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Shanghai Concert Promo by ADAM LAMBERT for Mar 3 2013

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Thanks to GaleWhittington!


HK fan said...

He is seriously cute in this promo.

Anonymous said...

now that's a promo

Anonymous said...

Yea, such a natural, spirited Adam...come to think of it, ya, this is his first solo concert in China, didn't realise that...a significant milestone. He'll strut his way into the Forbidden City slowly but surely, that's big...hmm year of the snake, I think it's in compatibility with the strutting rooster. :)

Anonymous said...

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Sunday Jan 27th SF Glamberts ADAM LAMBERT B-Day Bash 2013 (FANORGANIZED EVENT)

Anonymous said...

Mea Culpa!!!


Anonymous said...

Adam, please less eye make-up please!
Such gorgeous eyes, don't hide them with too dark shadows.

Leilani Aloha said...

Adorable Adam, just love him the way he is!!!
There is a special aura about Adam :)
So so happy for him!
Hmm... year of Rooster huh, now we know why his hair is forever PeRRRFecto!!!

According to chinese Horoscope, Rooster is pretty vain:) or elae known as " Cock of the Block"!!! LOL!
Love our Rock God!!!

Leilani Aloha said...

Adorable Adam, just love him the way he is!!!
There is a special aura about Adam :)
So so happy for him!
Hmm... year of Rooster huh, now we know why his hair is forever PeRRRFecto!!!

According to chinese Horoscope, Rooster is pretty vain:) or elae known as " Cock of the Block"!!! LOL!
Love our Rock God!!!

Anonymous said...

I've always known it to be, Cock of the! Perhaps your version is fine too. lol!


leilani Aloha said...

Ha! Ha! Totally agree w U Lammy:):):)
" He's so vain" I think that's a lyric from some oldie, cannot remember right now?

C what our Rock God does to us!
Adam makes us laugh, love , crazy & creative!!!

Anonymous said...

It's a seventies hit song...You're So Vain. :)


Anonymous said...

Adam will show to his Chinese fans how to strut and slay:)))

His talent shows how the world love and adore this man.


Anonymous said...

"You're so vain, I bet you think this song is about you" are lyrics in Carly Simon's song "You're So Vain".

Cock of the Block - I love it!!! :-D

Anonymous said...

Lucky China!!!

Anonymous said...

yeah, and then he will come to singapore and Indonesia... can't wait to see him !!

Anonymous said...

Adam is going to sing to me on my birthday! I'm too scared to believe this is all really going to happen! lol! So scared I dare not talk about it too much. lol! But since you brought it up, here it is. Yes he's going to fly over from here, just a few hours, our dates of concerts, very close. I hope we get to talk again after the concert. :)


Anonymous said...

This clip is how I see Adam all the time in my mind, even when he's being fierce, sexy, or whatever.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this will be Adam's first SOLO concert in China. A real milestone! I read the article linked here about why Adam does not get radio play. I posted a comment. I do not totally agree with the writer. I don't think the problem lies in his music itself. It's just as good as any of the top artists' music. Other factors are in play: prejudice, fear, ignorance. Surprisingly, all these things don't seem to be a problem in other countries.

Here's to a great 2013 in AdamLand!


Anonymous said...

2013 according to Chinese zodiac, year of the snake, is a highly favourable year for those born in the year of the rooster...9/10 points on the compatibility chart and 8/10 for those born in the year of the dog. Since Adam's sign is rooster he'll have great success this year, also he straddles between rooster and dog which is also compatible with snake. This is it! for Adam according to Chinese zodiac. Again, believe it at your own risk! lol! But actually it's already showing in the line-up of concerts until whole of March and more from then on.


Anonymous said...

