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A Change Is Gonna Come

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, January 10, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, January 10, 2013


tea said...

This makes every fiber of my being ache with love and wanting more. ♥♥♥

Anonymous said...

Mackintosh: LAMBERT's an 'idiot'

Cameron Mackintosh has described ADAM LAMBERT as an "idiot" for his comments about Les Miserables.

The British theatre producer, who produced the long-running stage musical and the Bafta-nominated film, blasted the American Idol singer for his "naive and silly comment".

"What does he know about musical theatre? It was a naive and silly comment. He's an idiot," he said.

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Mackintosh obviously does not know anything about Adam and his musical theater background. Adam is not an idiot and had some valid comments about the movie. Obviously there were critics who agreed with him also. I think people either love or hate this movie with very little middle ground. I still haven't seen it, but probably will this weekend. Then I can voice my opinion about it, but only to friends.

Anonymous said...

Wise move....:) JAK

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess Mackintosh will get an earful about Adam's legitimate theater experience. It won't change his opinion, though, unfortunately. LOVE the vids of ACIGC. I remember that night on Idol when I felt the goosebumps on my arms when he sang that song. And when Paula said he'd be iconic, I just melted.
Wish this stupid Les Mis thing would run its course.


Anonymous said...

Other critics agree with Adam. Mac probably knows that, too.

Anonymous said...

How old is that guy? 2? He sounds silly.

Anonymous said...

What made Adam tweet this video? Did I miss something?

Anonymous said...

I still get goosebumps from watching Adam sing this song...just WOW! I can't think of anyone else out there right now that can put that much emotion into a song, have impeccable vocals with unbelievable breath control and range. Yes, I wonder what prompted Adam to tweet that to us now? He did say this 3rd album would have a different vibe. Is this another cryptic message via the video or am I reading too much into it.

What a voice!!!


Anonymous said...

I went to the article to read the comments but couldn't find any. Darn they would have been fun, I just know it. lol

Anonymous said...

re: that guy's 'idiot' comments about Adam and Les Mis - has anyone seen Dadbert's comments to Adam???

milestougeaux @adamlambert You were a giddy fan boy by comparison: …

This was the New Yorker, folks! So, Adam is certainly not alone in his critical - but reasonable - comments. So there!

Also, I too wonder the meaning of Adam posting this video along with his comments. Nostalgia? I think there's more to it but who knows what??

Anonymous said...

Vote for yourself, Glamberts:

Glamberts – Always with Adam Lambert every step of the way, through the glitter and the glam!

Anonymous said...

I read two reviews and watched parody on Les Mis at YouTube. It was hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 1:17...
Idol Premieres tonight.

Anonymous said...

Well I loooove Adam but that comment was pretty idiotic. Obviously the actors/directors/producers knew the natural voices were raw. That was the intent & Adam should've known that. Why did he even bother to go see it? I think he was itching to be a lil catty. He gets that way sometimes.

Anonymous said...

How often can we votes for Adam on this thing?I voted once already,but they won't let me vote again..does anybody know?maybe once a day?

Anonymous said...

I strongly believe that THIS Adam post-idol would be huge right now. The look, vibe, and sound were what made him so popular, and completely switching that up with the horrible songs (except for a couple) on FYE just instantly killed his momentum. Proof is in the numbers. Or lack of.

Anonymous said...

@Anon January 10, 2013 3:12 PM

I am a huge huge fan of Adam, quite unconditionally actually (whether that's good or bad is up for debate :)) and I very much agree with you! :).

Anonymous said...

It sounds as if Macintosh is friends with the director Tom Hooper after reading the article referring to Adam as an 'idiot'for his comments, that's the impression I got. I'd say these people are also aware that Adam is not the only one to criticise the film and are now a little worried about the impact. Someone needs to show Macintosh 'The Ten Commandments', so he can see how brilliant Adam really is and how his comments were coming from knowledge and experience. To refer to any one as an idiot is an abusive insult, especially when you don't have all the facts. This man is just showing himself up for being an idiot or at least someone who happens to be extremely ignorant.

Anonymous said...

I voted, too, and it only let me do it once, for now. It didn't say how often. Adam's percentage is a little lower now, so we HAVE to keep up the voting! It matters. As for the Les Mis thing, like I said, I wish it would go away. Lots of people agree with Adam but it's just a matter of opinion. Ebert is so funny!

I'm done with Idol for good.


Anonymous said...

I wanted to go down on him that night!

