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Adam Lambert is Excited To Perform A Madonna Song At VH1 DIVAS 2012

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, December 11, 2012

But he's not going to tell you which Madonna song he's going to perform!

If you're outside the US, you can watch it below:

Which Madonna song do you think Adam will perform?


Anonymous said...

Frozen is the one! Lambertina

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam also performs one of his own songs from Trespassing.

Anonymous said...

I'm not familiar with Madonna's repertoire, but Adam could just sing and sing all night if I had my say.

Anonymous said...

I don't know many Madonna songs so I'll go with Vogue.

Anonymous said...

Maybe "Like a Virgin" LOL

Anonymous said...

Maybe Vogue?

Anonymous said...

Adam has always mentioned he was obsessed with 'Vogue' when he was younger, so maybe - if he gets to choose - it will be 'Vogue'. Anything Adam sings is just fine with me!

Anonymous said...

Vogue seem likely but I'd love Ray of Light or Like A Prayer.

Kiwi said...

Anything is fine by me,and plenty of it!A whole show of Adam and duets with Adam would be perfect!! All I hope is that it appears on youtube or somewhere as we aren't able to see any VH1 in New Zealand.

Anonymous said...

Well, the theme of the show is going to be dance music and Madonna's most famous song about dancing is "Vogue" (hell, the song was inspired by an actual dance called vouging and it's in the title) so...I'd guess "Vogue" is the safe bet.
Not my preference, but probably the most appropriate Madonna song for the dance-oriented occasion with an outside possibility of "Into the Groove" or "Music" IMO.

Anonymous said...

Whatever he sings is ok with me. I'd be happiest if he just sang every song during the whole show. Just pictures of the other "divas" would be enough for me. I only have eyes for Adam!


Anonymous said...

I hope he performs Frozen by Madonna:

Anonymous said...

Since the evening is all about Disco and Dance music, I say that he will sing HUNG UP from CONFESSIONS FROM THE DANCE FLOOR album.

Anonymous said...

DRG, I love you! I feel exactly the same way. I will be going to the fridge every time one of the Divas is on, waiting for Adam to arrive back on stage. Can NEVER EVER get enough of him.
I love, "just pictures of the other Diva's would be enough for me.

Anonymous said...

I doubt he will sing one of his songs, this is a tribute to divas, past, present and future. But I hope sometime soon he will be invited on a show and sing one of his stunners...Chokehold, Underneath, Runnin, Take Back, even By the Rules...something that doesn't sound like current pop.
If they aren't going to turn them into singles then let 'em be heard at least!

HK fan said...

I like revolver