To DRG: I also think that there are other reasons that factor into why Adam doesn't get radio play. Many of his songs are just too good(esp. the Ballads) and don't seem to fit into what we hear on the radio today which in my opinion is often garbage. If the major reason is due to homophobia, that is so sad. Thank goodness for Adam's international fanbase; they recognize his vocal talent and willingly love and accept him. Trespassing was so criticallly reviewed as one of the best albums of 2012 and yet it seemed to go nowhere unfortunately. I just hope that whatever Adam decides to do on the third album, that it finally clicks with the listening audience and brings him the success he so deserves in the music industry. He works so hard promoting his music, loves what he is doing and brings it all to his fans who just can't seem to get enough of him. And I am one of them.

Anonymous said...

8:24, Thanks! You make me feel proud to be an Adam fan for life.
Musical careers take lots of forms:

Critical praise but little radio play

Lots of radio play and sales but little praise or respect

Lots of touring but not huge sales

Huge sales but little touring (ex. Eminem, who rarely if ever tours)

Constant touring, resulting in good, life-sustaining sales, but little radio play (ex. legendary bands who still tour and make lots of money, ie, metal bands, classic rock bands that have held on over the years)

Hugely successful, but short-lived careers

More moderate but life-long careers

Those who have it all, ie. high sales, high performance numbers, big radio play, and big touring careers over many years are few and far between. There are many variations of what is on my list. Some artists are simply anomalies who make it somehow with marginal talent and ok songs. Go figure. That's life. I think Adam is here to stay in whatever capacity evolves with him. He's just too good and too well-known already, and his personality and persona is different enough to set him apart. He'll have ups and downs, but most of us will still be supporting him regardless. I think his chances for a long-term career in many performing capacities are very strong. He can do lots of things in show biz besides sell millions of albums. But, even THAT will happen, I predict.

DRG (the biggest optimist on the block)

Leilani Aloha said...

thks Lammy & anon 3:53:)
Senior moments :( all coming back now!
Carly Simon ofcourse!!!

Wow! Lammy, u so lucky Adam will be singing on your BD! Take it all in as Paula Abdul will say!:)

Anonymous said...

Why do people on this site continue to state Adam's international fan base recognizes his talent more and is more accepting and loves him more. This is absolutely untrue. Adam's US fan base recognizes his talent and loves and accepts him too. People seem to forget we are looking at a small section of a population when we see concert footage. Yes they went crazy for Adam in Vietnam but they also went crazy for him San Francisco. That doesn't mean Adam is more popular in Vietnam than in the US. Adam has had better radio play in a few countries than in the US but that does not mean he is only recognized and appreciated in those few countries.

Anonymous said...

12:16 pm...why are you jealous of Adam´s success abroad??It is true that Adam gets more recognition and opportunities internationally! I think no one is saying that American fans are less important. But Adam also knows he´s hyped more elsewhere. Love to watch those pics and vids from Vietnam and looking forward Asian, Russian and Finland concerts:) Adam is happy to be loved overseas and let him just be happy:)

Anonymous said...

For an artist to perform at concerts and do extensive touring they need funds, these funds come from radio play, this is where artists make the highest profits. Money made from I-tunes or downloads gives artists very little. In my opinion Adam needs to start working on his next album as soon as possible, and if he wants radios to play his music he needs to create an album that appeals to mainstream, so less songs about being gay and more songs that with resonate with all people, he needs a hit similar to WWFM, and to get regular radio play he needs a Grammy award. In other words he needs to work very hard to achieve his goals.

Anonymous said...

@1:45 PM, Adam is working harder, but now he needs to work smarter.

Anonymous said...

@2:27 PM. I agree and should have added that to my previous post @1:45 PM. Adam is very hard working as it is and his Trespassing album is a quality album, at the same time I feel he needs to cater more to the mainstream and as you stated he now needs to work smarter. He has everything he needs in the way of talent so working smarter should be easy enough for him to achieve, if he can get a Grammy nomination, then there should be no reason why he can't get a Grammy Award, once he has this the radio stations would certainly be hard pressed to ignore him.

Anonymous said...

