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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, February 2, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, February 02, 2013


Anonymous said...

Please tell me these are not the pictures that everyone is complaining about. Maybe there is something wrong with me but i dont see anything wrong with them. It looks like he is having harmless fun!!

Anonymous said...

I dont see anything perverted about these pics. As usual Adam is being his crazy self and full of nonsense. lol

Anonymous said...

That picture with Sam Sparrow. He cant seem to get the vampire thing out of his

Anonymous said...

I am not complaining at all. Adam had a birthday bash in NY with friends. No big deal. Sauli will be in Finland for his birthday. Same thing for Sauli here.

Anonymous said...

Oh Adam. Pulling faces again i see :)

Anonymous said...

I can't stop laughing at the picture with Sam Sparrow, he's so funny. Love all his goofing around he knows how to keep us entertained.

Anonymous said...

Adam is just out having fun, do not need to worry. He is just being sociable. Posing for camera.
Sauli and Adam will be a couple for a long time. They have trust in each other, even when parted.
Grow up.

Anonymous said...

Sauli had couple of parties at Adam's apartment. He did a recent blog with pictures. It's on Adam Lambert Fan Club facebook page.

Anonymous said...

I can't understand all the fuss myself, these pictures are just Adam having fun and it's easy to see why the young guys like him so much because he's so down to earth and good fun to be with.

Anonymous said...

Sauli's Hollywood blog translation:

Anonymous said...

Adam went out with his friends. He said he has tons of friends in New York. Also families.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why all Sauli's friends are women or married straight men though. For the sake of equality Sauli should have young single gay boys at his birthday party too. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam likes men and women and Sauli has probably accepted the fact.

Anonymous said...

yeah Adam likes the pretty. I think the guy on his right in the third pic was the one cuddled up to him and Kesha in a nightclub once.

Anonymous said...

Obviously, the majority of Sauli's male (gay) friends live back in Finland.

Sauli is known to be a VERY sociable guy.

Anonymous said...

@10:32 what fact? US is like the Middle East where couples have their own roles. In Finland and most EU countries it's a bit different then.

Anonymous said...

5 parties and many more to come.

Anonymous said...

Lambert has beautiful female companions who can keep him company and would gladly do so if needed. He has worked some beautiful woman throughout life and keeps them at arms length. He is never lonely that is for sure.

Anonymous said...

what FACT? FACT is Adam keeps company with whom he chooses and don't need SK keeping up with everything he does. Smothering someone in a relationship is useless.

Anonymous said...

a Playboy needs tamed. Not tamed yet. nope!

Anonymous said...

nipple boy wants those suckers iced. duck lips and all:)))

Anonymous said...

Looks like our party pics:):):)
Adam's so adorable, always having fun with families, friends & fans!

Adam's a HAPPY BOY!!!
Wish him all the best & success in the coming years!!!

Anonymous said...

@10:42 Then Adam is a chauvinist, unless SK can do the same. But Adam is also a diva, so I don't know how that fits..

WANTED: Meaningful overnight relationship.

Anonymous said...

Jealous crays are on the loose again.

Anonymous said...

And thread police..

Anonymous said...

Adam looks really hot in the fourth picture but seeing him pose with the young boy with pursed lips makes me squirm with embarrassment.

Anonymous said...

These conversations drive me nuts. Adam's sociaizing is both work and play. Sauli has plenty of friends and things to do while Adam is away. I think they're relationship is solid. They're not teenagers. They understand the ramifications of Adam's job and how they have to deal with it. They knew it going into the relationship. Sauli has lots of friends and keeps very busy.


Anonymous said...

I was uncomfortable with the #futurehusband pic too at first glance, but then I realized that Adam and Sauli trust each other now and can be more loose than before. Also they are posing in the pic. It is just humour like part of the comments here.

Anonymous said...

Compare to other artists Adam is very tamed.

Anonymous said...

Sauli had friends at HIS and Adam's home, not at Adam's apatment.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam wants to become a gay Hugh Hefner. Besides, that would be old fashioned and silly, not modern.

Anonymous said...

10:54 the young boy is old enough to be in the bar isn't he. How old is he since you know it all?

Anonymous said...

You are kidding, this is what some crays are excited about! He had a BD party with friends! He said he was! This is so tame, try to get some picture's of some other pop stars, party. They would make this look like a night with Mr. Rodgers! He has a lot of theatre friends and others in new York! Adam looks much younger without eye stuff, 15 to be exsact! Cannot go by looks! Can't believe anyone worried about this! Sauli having parties at home, anyone policing him! Adam in New York has no home there to party in, so it would be a club!! So do not need to hear how Sauli parties at home and zoo's! Adam not home he has to go out be with his friends! He likes that and so does Sauli! This was so rediculous, have fun picking picture apart, need to get a life! Gonna go do something productive now! Wish the crays would!

Anonymous said...

Adam must have felt a little PLL surge in that picture with Sam .lol All are great pictures it looks like a great time had by all.

Anonymous said...

If everyone just ignores any negative comments then people out to create trouble will grow tired and move on. There are so many people here having a go at trolls and this is exactly what they want a reaction so why give them one by retaliating. Ignore them and scroll on by.

Anonymous said...

12:20 ok I will try. for real !!

Anonymous said...

12:20, that's been my suggestion in the past but most of the people here don't seem to have enough self control to do that.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks great as usual. Looks like he and his friends had a great night out. We are lucky to get to see these photos. I hope if I ever get a photo with him that we will both be mugging for the camera. I love his silly faces.

Anonymous said...

Ignoring or scrolling doesn't work, they just take over and then we have to abandon the thread to them. Then that gives them power cause they know they can chase us away. It's hopeless. We just have to find room to talk when they fall over from exhaustion or spontaneously go up in a puff of smoke.

Anonymous said...

Hope Adam never reads comment section of this fansite. It's like TMZ comment section. So bitter! The only way to overcome it is to fill it up with news once we see negativity.

Anonymous said...

AL in a Hugh Hefner robe would be something to see.hehehehee Women and Men would abound.

Anonymous said...

I think he wants Kesha at his parties but they can never fix their schedules to make it happen. She would be a hoot at his party. Vodka drinking, table dancing, beer guzzling, neck biting, flesh scratching good time. yeeeehawwwwyawwww

Anonymous said...

Adam ,being completely in love with the gorgeous Sauli ,would never make out (or more) with any of these beautiful boys. He is only having a little fun and relaxation and I bet he cant wait to return to LA and Sauli and I bet Sauli has a special homecoming planned for him !They're obviously totally committed to each other and no one will ever separate them . And unicorns are real .

Anonymous said...

WOW! His eyes are so blue in these photos.

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't think that those teen boys are very handsome, or is it just because Adam is so gorgeous looking that everybody else looks pretty commonplace next to him?

Must be.

Sauli is a pretty boy, though, beautiful eyes, beautiful lips, beautiful nose, killer smile, and all the rest is looking good, too...

Anonymous said...

What a load of drivel is posted here .... Sauli this, that and the other. GIVE IT A REST!!!

Adam is out having a fabulous time period.