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Adam Lambert in Australia's New Weekly Magazine

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, January 11, 2013

Posted at : Friday, January 11, 2013


Anonymous said...

Oh, for goodness sake. Dont the media have anything better to do than go on about a story thats ancient and silly.

glitzylady said...

Well, that's wrong to say he slammed Hugh Jackman. He didn't mention his name. That was their assumption.

Very much like the game of "Telephone"..the story changes as it gets passed along...At the rate it's going, someone is going to accuse Adam of slamming "Les Miserables" author Victor Hugo for writing the story in the first place. Sheesh!! : ((

Anonymous said...

So frustrating! I guess "media is on a hunt, media has got a target on BB...Give it a rest already! But then again...Adam is quite an important man to have such a stir going on! Happy he´s got Sauli and loving family and friends to support him:)

Anonymous said...

And forgot to mention Glamberts!!! Most passionate support group!:)

Anonymous said...

WORLD PREMIERE! Kicking Daisies "Bows And Arrows"

Anonymous said...

The media just love to milk these stories for all their worth, hopefully this is the last of it, time to put it to rest.

Anonymous said...

Where are the Kardashiens and Lindsey when you need them?

tea said...

I don't think they give a whit about Adam's opiinon, they are just using him to keep the movie in the spotlight.

Anonymous said...

Adam is Dr. Phil on twitter right now. He is tweeting about kids being victim of bullying and what we should do to prevent this.

Anonymous said...

Actually I do not give a whit about their opinions of Adam not even and for sure big time producer mans! He full of it, Adam has had tons of experience it's his life's work and he had years of theatre! He knows 0 of Adam and he shows his low class by the remarks, Adam was much kinder, they just stretching the truth! Being sucessful does not make him right or a good person! Adam done pretty well too, even Keith Urban said that he got more class Urban and Adam than that big man any day, both Adam and Keith have done well , they are very different both very good talents! Sue

glitzylady said...

Adam's comment about comment sections on blogs and the internet in general just response to a fan's question. He's been having a long Twitter conversation about bullying..but this pertains to the subject at hand I think:

Elizabeth ‏@LizaKlek
@adamlambert I think that cyber-bullying is also a HUGE problem now

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
@LizaKlek agreed! Comment sections r so disgusting. So much hate and fighting. Almost not worth having them. They pull hits on sites though

Anonymous said...

I wanted to come here this morning and say a bit of good news among all the bad I have had lately,people sick operations had and needed! My middle daughter one with 18 month old precious and I do mean precious little girl, not at all proud am I, is gonna have a baby just found out another one. She has just the one and guess because she is in mid 30's thinks she better have this one and be done at this age! They will be Close in age! But sometimes with age it can cause more problems so best do it now, sure last one! She sent me a picture with the little girl wearing a big sister shirt feeding a baby doll, and a picture of ice creme and pickles! It did not sink in until she said mommie did you look at her shirt, finally figured it out! Should have got it quicker! Sorry to be off topic, but not sorry because they are milking this thing way to much! Guy on E other day all this stuff is there pay check, negativity no one seems to care about the truth or good things people do, Adam done so much good things! Adam and people who donated, help saved many lives with clean water, in Africa, where a clean water well was set up! That just one of his charities, Adam is a good man, who not Supose to have an opinion, they are using him! Sue

Anonymous said...

Hope Adam's bullying tweets do some damage control and divert attention from the Les Miz thing. Probably a good strategy.

Sue, I hope all your family issues work out. You sound like you have a full plate. Good luck!


Anonymous said...

the story that keeps on giving!!

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam didn't lose too many Australian fans! Media is crazy but ther are a lot of people who believe in any sh...... which they put in the f......gossips magazines. And a lot of Australin put Hugh on pedestal. Actually, I'm crazy a out him. However, Adam never mentioned Jackman's name in his comments!

Anonymous said...

8:29 pm...If Adam loses fans because speaking his mind...they were not fans in the first place! Everyone just needs to calm down and focus on his music!

Anonymous said...

Article says 'for using actors LIKE Hugh Jackman' .... neither Adam nor the article says that Adam actually said Hugh Jackman (or Russell Crowe for that matter). Adam didn't single out anyone whom he thought didn't sing well enough for the role they played. Read carefully, folks!!

Anonymous said...

@January 11, 2013 8:29 PM
Stupid articles such as this one will never lose this Australian fan. All a storm in a tea cup, and I doubt that people who've never heard of Adam will even give a toss. Now I must continue voting for Adam in the Awards. Care to join me anyone? They are very important awards to win in Australia. Here's the link ....

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Australians will still love Adam, yes Hugh Jackman and Russell Crowe are both big Aussie stars but anyone who is an Adam fan would see clearly that the words in this article have been taken way out of context. I agree it's a storm in a tea cup and will blow over and by the way, Russell Crowe is not exactly perfect either, I remember his past history when he first appeared in Hollywood and gained a reputation for being a so called 'Bad Boy', he's done a lot of growing up since then but no ones perfect and in no way was Adam attacking the actors on a personal level or criticising their acting, just their singing.

Anonymous said...

Good point about Russell. I love the guy onscreen. He's a very entertaining actor. As for Adam's comments, Russell did the right thing. Russell has been no choirboy himself, that's for sure.


glitzylady said...

@Anon 4:50 AM
I read the article carefully :)) I know the story..However, the article headline and the article itself imply that Adam slammed Hugh specifically. Th wording leaves it very ambiguous. It is as "clear as mud" so to speak. In other words, it isn't clear at all. And for those who are not familiar with the exact wording of Adam's tweets (which would be 99.999% of people reading that little blurb), it would be very easy to assume that "Adam Lambert slammed Hugh Jackman" as the title implies. It was worded to get a reaction, not to inform of the true facts. Many people will only see that part. Unless one reads every single one of his tweets they won't know what he actually said and DIDN'T say and will just assume....

Anonymous said...

I personally didn't like Hugh's singing, I read a review I agreed with, he has a tendency to go overboard, sort of Ethel Mermanish!