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More Videos of Adam Lambert in Vietnam

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, January 01, 2013


Anonymous said...

OMG! The Vietamese Glamberts are showing Adam an amazing welcome! Adam looks so must be overwhelming sometimes to walk through crowds of people all screaming your name and crowding around you. Adam handles it all so patiently. Looks like there was plenty of security around him. So glad he got such a huge welcome!


Anonymous said...

Whoa, that sure was a rousing welcome; pretty surreal how one person can elicit so much 'hysteria' and love. I wonder if Adam has gotten over a little, this kind of 'wild' response to him at his airport arrivals and others.


Anonymous said...

Adam is lovin it! Looks like Tommy got shut out the van amongst ALL the excitement! Great welcome from the fans, (who are awesome!),
and so thrilled to see the video.
Adam is changing the world one country at a time! History being made here right before our eyes!
What a wonderful way to begin the year!

Anonymous said...

Adam and Tommy just HAVE to do a sunglasses commercial !!

Anonymous said...

The Vietnamese have been so patient, waiting a long for an Adam concert to happen and yay! The time has now arrived. Very happy for them. <3

Anonymous said...

AGREE @12:50AM.

Anonymous said...

Our Global Superstar indeed!!!!

America is watching Adams everywhere and it's incredible to see the world response to this humble amazing man....

The world explodes with his voice!!!!

Just it................


Anonymous said...

global superstar Adam Lambert..loving this way to start 2013....Adam and Sauli look so happy and well just amazing to see this welcome to Viet Nam..

Anonymous said...

Music ambassador of the world..Adam Lambert..Music soothes the savage beast..I just love this

Anonymous said...

Great way to start the New Year! I wonder if he will go to South America soon...

Anonymous said...

Do these countries know they are getting more than just Adam and band? Will dancers go over well in this culture? Will dancers go to Russia? It's maybe not a good idea, considering their laws.

Anonymous said...

I am sure and his team will check out the laws and make sure everything will be fine...Adam is an amazing world wide superstar!

Anonymous said...

I left out Adam in my comment..I meant I am sure Adam and his team will check it exicited for his appearances in Asia and everywhere

Anonymous said...

Crays where are you? I though Tommy can run the show without A?(craysomemorecrays)

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:57am FYI It IS possible to recognize Tommy's popularity and love him and a lot of folks do. Of course its all Adam's show with Tommy being a very important part of all of it .

Anonymous said...

I heard that Tommy got pushed around some by the crowd . Hope he's OK .

glitzylady said...

Wow. Rock Star Welcome!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was crazy.

Anonymous said...

Now, THIS is how fans should greet a superstar! Such great love from the Vietnamese fans. This show should be REALLY great. It's a real concert, not a small private gig. We should get great videos! Now, Adam needs to perform in South America next. Then he will have performed on all continents, except for Antarctica. But maybe there, too, someday. I'm sure penguins are Glamberts! LOL.
Adam is looking SO fine and nice to see Tommy getting so much fan love. Can't wait for this show!


Anonymous said...

6:06AM FYI Tommy's popularity is not everywhere the same. It varies from country to country. Perhaps Vietnam fans are more accepting to Adam and Sauli. Germany is completely Tommy's territory. Also Netherlands and some parts of the Eastern Europe. Indonesia and Australia are also Tommybert hot spots and maybe that is why Sauli kept a low profile in Bali. To be honest, I hope Sauli will never go to Germany with Adam.

Anonymous said...

People are plain crazy with this Sauli vs Tommy thing!!!I just don´t get it!!!! Adam loves Sauli, Tommy is straight. Why are people fighting over this???

Anonymous said...

The entire Tommy vs. Sauli and Adam thing is a non-issue and so unimportant to keep bringing it up. Adam is the star; Tommy is a band member and a friend. Let's focus on Adam and his music and put all these ridiculous other stories to rest. In reference to his comments on Les Mis, I went to another site where the story appeared and read some of the comments abut Adam. They were disgusting, crude and made me very angry after reading only a few of them. I had to leave the comments and just forget the whole thing. Jealousy and hatred are out there for Adam and unfortunately will probably continue to be so. He is entitled to his opinion with his theater background and to his point, a number of reviews did agree with him. At least, Adam is never boring or uninteresting, is he? Hoping that 2013 will be the best year for him yet and for us as his fans.

