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Adam Lambert Tweets Gorgeous Picture En route to Nagoya in Japan

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, February 24, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, February 24, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adam must have an excellent health...good for him! all those climate changes can be challenging on the voice and overall.

Anonymous said...

Yes I think Adam is a very healthy man,even when he does get sick doesn't seem to last too long,but you know he is an alien from planet fierce! lol

Anonymous said...

"Hump Day with Adam Lambert" gonna be a weekly happening.

Anonymous said...

10:16 am yep! he most certainly is out of this world:D

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam is interested in the foreign cultures. I think Neil was very suspicious when he toured with Adam and so is Eber.

Leilani Aloha said...

Adam will enjoy Nagoya!
Nagoya's a beautiful nostalgic town full of ancient history, temples, gardens, etc.......
simply Zennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:):):)

Anonymous said...

We could use some Zen about now. Time to cool down and find serenity.

Anonymous said...

@11:08AM okey dokey, but I guess I know more about chaos theory. ;)

Anonymous said...

Adam has said how much he likes seeing other cultures and enjoys experiencing them through shopping and food. I would agree with that :) Neil has traveled extensively in Asia himself and posted many beuatiful photos.

Anonymous said...

Order Out Of Chaos. Haha, I call the adommycrays the fandom terrorists.. *expert*

Anonymous said...

In the Adommytheory Tommy is the Strange Attractor. Adam rotates around him a lot on stage. Tommy's guitar playing sounds pretty chaotic too.

Anonymous said...

Just how in the hell this nice scenery thread is turning out to be another thread of adommy me!!!

I try nice pic taken from train. I bet it´s a nice change to travel via train instead of plane:)

Anonymous said...

@11:50 but that is what Adam does. You wait for the concert, and then he does the perpetual adommy. It never ends. :/

Anonymous said...

11.:57 SO WHAT? Enjoy his music! Geez!

glitzylady said...

I love Adam's artistic sense in so many things that he does.. I particularly love this picture. Actually, a "picture within a picture".. both artistic and atmospheric. A slice of life and culture from a train window. Beautiful.

Anonymous said...


Nicely put:) I agree!


Anonymous said...

Oh, I had a few japanese pen pals myself a long time ago. Not telling whose fans we were, lol, but I remember we posted small fan books to each other..

Anonymous said...

@12:00 that's what I do. I don't care to see the Tommy show in the vids, so I skip all that shit.

Anonymous said...

12:14 pm...good:)

Anonymous said...

@12:23 yes, but that means I have to skip the concert vids entirely or watch them muted if I don't care to listen to the shitty guitar playing. I usually just listen to the album or watch the tv performances.

Anonymous said...

@12:30 pm...yes it´s about choice. Tommy doesn´t strike me as a shitty guitarist. And what you see in vids are all SHOW. Try to concentrate on the main thing...Adam´s beautiful talent:)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

@12:34 yea, but he ain't no Eddie Van Halen or Aleksi Laiho either.

glitzylady said...

Let me just say this: if you choose to avoid watching the vids of Adam doing what he does best and loves, just to avoid watching Tommy, fine. Your choice, but I feel very very sorry for you. Because you are depriving yourself of watching the master, Adam, at work. Not to mention, I think Tommy is doing a great job. But that's just my opinion.....

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, ok, I believe you that Adam and Tommy are on the same level of musical talent. That's why Adam needs to put on a show, right. I like the dancers a lot.

Anonymous said...

12:40 pm...I guess not, but this is no contest IMO...I think it´s about good vibe on stage and I think Adam has good vibes with all his "staff" on stage. I like Rick the Drummer very much:)

Anonymous said...

@12:51PM lol, I like all the black guys in Adam's staff. They seem like fun, but also mature.

glitzylady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

12:54 pm yes and I like the gals too:)

Anonymous said...

Yes he sure is not Van Halen he a hundred times better, the other gut you mentioned I have never heard if that how good he is! I heard of them all! Adam is the best damn singer our there bar none! It's oviious you are a trouble maker not a fan! A fan would. Know how great Adam's voice is! I never heard a voice as good are Bettet than Adam, or as good entertaianwr and again I have seem them all, in one way are another over the years! You are no more a fan than a man in the moon, just on here to start trouble!

