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American Idol Contestant Chris Watson: "Adam Lambert is the coolest dude ever!"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, February 22, 2013

Posted at : Friday, February 22, 2013

VIA @C_Watz: @adamlambert coolest dude ever!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Now let America listen to the words of Chris Watson.

Anonymous said...

I like him but his song on the sudden death round was not very good he has done so much better. I wish him luck.

Anonymous said...

He's exactly right.

Anonymous said...

And another gay boy bit the dust.

Anonymous said...

So far the contestants show a very high standard with regard singing and voice; there is no Adam, not even close really. Like Adam said from the beginning on S8; in order to make a mark on the judges and voters, you have to be different and stand out at each and every performance. Most of the contestants are singing beautifully but no one actually stands out. Backtrack to Adam's Satisfaction, which is parallel to the 'sudden death' round; Paula instinctively knew Adam was in fact performing his own concert...she said she was not at an AI show but at an Adam Lambert concert. So back to Adam's advice of being different...needs to be heeded and taken to a higher level. Adam will steer them in this direction as a mentor; he should be invited back for the benefit of these very talented group of contestants; right now they remind me of a group of hikers in a forest, who have not brought along a compass and hope for the best to reach their destination. By the way, 'sudden death' does not appeal to me. What is so sudden about it? The judges and some of us have followed them from the start and anticipated who might not or might make it. How about the Golden Dawn as in everyone wants to strike gold or as in the beginning of their singing career just like S8 was for Adam who did strike gold maybe some diamond as well. lol!


Anonymous said...

Adam looks so handsome here. Just a touch of facial hair & minimal makeup. Looks like the man that he is. Too bad he can't seem accept that.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

7:45, can't accept what?

Anonymous said...

@7:45, wow ... Wow you really don't get it at all do u? holy cow. Go clutch your pearls tighter now or something cuz Adam probably won't ever please you

Anonymous said...

@8:12: That he doesn't need all of that makeup to look good. Too much makes him look too feminine for my tastes. But that's just my opinion, for which I am entitled.

Anonymous said...

8:17-pearls? Honey-I dig Gothic jewelry-& a clean faced Adam, & that's my f'ing perogative. one pleases everyone all of the time. Unless of are the typical Glambert.

Anonymous said...

8:26 your big dramatic moment finally arrived, I'll start a slow clap for you.

Anonymous said...

and she'll never go hungry again !!

Anonymous said...

8:26, did it ever occur to you that he is following HIS prerogatives ... Not to mention his heart, natural tendencies and inclinations & preferences and what makes him FEEL good. How the f*ck do you know what he can accept about himself or not. I am actually quite critical IN MY OWN MIND QUIETLY & with one fellow fan/friend via private emails of some of Adam's choices that aren't über personal (like les miz thing) ... But picking on his personal adornment choices I find ridiculous ... & I'd think someone who loves and appreciates gothic jewelry and its unique qualities might understand that ... But I guess I am the naive one

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Correction: personal ADORNMENT choices

Anonymous said...

LOL...every time I think I've had enough of youse guieses b* gets exciting again. Glad I dropped by. Carry on defending your king. You're all so entertaining.
Thanks to whomever stirred the pot once again;)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That post right there illuminates a lot about you ... & not in a positive way.

Anonymous said...

@9:13: you mean defending your "queen", don't you?

Anonymous said...

@9:27:why should it matter what you think of them? Opinions don't count around here unless they are positive-remember?

Anonymous said...

That's BS, some people just can't hold it in when they see bullshit clocked in opinion ... Opinion isn't fact. Jezus Cripes, we have no friggin idea, myself included, about 95% of which we pontificate on!

Anonymous said...

@10:00pm. May I just state my opinion, once again, that your post is the most profound, most mature post I've seen here in quite some time. We should just agree to end this BS on your words. Bravo! \O/

Anonymous said...

Can we just once, appreciate the beauty which is Adam Lambert, without all the snarky crap! People's opinion count if they are not alway's possitive, if it's a constructive comment! But, most of the time they are not. Lot's of the self entitled fan's and people that come here to cause trouble for one reason or another, like my Idol not doing good at all let's bring down Adam Lambert who for the most case is doing quite well! Them there the Sauli trouble makers, when they get block from Adsm's twitter come here to spread absolute bull! Constructive critism ok. But that rarely happen's! One song a skit does not meet your approval then is career if going down hill , when in reality the people at concerts go crazy for him, and loved it! Adsm looks very handsome here, if you showed the snark at another celeb's site you would be off of there I'm 2 minutes! Appreiate him how he is, he gonna be true to himself do admire him for it! If you cannot except, it would be best to follow seine you can control, which is probably no body at all!

Anonymous said...

I adore Adam with make-up and without, for me that's what makes this man so interesting and he looks equally beautiful both ways.

Pan said...

Lately I've come here on the sly, lurked and left without any desire to also post.Now,things seem to be normal, a few of the " angels", once cast down and now searching for new heavens but that's all.
It saddened me a lot, though, some of our fellow-citizens' of the world bitter , obsessed comments, their addiction to a fairy-tale-like love story, which like all the stories, has a beginning and an end. The frustration and justification,"we live in a small country" of some fans,and they ARE fans,but who seemed to have forgotten that their country was always included in top 10 of the countries with the highest living and educational standard was meaningless to me. I'm also saddened by another thing, me still believing in stereotypes,in generalizations, open- minded, liberal countries, blah, blah.

I'm not a fan of reality shows in general, of singing competitions in particular, too many winners fell into oblivion(it sounds pompous , isn't it, but I like it
couldn't make a career on their own, with a few exceptions, K.Clarkson and Adam Lambert, they couldn't cross "the pond". And isn't this the idea, of making the AI winner a successful artist? When I talked about this topic with the ladies from my forum , they blamed the voting system. You, what do you think?