Anonymous said...

Yes, but Adam is not the only star in the band anymore. Tommy's fans want the same rights to Tommy as Adam has. Like they were equal business partners at the very least.

HK fan said...

Wow, what a welcome, love the chanting Adam, Adam.....I must admit I did think it was just a teeny bit funny in one of the videos that no one seemed to recognise the band...

I'm not sure if this has been posted, I'm a bit behind on this blog. But even if it has, its definitely worth posting again.
An amazing fan vid of Trespassing the editing is just out of this world.

This is definitely one to save.

Anonymous said...

7:33 am...I disagree. Tommy works for Adam so it doesn´t make him an equal business partner. And the fact is that Adam is the star of the band. Tommy is a great guitarist, but Adam would still be the star even if someone else plays the guitar for Adam:)

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is the star! Let's get real - without Adam - the others would be no where. No disrespect to anyone, but it's just a fact of life.
Happy New Year to all!

Anonymous said...

Tommy's value is based on the "fan service". Without Adommy he would be replaceble like the rest of the band who are "just musicians". Sauli had fans before Adam and he is not dependent on Adam's fans or their support.

Anonymous said...

7:33, you mean Tommy is the star of Adam's backing band? Adam is the star, he is a solo artist with a backing band whose members have often changed.

Anonymous said...

6:50 AM. Australians are not Tommyberts at all, that's ridiculous, where do you get your information from? Most Australians I know love Adam and see him as Adam Lambert and then the band who are there to support Adam. Sure Tommy has fans too, but Adam has always been the main focal point. Get your facts right first before making comments about other countries.

Anonymous said...

@7:55 Adommy fans think Tommy is a co-star (a starring actor or actress given equal status with another) in a play called Adommy. They want Adam's concerts to be continuous Adommy plays.

Anonymous said...

8:04 I said...crazy people!

Anonymous said...

Simon Cowell was right about the theatricality. Theater could be the right place for Adam. Not sure Tommy would follow him there though, lol.

Anonymous said...

This Tommy obsession thing is becoming a nuisance, to put it mildly. I used to like him but the whole cray thing creates negativity arround him . He is a straight talented guy but he's been completely emasculated and not likable anymore. This is Adam's career and the spotlight is, as it should be, on him. Tommy is a dispensable band member, just like the rest of the Glamband. All other band members have things going for them on the side except him, something tells me that he cannot make it on his own without Adam. He could not even make Music Director when Monte left. The sad part is that his name is used to disrepect Adam's fans and the person that Adam loves, Sauli, who happens be the most important person in Adam's personal life.

BTW I am from South Africa, I see Tommy as one of the band members. When Adam came here, the excitement during the concerts was about Adam, and the dancers to some extent but not Tommy.

Anonymous said...

This makes me tear up . . .that other countries give Adam such a welcome . . . great to see the reference to "Time for Mircles"

Can't wait till South America gets a look at our "national pleasure"

Can't wait till I get a look at some kind of a tour here USA. . .the band, Queen, anything

Anonymous said...

Yes . . .BB . . .you deserve all this and much more....

Anonymous said...

7:53 AM You said it! I just read a tweet: "I want the "fan service" back! And by "fan service" I mean the KISS! :P hashtagAdommy."

This tweeter is from Germany and he hates Sauli so much that it's unbelievable. I've read some of his tweets just trying to understand how is it possible that a 28 year old woman can act so. But I don't understand. I certainly hope Sauli (who's called hooker, slut, whore, ugly, stranger, finnass etc. etc.) will never go to Germany. This woman has nearly 600 followers. I don't know why there seems to be so many Sauli-haters esp. in Germany and Eastern and Southern Europe (esp. Spain). And Finland is of course called F**kland. Those people think that "Sauli ruins everything" by being with Adam. I just have not been able to understand what is this "everything". Tommy is, as said, a band member and a friend and what I've understood straight (?) and Sauli is boyfriend.

