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"No Trespssing? Yeah My Ass!"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, February 23, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sexy new picture from Adam Lambert's Instagram!

and this one:


Anonymous said...

omg I would love to see all that live, it would be so much fun.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I just heard at SingBerts... Adam says: Hi Singapore, I'll be there on March 8th at Star Theatre to give you a heck of a show. See you there!
Mmm so exciting. Yes Adam, come! We've been waiting for this for more than 2 years; this is your 3rd visit here. Don't be skeered lol! You can do what you like; we all love you. If anyone dares to complain they will hear no end from us! In any case, we are very open-minded as far as you are concerned and that is all that matters. If you are hungry, there's a sushi-bar on the lower floor and if you want to buy groceries go to the ground floor, lol! lol! Mmm this is getting more and more real! lol!


Anonymous said...

Lam-my I got such a chuckle you writing the word skeered. I don't know why.

Anonymous said...

Actually "Don't be skeered." are Randy's words to Adam at his audition; somehow they got stuck in my head and Randy subconsciously seemed to have predicted what was soon going to happen to Adam. Maybe it rings a bell in your mind. lol! Also in the previous couple of threads, people were criticising Adam / his glamily troupe from head to toe; so I needed a little outburst myself. lol! You got my vibe!


Anonymous said...

Follow Adam on his Instagram:

daydreamin said...

You've got sex appeal in spades Mr. Lambert!

Anonymous said...

Whoa, I've never heard you like this before! Mmm your true colours are showing. lol!


Anonymous said...

Adam is on his way to Nagoya. He just posted this pic. on his Instagram:

Train Scenery - Japan. En route to Nagoya.

Anonymous said...

So it's snowing in Japan? In Nagoya about 35F (2 degrees Celcius). Quite cold. Keep warm Glamily!

Anonymous said...

All you negative people. Kiss my Ass.

Anonymous said...

This ass is HUGE...

Anonymous said...

I love it when Adam wears his top hat crooked <3

Anonymous said...

And what a nice ar$e, Adam. :)

Anonymous said...

Yes that his signature baby!!!!:)

Kiss his ass if you have a problem with his entertainment ha!ha!

More Rock n' Roll to come folksssssssssss!!!


Anonymous said...

OT .... this great interview has been posted here before but I haven't had a chance to view it until now, and maybe others haven't seen it either so here's the link .....

Anonymous said...

is he in love with his buttocks?

Anonymous said...

How bout if I decline the offer to "kiss your ass" . I just wont buy your records or attend your concerts . Having sleazy guys rub themselves all over you is not entertainment. I'm just one fan and I know you dont care ,but I've been a fan since Idol , then Glamnation, some of which was borderline but still cute cause you appeared to just be having fun . Now you seem dirty .

Anonymous said...

Love Adam in that hat. This is the stuff I adore about the Glambert.
It's pure perfection.

Anonymous said...

pet my cactus, you wanna pet my cactus and then you can touch the butt cheeks.

Anonymous said...

5:04 AM
Lol if you honestly felt that way you wouldn't be on this site. You are just trolling for kicks

Anonymous said...

I don't know in he's in love with his buttocks but I'm loving them and everything around them....and Adam can dirty with me all he wants...:it hot it's sexy's Adam ....rose petal

Anonymous said...

I don't know in he's in love with his buttocks but I'm loving them and everything around them....and Adam can dirty with me all he wants...:it hot it's sexy's Adam ....rose petal

Anonymous said...

Sorry for double post again usual a combo of piece of crap iPhone pised at me ... I thinks it's mad this time cuz of the ugly covet I put on it ... Looks good on and me suffering from dumbass disease .... rose petal

Anonymous said...

5.04 you are right!

Anonymous said...

5:04 AM is right. That's not entertainment. Just because she stated her honest opinion doesn't make her a troll.

Anonymous said...

I'm truly shocked, stunned, and amazed that after everything that Adam has gone through and still to this very day that he is doing what he doing on stage with his dancers. I just don't get. No trolling here, but a concern fan.

HK fan said...

Nobody works a top hat like Adam:)

Anonymous said...

Yes, of course you are true fans who are so shocked by 2 seconds of a 90 minute performance that you will no longer be fans, but will instead obsessively post your concerns on adam fan sites. Yes, of course - no trolling going on here at all.

Anonymous said...


Adam Lambert‏@adamlambert
Train Scenery - Japan. En route to Nagoya.

Anonymous said...

sorry, did not notice your post.
however, a pic worth watching twice, lol


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lam my 12:07
Remember Adam's quick answer to Randy: "I'm not SKEEERRRDD!"

I think the same answer applies perfectly to all the criticising, hating and trolling!

Anonymous said...

What the heck!!!
@ 5:04 and all the rest of you agreed with person are absolutely ignorant and nothing to say.....