Adam is not rooster but year of the dog. The Chinese Lunar New Year in 1982 was before his birthday of 29th, somewhere around January 21, So, the year sign has already moved from rooster to dog. Check it out.

Anonymous said...

Adam needs to compromise and not be stubborn.

Anonymous said...

The Year of the Dog in 1982 started from January 25, so ADAM's 29th birthday is already covered.
Lots of famous singers were born in the Year of the Dog, to name a few - Elvis, MJ, Madonna and ADAM.


Anonymous said...

Adam's career is his to choose. He can be adored everywhere but the US and the UK or he can include these two large countries with a proven past of putting out great singers/entertainers. It's his choice. He can be the gay wonder of Asia and eastern Europe, or he can change a few homo/hetero confused words that cause people concern and be recognized for his talent in the US and UK. It's his choice. He can tour with Jonny in the countries where that is not a big concern, but leave Jonny home if he does a gig in the US. I have a gay brother who is off-put by Jonny's flambouyance. He told me he hopes Jonny doesn't brush up against anything metal while dancing or he's going to burst into flames. Again, it's Adam's choice. Adam's stature in the US is his to win or lose. He must choose whether or not he wants to be recognized in America as the best singer in the world or not. I write this as a fan who wants to see Adam surpass everyone and become iconic in every country. GGPASS

Anonymous said...

The eye makeup is way too heavy, It makes him look strange. It takes away from his handsome facial features. Adam has a natural beauty that shouldn't be hidden behind a ton of makeup, especially his eyes. I wish Adam knew how breathtakingly handsome he is naturally.

Anonymous said...

@1:45, @2:27, @2:42, @2:55, @3:43
Your opinions and thoughts about what you think Adam needs to do MAKE MY STOMACH TURN - I hope Adam will NEVER, not for a second, consider anything “more to the mainstream”!!!
There are thousands and thousands of artists in US who cater the mainstream…Let Adam be Adam, he’s so UNIQUE!!!
Hopefully the wonderful work he has done and does every day by being true to himself teaches the US mainstream some valuable lessons…

And JFTR: Johnny’s home is US, Johnny is at home in US!

Anonymous said...

We already had this argument last year, you are way behind; so I'd do you a favour by repeating. According to the traditional Chinese zodiac calendar, a person's Chinese animal zodiac sign must not be based on the first day of Chinese New Year but rather on Feb 4th, when the original animal zodiac was calculated. So anyone born before this traditional date of Feb 4th, belongs to the previous animal zodiac sign. Yes 1982 is year of the Dog, but Adam's birth date, 29 Jan falls before Feb 4 and according to the traditional Chinese zodiac, Adam takes the previous animal zodiac sign, which is Rooster. And that's why I said he straddles between Rooster and Dog. Adam has the Rooster zodiac sign as calculated by the traditional lunar calendar. Indeed he's the Cock of the Walk. Not only that, he's Cock of the Catwalk. lol! veil / facade? A vast improvement!


Anonymous said...

Looks like my Mask haiku worked a little for somebody! At least my effort is not in vain.


Anonymous said...

Expozeh! lol!


Anonymous said...

3:43 is worse than a wolf ... Because he/she is a wolf in sheep's clothing!!! Part of the problem, not solution ... And certainly not part of forward progression!

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:34PM and Anon 4:00 PM

The promo was most probably recorded before or after the concert, i.e "backstage" - see the outfit and ear pieces hanging around his neck - he's wearing stage make up (which is always heavier).
I love the make up and I love his eyes anyway he desires to show them!!!

And I'm 100% sure Adam knows how breathtakingly handsome he is - with or without make up! :)))

Anonymous said...

@2:55: yeah cuz that worked so well with all the radio station promo gigs and all that ... NOT ... Adam played the game, red suits won the battle, not the war tho

Anonymous said...

Checkmate! lol!


Anonymous said...

