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More New Pictures from Osaka

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, February 27, 2013

VIA @saboten3x

VIA Sanjay P (@Sanpow) and Adam Lambert at Frenz Frenzy, Osaka.


glitzylady said...

New Feature: "The Ultimate Adam Tournament", which is a part of "Hump Day with Adam Lambert" on After

"And now we begin the brand new feature, The Ultimate Adam Tournament, where you get to decide the greatest Adam song (so far). We'll have eight preliminary rounds, and the eight winners will move on to the quarter-finals. This week it's "Mad World" Vs. "For Your Entertainment." Choose wisely! Next week we'll have two new contenders!",2

"Hump Day With Adam Lambert" this weeks article. (check all 3 pages..)

"It's no secret we love Adam Lambert and the energy and joy he brings to the otherwise sterile, manufactured world of modern pop music. But he's such a worldwide whirling dervish that it's sometimes difficult to keep track of where and when he touches down. So we're trying out a new weekly feature: Hump Day With Adam Lambert, which will hopefully keep us up-to-date with his appearances, performances, and interviews. And on those weeks when Adam's talents lie dormant, we'll bring you classic pics and performances.."

"Hump Day With Adam Lambert: The Bondage Banana"

Anonymous said...

Adam is so photogenic! Always beautiful! The "dramatic" pictures are my favorites!....nancdruuu2
(p.s..ahh, Hump Day with Adam Lambert-who thought of that?!lol)

Anonymous said...

Adam is getting to know the culture of Japan. Terrance with his boyfriend looks very much in love :)

Anonymous said...

24/7 can you make this site to open up with this link as a default for iphones

instead of this


Anonymous said...

He is a party boy to his core. And everyone loves him wherever he goes! He looks very beautiful. Understatement of the century.


Anonymous said...

Terrance's BF is so good looking. Is he working in this tour or he is there to keep Terrance warm?

Anonymous said...

Why Sauli isn`t travelling with him. I mean T`s bf is.

Anonymous said...

Because Sauli is WORKING in Finland right now! No need to be side by side all the time. They are perfectly capable to plan ahead:)

Anonymous said...

Actually Sauli appears to be on a skiing holiday in Lapland right now. Unless he is somehow working at the resort

Anonymous said...

10:59 AM TY. I didn`t know it.

Anonymous said...

Oh God...didn´t mean Sauli is working right this minute...I meant that it is the reason he is in Finland this period of time... and of course because of Adam´s concert.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Adam can ski?

Anonymous said...

Sauli's cute:

... and I would love to see Adam on skis.

Anonymous said...

11:02´re welcome:)

Anonymous said...

@11:08 AM Aw Sauli looks happy :)

Anonymous said...

The comment at 10:52 is by a troll. Learn to ignore them.

Anonymous said...

@11:04 AM I don't think so :D

Anonymous said...

11:13 am...yes he does:) How can anyone look so cute with that hat on?? Beats me:DD

Anonymous said...

@10:52 Because he has his own life too. Another thing is that I'm not sure it they are a couple any more but Sauli would be in Finland anyway. That's the plan.

Anonymous said...

I am sure Adam would love to be skiing with Sauli.

Probably fun to watch him (trying to) do that, too!

Anonymous said...

11:26 am...I think so too:) Would looove to see a vid:)

Anonymous said...

@11:18 AM
Is there reason they would not be together? I haven`t read anything about they are not. I have been very busy lately so mayby I have missed something..

Anonymous said...

@11:51 After Adam's wild NYC trip where he acted like a single guy they didn't go together anywhere but were in different places with different friends and this was just before many weeks separation.

Anonymous said...

On Valentines day Adam tweeted a picture of the two of them at home. people are just starting stupid rumors.

Anonymous said...

YAY...Tutka shows are starting according to FB Tutka account. It´s been a long time since we´ve seen those two goofies Sauli and Katri:D

Anonymous said...

@12:18 PM One picture and Sauli didn't even tweet that.

Anonymous said...

12:19 pm so what? Adam is the one who is on twitter, Sauli not so much. And I don´t blame him!

Anonymous said...

@12:18 PM :D

Anonymous said...

Check out playlists and pictures of the last 7 WAG concerts here:

Anonymous said...

Sauli is a cutie-pie, a real angel-face and I wish I could meet him in person.

Anonymous said...

@12:22 That's true but Sauli tweeted a general happy Valentine day's tweet to every one and without picture of him and Adam.

Anonymous said...

In relationships things are not always black or white. Situation can also be either or / gray. We´ll see it later. But I had to admit that I hope they can solve potential problems.

Anonymous said...

I think something is going on in their relationship but time will tell see we a happy couple in Finland or not. Show goes on anyway.

Anonymous said...

12:18 PM
The picture was of the two of them at a restaurant, not at home. Adam called Sauli his homie which means good friend

When asked by an interviewer if he had valentines day plans during the grammy party adam said he was just going to be packing for his trip. So he didn't say anything like having dinner with my boyfriend or the like.

Anonymous said...

