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Lyndsey Parker talks about Adam Lambert on TV

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Sunday, December 30, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, December 30, 2012

Lyndsey Parker of Yahoo Music talked about her top albums of 2012 with FOX LA and she talked about Trespassing with footage of Adam singing Trespassing at 1:36 mark.


Anonymous said...

very good interview glad to see both are fans of Adam.

Anonymous said...

keep up the PopCrush voting it is staring to show, It is now sl. over 20% for fave album. Steady progress.Vote every hour.Two catagories

Anonymous said...

Nice going Lyndsey and the interviewer!:) They have a good taste:) Adam is the greatest artist there is!

Anonymous said...

Lindsey Parker is right on. This was definitely roller disco music. I love it and listen to it a lot! Trespassing-Map-Pop That Lock. i would have loved to see videos with dancing to match these songs. I think that would have given more buzz in USA. Adam is TALENT,SEX APPEAL, FASHION ICON and just all around love

Anonymous said...

Best Album Ever!!! Best Singer/Entertainer Ever!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great comments about Adam! Thank you Lyndsey and interviewer! Couldn't agree with you more...I listen to Tresspassing CD daily in my car, each and every track. Each track a winner IMO.


Adamluv said...

The 1 time I'm not watching this newscast, I miss this!! My favorite news station here in LA and Carlos Amezcua, the anchor, is always wonderful. He said some awesome things about Adam. Didnt know what a hugh fan he is. Great exposure for Adam and loved the performance videos they showed - all very POSITIVE!!!!!! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Loved the high five.