@ GGPASS aka 3:43

You are not alone in your opinion and others are being extremely rude, as usual. It's the you may have an opinion as long as it doesn't differ from mine syndrome!

Adam stated clearly and early that he wanted to be known as a singer. Not as the gay singer. That's when he had a lot of mainstream fans right after Idol. Then he apparantly changed his mind because his actions made being just a singer identity impossible.

I did not change my opinion of his talent or his charm but I did change my opinion of his chance for great success. The decisions he has made will limit his acceptance and I find that heartbreaking. aj

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't need to compromise or work smarter, RCA and Adam's management need to put significantly more money into radio play deals.

Anonymous said...

Adam is not about to start hiding his gay-ness, onstage or off. He's not going to start coming off as fake-hetero just to be more accepted. If you think he will, think again. He's not a "neutral" looking or acting gay man, as many are. His personal life is closely involved with gay friends, clubs, etc. If this affects his success, I guess he'll be the first to know it. Other non-mainstream artists have been very successful, mostly because they did NOT change to become mainstream. If he chooses to alter his image, so be it, but I'm not holding my breath. I love him any old way I can get him.


Anonymous said...

Expozeh haiku

Expozeh, checkmate!
Handed on a silver plate sake, at stake


Anonymous said...

Well said DRG

Hey aj, how about take a stance, publicly, in your own world, that would help change come about where Adam could be exactly who he is, who he was always meant to be ... AND STILL COULD BE MAINSTEEAM SUCCESSFUL!!!! Food for thought eh?

Anonymous said...

Leilani Aloha!
Thank you! I like such positive, accepting people like you. I'm feeling jittery though. lol!


Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is not main stream that is what I love about him.He will have a career for many years to come.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:18 pm You must not have been paying attention, I did take a stance, publicly, in the only world I know. Don't we all live in the same world? My comment was that Adam has made a choice which will limit him in many ways. It's not a situation that I approve of and I have been careful in local, state and federal government voting to attempt to elect the people who will help further the cause of equality, but that day is still in the future. Of course Adam is free to make his own choices, my point was that his choices will have an effect on his career. No amount of love and dedication on the part of his fans can change that. Sadly, wishing won't make it so. aj

Anonymous said...

I truly appreciate what you are saying aj, clearly intelligently stated and heartfelt ... And your points are not without validity and merit, sadly not at all, but Adam's playing the game to the point of not being even remotely true to himself will certainly NOT further the effort of making that DISTANT future day just a little more real and close to us all! I think more similarly to you than you will ever know, I am fully paying attention ... To what you said and to the world around me ... And that makes me applaud Adam all the more for his courage and his decisions to choose his integrity over huge mainstream success. Honestly, what you have said is quite on target, but I suppose that is why I support his career choices all the more! I actually am not one of those fans who wears rose colored glasses where Adam is concerned (& I could have kicked him in the ass about the Les Mis sh*t) ... Having said all that, I still re-read your posts and am left a little sad and with the notion that you are part of the problem not the solution, despite your apparent intellect and awareness and savvy ... Perhaps it is your clear well honed reasoning skills that makes me all the more melancholy that you don't use them to expound further on why Adam should keep working towards MAINSTEEAM success while being exactly who he is, who he always was. perhaps you do in your own little corner of the universe (that is what I meant by your world!). I work to effect change in my community, as that is the best way I know of bringing about change globally (or at least nationally). thank you for your well articulated point of view, I do fully understand what you are saying, unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

From Wikipedia:

People born within these date ranges for the zodiacal Dog bear the following elemental sign:

1898 – 2 February 1899: Earth Dog
10 February 1910 – 21 January 1911: Metal Dog
28 January 1922 – 14 February 1923: Water Dog
14 February 1934 – 25 January 1935: Wood Dog
2 February 1946 – 21 January 1947: Fire Dog
17 February 1958 – 8 February 1959: Earth Dog
6 February 1970 – 26 January 1971: Metal Dog
25 January 1982 - 12 February 1983: Water Dog
26 January 1994 – 30 January 1995: Wood Dog
22 January 2006 – 17 February 2007: Fire Dog
16 February 2018 – 4 February 2019: Earth Dog
2030 – 2031: Metal Dog

Anonymous said...

