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Adam Lambert with a fan in Bali

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 30, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, December 30, 2012


Anonymous said...

Adam's shirt looks familiar. Didn't he have a similar one while on Idol?

Anonymous said...

Interesting message tee.

Adamluv said...

Shirt looks familiar to me too but not sure from where or when? . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I remember that shirt, Adam was wearing it in a video as the paps were following him and his boyfriend down the street. I forget the boyfriends name but he said he was going back to the deep south. It was the boyfriend he had during Idol. There was also a picture of him and that same guy in EW walking down the street.

Anonymous said...

The guy was Drake. From New Orleans I think.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what Adam would say if he knew we remembered the shirt? LOL!

Anonymous said...

I wonder whatever happened to Drake. I hope he and Adam are still friends. I' m so happy Sauli came along for Adam. They make the PERFECT pair!!

Anonymous said...

JAK here....Drake is doing fine, lives and works in L.A. He is an artist and designer...very good, unusual artwork, large pieces that glow almost like mosaics. If you google Drake LaBry can see his work. On one of his sites you see he and Adam (in that shirt)! That is, Adams in the shirt not both of them! :) Past my bedtime I'm getting punchy...nite!

Anonymous said...

American Idol was named one of the "10 Worst Shows on TV" by Yahoo! Entertainment's 2012 Year in Review .

choons said...

yep, Idol has gone downhill since Adam - I watched Idol every year until Adam stole my heart. Now I just watch the auditions for laughs. Don't care who wins anymore. Sounds mean but Adam is it for me.

HK fan said...

He also wore this shirt on holiday in Cabo I think.

Anonymous said...

10:03 that really surprises me. I have always thought the show was good.

daydreamin said...

You mean this one?

Anonymous said...

daydreamin, yep that is it. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I must say one thing. You all love Adam very much and so do I. But he isn`t flawless. The twitter talk about the movie wasn`t the best timing. But some of us things he can say or do whatever because nobady deserve happiness and luck more than him. I disagree with that because we all deserve that. If some one is concered about Sauli or Tommy here you get swat in your face. You are called discusting names and you are told you are not sane or even delusional. I agree personal life is private but what the hell are you all doing here everyday. You know everything about Adam. This for example you know when he was wering this shirt last time.. I must say I love Sauli. And I am worried about him. Because to me it sure does look he is not there. The only person who has "seen" him was someones mum who didn`t even know Sauli. She only told she has seen blond, tanned, short guy. It can be anybody. And it`s OK if he is not there because it is a business trip but what troubles me is he said he would be there and even Tommy said basically the same. So why the lies. I know also this is Adams fanpage but because I don´t speak finnish I can`t talk to this in Saulis websides. I am not going to write anymore about that subject and I hpe you can find some unterstanding in your hearts for me because I`m not sane, mad , delusional or out of this world. I have private life also and very good one too. But as you all know sometimes someone just steal your "heart".

Anonymous said...

10:54 all I can tell you is that when you find Jimmy Hoffa you will also find Sauli.

Anonymous said...

oops forgot to add lol

Anonymous said...

You should read the comments on that article about Idol as 10 Worst Shows.

Anonymous said...


@xadamsbabex: Oh wow look at Adam Lambert Pictures he just grew in our eyes❤

Anonymous said...

MANILA Concert Scene

"After his successful Glam Nation World Tour in 2010, the American Idol season 8 runner-up, ADAM LAMBERT, returns to Manila for a one night only concert to be held on March 2013 as part of his Trespassing World Tour to promote his latest album, “Trespassing”.

I like how Manila calls it "Trespassing World Tour".

Anonymous said...


shoshanna stone ‏@shoshannastone
Makes me so happy to see Usher and Adam ruling the year end polls!

And an interesting conversation:

Adam Lambert Belgium ‏@AdamLambertBE
@shoshannastone now let's hope 2013 is the year for #WorldDomination? :) about time people give him the credit he deserves..

shoshanna stone ‏@shoshannastone
@AdamLambertBE a lot of people do. These things don't happen overnight

Adam Lambert Belgium ‏@AdamLambertBE
@shoshannastone change things around but not much is moving.. gets us frustrated everytime we think about it..

shoshanna stone ‏@shoshannastone
@AdamLambertBE that's for us to work on. One step at a time. Lots of steps taken this year :)

Adam Lambert Belgium ‏@AdamLambertBE
@shoshannastone I know a lot do but it's kinda frustrating when you see people judging on looks instead of talent.. and we do our best to

shoshanna stone ‏@shoshannastone
@AdamLambertBE looks instead of talent? He's not Gonna lose out that way.....

Adam Lambert Belgium ‏@AdamLambertBE

@shoshannastone that's for sure :) but you should know Adam Lambert fans are kinda impatient ;)

shoshanna stone ‏@shoshannastone
@AdamLambertBEI do know that ;) best things come to those who wait

Lisa said...

