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Latest Tweets from Adam Lambert Tonight

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, February 25, 2013

Posted at : Monday, February 25, 2013



Shaley said...

If you could only see the shit eating grin I have on my face at this moment.
Ahh...the sweet smell of vindication:-D

Anonymous said...

was thst you whinning again ? lol

Anonymous said...

cool I am glad he likes us all to verbalize.Always thought he did though.

Anonymous said...

I guess I will have to breakdown and buy DB new album but I do like him alot so it will be easy. I just tried to buy China version of TP because I want the folder does anyone have the link for Amazon China? Thanks ahead of time.

Anonymous said...

Do these tweets mean that Adam has voiced an "unpopular" opinion again?

Anonymous said...

Not a David Bowie fan but I'm a huge Adam Lambert fan. :-)

Anonymous said...

David Bowie is way before my time but I got to know him thu Adam and find him fascinating. I have gotten to know alot of different musicians through Adam.My Ipod runneth over.

Anonymous said...

Thank God Adam doesn't visit this site! Otherwise, he would have tweeted something different!

Anonymous said...

12:14 LOL

Anonymous said...

Old and good interview

Anonymous said...

11:22 PM

I don't really think he is talking about trolling fan sites with no other purpose than to try to make everyone else unhappy. That's not healthy verbalizing of opinions. It's just being a bitch

Anonymous said...

12:18 thanks for the link will have to watch in AM it's 3:24 here but thanks it looks good.

Anonymous said...

Always admire the Glambert for his total out there honesty regardless of the ridiculous backlash he gets.
America especially deals too much with the floury opinions but Oz is right out the box in your face and pure gold when it comes to speaking one's mind and being an individual. Takes guts but you know where you stand.

Anonymous said...

I think the real issue is not so much what is propounded by someone as being contradicting or agreeing; that to me is not the crux of the matter. I look for the conviction of someone's line of argument with substantiation and sound reasoning; whether their thoughts or opinions convince me. It's not that a positive remark is always right/true neither is a negative one always right/true. Also a lot of issues fall in between. So it's good to weigh the pros and cons and strike a balance before formulating one's own stand on a given matter. Empathy for the other person's opinion is important; try to feel why the other person thinks that way; and then make your own decision based on both sides not just your own. It boils down to how convinced one is of what is being said and their ability to articulate it with conviction.


Anonymous said...

I don't know... I could argue the that the opposite is true, and nowadays being a contrarian is the "in" thing to do. But that argument would be lengthy bit of typing and I should really be taking my butt bed right now, lol, but I do see Adam's point.

Anonymous said...

Articulating with conviction while remaining diplomatic and respectful of others feelings. Not so hard to do but the trouble with the internet is some people have a tendency to view it as not being real and therefore think they can get away with being abusive a sad state of affairs.

Anonymous said...

Watched David Bowie video 'The Stars', he is amazing and I can see why Adam finds him so inspirational. I hope Adam has the chance to meet him one day.

Anonymous said...

David Bowie is intriguing! Loved the beat of this song. Another singer Adam has opened my eyes to appreciate. Gini :)

Anonymous said...

Being anonymous makes contary opinions less dangerous. Adam stands much to be admired. I've stopped wringing my hands over what Adam says in his tweets. He's his own man. Just go with the flow....gini :)

Anonymous said...

I think we know when someone is just being mean. It's the nature of the beast. gini

Anonymous said...

Yes, once the argument descends into abusiveness, it's time to call it quits; not much constructive criticisms will actually be accepted because they probably will be hurling insults and it's a whole different ball-game...waste of time and energy; might as well take a walk or cycle around the neighbourhood. lol!


Anonymous said...

LOL, pretty sure he wasn't refering to the mean and troll comments here lately. Reasonable discussion where both sides learn is great. Spewing your snide and snotty comments doesn't count.

Anonymous said...

@ Shaley.....Amen to that......JAK

Anonymous said...

