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"Trespassing" is one of iTunes' Best of 2012 Albums

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Anonymous said...

Where are AMA or Grammy for this album?Everybody said that Trespassing is album of the year. Where are nominations and awards?F......American music industry

Anonymous said...

I thought he has been on this list for awhile. Maybe this is a new one.

Anonymous said...

Trespassing is indeed the Best Album of the year; sooo much thought, artistic flair, talent and great messages; to top them all, Adam's proficiency in his singing and bringing to the fore, such an all-round, multi-genre piece of artistic creativity. And not even a nomination by the above-mentioned music award shows, is something unfathomable to me.


Anonymous said...

You got it, Lam-my. It's unfathomable to me, too.


Anonymous said...

have you guys been giving views to AL's segments on VH1 Divas. It's still new so keep viewing once in a while. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Whatever it's going on, Trespassing (Deluxe) is moving up on iTunes. I assume people who got iTunes gift cards as XMass presents are buying on iTunes and some casual fans who couldn't afford before now they are buying the album. I know some young teenage students that only listen to music on Pandora or other online streams cause they can't afford to buy albums. Probably they are the ones buying the fav. albums and thank you iTunes for picking Trespassing as one of the best albums of 2012.

Anonymous said...

We are getting lots of good news of appreciation for TP album, just not the recognition we'd hoped for on award shows. I'm not discouraged just wistful for what could have and should have been for this exceptional album. But I am very proud of Adam, he's nipping at the heels of the big dogs even without radio support!

Anonymous said...

BTW....JAK again....just heard Lenny Kravitz sing WLL at the Kennedy Center Honors for Led Zeppelin.....they should have called Adam!

Anonymous said...

I saw Lenny Kravitz also and immediately thought of Adam singing the song, but his sizzling performance would have been too HOT for the Kennedy Center audience if you know what I mean. And I also do not understand the lack of any nominations for Trespassing on these music award shows since it did receive such positive acclaim when it was released. They'd rather accept mediocrity from untalented, auto-tuned, lip-synching performers that you see over and over again on these shows. There is definitely something wrong with today's American music industry when you let the best vocal talent out there just slip through without any recognition or support.

Magiclady said...

I thought I heard Heart was doing the Zeppelin tribute, disappointed now. We get the show at 9:00 PT here in LA.

Anonymous said...

Adam should have sang "Whole lotta Love" on the Kennedy Center awards. He would have slayed it, so much better than Lenny Kravitz. And I would love to hear Adam sing "Stairway to Heaven" some day. :)

glitzylady said...

I suspect Adam has had some renewed interest in Trespassing the album as a result of his appearance on VH1 Divas, which is fabulous. Which is probably helping with the bumping up of Trespassing.. Also the year end lists, including this one...And a whole lotta shows in Asia recently.

We can "thank" (more like NOT thank) US radio for the lack of award show noms. Even tho we keep hearing "no one listens to radio anymore..." it still makes a huge difference in the awards shows and who gets the nominations. And sales count too.. I really hope we'll at least see Adam on a few shows as a presenter. He'll be home for the Grammys so hoping :))

Anonymous said...

Totally and completely us radio to blame for lack of award show recognition

daydreamin said...

I'm hoping he's at least invited and asked to present since he currently has nothing during the Grammy time frame.

Found a picture I had never seen of a younger Adam:
Click HERE

Anonymous said...

gee how does everyone know what Adam has time to do and not do? His plans don't always include big concerts do they?

daydreamin said...

Please request "Cuckoo" here from Star 101.3! Thanks!
Click HERE

Anonymous said...

@ Magiclady

By now you've seen Heart sing Stairway to Heaven, I'd forgotten how good they were!.....JAK

I love watching President Obama and Michelle responding to the music...! Cool couple!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the VH1 Divas hosting along with Trespassing showing up on year-end lists and people getting iTunes gift cards have all contributed to incresed sales. All great exposure for Adam.

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin .... done. How many times can we vote?

Anonymous said...

still keep up all radio requests, you just never know.

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin 9:50 I've seen this photo before. It's from the period when Adam was doing the Zodiak Show and sang Crawl Through the Fire. (Pre Idol)