Anonymous said...

New Yorker link won't work for me. Hmmm.

Anonymous said...

To January 10 3:16 PM: That Adam was probably only a very small slice of the real Adam, good for Adam for being true to himself once off Idol. He lives quite authentically, it is truly admirable. I believe he knows exactly what he's winning or losing by staying true to himself. I believe the tenor of your post was a bit catty and wholly unsupportive... but that's just my POV.

Anonymous said...

3:19 here, my post was to the FIRST 3:16

Anonymous said...

@ Anony January 10, 2013 3:17 PM:

I hear ya peep... I hear ya

Anonymous said...

Someone should tweet "Mr. Apple" the Brigadoon Come to Me Bend to Me!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam had to compromise on Idol to have a fighting chance. He showed us a part of his real self, but not all of it. If he had, we never would have gotten to know him at all, because he would have been eliminated early on. He knew that only too well. I for one am glad that the pre-Idol and the post-Idol Adam is the Adam that he chose to show us after Idol. The real Adam is fascinating and exciting and sexy and edgy and risky, unlike just about every other AI contestant there has ever been. He showed us a tiny bit of his real self on Idol, but the best was yet to come. It changed my life and has enriched it every day. Adam KNOWS what he is doing by being publicly and honestly himself. If the old Idol fans can't accept him, he'll survive without them. Their loss.


Anonymous said...

@3:12 PM & @3:16 PM
Adam's comments were not idiotic at all, he was giving his honest opinion which he had every right to do, not only that he gave his opinion in a very polite way giving credit where he thought it was due. You both say you are fans of Adam's unconditionally but your own comments are pretty hypocritical if you then go on to suggest Adams comments were idiotic, or that Adam was being catty, that is totally wrong and very disloyal towards Adam. You either support the guy or you don't. Both of you sound critical and insincere or maybe your both simply ignorant.

Anonymous said...

DRG. I don't think it's right to make light of Macintosh, I for one find it very upsetting to see Adam being ridiculed by these comments, referring to Adam as an idiot is damn abusive and totally disrespectful, given the fact that all he did was give an honest opinion, he certainly didn't deserve to be spoken down to in such a rude degrading manner.

Anonymous said...

Adam sang this song after the last glamation tour was done, it was his coming home event celebration. And I believe he sang it in the same place he performed this song before, when he was in theater. He wore his red pants then. And put them on again when he sang this song. The song was A change is Going to Come. When he was done singing he got tears in his eyes. The change certainly did come in a good way. This song means a lot to Adam. Doesn't anyone else remember this? Help me out? That is why Adam posted this. Thats my openion.

Anonymous said...

Well in all fairness fans, Adam spoke a little less than uber politely himself, in his LM tweets. What did Mitt Romney say: "Inelegant" (lol). Adam spoke a bit Inelegantly himself in his LM tweets. Adam is an amazing human being, I idolize him, but he is just that, human, perhaps he'd prefer us to remember that. I don't know him but I bet he would like us all to remember that. Just a guess, what do I know?????

Anonymous said...

@ 3:43, didn't someone say upthread that American Idol premiere's tonight? Might that be why Adam tweeted an Idol performance????? Seems like a good guess to me.

Anonymous said...

He is the only Idiotic celebrity who has the guts to say something real....!!:)

Thank the Universe to have an idiotic super amazing talent in this generation...

He is the only idiot celebrity that sane from all of these....... Real voice.....


Anonymous said...

Am I missing something? I thought American Idol premiers on Jan 16th.

Anonymous said...

omg he can sing anything.When he sings Come To Me Bend To Me it does give me goosebumps.I honestly have never heard sing as brillantly as he he does.He never lets you down.He just can sing anything and he has proven that over and over and over again.What a phenomenal talent and it doesn't hurt that he is the most beautiful human being on the face of the earth!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

There is some kind of live Q and A for Idol online tonight but the show doesn't start on tv until next week, Jan. 16.

Anonymous said...

Who would have thought Adam's opinion would go viral? He certainly didn't. It's just an opinion. I thought his detractors said Adam is just a nobody? He can sure shake up these people. As you said The New Yorker's opinon was a thumbs down....way down on Les Miserables. These people just can't take the heat. Did they call the NY silly? Adam did nothing wrong..he's just honest.

Anonymous said...

sorry for the mistakes Ijust get caught up when it's Adam!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

3:56 here thanks for the info!

Anonymous said...

