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New Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen Pictures

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, December 27, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, December 27, 2012

Via Sauli Koskinen's blog:

Source: iltasanomat


Anonymous said...

Whoa, is this Adam's new warm with black mirrors reflecting the chandeliers...don't shatter them Adam; stand further when you practise the high notes! lol! Happy you got your own home, with Sauli; I heard he's a very efficient house-keeper and chef...not bad. lol!


Anonymous said...

These pictures were probably in San Diego. Adam and Sauli were visiting Eber for Christmas, and Sauli was also seeing some Finn friends. Don't know if they spent overnight in San Diego, or if Sauli's friends shared Christmas with Adam and Sauli. At least that is what Sauli commented on in his blog.This might be at Ebers home.

Anonymous said...

Actually, as I was writing, I thought how on earth did they get so much done to the house in just a couple of weeks; but thought Adam got interior decorators to do the job. lol!


Anonymous said...

These pictures are taken at Sauli's friends,ice-hockey player Toni Lydman and his wife Heta Lydman, house in Anaheim.

Anonymous said...

On his blog he said they are his Finnish friends who live in San Diego.

Anonymous said...

Yea, been to San Diego 19 years ago...very nice family-oriented kind of hometown atmosphere. Adam was 11 years old. lol! Hmm he was already acting in children's Charlie Brown, Fiddler On The Roof etc. Never would have guessed I would be making reference to it now. Interesting. :)


HK fan said...

its the couple in the pictures house, Sauli and Adam stayed there christmas day night.

Anonymous said...

@6:49 Actually, he said they spent time in San Diego but that on Christmas Day they were in Anaheim as@6:34 wrote.

Anonymous said...

@6:49 Actually, he said they spent time in San Diego but that on Christmas Day they were in Anaheim as@6:34 wrote.

Anonymous said...

@6:49 Actually, he said they spent time in San Diego but that on Christmas Day they were in Anaheim as@6:34 wrote.

Anonymous said...

whoops. Sorry, didn't mean to spam.

Adamluv said...

Like the matching red pants on Sauli and the lovely woman. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

You know, in my country, the whole lot of us here are known as, 'kaypoh' to the hilt! lol! Not to worry, it's not a bad word, simply means 'nosy parker' / 'nose-poker' or still in another form, busy-body! lol! Maybe that's why I'm still here, lol! To tell you the truth, I had wanted to quit several times. lol!


Anonymous said...

Whenever Adam performs live, his twitter account should be very prominently displayed. Just sayin...


Many people STILL don't know Adam's real twitter account.

Anonymous said...

Adam probably paid his mom to do the decorating, she is an interior decorater by trade.

Anonymous said...

So nice that Adam and Sauli share friends so well. There's Adam's group and Sauli's, too. So different, yet they all seem to get along very well. Spread the love! Our boys look mah-velous!


Anonymous said...

OT Adam took the background 5X girls in Bali. I hope he bought some cloths for

Anonymous said...

8:26 why don't you just worry about yourself for awhile.

Magiclady said...

From last nights thread
Loved Ann doin "Stairway to Heaven". Would have loved to hear her do "WLL" as well. They used to do many covers of LZ.
Just read Heart's autobiography. Great!

Anonymous said...

You know, I think Sauli is gonna go to Bali! Sound that Adam made some $$$$$ if he can afford to take Sauli with him.

Anonymous said...

@ Magiclady....JAK here

I have my daughters to thank for my knowing the music of Heart and Journey and so many others....I was deep into Eency Weency Spider and Little Bunny Foo Foo, etc. with my pupils so my girls kept me somewhat up to date during those years. Now I revisit those songs and voices with great pleasure.

When I lift the cover of my computer it's like a magic carpet ride to music from far and wide.
Some nights I take flight with Ravel, Vivaldi, Borodin and Chopin,
some nights it's James Brown, Bo Diddley, Jerry Lee Lewis and Fats Domino. My love of music is all over the place! Just spent an hour with Doris Day and Natalie Cole and Whitney!

At my age when my legs don't let me roam the world anymore, my heart can still fly! Music is magic!

Anonymous said...

JAK! Thank you for reminding the sounds of magic music which is dying in our time!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:26 PM
I know I should ignore you, but I'm just not in the mood to listen to your rude remarks tonight. I met both Reyna and Keisha recently. Reyna is very sweet, pretty and not very tall...much tinier than you might expect. Keisha is very tall and also nice, and pretty, and has that fabulous voice that some of us heard on the AMA's recently when she sang with NM.. My point is, I wonder if you would say those things to their faces..or to Adam. I think I read that Keisha is going somewhere with Nikki Minaj and won't be traveling to Bali. So that leaves the other background singer. The ladies are all please stop. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

When I listen J Groban songs and hear his voice it gives me the hope that the soul of classic music is stil alive

Anonymous said...