He does not mean the troll hateful crap comments that have been in here lately, especially ones from late Monday night into Tuesday! Also people who just. One on here to make cruel, or down right rediculous remarks. Just to cause trouble be hurtful, and also jealous remarks, by some other idol fan's who want to bring him down because he doing better than the one they supported! This is directly what Adam has said people come on twitter and these sites not using there name or phony names which they Change to run him down to try and make there unevwntfuluvex seem better! Just last week he confronted a bulley on his twitter, blocked her and told her not to come on his page with this negative BS, someone said that was one of the same people that was kicked off here! Some certain misinformed people here, confuse opinions of not liking something Adam does on concert, by mocking him, his Dancer's and back up singers in a cruel way being a simple opinion, no its bulling. Most the comments have been homophobic! Again go on his twitter and talk about the Dancer's and band like you have been doing, and him see how tolerant he is with it please try it! He was more referring to,his comments on that movie, that he dared to just simply say why not get singers who can also act, and he was attacked, he also took up for Kelley Clarkson, things like that! Doubt he would put up with some of the crap about his entir band and concerts! This comment does not give the trolls a pass, please go on his twitter make some of these remarks see how long you stay there! He has said most if his true fans are possitive, but if some come on his twitter with all this negative BS, they will be blocked, his true fans should not have to put up with tha crap! Sue

Anonymous said...

That was Adam said people come in his twitter being so negative, to him just to make their non eventful life seem better! This is a correction of that crazy word on 3.52 which my phone put in there and changed what I wrote! My opinion is Iiked fever and the entire concert , looked at the vid's over and over that my opinion, you may disagree, with it but at least it's not negative! Sue

Anonymous said...

It seems these tweets of Adam's posted on this blog are about comments he's made publicly, not about comments others have made.

Anonymous said...

David Bowie is overrated (imho) and Adam is most definitely underrated!!

Anonymous said...

hmmmmmm TOTALLY AGREE . Opinions are just that and everybody has one. vindication indeed ;-) David Bowie is unique that makes him a real trilblazer for artists. And hey ANDRE PEJIC!

Anonymous said...

hmmmmmm TOTALLY AGREE . Opinions are just that and everybody has one. vindication indeed ;-) David Bowie is unique that makes him a real trailblazer for artists. And hey ANDRE PEJIC!

Anonymous said...

I have posted negative comments on here about the choreography,but after watching the whole show I disagree with myself .lol. It really is a great show #WAG!

Anonymous said...

Here we are turning Adams words into "I think he means this", or "He's not talking about this" just to validate our own opinions. Stand up, voice your opinion, own it. But know cutting others down about there view is never right.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the David Bowie video and am intrigued by his voice. I'm not very familiar with his work, but grateful to Adam for opening my eyes to many new ideas and thinking. Can't speak about Bowie, but Adam is a true trailblazer. I started watching Idol again because of Adam's comments and I'm sure the diversity of this group would not have happened if our Adam did not pave the way and in just four short years. Amazing!..nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

@ Anon February 26, 2013 at 12:20 AM

Exactly. I agree. And the sh*t eating grin isn't warranted or deserved

Anonymous said...

Most likely is that Adam saw the Oscars and the Oscar news and and was reminded of the Les Miserables flak.

He's spoken out and done unpopular things all his life and knows the cost. It belittles the meaning of his words to apply them to arguments about his hair, his costumes, his band, his dancers and his personal choices. Adam's perspective on life is much, much bigger than that, which is one of the reasons so many of us love him.

Anonymous said...

@February 26 4:49


Anonymous said...

Giving you opinion should be tempered with common sense decency. Adam does a better-than-the-average-person job of doing that.

Anonymous said...

nancdruuu2 February 26 4:49am

I really enjoy your posts and your points of view you share. You're real yet respectful (and at the risk of being controversial, never SELF SERVING). Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

New Adam pic ...................

Anonymous said...

Shaley... I know you held a different opinion yesterday to others, however, it's not so much what you said it's more to do with the way you said it. While Adam appreciates people having courage to speak up and to be themselves, I don't think he is advocating total rudeness towards other fans.

Shaley said...

I knew some of you would do your best to validate what he said to your advantage to keep from eating crow. Nowhere in his tweets did he say just the positive opinions only. He's way more mature & open minded for that. Why can't you just accept the fact that he meant ALL opinions not just the ones you want to hear??

Anonymous said...

Yes he did mean all opinions so here is mine. I just read through the "Trespassing My Ass" becuase your "shit eating grin" comment and another poster made me curious about it.

This is what I just wrote over there:

I just came over to this thread because it was mentioned in a 2/26 post. The second half of the discussion is interesting and I applaud Shaley for using her name, which I do not have the guts to do.

The thing for me is that Adam has said that he can't be anything or anyone but who he is. He does want big fame and success but (only my opinion) he would consider the hiding of his true self to be too high a price to pay.

