day...

Anonymous said...

I am in love with this man, too (DRG). Period.

Anonymous said...

"Southern Fan Haiku".......JAK

Shoulder of freckles
Many kisses from the sun
How I love spreckles

Anonymous said...

first video from todays concert.

Anonymous said...

Another gem, JAK!


Anonymous said...

Anon 2:41 already posted the video. You've GOT TO see this one -- he gets soooo sexy and raunchy!! Love it!! Adam's on fire!!

Anonymous said...

Where is 50 Shades of Glambert poem? Which thread? JAK? Anybody?

Anonymous said...

Ya'll really must watch the video 2:41 posted. It is EPIC!!!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 2:41 PM
Wow!! Thanks for posting the vid!! Holy crap!!! Adam..Adam...Adam...bring this show to the US NOW please! Thank you....

Anonymous said...


glitzylady said...

Oh, and to add to my post re the Shoshanna Stone "shouting it from the rooftops" thing..

Apparently Adam is on the COVER of an international magazine, not just an article... ..Hmmmm...I wonder...Rolling Stone, People, I can hardly wait...We'll know very soon....

Anonymous said...

Trespassing video from Anon 2:58 - kudos to Tommy Joe for keeping the audience involved with his clapping, etc. ... while waiting for Adam to show up. :-) Some tweets said that the audience was ready to tear up the stage while waiting for Adam sooo .... Tommy helped keep the audience 'at bay'. Ha!

glitzylady said...

And....this picture of Adam during the Jo'Burg concert..Again: OMG!! Bare chested the Blue Alexander McQueen shirt that so many don't like..does this change your minds??? LOL!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just saw the vids of Lenny kravitz cover on Adamtopia ,very very sexy. also trespassing ,amazing and fierce. Then the gorgeous heart breaking Underneath. Love how he stood up and walked around. took my breath away!Do you think that will ever be a single. To me Underneath could be a huge hit like Adele's Someone Like You because of its truth and emotion. JMO,anyone else agree? Shift gears from pop to a ballad. Who couldn't fall in love with Underneath!

HK fan said...

rumour has it, it is the cover of Fiasco magazine.

vids from Joburg concert




Outlaws of Love and Is This Love:

Anonymous said...

Check out tweets of fans attended JBorg SA concert:

Anonymous said...

WOW people check out this picture of Adam on jumbo tron:

Anonymous said...

he is butt ass naked from the neck down and only wants to show his HEAD! OOPS! BED HEAD!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks ever so much for posting the link to the GORGEOUS photo of Adam with the little girl - STUNNING!!! :-D

Anonymous said...

Whoa!! Another great photo (the screen pic)!! Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Adam's picture on that big screen is out of this world, GORGEOUS. I can look at it forever. Love!

Adamluv said...

That first photo of Adams face, hair and shoulders is a keeper. Is there any other artist, celebrity, etc. with such awesome hair? His hair should have its own name, it's that glorious!!!! And that large screen picture is truly fab. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv.....Mighty Mop?....

Daring 'Do'..?....Fantastic Follicles?....Love Locks?....Tantalizing Tresses?....or something simple like Mike?..............JAK

Anonymous said...

'Bed Head' is AWESOME! Fantastic baby!

Anonymous said...

Adam is pure gold! One super intelligent off the planet guy!

Anonymous said...

Why did Adam have to delete the pillow tweets?

Anonymous said...

I did get traumatized when Adam deleted the pillow tweets. Then I realized this fandom sucks big time.

Anonymous said...

Adam tweeted the following day after deleting the pillow tweets and explained his reasons for deleting them was because his mother didn't approve of them.

Anonymous said...

@9:54 Really? Wasn't the Leila didn't approve tweet a joke. I thought the fans aka tommyberts didn't approve. We are under their thumb and always will be.

Adamluv said...

@JAK - my vote is "Bob". lol

Anonymous said...

That little girl and Adam...

You can see the little girl in the end of that press conference vid, can't you (a few threads backwards)? Doesn't anyone have a video of these two hugging?

So adorable!


Anonymous said...

Adam's Hair
- no extra name needed
- says it all!
- there are tons & tons of tweets and posts re Adam's Hair
- nobody thinks of Adam Levine or any other Adam, when you hear somebody SCREAMING:

OMG, look at Adam's Hair!!!