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Last day to vote for the final round on Ryan Seacrest's website!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, December 27, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, December 27, 2012

Lets' go and tell Ryan Seacrest that Adam Lambert deserves to win those.

Adam is up against Carrie Underwood and Taylor Swift for "Who Had The Best Album of 2012?".

Head over to Ryan's site HERE to vote for this category.

and Adam is up against Justin Bieber and One Direction for "Who Is The Best Male of 2012?".

Head over to Ryan's site HERE to vote for this category.

Today is the final day and it looks like Adam will win both of these!!


Anonymous said...

I was able to vote again for Album, but would not let me vote for Male. Can't have to big a lead.

Anonymous said...

Ryan knows who is the best and since he is a giant mogul in the broadcasting business ( much bigger than most people know ) why isn't he doing more to advance Adam's career in this country? He has the money, and certainly the connections....he could make it happen....why hasn't he?
It's pretty clear I'm not a fan of Ryan.....JAK

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you JAK it is baffling why Ryan doesn't do more to help Adam. I personally think it jealousy! Adam is a great talent and he is so handsome and charismatic.....need I say more.


Anonymous said...

We really don't know what Ryan has or hasn't done to to help Adam. Maybe it is Ryan who puts Adam in all these contests for us to vote on. He sure mentions Adam a lot on his website. Ryan is the one who put Adam on the air with the girl who was bullied. Why assume the worst of Ryan?

**And BTW, The best album ends today but the best male doesn't end until Dec 30th!! Adam is not as far ahead in that voting. Keep voting in that one**

Anonymous said...

Ryan uses Adam to get hits on his site.

HK fan said...

If Ryan was that much behind Adam he would play his music!!

Adamluv said...

Amen to that @HK. . . . Adamluv