I don't understand why people are so upset about Fever - it's far less X-rated than the GN Fever. It's totally tongue-in-cheek and perfectly stylized Gay Cabaret. The audience noise goes up exponentially when Johnny moves in - you can tell that people are getting a kick out it.

To the mother of the boy in LA Gay Men's Chorus who sees her son's participation in the Oscar ceremonies as a significant contribution to LGBTQ rights: you only have to look at this year's Idol to see how much Adam's visibility, his public scrapes, his words and his onstage activities have, inadvertantly or otherwise, helped contribute to greater mainstream acceptance of LGBTQ people.

Last year, Adam performed with Queen and the US press barely noted it. I doubt his Asian tour will get enough coverage to inject him into the DOMA discussion and, if it does, it won't affect the course of history. I am politically active and have been avidly watching the progress of SSM rights in the US for several years now. The time is right and it's happening.

It isn't going to be derailed by anything so small as 3 gay guys dancing hilariously to a song that could have been a #1 hit, except that Adam decided to be true to himself and sing it to a "he". Very few people sit at the crossroads of an opportunity like that and have the glorious guts to take the such a costly road less travelled. ALL RESPECT AND POWER TO ADAM FOR THAT.

Anonymous said...

To start a thread with that kind of comment is just showing your true colors... :(

Anonymous said...

Here we go again. Adam is not the be all and end all of LGBT rights. Yes, he has contributed but it is ridiculous to give him credit for the Men's Chorus at the Oscars or Jda on Idol. Times are changing due to the involvement of many people and placing Adam so high on the top of that list just shows you have no idea what is going on in the work for progress.

Adam will have absolutely no influence on SCOTUS and the DOMA decision. The justices are looking at the Constitution to make their ruling, not watching Youtube videos of LGBT performers.

Anonymous said...

like david bowie video and song- but a bet of sex in his video .i guess is ok p;s love adam lambert all videos.

Anonymous said...

Bowie or not, but I didn't care about the song. It was too bland. It didn't give me anything.

Anonymous said...

@ Shaley

Speaking as one of your antagonists, I think you deserve a right to an I TOLD YOU SO! Too many of us read things into what you said unfairly and went on the attack. I' m sorry I was one of them. Tempers were way too high.

Anonymous said...

Bowie was never an outstanding singer, he was a stylist and like Michael Jackson made his mv's mini movies in the early days. He was innovative and amoral . A role model, I don't think so!

Anonymous said...

I don't know what Adam was specifically referring to in his tweets. Does anybody? Something was definately bugging him. If I missed it, please tell me. When Adam expresses an opinion, he generally backs it up with specifics. He's a pretty good debater. Doesn't make empty statements without some evidence and credibility. He has convictions about his life, his beliefs and willingness to change them to gain success.

I posted on the top thread about a Chicago Trib article I read today. It's about Josh Groban's success in expanding his fanbase. Adam is briefly mentioned. Both Josh and Adam worked with Rob Cavallo, who produced Josh's latest #1 album. The article is very interesting and addresses the problems of expanding one's fanbase. The author is Sorry I don't know how to post it. If someonen else can, please do.


Anonymous said...

Adam has said he welcomes discussion, at the same time, more than once in interviews I've heard him asking fans to please be nice to each other. Nothing wrong with having a healthy debate or discussion and fair enough not everyone will see things the same way, but being nice about it as Adam has mentioned is very important, good manners cost nothing, it's also important to remember that new fans coming to this site may get the wrong impression if comments become over heated or turn into a mud slinging match.

Anonymous said...

I'd love for Adam to be Bowie someday. It would be a dream come true for Adam. What a duet!


Anonymous said...

Bowie appeared to go into hiding for some time, and then there was much talk and speculation about health problems. I watched a recent interview with him regarding his new album and he appears to be in great shape so who knows a duet with Adam just might be possible, I can't think of anything more exciting.

Anonymous said...

@Shaley, Right On! The first thing that came to my mind was he better not come to this fansite to express his opinion! lol

glitzylady said...

I found and posted the article you referred to here and in the newest thread..("Another Meet and Greet from Nagoya...") ..Here's my post again, for ease of reading..:

Here's the article about Josh Groban you mentioned above. I found it in the LA Times, but same article.. REALLY interesting..and yes, an Adam Lambert mention. Very cool! Considering that there are some pretty major names listed throughout the article...

Even for those not interested in Josh Groban, the article gives insight to current music trends..etc..

