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Adam Lambert’s 'Trespassing' wins Ryan Seacrest 2012 Album of the Year

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, December 28, 2012

Posted at : Friday, December 28, 2012

Via Ryan Seacrest:

"After weeks of voting, we have narrowed down the top 10 albums of 2012 to one! After racking up thousands of votes, the public has decided and the best album of the year goes to Adam Lambert’s Trespassing! Congrats Adam!"



Anonymous said...

Fantastic! Now will you please give it some air time Ryan!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Adam!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Ryan for allowing
Adam to be in the contest.

Anonymous said...

great news! Let's give Ryan'site some positive reinforcement.Like ,tweet, nice comments at the site.

Anonymous said...

9:35 done!!

funbunn40 said...

Yay! Hope Ryan takes note and gives Adam some airplay, but glad Adam was included in poll and it will benefit Adam if we show our appreciation with nice comments. On my way to send mine.

Anonymous said...

Love Adam and his music. Wish Adam got some Radio Play. Thanks Ryan

Anonymous said...

Great to see Adam's album finally receiving great accolades in the US. Have to say that parts of the US have ALWAYS supported Adam. Other parts are just taking a little longer to realize what a truly talented and gifted artist and singer Adam Lambert is.

Anonymous said...

Yes Ryan you bet your socks it is the best album, of 2012! They sure realize it abroad especially Asia! But thank you for puttin Adam album where it certainly belonged in that pol, it certainly deserved to be there, and it won deservingly so! Thank's Ryan. Congradulation's to you, Adam, one more best album for you, great you won this pole! Sue

Anonymous said...

ok Ryan, now we need you to play one of his songs occasionally......what's the point of this contest otherwise

Anonymous said...

Adam is still up for Best Male of 2012 at Ryan's site. He is up against Bieber and One Direction and is currently in the lead. Let's keep him there. Voting ends at midnight December 30th.

Anonymous said...

Ryan, thanks. May you have a beautiful New Year's celebration with your beloved Julianne. Waiting for Trespassing music from you.

Anonymous said...

I truly hope also young fans will start commenting on these poll results. When I read the comments, all I see are complaints from senior citizens about why US radio refuses to play Adam's music.

NOT COOL! Please, happy and positive comments.

Anonymous said...

Troll at 7:14 PM

Anonymous said...

If it weren't for senior citizens Adam's album sales and fan base would be probably cut in half. Quit complaining.

Anonymous said...

7:14 - sad but true everything you said

Anonymous said...

7:14 is right, it doesn't look good for Adam to have heaps of comments from older fans, radio stations need to know that he has heaps of younger fans to play his music, radio stations cater to mainly young people.

Anonymous said...

Actually, it really annoys me how Ryan will use Adam's name to get hits on his website, but won't actually play his music.

Anonymous said...

8:42, and if the senior citizens would quit hogging all the radio promos and front rows of every concert and stop trashing current music hits maybe some younger fans would be interested.

Anonymous said...

This old person promises not to buy anymore Adam Lambert albums or vote in anymore contests and will not buy any more concert tickets. Nor will I contribute to any more Charities in Adam's name.

Anonymous said...

Also this old person will not give my children or grandchildren any more money to support Adam.

Anonymous said...

Also this old person will just turn on the radio day and listen to Adam's music all day while thanking the young for bringing it to me. I will not speak Adam's name to anyone hereafter.

Anonymous said...

New rule: Adam's fans can only be 21 years old or younger, and very atrractive. Male, female, doesn't matter. Gay, straight, doesn't matter. Real fans are pretty. I'm sure all of Biebs' and Gaga's are.

Anonymous said...

I'm dead, just shoot me now. It will save Adam's career.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert deserves every accolade given to him. He is amazing and his fans stretch from 5 to 85. I'll bet many entertainers would kill to have fans like that. Even Usher made a statement when asked what he would wish for and he said "more fans". Age means nothing.

glitzylady said...

Well, I guess that leaves me out too! LOL! Damn..

Anonymous said...

I'd follow more singers my age, but sadly most of them are dead!