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Flashmob: Vietnamese Glamberts warmly welcome Adam Lambert to Vietnam

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, January 01, 2013


Adamluv said...

Very cute! Thanks Vietnamese fans.

Anonymous said...

Just watched the video of the flashmob. It's so great to see all these young fans dancing to IIHY. Vietnam....who would have thought that one of our top vocal talents would be performing there and have such enthusiastic fans. Good for you Adam. Hope you have fun and give all the fans an amazing show.

Magiclady said...

Glamberts, Glamberts everywhere!

Anonymous said...

Oh, thanks Vietnamese Glamberts!!!

Anonymous said...

SO cute !!

Anonymous said...

They did a really great job & Adam will love the enthusiasm.

Anonymous said...

Loved seeing young girls AND boys in the flash mob. Adam's appeal really is reaching to audiences all over the world - even in unexpected places like Vietnam. Who knew??

Anonymous said...

The kids are so cute and passionate about Adam. Great flash mob. So happy for Adam and he will appreciate this video and give them a rocking concert!

HK fan said...

Yeh, its great to see some guys in there too, and at the airport.

Anonymous said...

Darn, I love this! Just go figure for a moment the countries Adam's conquering and the incredible fans base that's supporting him. His creaming Asia and just watching it all happen is amazing!