Terrance and Ronnie surely are in love. Terrance is like a different guy now (looks different).

Anonymous said...

Yes, terrance and his bf are cute. Terrance was sure tweeting lots about wanting a bf for a long time, so i'm happy for him and hope they last awhile.

Anonymous said...

@12:43 PM Hmm. I saw some new interview where Adam said "2013 I hope to become more busy as a work of art, then I'm happy!" Before he just to gush how in love he was and happy because of that but I have not seen that recently.

Anonymous said...

@1:04 PM It's wonderful to be in love but after that to love is not so easy.

Anonymous said...

1:08 pm...You are a wise person! Very well said.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that Adam and Sauli found each other. They are the sweetest and hottest couple ever!

Anonymous said...

1:13 pm Ditto:) and Adam has said he´s going to hold on tight to his relationship with Sauli:) Wish them all the happiness and strength when the going gets tough. Because at some point it will. Love is important but being in a relationship also needs a decision to want to love:)

Anonymous said...

Who is Sanjay P? Someones´s husband?

Anonymous said...


I agree.

Anonymous said...

I think I remember Adam sayingn once in an interview that he skied a few times but never really got into it. He doesn't care for sports very much. I think Sauli's career success depends on his staying active in the Finnish media, which is what he is doing. He's going to be on a few TV shows soon, I believe. And the tutkas are resuming. He has a growing career separate from Adam's, and that requires work and promotion on Sauli's part. I truly believe that Sauli's media success has been helped a lot by his relationship with Adam. This doesn't mean that their relationship is not sincere. It just means that Sauli's public profile shot way higher when he started dating Adam. I'll bet that Sauli must abide by rules in the U.S. that require him to stay in the country only so long before he must leave for a period of time. He and Adam know full well that their relationship requires them to be apaprt for extended periods. Sauli is certainly not sitting around doing nothing while Adam is on the road. I'm sure the two of them have had discussions about this. I know there are rumors among us about their breakup, but I'll only believe it when I hear it from them. They seemed fine at Adam's b-day in January, and that wasn't that long ago. Adam's clubbing in NY wasn't the first time he did that, and often those are paid club visits, part of the job. The Helsinki show will end all doubt for sure. Till then, I'm enjoying this tour!!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure Tommy and Ashley are a couple too:)

Anonymous said...

Did you see Ashley and Tommy's intense look during the guitar section of PTL the other night? They both smoulder.

Anonymous said...

Terrance BF is HOTTTT!!!

Anonymous said...

JAK here...... Oh my, up from my nap and mischief is brewing. I thought we thoroughly wrung out the "are they-aren't they" discussion a couple weeks ago. Must we have a re-run? EVENTUALLY
we will find out and we will all survive the outcome.

Now, can Adam ski? Who cares....I'm sure he can ski chalet, that's the best part!

"Hump Day with Adam Lambert" always shakes me up a bit when I see it in print....Wednesday being hump day is a new expression to me!

I am sure some measure of Sauli's success was enhanced by his connection with Adam and I'm sure the love and fame of Sauli's success in Finland caused many Finns to take Adam to their heart.

So, dating a celebrity ain't all bad! I'm considering an affair with George Clooney....I've heard he likes tall former models....well I qualify on both counts. He's quite handsome and amusing but actually I would be shallow and pursue him for his house on the lake in Italy alone.

Oh, I know there's an age difference and he's not too constant, but that's okay....I've only got about one good fling left in me! La dolce vita...did I get that right?

Anonymous said...

Hey, JAK! I've got the hots for Clooney, too! After Adam, he's right up there on my list. So, you can't have him. LOL. I agree with you that both Adam and Sauli have benefited from each other's celebrity status. If it's a match made in heaven forever, so be it. In the meantime, they make the cutest darn couple.


Anonymous said...

JAK have fun with the George Clooney fantasy, it probably more real than some Sauli, Adam fiction on here, could not be much more fictional! What ever happen's their again none of our business, i understand that people are interested and they like Sauli too, yes he a easy like, a nice guy Like Adam is, both talented in different ways. They plan around Adam's trips, also Sauli been in Finland couple months back, working Adam was working and at home some when he was gone, same rumors started a meant nothing! Again all that stuff about Afam acting single is speculation from nothing but a stupid guy with no proof trying to get attention, with a lot of Lol's at the end of all rumor spreading! If there is anything wrong at all and that is if, time will tell! But either way all the Real Fan's of Adam will survive it! I was here long before Sauli and Adam was and still is the reason I remain! I may not have been on this site that long but have been Adam's fan through it all and I have never wavered from that ever and will not now! Also I do not have rose colored glasses I see things as is and like what I see, about Adam anyway's! Anyway let me know how the Clooney thing works out JAK! Sue

Anonymous said...

I like George Clooney, too, but I will let JAK and DRG fight it out and go straight for Seth MacFarlane. A wicked wit and a killer smile.

Anonymous said...

Hump Day sounds rude to me, too.

Anonymous said...