There's a faulty logic to have the Chinese yearly zodiac be on the same permanent date every year when traditional Chinese follow the Chinese lunar calendar why their new year changes date every year according to the placement of the new moon thus the Chinese zodiac sign changes with the new moon of the New Year.


Anonymous said...

Please read how the cut-off date of Feb 4 by which one's traditional Chinese zodiac is measured...findings by Fengshui scholars regarding traditional zodiac birth signs, calculated to the minute basing on the original traditional zodiac! The dates above are most likely reflecting the first day of Chinese New Year which fluctuates and changes every year. And so the Fengshui scholars state that it should be based on the original traditional zodiac using the fixed date of Feb 4 as the determining criterion for one's Chinese birth animal zodiac. They calculate it to the very minute of the time of birth if let's say it falls on 4 or 5 Feb to see if it qualifies for that current year of birth sign or the previous. The dates you have listed are all past Feb 4 so there's no problem, except for one. It's only when the person's birth date falls on Feb 4 or Feb 5 that even the time of birth needs to be considered as to whether the new animal sign can be the person's animal zodiac. In this case there's not much contention regarding Adam's birth date as it's almost a week before Feb 4 though he's born in the year of the Dog, 1982, which is correct for most people except those born before Feb 4 or 5. So Adam is a definite Rooster / Cock! lol! Mmm...masked.


HK fan said...

I love Adams eye make up, and think it makes his eyes stand out even more, not diminishes them.

He tried very hard at the start of this era to 'conform' to what is perceived as more normal, on all those radio promos, less makeup, less avant garde clothes, releasing the songs the radio stations wanted, and look where that got him...precisely nowhere with radio play.
He may as well be himself. He's probably never going to have Gaga status, but very few artists ever reach that level.
Despite his 'dismal' (according to all non fans)album sales, he still managed to have the 188th best selling album in the states last year, out of the thousands that are released each year...not too shabby in the real world.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:11 P.M.

In neither of my posts did I say I wanted to change Adam nor do I want him to be anything but true to his convictions. I was commenting on the boulders he will have to shove out of the way to make progress in some areas. These may keep him from meeting his full potential. This will be my last post, we are talking at cross purposes. I only spoke up in the first place because another person
@ GGPASS was being berated for giving her opinion. This happens much too often on this site.
There is a streak of meaness here. aj

Anonymous said...

You're changing your tune just a bit now aj... as Adam might say "sweetening" it just a tad I'd say, now, in lieu of being challenged (in a very respectful gracious way I might add, geez). The tone and tenor of your original post was a bit NEGATIVE imho, that's probably what was being picked up on. Oh but wait, you won't be around this thread again to read any further comment... yeah right?!!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Lammy and whoever you imagine you are responding to, please go to an astrological site and fight this out. No one is interested in this nonsence but you.

Anonymous said...

aj - While I do not necessarily agree with you on everything, I commend you for standing up for someone else and having the fortitude to use your tag. As for the person or perons who are attacking you, shame on you for not tagging. What do you have to hide? jomokole

Anonymous said...

First I believe I was merely responding to a direct response to my original comment; if no one was interested as claimed by you, why are there so many responses to my original comment about Adam being born in the year of the Rooster; most likely from the same fixated person! The perpetrator even listed a whole lot of dates from Wikipedia, goodness gracious! Not interested, you say! The Unmasked person got nabbed! checkmated! lol! That was invigorating for me! lol! Still enjoying that moment which prompted my Exposeh haiku, lol! Yes I'm quite aware not many are that interested; that goes for me as well. I'm really not that interested but merely as I've said to respond to that insistent, Masked / Unmasked person who is you!! Masked again!! Why don't you just confront me with your silly name-tag!! now at stake, which is here right on this page! lol! You dug your own grave!