Pan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hey Pan!
Always happy to hear from you. You sound serious and a little apprehensive and even skeptical; but it's okay though. Regarding not making it on these singing competitions, well quite a number of them did; yes most fell by the wayside. It's not just in these reality shows that many can't make it right to the top; in all fields of art, music or even's a fact of life...survival of the fittest; in these reality shows it'll boil down to survival of the most talented, good looking, creative; and also the one with the strongest connections to pull the strings. It happens in all fields of artistic or even scientific endeavours. The most gifted/strongest/most original, brainiest, plants the flag on the Mt Everest summit. Sounds pretty cut and dry; it is in any form of competitive arena. With regard to the voting system, if you're referring to reality or even award shows...Mmm a lot of wheeling and dealing are conducted under the table; caught up in the money vicious circle as in greater profits will bring in even huger profits so genuine artistic talents take a back seat. In order to overcome this Adam needs to build strong connections; and he knows, smart man and that's precisely what he's doing right now. He will plant his flag at the top of Mt Everest, you bet!


Anonymous said...

If someone says something on this site that someone else doesn't agree with, they're screamed at like there's no tomorrow. People are entitled to express their opinions without being jumped on from a great height so quit the nasty bullying and move on.

Anonymous said...

@9:13 PM . . . .no need to drop by . . we can do without you . . .go to your own fan site.....

Anonymous said...

I agree with 5:03. Beautifully said.

Anonymous said...

Chris Watson looks a little bit like Johnny Rice.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with stating an opinion nicely. That's the part some people don't get, saying it without it sounding like a slam against Adam.

Such as "I like Adam's look when he wears eyeliner." or "I like Adam's more natural look even though we know he likes makeup."

Give it a try!

Anonymous said...

6:20 That's exactly what I thought! Exotic looking. gini:)

Anonymous said...

6:20 That's exactly what I thought! Exotic looking. gini:)

Anonymous said...

Well said 9:09! @5:03, not so much.

Of course it is compelling to bandy about differing opinions about this awesome entertainer we've come to sort of know, as much as he's let us by way of what he's chosen to put out there (which is a lot, so we feel we've come to know him quite a bit, maybe falsely so)... but as I replied in another thread, perhaps to you because it sounded like your 5:03 post, why do we have to go the nitpick route in the first place. Why do we have to kick around thoughts about what really, at the heart of it, is kind of sensitive personal stuff- like Adam's appearance and how he chooses to present himself. Good Lord we seem to go right for the rather sensitive and personal stuff. I think it's pretty safe to say Adam has told us he is very self aware of his acne... he has said he plain out loves his makeup etc! My gosh, seems to me he has shown us a million and one times that he is wedded to his makeup and theatrical presentation of himself, and in my OPINION, on AND OFF the stage, NOT just on it!!! Anyway, why some people "jump on" others expressing opinions, which, I will admit to you, are often expressed fairly nicely, is because it's just a constant barrage of comments about his PERSONAL APPEARANCE... kind of gets old ya know. It's self serving and in my POV a little bit snarky, even if offered up with pleasant words. Why we always gotta go that route? I don't understand. Like glitzylady once said (gist of it: sure she has some opinions that are critical, but I figure Adam has enough crap thrown at him from non-fans that I really don't feel like I need to be PUBLICALLY adding to the heap!

Again, no bid deal, it aint that deep, I suppose, except that a constant barrage of "opinions" about one's PERSONAL APPREARANCE do kind of generally cut kind of deep... dont 'ya think?

IDK, just my POV

Anonymous said...

@5:03, 9:56 here, just want to add that I have always been a big advocate of the friggin SCROLL function, so I am with you on the "move on" thing 100%!!!! Thanks for that thought. But I don't think many of the people who speak up and say "geez other people with all your opinions lay off a bit...", I don't think most of them present their posts in a nasty or bullying way. Some do, yes I agree with you... but I think a lot of us who speak up and say "damn man maybe we could lay off the opinions of Adam's non-career issues just a bit etc" do so in a way that is not overly bitchy. There is always the STFU, absolutely, usually warranted IMHO, but they are rarer it seems. I'll STFU now as I'd guess that's what you're thinking.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:56 AM
Thanks for your well stated and respectful post. And thank you also for remembering my comment from awhile back. Yes, that's it EXACTLY.

"Like glitzylady once said (gist of it: sure she has some opinions that are critical, but I figure Adam has enough crap thrown at him from non-fans that I really don't feel like I need to be PUBLICALLY adding to the heap!"

The constant barrage of crap directed at Adam from outside the fandom is something that he is sadly subjected to on a regular basis (as evidenced by the comments sections on non-Adam fandom articles...and now here) and I choose not to add to the hate and insults. I have no problem with reasonable and logical critiques of Adam, the band, etc... but hateful and unfounded rumors and downright lies, I have a BIG problem with. I am a fan who prefers to celebrate the positives, of which there are MANY...

Adam is unique and special and just like any other human being, is not perfect. I raise my eyebrows once in awhile... But the constant deluge of negative comments from those who obviously come here with the express purpose of dragging him, his love, his band members, etc..., down is making me less and less willing to come here, read the threads and comment. I hope we can get back being able to discuss Adam and his music, and the band, etc...without yelling at each other. Because like many others who have come and gone from 24/7 in the past, I may need to take a break...either temporarily or a permanent one.. :(((

Anonymous said...

PLEEEEZE stay, pleeeze. this site would be horrible without you. i agree that too many threads are crazy, but i scroll thru 'em, looking for comments that i connect with. And i always connect with yours.


p.s. why is Adamtopia such a positive site while this one seems to get crazier each day?