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Adam Lambert's Diet Starts Tomorrow!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, December 25, 2012

New Picture from Adam Lambert's Instagram:


"Diet starts tomorrow. Actually, next year. Today I'm eatin dads pancakes."


Anonymous said...

hmmmm pancake vs cream puff. lol

Anonymous said...

YUMMOS!!!!!!!!!! :-D

Anonymous said...

Yes Adam, eat today. Juicing can definitely wait 'til the new year but Balinese food is supposed to be yummy (and healthy).

Anonymous said...

What? No glass top stove?

Anonymous said...

It sure looks yummy! Just got hoem from my sister's for Christmas. We ate till we almost burst. I need a 2013 diet, too! Adam will be my inspiration.

Anonymous said...

did they feed that thing to SK???? where in the hell is the cinnamon, butter and butterscotch morsels??????

Anonymous said...

buy your daddy a glass top stove son;;))

Anonymous said...

buy your daddy a glass top stove son;;))

Anonymous said...

Maybe Eber prefers a vintage stove.

Anonymous said...

A gas stove is preferable to a glass top stove any day. I believe it is the stove of choice of professional cooks because of ease of control (just watch the cooking shows on tv to see what they use). I have a glass top and I am constantly scrubbing it to keep it from crusting from burnt food that can build up if you're not vigilant. atm, a clean freak.

Anonymous said...

Hate my glasstop!

Anonymous said...

I think I said exactly the same thing about starting a diet tomorrow, but then I changed it to Jan. 1. I do love pancakes with syrup. However, that is definitely not on my diet regime for the new year. I'll just have to listen to the Trespassing cd and dance or exercise to it to get me moving. Good luck to all of us wanting to lose some pounds in the new year.

Anonymous said...

Pancakes look yummy, enjoy Adam! You can start your diet after New Year's, right now just eat and party! I love my gas stove.

Anonymous said...

I have always had a gas stove rather than electric. So when the power went out during hurricane Sandy here in NJ, I was still able to cook, to boil water while my friends without electricity couldn't do anything at all. And those pancakes do look very tempting and delicious. Why is it that everything that looks and tastes so good is bad for us??

Anonymous said...

I'm beating Adam to the New Year diet....started mine this morning!
Forced into it by MAJOR INDIGESTION! probably wasn't a good idea to have a tiny sliver of pumpkin, pecan, banana cream and chocolate French silk pie all on one plate.
Plus just a smidgen of carrot cake!

Older does not necessarily mean wiser!.......JAK :((

Anonymous said...

Enjoy yourself at your dad's can diet after new year's! You and Sauli have a great holiday! Sue

Anonymous said...

P.S. JAK again....shock could have contributed to my condition.
My grandson's gift to me was an I pad (just what I need, something else I will probably fail miserably to be able to operate) but that wasn't the shocking part, he turned it on and there he was in his smart black suit kneeling with his arms around two adorable little girls who waved and called out "Merry Christmas Grandma"!

For a brief moment I thought "he's got a secret family?" Then he said "relax, that's Sofia Grace and Rosie from Ellen's Show, I borrowed them." Then I recognized them, Whew, what a relief! He made the film when they were staying at his hotel while filming
Mickey's Merry Christmas Parade.

There's nothing I want more than great grandchildren but I would like to know them right from birth!
Actually if my brain can retain the instructions it will be a very thoughtful gift, we can talk to him and see his sweet face which we miss so terribly between visits.

Anonymous said...

I don't like glass cooktops either. Mine forever needs cleaning.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't mind having rosie as a granddaughter but i think Sophia Grce would be too much for me. lol

Anonymous said...

Thos puffy pancakes are probably stuffed with sweetened ceam chese and berries or other fruit. My Scandanavian grandmother made them that way.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I don't go for pancakes. It's all yours, Adam.

daydreamin said...

@JAK that is so cool! Well, at least when Dell-A goes on the blink, you have a back-up...YAY! I love Sophia Grace and Rosie! That is such a sweet thing your grandson did for you.

I also need to start getting back in the groove of NOT sitting on my a** so much (sorry Adam, but it's all your fault!) Let's see if I can do better in 2013. Not likely since he has a non-tour tour in the next 3 months!

Anonymous said...

Wow that creme cheese with berry pancake sounds really good! We're celebrating Christmas Saturday, this Saturday this year! Everybody called everybody yesterday but my side getting together Saturday ! Sue

Anonymous said...

I'd like to eat pancakes with Eber too! Such a lovely guy!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nice pans . . . Pops

Anonymous said...

I too baked too much ate too much and my chestnut torte was a life is good but my pants are too tight again.

@JAK how wonderful that you now have an iPad. I got my iPad as a retirement present from my husband and I love it. It has traveled with me to Europe and beyond. I'm now ready for the iPad 3. One of the best things about my iPad is that it fits perfectly on my treadmill and I can watch Adam's performances while I walk off the pounds!

I wish Adam would do a tour in North America, I can't believe that he would not sell out selected venues.

Anonymous said...

Major chefs always use gas stoves. Glass stovetops cook unevenly. They just look nice in a kitchen :)_

Anonymous said...

I had a major indigestion attack due to eating a big salad followed by cookies AND candy at 2:00 AM - then going to bed! Will NOT try that again!!(LOL!).......nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

This looks like puff pastry or a popover not exactly a pancake. But thinking of all the good stuff that will hold makes my mouth water. So...whatever it's called I hope everyone enjoyed this feast. Sauli celebrates Christmas and apparently celebrates both Of his parents traditions. Way cool!

Anonymous said...

I would love to throw back and forth sarcastic sarcasms with daddy Lambert.

Anonymous said...

Me too.....repartee is my favorite form of conversation...and in my family it flies fast and furious!
Eber is my kind of guy.

BTW...the pregnant pancakes could be filled with all kinds of delights!....I make them with raspberries or blackberries and make my own syrup!....JAK

HK fan said...

I think there is just a difference between American pancakes, and certainly British ones. Pancakes to me are much, much thinner, the same as French crepes, best eaten just with lemon juice and sugar....although condensed milk is quite nice on them too.

funbunn40 said...

Eber obviously prefers precision cooking to cleaning convenience. You can eyeball a gas flame, instantly controlling the heat, essential in cooking a delicate sauce. He also is using Caphalon cookware, which is high quality. I have a glass cooktop, but still prefer the quality and control of a gas burner. Looks like Eber is also heating the syrup for his boys. Would love to be sitting at their table enjoying the pancakes and very special company! Yum!