I suport Adam for being allowed to state his opiinion about Les Miz, but I do think he shoudn't have used the world "pretending" when he described the actors. It's a hot-button word that cam across as harsh and rather rude. Maybe he didn't think of it that way, but it was. I'll bet that after he saw the movie, he was emotional about it and kind of rushed into the tweet before thinking about how he expressed himself. I'll bet anything he regrets how he worded it, even though he still has the same opinion.
Wish I could get the link to the New York article to work. It doesn't work for me. Any different links out there?

A Change Is Gonna Come is one of Adam's signature songs. Simon Fuller knew what he was doing when he chose it for Adam to sing.


Anonymous said...

Sorry for my stupid typing.

Anonymous said...

What does Adam know about musical theatre he the idiot, he deserves the title, Adam whole life spent in
Usical theatre! Truth hurts does it! Girls on acess Hollywood did not like it , too long they said, RV, voice worst offender. But know one cares what we think they care about what AL thinks, said few nights ago! Why is Adam a idiot and know one else gets called down for it! He said Adam was surprised his comments got all attention, damn right he know what he talking about! Your bad because RC, agreeded and put it on director, and mad because it did get all that press and lots agreed, to not say AL does not know what talking about when you are the one! That was he mad! I on my way from dr. In hurry! Rather went dr. Earlier still out! Sue

Anonymous said...

Pollszy, smholzy...

I just spent hours of my precious life listening to the most amazing show ever, ADAM LAMBERT and QUEEN in Kiev last June 2012. I did not WATCH the show on YT; I LISTENED TO IT ALL with my headphones on and my eyes closed. I N C R E D I B L E experience!!!

And THAT's what makes Adam Lambert the superstar that he is. Not awards; not polls saying so; just Adam singing his heart out.

Anonymous said...

This is the link to the Kiev show:

Anonymous said...

Here's another link to the New Yorker article. Hope this one works:

Anonymous said...

Would anyone try to comment on that article and list all the links thumbing down Les Miz and so MacIntosh will know Adam is in good company?

glitzylady said...

Been at work all day so couldn't comment, but have a few:

I saw this Macintosh guy's article when it came out..I would have posted a polite comment re Adam's extensive experience with Musical Theater...20 years worth, from age 10, not to mention his adult years as a professional musical theater performer, but place for comments. So think that qualifies Adam to comment on the movie as it impacted him on a personal and emotional level, as a long term fan of the Musical version of Les Mis.. Mr. Macintosh obviously had absolutely no knowledge of Adam's musical background or he would not have made HIS "silly" and uninformed comment about Adam. He can certainly disagree with what Adam said about the vocals, etc.,, but to call him an "idiot" is going a little to far, in my opinion. His lack of knowledge of Adam's credential's and his right to post his own review of Les Mis, makes Mr. Macintosh look like a bit of an idiot himself. But whatever. I found it VERY interesting and telling that there was no comment section included. I also found that to be extremely unfair to Adam. There was no place for rebuttal, or to give the reasons why perhaps Adam might have some knowledge about the subject. And is definitely not an idiot. I do agree with @DRG that Adam may wish he had not used the word "pretending" but beyond that one word, the rest of his tweets were explanatory and even slightly apologetic for being negative. But of course I strongly suspect Mr. Macintosh, like the majority of the public at large, only saw the one tweet....And made assumptions about Adam based on that. And of course its VERY true that there were many other reviews and critiques that said the same things Adam said.

I truly hope this subject just sort of disappears. :))

glitzylady said...

Sorry ooops! Meant to say "NO place for comments..."

Anonymous said...

I saw there was no comments, but when Adam makes one go at it people! What a coward this creep is, Adam probably had moreusical they're than all put together! What cowards the people with article were! Afraid of this stupid producer whatever he was! They really ticked RC agreed and made director take responsibility, where it really should be! So he has to discredit Adam unfairly! Put a big punch a run, you miserable coward! Said Adam did not think it would get all the press, whatever word used! Neither did he, Adam had no idea his words were so damn important, that all the cowards would come out swinging and run back in their holes! That was Adam has more musical theatre than all of them! Yes some did broadway, they did not do it from age 9! That little Irish rag writer is also a huge coward, not putting comment section! Screw you producer what ever you are, he has a right to his opinion, and he was much kinder, than you buddy! sue

Anonymous said...

Yes get those thumbs down! On the article if can, please!

Anonymous said...