Sorry, this rant. I like Tommy. But I don't like this Adommy-thing around it. I don't know how much Adam gets posts from these Sauli-haters. When they tweet to Adam or Tommy, the tweets are so very sweet and innocent. What does Adam think or does he really not care when people insult his boyfriend in every possible way?

Anonymous said...

Adam is Tommy's boss, and since he hired Tommy they have become good friends. Tommy has been very loyal to Adam, but Adam is definitely the one who runs the show. At the end of the day the band including Tommy are simply back up musicians and Adam a solo artist. Most fans understand this, but some seem to need to cling to fantasies, which is rather sad.

Anonymous said...

8:52 am...Sauli has said that he doesn´t waste energy on haters, neither does Adam, so we shouldn´t either. Let them rant! Sauli sure as hell has shown nothing but poise, dignity and common sense!and has shown what a wonderful and very strong person he is! The one for Adam:) The ranters ridicule themselves!

Anonymous said...

@8:52 You forgot "finnshit", lol. I'm one myself. My honest opinion is Adam does not have time to think about it or he doesn't care. Sometimes he disappoints me by doing the wrong thing and it looks like he thinks the fan service had some artistic value and he wants to keep it alive, at least to please the few. I was not against it, but I never liked it either. Now it's irritating me and it affects me the same way as Adam would show me the middle finger or say fuck off. Didn't know about any Spanish Adommy fans, only Italians. There are not many Adam fans in Germany or in the neighboring countries. Adam could not sell out a big venue there, with or without Tommy.

Anonymous said...

Smartest thing that Adam and Sauli can do about these Adommy fanatics (I guess a small group) is to stay out of these sites and ignore like they have been doing. I don´t think that is a lack of caring on Adam´s behalf. It´s sensible and privacy protecting. It´s always going to be something wrong how our boys behave (snowball effect). Both of them are unique and strong and make one hell of a perfect couple!:)

Anonymous said...

9:30 am I'm also irritated sometimes when it looks like Adam intentionally fuels the Adommy-fanatics. But maybe it is best just ignore these things. It just feels so stupid to see that now this "lady" is teaching some newbie how all between A & T started after the AMa's and the "fake" bf-thing: "It's the MGM. As so often."

I stop reading these stupid tweets. I was just so curious (masochist ,lol) to see how far she and her friends can go. But there is no end until as they say "the source of all evil in this fandom leaves", so they will go on and on for ever fantasizing.

choons said...

The Finns still harbour bad feelings for the Germans because of the war. Not sure about the younger generation, maybe not. And not sure if Germans feel the same way towards the Finns. But probably the German who tweeted hateful things is just another loony - doesn't matter which nationality, loonies are loonies and should be ignored.

Anonymous said...

As New Year's resolution, can we just all ignore this fan war between Tommy and Sauli and not respond?
I'm so tired scrolling them all here and the response they get.
Wish they have another site to go and not here.
Such an exercise in futility.
I'm here only for ADAM and only ADAM.


Anonymous said...

xyz So you want it's all: Oh how gorgeous, beautiful, awesome etc. Adam looks on those vids and photos! Yeah, Adam' s voice is brilliant etc. And Adam is so nice. And he has the loveliest smile there is. And those people love hime. What a man he is! We know that!

Adam is not alone in this world. He has important people around. They are part of Adam's life. People have opinions and sometimes you just have to scroll. That's not so tiring, or is it really (hands, mind)? Scroll is my friend, lol.

Anonymous said...

I love adommy ,but do not condone haters and I've seen it from both sides. Even Adam tweeted a couple of times to fans to stop . Now I think Adam , Tommy , and Sauli just laugh at it all .

Adamluv said...

Wonder what all the haters would say about this rousing enthusiastic welcome from Vietnam? That's the manner in which Adam should always be welcomed into a country! Love it!!!! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is a solo performer with a band and background singers. They work for him and obviously have become friends. Adam is the focal point on stage, and even if Tommy does have fans/followers, it is Adam who is the star of the show. We just have to ignore all this nonsense about Tommy and Adam as I am sure he does. It is getting so tiring and boring to read these comments. Let's just focus on Adam, his amazing vocal talent and hoping he gets the recognition and support here at home that he seems to be getting on his Asian concerts from fans there.