I'm a fan of Josh Groban, by the way...

From LA Times Music Blog
By Mikael Wood, Los Angeles Times
February 23, 2013, 8:00 a.m

"Josh Groban keeps rocking the boat
The creamy-voiced singer has been venturing from his early semi-operatic sound. His latest album, 'All That Echoes,' points toward arena rock. And scales the charts.,0,1391171.story

Excerpt: [Adam mention: In first three paragraphs of fairly long article: Score!!!]

"Earlier this month Josh Groban's "All That Echoes" knocked Justin Bieber's new album out of the top spot on the Billboard 200, and that's not the crooner's only incursion into territory normally reserved for pop stars.

The crossover artist's latest release features material by Stevie Wonder and Jimmy Webb, while a deluxe edition available at Target adds Groban's take on the Dave Matthews Band's frat-house staple "Satellite." The album's producer? Rob Cavallo of Green Day and Adam Lambert fame.

"Rob told me, 'Make your wheelhouse bigger. You have more in you than you think you do,'" Groban, 31, said recently over coffee in West Hollywood."

Anonymous said...

oh lol i see someone is replying to herself.

people are on to your schtick girl. that's why you have been banned from other fansites.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 4:49AM - I really appreciate your kind comments. Thanks!nancdruuu2

glitzylady said...

Not sure exactly what Adam was referring to..but some speculation has been that it involved the Les Mis tweets. After Anne Hathaway won Best Supporting Actress for her part in Les Miserables, there were a certain number of tweets directed at get the picture. Most of them were obviously unaware or ignored the fact that Adam loved Anne Hathaway in the movie and praised her performance and singing, etc.. Or it could have been something else entirely, or a combination of things......He hasn't elaborated..

Anonymous said...

To 6:50 - FYI, I wasn't suggesting that Adam was in any way responsible for the Gay Men's Chorus singing at the Oscar's. I was responding to woman on the 2/25 thread who said that her son was part of the chorus. She felt that Adam was undoing the good that her son and his friends were generating in support of DOMA by the way he was behaving onstage.

My apologies for the confusion. She was posting on the 2/25 thread and I decided to post my full response from there.

My point was that Adam was NOT a major LGBTQ spokesperson and his actions won't impact the DOMA decision. He's not that important to the debate.

I did say that Adam has contributed to mainstream acceptance but I did not mean to suggest, by any stretch, that he is alone in that, or even a leading player.

In the end we are talking about unpopular opinions and going against the grain. Adam's decision to use "he" in Fever was bold and honest and it may have cost him a hit song. His performances of Fever are deliberately provocative to make a point. He has admitted that.

Adam is pushing for his own truth in his own way. That someone would hold up her "good gay" son against Adam's "bad gay" and imply that he is hurting her son's rights and future is proof of Adam's point. High penalties attach to unpopular speech and actions.

Anonymous said...

8:47 unfortunately that will never happen here. :(

Anonymous said...

I am 9:22 and in spite of my long post, I agree with glitzy lady. I think he was reacting to Les Miz backlash after the Oscars. That said, I stand by my posts.

Anonymous said...

9:22 lovely comment and it was competely clear the first time around.

Shaley said...

@6:34 oh, I beg to differ. I believe the fact that I had the courage to speak my mind showing my "face", willing to take all the wrath & abuse of some one-sided crazed Glamberts, speaks volumes to who I really am (I believe Adam called it balls;).
It might be better for you to aim your venom at the immature "trolls" who can only manage to spew out a few snarky immature sentances-hiding behind the "anonymous" option. My snark on the other hand, was well deserved. And trust me-it was tame to what I could have said.

@7:53 Thank you. I appreciate that.
I believe I said on day one that Adam loves a good debate, but somehow it managed to turn nasty, so I left. Perhaps now, those who have the ability to decipher the meaning in his tweets will have a little more patience & ability to try to see the other side. And to discuss it decently and with maturity. But for some, I highly doubt it.
So for now, I'm done. I have the validation & acceptance of the one person that really counts-and that's enough for me;)
Ta ta:)

Anonymous said...

I thought Adam tweeted those comments to cheer up and comfort those two girls. The tweets seemed no big deal to me but maybe I missed something, he does random tweets at times.

Shaley said...

