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Ashley Dzerigian's Vine: Game Night with the Glamily (Adam is in it)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, February 23, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, February 23, 2013

Ashley Dzerigian's Vine page.
"Game Night w the Glamily @tommyjoeratliff @brianlondon @whoisjohnnyrice @rainonme83 @keisharenee @lovemrspencer @adamlambert"


Anonymous said...

@UKGlambert: Just In Case You Missed It ...... Win an Adam Lambert Swag Prize Pack -

Anonymous said...

@UKGlambert: Complete list of Radio Stations to try and get Adams Music played : The Offical Adam Lambert Site

Ask for Cuckoo ;)

Anonymous said...

@AdamLambertHelp: Adam Lambert on New Website by @EdgePublicity

Anonymous said...

@UKGlambert: Glamberts needed to have Adam's back.... The Official Adam Lambert Site -

Anonymous said...

@Gagusik: @adamlambert @ddlovato Moscow streets

Anonymous said...

@LAMBERTLUST Adam Lambert 'We Are Glamily Tour' Media Blog-Added KANAZAWA Playlist 41 VIDEOS more will be updated!

Anonymous said...

@AdamLambertVids: We started a YouTube account for Adam Lambert playlists for official and concert videos. Please subscribe. ...

Anonymous said...

Ashley dear. Glamily is not the band, it's the fandom.

Anonymous said...

Tommy has too much makeup.

Anonymous said...

No its all encompassing. Everyone that loves Adam is his family including his fans, friends and band.

Anonymous said...

This is stage makeup after the concert. Performers know this.

Anonymous said...

Tons of stage makeup then..

Anonymous said...

It is the band And the fandom, did you not here Adam say in Toyeo that the Glamily includes his band and his fan's! On the road this is his family his Glamily. Traveling the world and performing a lot can be very lonely and scary without people you know and care about! I so happy for Adam that he has a band that he gets along with, and can depend on! Live these concerts Adam is doing a great job, the rest are too! Yes they Are!

Anonymous said...

For me Glamily is the fandom and the dancers..

Anonymous said...

The Glamily is Adam, the band, the dancers, the backups, the fans and whoever else loves and follows Adam. It is not an exclusive club. It's all about loving Adam and enjoying his talent and following his fascinating life. Many of us agreed early on that following Adam would be a bumpy ride, and it is. I love every bump, every turn, every mountain to be crossed. To paraphrase Roger Taylor, Adam is one in a hundred million.

DRG (voting and viewing!)

Anonymous said...

O M G one week on vacation and sooo much happenings here!!! M
So much to do LOL

Anonymous said...

thanks for the link I just subscribed, It looks like fun I'll figure it all out later. I hope more people suscribe there are only 83 so far. Never dull momento in this fandom and glad of it.

Anonymous said...

I meant when I said band the Dancer's too of corse I include the Dancer's! They are a good part of the show. That was me Sue!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you DRG! I wish someone would put that voting thing up here, I would vote like mad! Think we got distracted by the concert video's, why it went down! Sue

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam relises that he needs to change the choreogrpahy and for concerts in Russia. May be his management has this info. I heard that homosexuality is gonna be charge by law in Russia in nearest furture. I wish Adam will not have serious problems in Moscow and SP.Russia changed a lot during last year. And these changes put Russia back to stone edge!AGAIN!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I know that I must improve my spelling:D


Anonymous said...

I sure he will adjust, maybe you should go on twitter and tell him, I worry about any artist going to these kinds of countries! No one should be afraid to be themselves! Adam I am sure knows what kind of a country it is! He is popular there! But, if you are concerned let him know in a fair way, he been to more than one homophobic country and has adjusted to it! Some of these countries should worry about real problems instead of living in the stone age and being cruel to Gay people! Believe me there are Ton's in the music business that are not as brave as Adam Lambert, then there are so called straight one's that are bi and straight ones that are straight just a few, that are so nasty and disrespectful on that stage and that ok because they are straight, many, many times worst than Adam! What a messed up world! I wish Adam would go to some more of these other more excepting countries, that beg him to come, than this kind of country you have described he does not deserve this, and to have to change who he is! I am quite sure that the concert people and gov. Stuff will be told to Adam before concert, he keeps his word like he did in India! He performed in Russia before had no problem, we all know how go
I phobic the gov. Is, but the people live him!

Anonymous said...

Adam is a smart cookie!!:))) Yummy by the way.......

Since Adam performed and visited Russia after IDOL, he hasn't do anything to degrade his reputation as an artist eh!!! He knows how to entertain his fans and also the country he goes.... So we don't have to worry he will be fine in CHINA and RUSSIA indeed!!!!

Just rock n' roll baby!!!!


Anonymous said...

2:38 Adam hasn't performed in India. However, he had to leave out words to songs in Indonesia where being gay is a crime.

When Medvedev turns power back to Putin in Russia, the law will change and gays will be punished again. Personally, I think Putin is in the closet and makes these laws so citizens will think he's not.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Indonesia not India, I stand corrected! Adam will be fine he will adjust not that he done anything bad anyway! I know Indonesia loves Adam! Funny how the mist homophobic countries by the leader's and extremist groups ate the countries that really live Adam! He win awards in Indonesia. They go crazy for him in Russia! You know there are Gay people in both these countries like it or not, I feel so sorry for them, they have to live life so sadly! So many more important things to worry about! Adam just had to adjust a concert once in awhile. But the poor people, the gay people who live in Russia and Indonesia have to live it! I am so sorry for them, there are homophobics every place, tons in America. Thank god we do not have such a ruling country as that! Adam will adjust to the situation, he learned a lot with the GNT, too. Sure it will be just fine! Sue

Anonymous said...

That's cute that they are sitting around playing Uno after a concert. And talking about snakes?

Anonymous said...

I love that game, UNO. It is the funnest game to play on long trips.

Anonymous said...

I love that game, UNO. It is the funnest game to play on long trips.

Anonymous said...

Putin is the president of Russia....medvedev is now the prime minister....elections were almost a year ago!

Anonymous said...

WOW! A gay former chief of KGB? Like J. Edgar Hoover?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us know what game Tommy and Ashley are playing. Tommy has 12 cards - quite a handful. Ashley is winning. Did she win in the end? They are all sitting around a table. Maybe they were waiting for dinner.

albina N muro said...

The latest from Ashley Dzerigian
Bassplayer for Adam Lambert and Maximum Hedrum. Los Angeles.
Ashley Dzerigian's Vine profile & videos: Bass. get more vine followers