Anonymous said...


Have no dog in this fight but with all due respect "jomokole" and "aj" really don't identify anything meaningful either! Reading the CONTENT and intention of a person's post is key imho.

Anonymous said...

aj's own words at 6:20

"Then he apparantly changed his mind because HIS ACTIONS made being just a singer identity impossible."
(capitalization by me not aj ;)).

Yep, part of the problem indeed, subtle but there... not working towards a solution in my way of seeing it, but whatever.

You want a tag on everything, here you go:

MPOV (my point of view)
IMHO (In my Humble Opinion)

Did that really help all that much?

Anonymous said...

Lammy, this is xyz and I believe you have been targeting me thinking I am the one attacking you.
I've been posting here only late last year and as you said in your post here: "We already had this argument last year, you are way behind; so I'd do you a favour by repeating."
I never did have that argument with you, it is somebody else.

I have no quarrel with you but you do begrudge me when I commented about your post of Cantonese being "the most poetic language" to which I disagree.
I remained focus about the language but you attacked on my person but failed to nudge me.

I have not used a tag before and usually don't or forget to as force of habit or when I just flail unless it's a reply but my posts even with no tag usually can be traced to me because of how I type them and have ADAM's name in caps. (Aside from others here.)

It's you who have attacked me personally without knowing me (check your posts on that Cantonese thread) but I refuse to go down to that level.
And you keep on and on in different threads with your provocations and taunts but I remained silent because you were mistaking me for some other posters here and no need for acknowledgement from me as I refuse to be dragged.

I have never responded to your posts since that Cantonese thread until on this thread but not to argue.
Anyone can see there's nothing personal in my post while you continue in your provocations which are unwarranted and thrown at the wrong person.

I would like to end this again with the line I ended with my last post in that Cantonese thread and I hope it is clear it is NOT me who you suspect I am.
I am not quarrelsome and I am not insistent or have the energy to be persistent to pursue something which is a waste of precious time.
I don't keep going on negativity but put a stop.

There are other posters here who disagree and attack you because I read their posts.
I hope I have made myself clear and I am not 7:06.

As ADAM says: "LOVE, PEACE and LIGHT!"

silly xyz

Anonymous said...

From ADAM LAMBERT's latest tweet:

"And FYI- ANYONE is welcome in this Glamily. ANYONE. Please be welcoming and KIND. Quit cyber fighting."

Anonymous said...

Okay, I shall take your word for it! But when I said we had the argument last year regarding the animal zodiac, I was not referring to you at all because at that time you were not on my 'stalker' list. All this time, you are also not the only 'suspect' because there are 2 more but I thought maybe the same person/persons are using different tag names. All right, I'd take it from here and see what happens. I'm not particularly agitated nor interested in this time-wasting cat and mouse game. But since the opportunity presented itself, I went along with it. I Do Not Attack people, it's not in my nature!! But I try to explain, reason things...quite different from attack! So again, you are accusing me of something that is not even in my nature! Also, about the Cantonese issue, I've long forgotten about that, meaning I also don't Begrudge people for their opinions if they were set out politely in the first place. You said Cantonese has the "ugliest sound" so I merely refuted that, and also explained how you misinterpreted, when I only meant it was the most poetic, based on the languages I know. Still I didn't begrudge; I just reasoned it out and explained where you went wrong. That kind of logical thinking is not attacking and other instances you are referring to, not sure what the hell you are referring to!! See, even in your explanation you say I keep attacking you! That is not in my attack someone if they differ in their opinions. Explain with reasoning, it's a much fairer assessment. It was your crudeness regarding the Cantonese issue that started the argument not your differing opinion. I remember saying if you had put it in a lighter vein I wouldn't have minded so much.