@ DRG.....okay, I've already admitted I'm can have Clooney, but the villa on Lake Como is MINE!....JAK

Anonymous said...

OMG now that we see Terrance with his BF he is in Love blah blah blah.
How do you know they arent in like? lmao

Looked like an old picture of Adam and Sauli that Adam tweeted for Vday. Homies are friends, which is great, they had their thing. To be freinds now would be very mature of them. Course Adam is friends with all his exes.
Dont blame him about the pic to shut people up, which isnt their business anyway. That lunatic on twitter saying she couldnt live if they broke up, Neil commented about it on twitter.
After that Adam posted the pic.
He's touring and doesnt need to be answering all the nosy questions if their relationship is over.
Music music music, bring it on.

Anonymous said...

Clooney's hot.... Adam is younger and definitely hotter but I still dream about Colin Firth especially in his Mr. Darcy days. Tall, dark and handsome that's how I like my men. My husband once fit that discription too maybe not the tall portion but now a days he is more salt than pepper, a little shorter but I think still quite handsome. Lucky me!


Anonymous said...

Ooh I like Colin Firth too. So nobody's gonna arm wrestle me for Seth MacFarlane?

Anonymous said...

Colin Firth is definately hot. After Adam (at the top) by list of hot men is really quite eclectic. Let's see, there's Johnny Depp, Robert Downey, Jr., Jude Law, hmmm. Some more "handsome" than others, but they all have that certain something, at least to me.

JAK, thanks for Clooney. He'll be my back-up when Adam is, you know, busy.


Anonymous said...

George Clooney ....... YES!!!!!!! He's HOT!!!!!!!!! and he doesn't want to get married again so that's fine with me. :-D

Anonymous said...

11:08 AM Is that girl Sauli`s new gf perhaps? (Heard he was bi, so she could be...)

choons said...

@6:53 hey, that's my list ... I guess we can share.

Anonymous said...

Saulu's about as Bi as the man in the moon, and he not.

Anonymous said...

7:06 PM is a troll. Learn to ignore them.

Anonymous said...

I've said it before and I will say it again. No one knows what goes on between Adam or Sauli or what their relationship is at this time. I will only believe what I hear directly from Adam either on Twitter or in an interview. Everything else is sheer speculation on the part of anyone posting here. As soon as Adam goes out to have some fun with friends, the rumors start. He does have his life to live and will do exactly what he wants. And he seems to be making the most of his time in Japan with bandmembers and friends after having some amazing performances from the videos we have seen here.

Anonymous said...

Okay, that does it!....nobody gets to meet my younger daughter's husband. They live near Disneyworld and everytime they go he gets swamped with autograph and photo requests "Mr. Firth, Colin, over here".... he'd make a great double for the real one, same height 6'2", face shape, brown eyes, hair style and color,
and as of this coming September, same age 53! I'm taking no chance on losing him....she was a 3 time runaway bride....when she met and married him 2 months later. Eloped thank goodness........JAK
So y'all shoo!

Anonymous said...

You all should check out Sauli's up dated blog.

Anonymous said...

This Johnny/Adam/Terrance sandwich is gross. Don't care about reaction of audience. Everybody got Adam's adrenalin in the moment and had a fun. But Adam has to grow up and make the decision for himself about his future as an artist. However, it seems that he want to stay in his childhood dreams forever.

Anonymous said...

At 9:39pm---I don't really understand what you are saying about Adam and staying in his childhood dreams. And what's this about growing up and making a decision about his future as an artist. I think Adam knows exactly who he is and what he wants concerning his career in music. Sometimes I can't believe the comments posted here, but each one of us is entitled to express an opinion even if it seems a bit unreasonable or outrageous. As long as there is no disrespect or cruelty in the comments, I guess it's an open platform for all to have a say about Adam.

Anonymous said...

That's exactly what it should be, a place to discuss without getting mean about it. Brava!

Anonymous said...

I can't understand why so many women love George Clooney, yes he might be handsome but for me he just has no sex appeal. Now Adam on the other hand has it all, apart from his talent, he just oozes with sex appeal, I just love his sense of humour and find him utterly charming, give me Adam any day.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's great to discuss our opinions about Adam respectfully but we shouldn't be responding to the trolls. They don't want a real discussion, they just want to stir up trouble. Why do so many here not recognize a troll comment when they see it or why can't they ignore it? 7:06 pm and 9:39 pm are trolls!

Anonymous said...

7:01AM - We must be kindred spirits! I feel exactly the same way!...nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

7:01, Nobody, but NOBODY beats Adam in the sexiness department. You're right. He oozes sexuality from every pore. George C. has it in a different way. Very sophisticated and slick, not the down and dirty, like Adam. Both have their appeal to me!! And Colin Firth? He's a babe. Did anyone see him in the movie "A Single Man." Heartbreaking and beautiful story.


Anonymous said...

@ 8:35 a.m. I disagree, I don't consider either 7:06 or 9:39 p.m.
trolls. Just because you don't like what someone says does not make them a troll.

Anonymous said...

Where are Tommy and Ashley??!