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New Brian May Fan Letter Suggest Possible QUEEN Tour with Adam Lambert!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, January 11, 2013

Posted at : Friday, January 11, 2013

Hello Brian

I'm Melissa, I'm 17, I'm french. I wish you a good year 2013, that this year be rich in queen music. I would like to know if you think come to make concerts in france this year because I would like well to see you in concert, but I don't know if that fact left your projects for this year. I know that you and roger have to give concerts with Adam Lambert in 2012.

PS: It's really good the fight which you make in england for to save and to stop killing the badgers and the foxes. That is seen that you love the animals. Sorry for my english, I hope that you understand.



Brian replied:

Well, thanks for writing, Melissa.

We don't have any plans to tour with Adam this year yet … but that may change !
Wishing you a great 2013 !




Anonymous said...

Please make it happen, Brian. PLEASE!

For a good chuckle, check out Adamtopia News and Information. There's a great pic of Adam as a Simpsons character. So funny and spot on. Wouldn't it be great if he could play himself on the Simpsons? What a great episode that would be!


Anonymous said...

Is this one of the reasons why there is no Trespassing tour in the US and western europe ?

Anonymous said...

7:56, I don't think that has anything to do with it. It's a sales thing.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

ADAM for Popcrush: (Result Jan. 15)
For ALBUM: ADAM: 20.95% 1D: 33.21% JB 33.15%

For BEST MALE POP STAR: ADAM: 5.05% 1D: 29.3% JB: 27.88%

For BEST MALE POP STAR: ADAM: 38.72% JB: 14.5%

Anonymous said...

Why come here and lead us to watch Timberlake? Are you lost???

Anonymous said...

ok you solved your own personal hunt for Fab Egger. Can we move on now?

Anonymous said...

Is the reason there is no Trespassing tour here in America due to poor album sales and lack of radio play? I don't claim to understand anything about the business/financial aspects of putting a tour together. And yet, Adam is touring in Asia and parts of eastern Europe. Adam is an international star where they love and support him. At home it's another story that makes me angry because he is just so talented in comparison to practically all of the performers out there on stage or the radio now. All their shows seem to be are a combination of laser lights, fireworks, half naked dancers gyrating all over the stage and lip synching in many instances...just such talentless and uninteresting people. I hope that somehow Adam's third album is what the listening public wants and it produces several hits for him finally.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:35 PM
To answer your question about why there is no North American Tour in support of Trespassing: "Due to poor album sales and lack of radio play..??": in a word "YES" unfortunately. This directly from someone who would definitely know that for sure. His lips to a very close friend of mine's ears when he was asked that very question by her at the Divas after party. :((

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is so much more than an album maker as we saw on Diva's, he has actually done well in so many ways! So many on Idil have been sucessful without being on radio all time, and albums! Like Jordan sparks and others! But Adam is international star and us doing well there, they love his music! I do hope his third album does well, pretty sure abroad! But what puts him apart from many is his concert skills, and stage present I never seen any better! My husbands sick now so got to get him dr. Tomorrow try to get go today! Had to go yester day for a bad third degree burn I got! So to much trying fix Adam career again, he will be ok, he to talented! They love him abroad! Done all the defending can do today got take care family! Correction yesterday! Sue

Anonymous said...

DRG m, thank you for pointing out something happy! Adam done so well I'm four years, he grown and will be here long time one way or the other, I suspect Adam getting a bit board after the excitement of Asia, and concerts he will perk up next month! That was well in four years, correction! Now really got take a break! Sue

Anonymous said...

12:35, Do you have any numbers to support your statement of "Adam is an international star where they love and support him. At home it's another story"? He obviously has fans in the US who love and support him, and he is a big enough star to be on Pretty Little Liars and to host VH1 Divas. He doesn't have much more radio play internationally than in the US.

Anonymous said...

Adam obviously has a wide range of fans here in the US, but due to lack of album sales and radio play, even those fans and their loyalty couldn't get him a Trespassing tour unfortuntely. It's true to has other "gigs" as mentioned about those tv shows, but I am sure he wants that hit album, the one that puts him on the radio, the one that gets him on the charts and fuels the need for a concert tour. He works so hard every time we see him perform at the various concerts in Asia or with Queen this past year. If only we were able to see that here at home.

Anonymous said...

World tour please for Adam with Queen. Every major city would be too much but the absolute major cities would be EPIC!! I'll travel to wherever to attend!!

Anonymous said...

I doubt that Brian May and Roger Tayor have the stamina for a real tour. Perhaps a few performances like they did last time with Adam.
I would love that, but it doesn't really forward Adam's personal career. The short tour with Queen didn't send sales of TP skyrocketing.

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