"I think I read that Keisha is going somewhere with Nikki Minaj and won't be traveling to Bali. So that leaves the other background singer.2

Keisha will be performing with Minaj in Dubai today and then heading over to Bali.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:37 PM
Good to know! I saw her tweet yesterday about Dubai.but not the rest..Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Sauli's naturally curly hair looks nice..also,having hair on the sides is an improvement over the shaved glad he's getting to travel to Bauli w/BB.hope they all have a safe trip.

Anonymous said...

Love the red pants and Sauli's curls.

Anonymous said...

Adam will have his beard and mo back in black for his NYE concert in Bali. You can see it in the latest photos on this blog, albeit his real hair shade.

Anonymous said...

I watched the Kennedy Honors show the other night. Loved the homage to Led Zeppelin. The guy who sang a bit of WWL made me wish that Adam had the chance to sing it on that show. So many people would have heard his fantatic voice. The guy did ok, but nowhere near Adam's version. I'm sure the guy was famous, but I can't remember who he was. It was a great show, though.
Our boys are lookin' mighty fine for the Bali show! Glad they're together and happy for NYE.


Anonymous said...

Here's a little snack of Mononen, the band of Sauli's friend Toni Lydman."Charlie ei surffaa"> "Charlie doesn't surf".

True, different from Adam's... :)

glitzylady said...

The guy who sang WLL was Lenny Kravitz. A friend of mine said she was there and he did a great job, better than we could hear on TV..and she was disappointed that part of the song was cut. Yes, a shame Adam wasn't there to sing it...I do have to say tho, I do like Lenny Kravitz...He's kind of a hottie, and can also sing. Good combination ;)))

Leilani Aloha said...

Ha! Ha! Lammy, I remember " kapoh" from Singapore days!!!

Yes must agree :)
On this site, we are good Kapoh Glamberts with lots of love for Adam:):):)

Adam & the crew will have a BLAST in Bali!

I'm 6 months 2 late, heading there for reunion in June:(

Happy New Year All!

funbunn40 said...

@DRG and Glitzylady, I also watched Lenny Kravitz and thought he did a decent job. He's a well respected performer that's been around for a long, long time and I have always been a fan. I did wish that Adam was on that stage, as I've never heard anyone sing WLL better and it would have given him great exposure. I also would love to hear Adam sing Stairway to Heaven,another one of my faves.

Anonymous said...

was Danielle and Leila there?

funbunn40 said...

Glad that Sauli had "a little bit of a home Christmas" with his Finnish friends and that Adam was able to be a part of it, sharing this special holiday with Sauli. It has to be tough for Sauli to be away from family on Christmas.They both get along so well with each other's friends and life seems so fulfilled for them. I'm sure Leila will lend her decorating expertise when the boys move into their new surroundings. Wonder if Adam will buy or rent. Owning is a lot of upkeep when on the road, but makes more economic sense.

Glamnut said...

Love the red pants and I have memories of one sexy individual we all love who wore red pants at the Winstar in July. Haven't gotten over that night yet!!!

Anonymous said...

Leilani Aloha
Whoa, not bad, to be able to get someone from so far away to recognise a kaypoh from this side of the world. Wow! Hmm officially, we are the pioneer kaypoh on this site, with all the rest of the kaypoh in line to offer juicy news, some real, some not! lol! But that's what kaypoh do, they just spew whatever pops into their kaypoh brains. lol! Welcome to the newly established 24/7 Lambretta Kaypoh Club! Free membership as long as you kaypoh! lol!


Anonymous said...

Lam-my @ 7:56

Some of us wish you had taken your own advice.

Anonymous said...

Yep, I always take my own advice! So perhaps stop giving me yours! Until this moment, after so long, probably more than a year, you have not dared put a name to your comments to me, why? Am I so intimidating to's okay, you can confront me openly; we can thrash things out; or is it just attention that you want?


Anonymous said...

Aloha kaypoh haiku

Beware of kaypoh
Like bubbling curry in a pot
They pop, botch, flop a!


Anonymous said...

Oy vey.

Anonymous said...

Oy / Oi means love in Cantonese! Haiku...jheem! (mid-tone).


Anonymous said...


Here it means an exclamation of dismay, exasperation, woe is me and that's exactly how I meant it.
You are exhausting sometimes.

Anonymous said...

and Lammy, you are not speaking to one person, there are several of us who are feeling Oy Vey.

Anonymous said...

Of course, I know the meaning of 'Oy vey'. I just googled it; it's that simple. Keep your explanations to yourself! They are usually rather basic and also, never take for granted what others know or don't know. There's a Chinese saying that goes like this: 'Know your enemy!' Because if you don't, you get trounced, just like right now!! lol!
