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Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen Featured in Polish Magazine

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, January 09, 2013


Anonymous said...

Kelly Clarkson, Beyonce, James Taylor Perform at Obama Inaugural

Kelly Clarkson will perform at the seconds inauguration of President Obama on January 21. The inauguration committee will announce the news officially today.
Kelly will sing the patriotic song, “My Country Tis of Thee.”
The American Idol Season 1 winner, who admits to being a republican, announced her support of Obama before November’s election. His support of gay and women’s rights ultimately won the singer over.
Also performing are Beyonce, who will sing the National Anthem and James Taylor who is set to croon America the Beautiful,.
An estimated 1.8 million people turned up on the National Mall to watch the historic inauguration of President Obama in 2009.

by USA Today

Anonymous said...

Love Kelly, but it should have been Adam who actively pushed for civil rights changes in the LGBT community. Didn't Beyoncé perform 4 years ago?

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pic. So domestic and cute. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam should be singing at the inauguration for SO many reasons. But kudos to Kelly for getting the gig. She'll do a nice job.
DRG (voted!)

Anonymous said...

They made good choices of inaugural singers. Would like it to have been Adam, but maybe during this 4 year term he may yet sing at The White House. I feel a bit sorry for Beyonce she got stuck with the National Anthem, it's murder to sing and a dreadful song. It's about war. America the Beautiful would be a much better National Anthem.

Anonymous said...

should be adam-beyonce-clarkson- why obama-mr. pretendsious.adam enorse his support for kenya obama-kenya born-yet he didnt give adam a chance? what a kenya guy.

Anonymous said...

Obama has said he will not do anything further for LGBT after endorsing gay marriage. Shouldn't be surprised about a snub.

Anonymous said...

whoa Beyonce gets Super bowl and the inauguration. Must have an album out soon.Who is James Taylor ? I am serious I never heard of him, doesn't mean he is not great tho.

choons said...

James Taylor, vintage videos here:

Anonymous said...

maybe we can promote Humanity Day 2.0 and feature Adam's music. Sounds like a plan.

Anonymous said...

LOL. No one commented on the article which shows Adam and Sauli grappling with a "First World Problem": calories.

In a world where children are starving, we tend to forget what is important. Not singing at the Inaugural Ball - a small problem, indeed.

Anonymous said...

Counting calories .... 1st world problems .... I don't think so. There are infinitely more important problems than that.

Anonymous said...

yes we should cancel entertainment everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Sauli said in his blog that he's going on a 3 day juice and salad regime so I guess Adam will be joining him. Adam has certainly lost weight since his Idol days and while he now looks seductively slender, I loved his Idol build.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for ALL the awards shows to be over in a couple of months! Spring cannot come fast enough. There are WAY too many of these shows and because of that, they don't mean anything anymore except for the winners to ask for raises and play in commercials.

Anonymous said...

There are many problems in this world, and Adam had certainly tried to help! Like all he had done for clean water, ect! If he wants to count calories, and watch his weight there nothing wrong with that, it's a industry that is competitive, and he tries to look his best! Adam Lambert done a lot for chairity, and always will! Nothing wrong with doing for yourself! After all he has to fit into those pants for his job does he not? If he gains a pound someone says he gained weight, seems like he cannot win, if he watches his weight he gets criticized for that too. Sue

Anonymous said...

@8:07: Hilarious, thank you!!!

HK fan said...

adam is in the middle of a twitter party for anyone thats around....

Anonymous said...

It seems some people may not quite get what the "first world problems" thing is supposed to be?

As a younger Glambert, I hang around the computer a lot, particularly at crazy websites with lots of funny/weird/ironic posts (Lol, don't ask). I see these particular things there all the time: It's an internet meme that has turned into a sort of joke by creating ironic/snarky commentary about small inconveniences that the general public can relate to by exaggerating them (...While also carrying a slight undertone more seriously highlighting the disparity between legitimate isues, like those in third world countries, and the insignificant things people in first world countries get wrapped up worrying about).

Just wanted to clear that up--The magazine doesn't mean it as a jab at Adam or anything; it's simply continuing the ongoing joke/meme (probably in an effort to add some humor).

Hope that clears something up for anyone who might have been wondering! Just in case!

*shyly goes back to lurking*

Anonymous said...

Thx 9:25! Don't lurk, POST my friend!!

Adamluv said...

That horrid Zodiac/Hitler poster has returned @7:04 and of course some asshole Rmoney lover had to give her 2 cents @7:08 (ANON. of course!) . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

No one is dissing Adam. I am 8:00 and I'm not giving up on entertainment any time soon, lol.

First word problems is just a joke to help people put things in perspective. It's healthy to be reminded of that your own problems aren't that bad.

It's Adam's humour, actually. he could easily use that line in the right situation.

Anonymous said...

Keep voting for Adam on Popcrush. He is losing to 1 direction and Bieber

Anonymous said...

Vote for Adam on the shorty awards

Anonymous said...

@7:08 It's up to The Senate and House of Representatives to do something about a LGBT bill for equal rights, then Obama can sign the bill as he has indicated he would. It's a federal law that will have to be changed...magic wands don't work! Sadly, neither does The House of Representatives.

Anonymous said...

BTW...The poet chosen to compose the poem that is always read at the inauguration is an openly gay Hispanic! Hooray for 2 minorities!

Very cool Barack!.....JAK :)

Anonymous said...

Make that three, JAK.

@6:48 Jan.9 - You should move to a country where they sing kumbaya! All anthems are about "our culture is best," "we have the most weapons," "we beat the ancient Greeks," "our fathers can beat your fathers," "our penises are bigger than yours." Ours happened to be written by Francis Scott Key who wrote about what he was witnessing at the moment. Read the words, they might inspire you to do something other than slam the country you live in.

Anonymous said...

FYI I have read the words, all of them. They were written in 1814 and state that our country was the home of the brave and the land of the free. That wasn't quite accurate was it? It was more than 50 years later that slaves became free.

I do support the country I live in and have had family members killed in defense of this country since they arrived in the 1750's. Four of whom are buried at Arlington National Cemetary. I was the daughter of a retired military officer, the aunt of a West Point graduate and the wife of an Air Force officer. This is my country. And I still don't like the song.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:48 p.m. You are incorrect.
The anthems of Spain, Canada, Australia and Switzerland to name just a few are quite beautiful. They describe the beauty of their country, much like America the Beautiful does. The anthem of Switzerland is a psalm.....JAK