Well, I'm almost done. I just have to respond to @8:28:
LOL! I thought about that once, then I realized that it's ADAM. When he speaks his mind, pos or neg (Les Mis) for example, it's ok-because it's Adam! It's just so darn cute when he speaks his mind!
OK...I think you get my drift;)

Anonymous said...

the lights are on but no one is home.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:47 AM
The two girls were responding to Adam's tweets, not the other way around.. He re-tweeted their responses to him.....

Anonymous said...

the lady doth protest too much methinks.

Anonymous said...

ha ha GL thanks for clearing that up I'll never catch on to twitter talk. I better go back and reread it.

Shaley said...

There goes those snarky statements again, hiding behind the anonymous button.

Anonymous said...

Shaley, being anonymous is one of the features of this site until you are runnng the show here maybe you should go elsewhere if it truly bothers you all that much.

Anonymous said...

10:36 I notice she has no trouble using the anon button when she makes comments to herself. lol

Ann Marie said...

OK I will voice my opinion, since Adam encourages us to . I don't care for Bowie or his "Stars are out tonight" I think Adam has been swayed by his dad, who loves Bowie. Bowie should have stayed in retirement. Adam can sing circles around him, there is no comparision. Sorry if this upsets anyone, no harm intended.

Anonymous said...

ok while I have everyone here and in a good mood, are you giving Adam more Vevo views and using Spotify when you can?

Anonymous said...

What were the girls' tweets that Adam was rsponding to? I guess I missed that.

Shaley said...

Hiding behind the anonymous feature to spew venom is cowardly. Period.
I've never seen such a hateful & immature fandom, most of whom are middle aged women. A fandom that follows a man whose all about being accepting of everyone, regardless of their differences or difference of opinions.
I can't understand why the people that do follow that motto stick around here. And since that includes me, I'm out.
And don't bother with your snarky exit remarks, unless you have the balls to show your (true) face. But some of you will, just once again validating my point.
Peace out.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:37 AM
Read my post at 10:03 PM. Adam tweeted HIS two tweets, many people responded to him, including the two people that he RE-TWEETED after they responded to HIM. He didn't respond to them....They are included at the top of this thread.. The main topic. :))) Just to clarify..I know, things get confusing here..Lots going on...Different topics....all mixed in together. ....

Anonymous said...

11:38 AM
Lol yes, your bravery in posting nasty comments on an internet fansite is quite inspirational. Off to find a Clay Aiken site to troll in your honor.

Peace out girlfriend!!!

Anonymous said...

I love Bowie more than Groban. Groban is a good artist too. I bought Bowie's album.

Anonymous said...

How do you tell if someone's answering their own posts?

Anonymous said...

@Shaley, please don't leave the fansite because contrary to what some fans are saying, Adam needs all his fans. Also, I think it's strange that some people think that you are answering yourself. To me you seem like a decent caring person that's concerned about Adam's career. I don't know you personally, but from reading your posts, you are a Glambert, we all are, but in different decorative boxes. Don't feel that you are alone in your assessment of some of Adam's antics in Japan.

HK fan said...

Its only this fansite. I visit a couple of other fansites and they never have all this negativity and bullshit. People seems to be able to discuss differences of opinions rationally elsewhere.
That why, although I didn't agree with registering and logging in before I do now. At least that way it would be easier for admin to monitor and ban people.

HK fan said...

I have never been on the David Bowie bandwagon.

Anonymous said...

David Bowie performed in concert in Singapore some 40 years ago lol! I was in by twenties; have not really been into rock music, until Adam came along and tickled my brain like when he rock-screamed 20th Century Boy and A Whole Lot Of Love etc. And then it occurred to me that it's not just a jumble of noise. lol!


Anonymous said...

I am the mom of the gay son whose story has been twisted
Into a pretzel. My original point was that all gays are different in their opinions just as the people on this site. My son is a fan of Adam's but was dismayed at Adam's Fever performance because too many viewers may think "yes that's what gays are like" .
Lumping them together as so often happens. I did not imply that I had a good gay son and Leila didn't as one person said. How asinine . I also did not say that my son singing in the LA chorus furthered the cause of LGBT. Like Adam my son supports many causes to further equality, he is hopeful that the Supreme Court will act in their favor.

This has been a revealing experience for me and I do plan to move to a more upbeat site. Cal's mom.

Anonymous said...

To Shayley and the mom of gay son, please don't let some of these folks here sway you from continuing to support Adam. You can disagree with Adam at times, and still love him.

Shaley said...