I hear you! I have similar feelings not necessarily about Sauli ( I really like him but not love) but other things. There is so strict rules what you are allowd to say or feel that matter. If someone says something that is not glorifying Adam you get attack. That is shame cos we all are human and i presume we all love or atleast like Adam very much.
I wish Happy New Year to:
-Sauli and Jimmy Hoffa (where ever they are)
-Adam and all the band members
-all the others who reads or writes here!

Anonymous said...

It's a two year degree program, usually divided into five semesters. During tough phases of life, you need someone with whom you can share your marital problems openly. He told me that occupational therapist suggested him to choose ergonomic products or peripherals such as ergonomic keyboard,ergonomic mouse and ergonomic chair.
Also see my web page: counseling and psychotherapy with religious persons

Anonymous said...

Sauli is in Bali with Adam, he is sending pictures to Finland. We are quite envious but still happy for him.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I can't see any funny in Sauli compared to Jimmy Hoffa!

Pan said...

Here's New Year's Eve, I wish you all love, happiness, good health!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah that shirt has a history to it.

Anonymous said...

Shirt goes back beyond Drake.

Anonymous said...

I once had an ergonomic mouse her job was to keep me free of stress.

When I ate at my desk she'd scurry out to eat crumbs, thus no mess.

Her devotion was remarkable and
nature so sweet, she never rested till her work was complete.

I wish I could say the same for my ergonomic chair, he was handsome to look at, but he didn't care.

My ergonomic keyboard was a demon from hell, he never even tried to learn how to spell.

These problems at work spilled over
causing stress with my spouse,
therapy saved me, I ran off to Bali with my ergonomic mouse!

Anonymous said...

@ 1:50 A.M. Do you find that a lot of religious persons need counseling and psychotherapy?
I mean is business booming?

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:33 a.m. - cute poem

Anonymous said...

December 30, 2012 10:54 PM
Why stress about where Sauli is or isn't. Heck, life's too short to be worried about such things. Adam and Sauli are grown men and entitled to a PRIVATE LIFE without people second guessing their every movement.

glitzylady said...

Adam's latest tweet:

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
Im so thankful for my Glamberts this year! Without your Support, Energy and Joy, my endeavors would not have meant anything! 2013-MORE!!!

glitzylady said...

Moving on to the Bali concert: Here's a link to the setlist for the concert: 17 songs plus a skit! Wow!!!

Seeing tweets from those who are there, sitting at their tables..ready for Adam..He doesn't go on for awhile. I also see rumors that there WILL be vids..fingers crossed!!

glitzylady said...

Info from Adam Official re Bali concert:

World Clock:

Concert start time: Adam will be ringing in the New Year at Midnight in Bali!
NOTE: Monday 11pm local time. 10am ET, 9am CT, 7am PT

Twitter List:

Grand ballroom - The Mulia Bali Hotel

Seating Arrangement & Brochure:

Billboard in Bali!! >


Anonymous said...

People are wondering to an exhaustion where Sauli is!:D You have seen pics of Adam on different occasions alon.. not with Sauli nor his band(except the rehearsal)...where do you think Adam is when not working????? Alone in his Villa?? NO...with Sauli!! Privacy is much needed:)

Anonymous said...

Exactly!! all the pics of Adam have been work related (rehearsal, interview, fans)...people chill out!:)

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year from Australia!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I am from Finland and I have been reading for some times now AL news here. I must say I agree some people are too much invold about Sauli`s and Adam`s realtionship. It seems to me very healty one consider that they are in a public eye. And it is not ours to live. But what I don`t understand is why some peple here say "why do you care where Sauli is or how he is". Why do you care where Adam is or how he is. I think it`s to same matter to some of us. That`s all I have to say. Now Adams concert will begin in a hour and selebration will also star to begin here in snowy Finland. Happy New Year to all and will the 2013 be succesfull and full of joy for everybody!!

Anonymous said...

Adam performs within a very short time now. So excited. New year comes very early to the Glambert this year! (US is hours behind in time difference)

Anonymous said...

For all those worried where Sauli is:

Happy New Year from me and @saulikoskinen1

Anonymous said...

NOW will all the doubters shut up?

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!!Listen to the person above!!!

Anonymous said...

I love Adam's arms in this picture. He looks very buff! Also love his chest and shoulders and , well, all the rest as well!(sigh)..nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

I love that Adam keeps clothes he loves and is not afraid to wear them again when he feels like it and keeps them for years even! It annoys me that stars pay so much money for clothes and then get rid of them so they won't be seen in the same outfit twice! I have clothes I love even if no one else does and will keep them until it's definitely time to let go. I'm like that with friends also - I like to hold on to them - just like Adam!......nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Sorry for my continuous posting. Slow day at work!LOL..nancdruuu2