I suggest fans not to be rude to this producer. He is famous in theatre world. He might become Adam's employer one day. J/S

About this post, ACIGC is one of epic performances of Adam's.

Anonymous said...

If Adam has a right to expressing his opinion so does Sir Mackintosh, who is a powerful British musical theatre producer. He produced Les Miz, Cats and Phantom. It does not reflect well on Adam or his fans to be throwing the name calling back in Mackintosh's face.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:10 PM
I agree with you. Attacking Mr. Macintosh wouldn't help Adam. But providing facts in a neutral way might help to enlighten...I suspect there has been a certain amount of both.... :/

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the term ad hominem could be used in his statements?

glitzylady said...

ANNNNNNDDD...back to the thread topic, the wonderful "A Change Is Gonna Come" ...Amazing on Idol, and so wonderful to be there to see Adam sing it again at the Music Box in LA, on his second to last night of his Glam Nation tour. At the place he had sung it for the first time 7 (I think...) years before exactly to the day. I went to 6 Glam Nation shows and I think that one was my favorite and the most special one. It was very obvious that Adam felt that way too.. that it was a full circle moment, a homecoming of sorts for him. Since it was in LA, many of his close friends and family were there, which made that night feel even more intimate and personal. And so many fans traveled great distances to attend. There were tears and smiles....A very special night.

"A Change Is Gonna Come" Adam Lambert GNT Music Box Theater, LA Dec. 15th, 2010

HK fan said...

The Mackintosh article I saw does have a place for comments, but I just rechecked and I think it was picked up by someone else.

Here's the first comment

Terry says:

January 10, 2013 at 5:23 am

Well Mr Mackintosh – that was a very rude and childish comment to make. You need to do a little more research and a little less knee-jerk reaction before opening your mouth. Adam, like any person, is perfectly entitled to express his thoughts on a movie he just saw. Most of his twitter discussion of it was positive. But in any case, what gives you the right to call people idiots just because you don’t agree with their thoughts? He didn’t write it as a critic, just as an ordinary person who saw a movie. He’s also an ordinary person who has been in musical theatre all his life so he’s not entirely inexperienced. Grow up and act like the man who has been given a knighthood instead of like an ignorant yobbo crying into his beer at the local pub

says it all really, nut if anyone wants to leave a polite comment, or links to other reviews, here's the link

Anonymous said...

JAK here....Hooray for David Denby of the New Yorker..HE knows what a musical is supposed to be and the ones he recommends, all of them, are sitting in a bookcase at the foot of my bed. They have been played again and again over the last 20 or more years and never fail to enchant. Bravo Denby.

glitzylady said...

@HK fan
The article I saw was on MSNBC...with no comment section. Apparently it was picked up by at least one other outlet. I'll check it out at the other website....

Anonymous said...

Adam on A Change Is Gonna Come is totally awesome! HH

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam stays out of it.

Anonymous said...

IMO we shouldn't pour fuel on this ash. Seriously it will look bad for Adam. Everyone in my circle hated this movie. The politic of movie industry is bruttal cause the movie industry has been hurt a lot for the past couple of years. Remember the writers strike. If it wasn't because of Les Miz and the mega actors in this movie, the movie would have flopped on its openning night. The creators of this movie are getting the negativity from outside and IMO they are using Adam as scape goat to get free promotion for the movie. If we fuel this it will look bad for Adam. We are gonna see another circle of news again about this. Please guys let's ignore it.

Anonymous said...

I only agree with the IGNORE IT sentiment because Hathaway got an Oscar nom and that alone will bring the movie more squarely into focus again... so we don't need Adam being attached to that in any way now... onward and upward for Adam, he has his own priorities to focus on. If anyone feels absolutely compelled to comment, please oh please be lowkey and respectful. Power is power and this Brit has it!!

Anonymous said...

5:48 here. The film and Jackman have also been nominated, I didn't mean to not mention that, I just think that Hathaway may actually win, where I don't think Jackman or the Film will win... and so I just don't think there is any value in associating Adam with a winning A-lister in even a mildly negative manner. Just my POV, my opinion only.

Anonymous said...

that sounds like a plan Stan, ignore.

Anonymous said...

I agree with those here who say DO NOT INFLAME the Les Miz thing with nasty or sarcastic comments to Mr. Mac. It will only backfire on Adam even worse. The professional reviews speak for themselves. Let it alone for Adam's sake, or just politely list Adam's theater credentials.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I didn't realize that Katie Holmes is sitting in the audience with Suri on this Idol night.