This is the last thread that I intend to comment in. I just want to thank the few who have expressed their support, & commend the others who have come to the realization that this site is full of immature irrational hypocrites, unworthy of your time & energy.
Leave them all to themselves. Eventually they will turn on each other.
And @11:56am: Congratulations! For being the first bully to validate my point. Good job!

Anonymous said...

I am the person you are talking about 5:28 and, If I misunderstood your comment about your son's contribution to LGBTQ rights, I apologize, but you did suggest in your 5/25 post that Adam's stage performance might impact DOMA and your son's chances for marriage. In portraying Adam's performance as a potentiay serious set ack fir gay rights, you went overboard IN MY OPINION.

Shaley said...

And to those of you going back & forth on who or what Adam was referring to in these tweets-it doesn't matter. It's WHAT he said, not who he's directing them to. It's all encompassing. And...they came at the perfect time for me;)
Now-who wants to be the first to swear that I must have hacked into his twitter & posted the tweets myself.. to myself??

Anonymous said...

You know what, Shaley? Getting or needing validation from a celebrity singer is pretty sad but it's obviously made your day so, good on you.

Shaley said...

To 6:07pm: aww sweety, I would never let a few misfits sway my love for Adam. But thank you;)

@HK fan. I agree. When I said "fandom" in an earlier post, I probably should have included "in this site". In the "early days" my home was AO. Then it started to get crazy so I moved on. Things seemed to have settled down a bit there, and if they are open minded enough, I might give it a second try. I'm too old for this catty crap!

@12:50 pm. Your kind words brought a tear to my eye. ((((Thank you)))).

@Cal's mom, if you're still here: I've had a couple of gay men tell me they are embarrassed by some of Adam's actions and flamboyant antics. They also said they didn't want to be portrayed in that light. One even said he's giving gays a bad name. (Oh boy-get ready for the wrath of the crazy Glamberts now! ) So- I know exactly where you are coming from. Maybe I'll see you on another site;)

Shaley said...

@7:08 You bet it made my day. But not because it was from a celebrity, but because it was from Adam;)

Anonymous said...

Dear Cal's Mom. I decided to go back and check your earlier comments in case I had misread your intent or your son's views. And I quote:

"My gay 21yr old son and I have seen 4 of Adam's performances and enjoyed all of them. Until now.

His response to Adams dancers and these Fever antics was "shit, just what we need now with the DOMA act going back before the Supreme Court!" Adam is not helping!

February 24, 2013 at 8:24 PM

My son makes many appearances to help further acceptance of gays, in fact you probably saw him on the Oscar show...... He wants to get married and the DOMA act is a huge hurdle. It was his opinion that Adam should use better judgement.

February 25, 2013 at 7:37 PM

Call me asinine but I can't see a twisted pretzel anywhere.


glitzylady said...

@Cal's Mom
I understood exactly what you said. Each person, gay, straight, etc. has a right to feel how they feel, and your son has that right also, as do you... Don't let anyone tell him, or you, otherwise. Its called "diversity" and that includes attitudes. Adam celebrates the concept of diversity, and I think he would understand your son's point of view.

@HK fan
I agree with you..IMO it's time that this site has a sign in feature. I know of NO other site ANYWHERE that has the ANONYMOUS option. I have never posted a comment under "Anon" here ever...It sometimes gets me into trouble, makes me (and others who post with a "name"..) a target on occasion..but I stand by my comments. And "tags" facilitate the ability of all of us to follow a conversation, which would be helpful I think. Most sites have several ways of signing in through Twitter, Facebook, creating a Google Account (like I have and some others as well...which is easy AND allows you to delete a comment if you need to...which I do on rare occasion when I mess something up, etc..) or some other way..and most allow you to stay signed in. Easy. People can still call themselves whatever they wish...and can still "hit and run" but I'm thinking it might help.

Anonymous said...

5:28 P.M. you or your son should not worry that how Adam acts is, you think thatit is disgusting it will hurt the gays.I am a straight woman with two children I don't worry about how strippers,most female singers perform which I must say is way worst than Adam ever does perform so is that going to make me look bad or turn people against me check out the hundreds of very popular female stars& males then come back & talk about how raunchy Adam is!blueeyes

glitzylady said...

