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Fleckingrecords' Top Songs of 2012 - Adam Lambert's 'Never Close Our Eyes' #3

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, December 29, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, December 29, 2012

Source: Fleckingrecords


Anonymous said...

it took me a whils but NCOE is one of my fave from the album, today. lol

Anonymous said...

I love this song from the album, especially the acoustic version. So beautiful his vocals. I can't understand why radio didn't play it more often. He's so underrated. :(

glitzylady said...

AMEN, AMEN, everything they said in the article.. I personally thought that of the three singles released in the US, "Never Close Our Eyes" had the biggest chance of being a hit, and getting radio play...It has universal appeal in my opinion, and should have been played on a variety of radio genres: Top 40, Hot Adult Contemporary, Adult Contemporary. It was the song that DJ's liked and thought would be a good choice of single when Adam was doing all the radio promo in the early spring. Should have gone somewhere. And its fabulous live in concert. Puzzling. I still do not get it. Its a beautiful song, with deep meaning, it works well as a dance song, or acoustically. It highlights Adam's voice... And its one of my favorite songs on the album. And I have a little special place in my heart for it because I heard it live when he sang it for the first time at the Bing Lounge. So who knows...

Adamluv said...

OT - mentioned this yesterday BUT was confirmed today on Logo listing that the VH1 Divas is on tonite at 7 pm (PST). YAY! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I also thought that NCOE was the best choice for being widely accepted and extremely radio friendly. Adam's voice sounds exceptional on any song he sings but I thought that with the fact that Bruno Mars penned it that it might add to the appeal of radio. Apparently not in the US.

I have faith that eventually Adam will release the record that strikes a chord with the masses. He's got everything going for him and so many music critiques think highly of his talent, it'll happen eventually.


Anonymous said...

CT, how can an Adam record strike a chord with the masses if they do not hear it? That's the point this devoted writer was making. What I hope will happen eventually is that this generation of conservative homophobic media corporates that control radio will have an epiphany or nightfall. atm

Anonymous said...


Lyndsey Parker and FOX LA!

Anonymous said...

OT I'm asking for advice and for obvious reasons will not use my tag, which you all know quite well.
I just found out today that someone with same tag as mine is commenting on many sites with nasty, vile, homophobic and racial slurs. In discussing this with my family they have suggested I just change my tag. Since this person has never tagged on this site with anything I don't recognize as my own words, that would seem to be a good option. I don't believe the person is aware of my tag being the same. We definitely don't go on same sites. I am grateful for that since I would hate anyone to think I would speak in such a manner. Does that seem the best solution? Opinions appreciated.

Anonymous said...

change your tag seems to be the best move.

kitty said...

2:19 maybe admin can post that clip with L.P.

Anonymous said...

It is heartbreaking with lack of radio play for Adam for sure. But, what been seeing is more and more people are becoming aware of it and voicing thier opinions in favor of our Adam. If this keeps going (articles being written ect. i would hope someone (meaning big radio exec ect would catch on? Ryan seacreast is a start- I just wonder if the important so to speak people have any ideathat we are pissed about Adam being ignored? Do they do research or just look at the money they are making from all these cookie-cutter artists? Anyone know how this works?


Anonymous said...

The Lindsay Parker interview is so good and her comments about Adam are fantastic. Lots of good clips of Adam in the background, too. He almost made you #1. The other guy was referred to as kind of like Adam. Adam is a great cheerleader for Adam!


Anonymous said...

Yes, lack of radio play and lack of Grammy nom totally baffling but I think "Trespassing" will not go away it will continue to grow as Adam's fame and popularity increase.

I totally agree that no one in pop music can touch Adam's vocal abilities!

Unfortunately, this album was not marketed properly and BTIKM should not have been the first single, either Trespassing or Cuckoo would have been a much better
As Adam has said before things always happen for a reason and I can't wait to see what is the next step in Adam's rise to fame. I just hope it includes some more collaborations with Queen and perhaps others great artists.


HK fan said...

I love NCOE, its one of those that you can really sing along to. I just don't understand why it wasn't a hit, as Glitzylady said it fiited perfectly on several radio formats.

Maybe change your tag, or just add a number or extra couple of letters to the end of your own tag, so you its still you, but a bit different to the other one. But if you do change it, then let us know your old one otherwise we will think you have just stopped posting here.

Anonymous said...

Superb that TP is doing so well internationally, singles in top 10 in many countries. In some ways solidifying the international fanbase was a good move with dance pop music. My spouse believes Adam has a good voice,m but would prefer Adam sing Adele-like ballads or rock... not pop. Other A list artists have paid writers for songs (eg, Rihanna) but I think it was important to Adam to demonstrate his songwriting and album producing skills, and as someone mentioned he has distanced himself from AI and carved his own path. All is good (but agree with woes about US radio and all the time Adam put into visiting all those stations).

Anonymous said...

Not all concervatives are homophobes and not all liberals are ok with homosexuality. I really do dislike it when people paint with such a broad brush. It is unbecoming to this site.

Hollywood, the theater, dance and music are all filled with gays who prefer to stay in the closet for whatever reason.

Also, you'd be suprised at the number of gays in major league sports who think their careers would be over if they were outed. GGPASS

Anonymous said...

6:41, Your comments emphasize Adam's courage in coming out to the general public so early in his career. The arts are generally more accepting than the sports world, but I agree with you that there are probably many more even well-known, successful gay artists who have never come out and probably never will. Adam has decided that he cannot live a secreted gay life. If he wants to go to a gay club, he goes. If he wants to hold him BF's hand in public, he does. His make-up and clothing are as gay-oriented as he wants them to be. He speaks intelligently, but with good humor and ease, about gay issue to both gay and straight interviewers. He has said that it's too hard to hide who he is, and he cannot be dishonest. It may work for others, but not for him. If that results in lower sales, at least for now, then so be it. He knows the risks of his decision.
American has a LONG way to go.


Anonymous said...


sorry been gone all day and just got back to this site. Just one more comment on "reaching the masses" :

Let's not forget WWFM was a huge hit in both the US and internationally so we have proof that in certain instances radio did take note of an Adam song that for some reason (and I don't know what that is) was played frequently on the radio and is still getting spins. It was at the top of charts for a long time, reached top 10 status in many countries, went double platinum in some. So we know it can be done. Is it that the wrong singles were released from Trespassing? I wish I knew the answer. Personally, I love each and every song on Adam's sophomore CD. I'm just saying maybe radio liked WWFM a lot better. What else could explain the reason for WWFM getting spins but Trespassing not? So I'm wondering if another single as good as WWFM would get the attention of the radio and subsequently reach the masses.


Anonymous said...

Didn't really like NCOE so much.