Anonymous said...

I was not being sarcastic when I said Adam and Tommy are on the same level of talent. I mean it.

Anonymous said...

Well Tommy is a very talented guitar player! But, no guy is equal to Adam has a singer!

HK fan said...

I must be watching different vids from @12.14....I haven't seen any Adam/Tommy action.......unless its that I just don't see anyone else when Adam is on stage!!!!
The only real interaction is with the dancers in Fever.

Tommys guitar playing is perfectly fine..even Brian May says so, and I'm sure he knows a little bit more about guitar playing than you do.

If you choose not to watch the videos, then, well, its your loss!

Anonymous said...

ok you guys very important, go to the link 12:38 gives and please subscribe. There are ready made playlists for us, how could you ask for more?. This is very important sh*t for the Billboard changes and for Adam to have a chance. It only has 180 subscribers so far, I can't believe it. I put the channel in too.

Anonymous said...

2:29 here- I put the channel in my favorites too for easy access.

Anonymous said...

I mean Adam and Tommy try to fit into the boyband category, where looks are more important than talent. They are both over 30, so I think they are too old for that to attract new teenage fans, but they have their own niche in the Adommy fans, most of which are middle aged women.

Anonymous said...

Please quit responding to the obsessed Tommy lady. She is turning every thread into about him and it is getting so old and boring.

Anonymous said...

2:36 not to mention down right scary weird.

Anonymous said...

HK fan, I don't remember exactly what Brian May said about Tommy's guitar playing, but I did some eye-rolling. I guess the Queen gigs are over for now.

Anonymous said...

@2:35. It's not just the Adommy fans that are middle aged-it encompasses most of Adam's fans (with the exception if Asia perhaps). That's why it's even more pathetic that almost every topic here turns into an argument.

Anonymous said...

2:29 I'll be doing just that. thanks

HK fan said...

In case I wasn't clear, Brian May praised Tommys guitar skills, this coming from a man famous for being one of the best in the world, I'm sure he knows a bit more about it than our Tommy non fan on here.

Anonymous said...

HK fan @3:13PM In that case, I'll do some more eye-rolling, lol.

Anonymous said...

He had tons if young fans abroad! Even toddlers! Asia and other countries he has many young fans, not just in Asia! But especially abroad! His older fans do a lot for him on the Abdul buying and voting end,everything else they can help with! The important thing is he had a good fan base and he had that!

Anonymous said...

The link given by 12:38 is not the correct one to link and subscribe to. That is a fan account. You want Adam's official account which is:

Also listen to Adam's music on Spotify.

Anonymous said...

Actually that is a great idea to listen to Adam's music through Spotify rather than on our cds. We still get all the Adam we want but Adam gets credit for it too.

Anonymous said...

Brian May did not exactly rave about Tommy's performance on the one song, he said NICE. That's it.

What's that quote? "Damned with faint praise".

jt said...

For an Englishman that is high praise..They are not overly gushing. Just the fact he twittered TJ was very complimentary. Nothing wrong with TJ getting attention.

Anonymous said...

Brian gushes about Adam!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

2.35 what a bunch of bull S--T!

Anonymous said...

5:58 yes he does gush over Adam. He has worked up close and personal with him. He has never worked with Tommy so that is a huge compliment coming from him just from observing his videos. Dr. Bri vs a trolls eye roll. bahhhahaaaaha.Oh please,can you get any cornier?

Anonymous said...

Watch who you are calling a troll. I made no comment about Tommy. Don't leap on someone assuming they are a villain . Too quick on the trigger. You're shooting a bystander. Typical behavior lately.

Anonymous said...

7:48 sorry after I wrote that I thought hey that might not be connected to the other troll comments but it was too late. My only hope was you wouldn't come back lol. I need a break from this crazy place for awhile. sorry again.

Anonymous said...