I should have added that Adam supports the concept of "Post-Gay" in which we live in a world where one is not defined by sexuality alone, something we would all hope to eventually reach. But we are obviously not there yet. In a perfect world we would ALL be there now..but nope. Although I'm not so sure that Adam being a bit "gay" on stage is going to have a negative impact on Marriage Equality, etc. Coincidentally, or perhaps not so coincidentally, I worked on that campaign in my state of WA last year..Did some turns on phone banks, and I can tell you that no one mentioned Adam's name when they told me why they don't support Marriage Equality. They just don't. Usually for religious reasons..or because "It's Marriage between one man, one woman and that's how its always been...". Fortunately, there are more here in Washington State who DO support it..and it passed.

Shaley said...

Here we go, Cal's mom: they're on the attack. Unless you're a glutton for punishment like me-better run while you can!

Anonymous said...

Since Cal's view is - "shit, just what we need now with the DOMA act going back before the Supreme Court!" Adam is not helping! - I somehow think that Adam would not agree with him. Call me asinine but....

Anonymous said...

I think how Adam wants to portray his art/singing/performances is his prerogative and no one else's. Give him the room, freedom, space, support to express his passion/art. Being overly critical of his stage acts isn't too helpful or supportive of his artistry. Yes everyone can critique but that's all; Adam controls the show. We on the other hand are just the consumers who shouldn't try to change him or his artistry. He has honed his theatricalities for years and years and I don't think his Fever performance is overdone; in fact the two dancers Johnny and Terrance enhance the performance, excites it. Adam knows people pay, even travel long distances to see his shows and as a theatre sifu and a gay man, that's his self-expression of his art form. We need to know our position; we're the consumers who either accept or decline but not in any capacity to change his art form. So far the audiences shown on video give rousing rounds of applause to the Fever 'antics' with a terrific show of support and enthusiasm to this kind of performances deemed too gay or letting down some quarters of the gay community. In any case Adam has stated very clearly he's an artist at heart, first, not a baby-sitter nor poster- boy.


Anonymous said...

Shaley, you, quite simply, are not all that. & I'd bet my house, car & Adam Lambert memorabilia collection ;) that Adam would say to you: sure Shaley, you are entitled to your opinion, have at it girlfriend.... & then go shit in your hat ... imma hang with a different sort than you, peace luvvy, now let me have a drink and a dance with my posse.

as someone posted above - its HOW one says something ... & the way you started off this thread shows your true colors indeed, speaks volumes about you, bravo to poster above who wrote that..

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my 9:22

I don't always "feel" your posts ... But that's 9:22 post was one excellent dead on post IMHO, good on 'ya fellow fan!


Anonymous said...

Hey it's okay...even once is absolutely good enough for me; an excellent dead on! Okay, need to go mop the floor. lol! Thank you!


Shaley said...

@9:48. It sure is "the way" you say something that speaks volumes about your personality. All one has to do is compare your post to the intelligent one you admire above.
Nuff said;)

Anonymous said...

It seems counterintuitive that LGBT people need to act a certain way in order to get the rights they are being denied. They should be able to be who they are. If there is something in any performer's show you don't like, don't go see it.

Some here are still missing the part of expressing a contrary opinion that includes being polite and reasonable about it.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to live in a world were people are told they should act less gay. I want to live in the one where fraternity brothers find out one of their members can't afford his gender transition surgery and are raising money to pay for it.

"We are here less to raise money, and more to tell a story. The story of transformation, and story of self-discovery, and the story of brotherhood."

Anonymous said...

@11:01, I do agree with your last sentence about how expression of opinions is important, but there are some(I said SOME)here that will not tolerate any opinion(the LBGT issue and others) about Adam Lambert that is contrary to theirs. It doesn't matter how polite it is stated. I have seen very polite posts attacked with rude posts full of sarcasm. All of these long, contentious threads are evidence of it. That's why I think that if you are truly a fan of Adam's, you should focus on and post only the positive things here. Save the negative(even if it's concern) stuff for elsewhere. Most people that post here don't want to here it.

Shaley said...

You, my dear, hit the nail on the head. These people are so blinded by the light of their idol, they can't see the forrest through the trees.
Heck--if they don't even heed the words (that started this thread) of their own master, they certainly aren't going to listen to us mere mortals. It would all be funny.. if it weren't so sad.
I 'd heard about the "crazies over on 24/7", so me being the psychology buff that I am, had to check it out. But unfortunately, even one with a master's degree couldn't help some of these people.
So, my "experiment" here is done. Assisted by (unwittingly as it was) none other than the man himself.
Give it up Adam-even You can't get through to them!

Anonymous said...

WOW! Post-secondary education in the US must be a mess.