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G-A-Y New Years Eve Messages (Featuring Adam Lambert's Old Message)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, January 01, 2013

From Jeremy Joseph:

20 Years Of G-A-Y New years Eve Parties & tradition is video messages from artists who have appeared at G-A-Y. 2012 NYE Messages was a combination of messages from G-A-Y's Past & Present including some of the biggest Artists in the world, but won't spoil it, watch to find out which Superstars wish G-A-Y A Happy New Year


Anonymous said...

Now that's funny, Pink. Don't encourage that sort of thing tho. LOL!

Good Group of talented singers. I don't think there are any country singers in there.

I wish a Prosperous and Happy New Year to all in this video. And of course to us Glamberts all.

Anonymous said...

Yea when Pink said that, I said thank goodness Adam because woman can get away with anything at least the higher up celeb ones! They would jumped all over Adam , because he a guy, celebrity! Sue

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I have no idea who most of these people are and don't really care.
I was gone for the day and decided to play catch up on the threads but after a few I
was getting so depressed I quit.
I could have joined the long list of those who were critical and judgemental since there were many I agreed with. But I was not in the mood to be branded a troll and accused of not being a 'true fan'.
The list of things I didn't like would be as long as my arm and since I'm 5'11" I have a pretty long arm. But on the slight chance I could be hunted down, tarred and feathered and hung from a really high branch of my Golden Rain tree I decided to keep my mouth shut. (a novelty for me)

I decided the long list of dislikes was far outweighed by the very short list of likes. That short list is as follows:

#1. Adam

So, beyond this brief post, I won't be commenting today on the first day of the new year. Hopefully January 2nd will be a better day.

Adamluv said...

That was a fun video. Loved seeing the marvelous and talented Annie Lennox, and of course Pink and the kids of 1D. Oh, Adam too.(LOL) No rappers nor country singers so my kind of performers. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I saw few videos from Bali. I think Adam is absolutely crazy about his background singers and dancers. Because their is not any spaces for them on the stage. So, Adam made them stand next to him and dancers move around. Interesting performance.

Anonymous said...

Yea, in the Bali videos there are three lead singers and four dancers. Just watch NCOE-PTL.

Anonymous said...

Off topic:

Russell Crowe responded that he doesn't disagree with Adammmmmmmmmm!!!

Adam is freaking genius and brilliant!!!

My gosh his voice is very powerful indeed!!!

We have only one Adam can do thisssss!!!

I'm so proud of My Rock God for standing what it's real in the Music Industry!!!!

This is S***!!!! Indeed!!!

Oh! Adam!!! You are a true inspiration......


Anonymous said...

Was just checking out Adam Official and they have posted a tweet from Russell Crowe replying to Adam's comments about Les Miz. Sounds like Russell agrees with Adam, but the director wanted the raw, un-retouched voices, so that's what they did. I like Russel C. a lot. It would be cool if he and Adam did some sort of appearance or performance together. They both have such good personalities and good sense of humor.


Anonymous said...

Also, there are a few vids on AO. IIHY and part of NL. Adam looks and sounds terrific. If we could see all the performances, I think there'd be a lot fewer negative comments here. The show looked like it was lots of fun and you could hear good crowd reaction.


glitzylady said...

Russell Crowe's fair, respectful and honest answer to this question:

Karen S. ‏@Brunettemom123
@russellcrowe Not sure if you saw @adamlambert's comments about Les Miserables. He was pretty opinionated.

Russell CroweVerified
@Brunettemom123 @adamlambert I don't disagree with Adam,sure it could have been sweetened,Hooper wanted it raw and real,that's how it is

He's a good man.

Anonymous said...

Hooper should have made a raw and real film and left out the music.
He's a great director for drama but this was a musical. Poor choice.