How can you people put so much bs on this site. I hope Adam doesn't read all this crap on here. Very negative people. I f you can't write good positive things here get the hell off.

Anonymous said...

Positive is that Tommy stays awake in a stage.

Anonymous said...

@12:06 Yeah it was embarrassing when Tommy was sleeping during Adam's´promo.

Anonymous said...

1:36 PM
I find it difficult to believe you've seen ALL the singers and entertainers in the world. THAT would be an impossibility!! And believe it or not, there are some extremely talented singers and entertainers who live in countries other than the USA!

Anonymous said...

I find it difficult to believe that Adam's sluttish actions are defended as typical rock n roll. in the last month I've gone to 3 concerts, Muse, Daughtry and Bon Jovi. No sexual overture in any of them. Just great music. Adam could do that, he can out sing them all.......sigh

Anonymous said...

@3:28 AM
Care to name a few, or have I been missing out on something. There is no doubt in my mind that while there is a lot of good talent around the world, Adam is fast catching up, not only that he is exceeding them, many people still haven't had the pleasure of hearing Adam sing but once they discover his fantastic talent they are totally blown away by it. Yes there are many talented artists out there but sadly they all sound the same, Adam stands out, he's unique, he is a master at what he does. Already he has won the respect from artists such as Brian May and Nile Rogers, these people know outstanding talent when they see it.

Anonymous said...

5:06 AM
I find it difficult to believe that you are just now finding adam's actions "sluttish" (lol). where have you been girl??

cause honestly, if you felt this way you would have turned away from him right from the start and not be making these stupid comments 4 years later when nothing has changed.

Anonymous said...

@ Anon February 25, 2013 at 5:42 AM


Exactly, beyond exactly!!

He is not those other bands/singers, he never purported to be in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Besides the fact that Adam is a great singer and entertainer, he surrounds himself with his loyal friends. Another thing to admire about Adam...nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

5:42 and 6:08, AMEN! Adam is not Muse or Daughtry or Bon Jovi. He is himself, and we should all know by now what we are getting. At least I know. I'm getting the best voice I've ever heard mixed with humor and a sly wink, sexy moves and yes, the gay sexuality that is Adam to the core. I'm certainly not "surprised" or disgusted when I see his show. I love every minute of it. I don't think he'll keep the same show forever. He'll evolve and change it up. I'm enjoying the ride.


Anonymous said...

love adam lambert-his voice-his dancing-his sexyness- mesmerizing one- one of a kind- best singer-unique in usa.or all over the world.

Anonymous said...

Obviously. I ask again, is there ANYTHING Adam might do on stage that you wouldn't gush over? Hmmmm?

Anonymous said...

7:40 AM

You seem unclear on the concept of a fan site.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes Adam acts like a porn star, not like a pop or rock star. I understand that cause he loves porn movies.

Anonymous said...

8:20 am Has Adam actually ever said he likes porn movies? Or is based on fanfic?

Anonymous said...

8:20 AM
Have you actually watched the concert videos? 'cause this is some bizarre statement

Anonymous said...

Adam has always had sexy moves in his act which people here seem to love when they can pretend they are the heterosexual love interest of Adam. But any bit of reality that Adam is gay and they think it's porn and tasteless. Some people obviously haven't seen porn and some need to get over their homophobia or find another star that won't "disappoint" them.

Anonymous said...

@8:27 AM Last time in NYC he was celebrating with some porn star. This has happened also before so I think he likes to hang with them.

Anonymous said...

Adam wasn't celebrating with some porn star, they were both at the same club and had their picture taken together like Adam does with so many fans. Stop trying to make something out of nothing.

Anonymous said...

@11:53 AM I think Adam was a fan in this case ;)

Anonymous said...

11:57 am...So you think that being a porn star is all there is to a person!!! Do you think that Adam is nothing more but gay or celebrity?? You need to civilize yourself and respect another human being!!!

HK fan said...

porn stars are just people, the same as you and me. I'm sure some may well be fans of Adams, and like other fans would be happy to have his picture taken with him.