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Another View of Adam Lambert Performing "Whataya want from me"

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, January 6, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, January 06, 2013


Anonymous said...

This is my favorite Adam song, probably his signature song. It's the one that got him radio play and a grammy nomination. I still hear it played occasionally on the radio here in the NYC/NJ listening area. It just does it for me.

Anonymous said...

I hear this song too and it will always be played for years I am sure. Yes it is Adam's signature song and I love it but Trespassing could have been another great song for Adam,if radio had played it!I know he will have other big hits in the future even if we have to wait for album #3. His career is just starting!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert in Vietnam - Playlist on YT> 33 videos via @elliegf …

Anonymous said...

OT - For those of you who like to vote... this poll is open until Jan 15 and you can vote once per hour. Adam is in 2 categories... Best Album and Best Live Performer. He is still behind JB and OD but has been gaining over the past week.

Anonymous said...

Adam, beware of the restless dragon sweeping may at any moment have a Dragon On Your Back!....It's a dragon attack.

Anonymous said...

GLAMBERTS! Go ahead & have some FUN with this @adamlambert Sunday Crossword Puzzle!

Anonymous said...

@JAK... You always amuse me! :)

Anonymous said...

OMG, check out this fan art. It's really incredible. Everyone's included as well as Adam's CD covers, his latest fashion, etc. LOVE IT and hope that he will see it. Adam Lambert has the most amazing fans out there, full of talent, like him!

Anonymous said...

Forgot the link in previous post:

Anonymous said...

Hi JAK-Of what connotation does your comment fall? In the words of Ricky Ricardo, "splain yourself". Is it a good or scary warning? Can't it be taken either way?
Scottsdale, AZ

Anonymous said...


If you watch the WYWFM clip the camera is on a giant metal arm that looks like the neck of a dragon as it sweeps around to film the show.

Hope that helps. (I'm @4:43)

Anonymous said...

In his upcoming shows, Adam should perhaps think about adding female dancers along with the male ones. That was one of his winning formulas for the Glam Nation Tour 2 years ago!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I hope that Adam will attend the Grammys 2013 and that he is interviewed and will bring up his album Trespassing that has won numerous year-end awards as BEST 2012 CD! No, no...that's what I would hope for but remaining humble and praising others nominated that night WILL probably be the best way to go.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....@ are correct.....the great danger was that this is a black dragon, the worst kind, very angry and powerful! If you run into a dragon, pray that it is green, blue, white, gold or red, your chance of survival is much better! :))

My brain is an attic stuffed full of odd bits and trunks of trivia I've collected over the years. A big help each evening when I try to up my score on Jeopardy! So far I'm the family champ...42 out of 60, not bad for a geezer.

funbunn40 said...

@ 5:52PM I also agree that Adam should add some female dancers like on the GNT. Something for everyone. Johnny plays to the gay audience, which is fine for the clubs in LA, but does nothing to keep the focus on the music instead of Adam's sexual preference which at a time seemed to annoy him. The effeminate dancing overshadows Adam's music and perpetuates that aspect instead of Adam's need to appeal to a broader audience. JMO Still admire Terrence's dancing expertise and he can do so much more with better choreography. It would make for a sleeker performance. It just took away from Adam's great Fever performance. Adam still seems to feel the need to make a point, when it no longer seems necessary.This in no way is meant to offend the gay community of which I've heard negative comments from some comparing Adam to Liberace and not liking the extra heavy makeup, which I always defend but it is what it is. You can't please everyone, just find a happy balance between personal expression and what will further and extend his career.

Anonymous said...

funbunn40.....I agree 100%....JAK

Anonymous said...

wow this certainly is a weird Adam Lambert fan site. Excuse me while a go look up some more bizarre comments about Adam and rush right back to share.

Anonymous said...

@funbunn40, Yes! I agree too. I hope that Johnny doesn't turn out to be Adam's Archilles Tendon.

Anonymous said...

I love this site

Anonymous said...

@5:52 PM, Female and Male dancers would make a good balance. I concur.

Anonymous said...

9:58, I think I just won't come back. So much back seat career driving and so much hate for what is supposed to be a fan site. Too fat, too gay, he needs to shave, he's ruining his career. If that's what fans are who needs enemies.

Anonymous said...

Feel free to stay away as long as you want.

We enjoy having discussions on this site, which naturally means differing opinions frequently, It spices things up. If every comment was the same agreeing with everything Adam says, wears, wants, supports, admiring every hair color and cut and repeating endlessly how gorgeous he is..... what would be the need for comments? As someone said months ago we would just have a thread of ditto marks. How would that possibly be interesting?

We are not cookie cutter fans, we are all different. Our only common ground is Adam. Our shared hope is for his successful career and happy life and we all put our 2cents in as to how that can be accomplished. Silly maybe but it's not done with malice.....JAK

Anonymous said...

I agree with JAK. I post on two other fan sites (under different tags), but this one is my real HOME. We can post anon here, although I never do. Although posting anon can sometimes cause problems, I think it enriches the conversation to some extent.

And as JAK said, we all have different opinions that keep the conversation interesting and diverse. When fans follow someone as closely as we follow Adam, we tend to micro-manage quite a bit. Goes with the territory. If we didn't see him almost every day, or see ALL of his performances, we might not be so picky with our opinions. But this is where most of us want to be. Talking about each hair style, each outfit, each mysterious tweet, each interview, each joke or witty comment, each romantic aside with Sauli. It's what we love to do. His life is a life that enriches my life. My life is full, but he adds a dash of spice. The other fan sites tend to be more straightforward, but I enjoy them all in their own way. But this one's the best!


Anonymous said...

11:25 I am with you I love this site but sometimes the comments are way over the top Liberace and gays acting too gay. These comments sometimes land in the strangest places on the internet. But one good thing JAK gave her ok to stay gone as long as we want.

funbunn40 said...

@JAK and DRG, I agree.There's a huge difference between bashing Adam and having a conversation between fans about all things Adam, sharing our many diverse opinions. I quoted 3 gay men's comments about their perception of Adam and encouraged them to give Adam another look and listen, as they had no idea where he was or what he was doing, since there is little PR about him in the US.I've always felt comfortable here expressing my views because I feel that we all want Adam to achieve success, fulfill his dreams and it does come from a good place. I do care about others perceptions about Adam and on other sites talk Adam up. If my kids were doing something to impede their success I wouldn't "yes" them, agreeing with everything they did. Maybe Elvis and MJ would be alive today if those close to them would have been honest and real with them,not watching them destroy themselves. My superficial concerns aren't going to impact Adam one way or another, as he doesn't visit this site. My opinion doesn't mean I'm right or mean that I'm on a mission to convert anyone to my way of thinking. It's only my personal observations or concerns about Adam reaching as many potential fans as possible and sharing my thoughts, nothing more. I also respect the opinions of those that disagree. It gives me another point of view and a different way of seeing things too. Adam's haircut, wardrobe is nothing that will change the world here, just superficial fluff that we can laugh or flail about as sharing friends. As Adam would say, "It's not that deep" and Adam also says what he thinks. You always get a straight, honest, sincere answer from him. Nothing wrong with that.