If you call yourselves are fans of Adam I disagree 100% You are just pretending that u care indeed!!!

You are not a concern fan, you just see him dirty and a disgrace on your eyes!!! You are more disgusting bec. you are too shallow and not true to yourself!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Yea Adam immediately retorted with your wonderfully written words...I'm not skeered. lol! Right, that is the best answer to the sudden burst of myopia lately! To spend an entire thread focusing on a couple of minutes of Adam's 1 1/2 hour concert is tunnel vision / myopia.


Anonymous said...

@ anon 6:07 AM I don't get it either.

great new article

Anonymous said...

I don't get the concern.

The 'girls' do front of millions pawing them all over....orgy-like dance choreography....vajayjay thrusting.....and they get away with it all under the guise of 'entertainment' Even their videos push boundaries.

Parts of Adam's show reminds of the old cabaret-like performances. Sexy but not pushing it.

**Scratches head**

Adam's still the poster boy for double-standards,IMO.

Anonymous said...

I love that Adam is being true to himself. He is 31, not 13, so if he wants to get dirty, I'm ready! I'm not skeeerd! Love Johnny and Terrance too!...LB

Anonymous said...

MUST WATCH IT! This is a great video of Chokehold, BE, WWFM, Stay, and Underneath:

24/7 POST IT!

Anonymous said...

Great fan videos:

Anonymous said...

Adam on Japanese T.V.:

Anonymous said...

8:04, I agree completely. When the sexual movements and innuendo onstage on hetero, audiences tend to accept it or at least tolerate it. But if the very same movements and sexual suggestiveness are gay, people cannot accept it. What is ok for one orientation is apparently NOT ok for the other. Adam is the only gay performer to be suggestively gay onstage to a mainstream audience. I can't think of another gay performer who is doing this. It takes guts to try to break that barrier. It's interesting how some of you have praised Adam for "being himself," but when he REALLY REALLY tries to push the boundaries, you can't accept it. So, you're saying that you want Adam to "be himself," but just not "too much." When Adam was on the Ellen show, I remember her saying to him, "Nobody is doing what you're doing." This was several years ago. If you don't like Adam's onstage choices, that's fine. There are plenty of other more toned-down singers to enjoy. I applaud him for daring to do what no other openly gay performers are doing in front of mainstream audiences. He may pay the price with criticism and bashing, but perhaps in the long run, he will be looked upon as a game-changer who broke through barriers.

DRG (loving the real Adam)

Anonymous said...

Positive Posters
1. Adam can't do anything wrong
2. Boys will be boys
3. Live in the moment
4. Call other fans names (troll)
5. Tell fans not to support Adam:
"find another artist to support"
6. Favorite Words: Ignore & Troll

Negative Posters
1. Want focus on Adam's voice
2. Want the world to see that Adam
is more than the AMA performance
3. Want him to increase his fan
base with his stellar
performance and voice.
4. Wants him to have longevity in
the music industry.
5. Not blowing smoke up his ass,
because he said he didn't want
people to do that.
6. Don't want his dancers to be
his downfall.
7. Never call anyone names that
disagree with them.

Finally, since some of you like to use the word "Troll" to describe someone that has a diffenent view point than yours, keep in mind that some of the flowery words post by some "nonfans" are to encourage Adam to keep doing things that they know that will harm him. They feel that he'll self destruct himself. So I would be leary of some of these super positive posters. So unless you know someone's heart then stop calling fans names and telling them to leave Adam fandom and fansite. Let's agree to disagree. Most of us want Adam to be happy and successful.

One more thing, Adam is not in the United States, so he should be really careful about the things he does on stage because in certain countries they could be considered a crime. Two minutes or not...

Anonymous said...

You are either really clueless about the ways of the internet or you are a troll yourself.

Anonymous said...

@8:36AM If your no. 1 choice is you want to focus on Adam's voice, why do you let other things such as him being popular in mainstream, charts, nos. and other things to blind you from enjoying his voice. Don't compare! That's what you're doing, you aren't enjoying Adam's voice cause you have hang ups on other things.

Anonymous said...

@DRG, you indirectly hit the nail on the head! Adam needs to know his audience. He should save his gay antics for his gay audience. But they're not liking it either. I didn't like it when Michael Jackson started feeling and touching himself either. So I'm not a fan of Adam's dancers touching and feeling him in his private area. Even if the dancers were female, still wouldn't like it.

Anonymous said...

Adam is doing what he has been doing for years. So why has everyone suddenly got a problem with it. Have you all been brainwashed.

Anonymous said...

@8:49 AM, Huh?!

Anonymous said...

8:36, Thanks for the thoughtful post that really explains well what has been going on in this site for a few days.

First, I'm one of the positive ones here who has never called anyone a troll even if I disagree strongly. We all have Adam's best interests at heart, and I believe that not all the criticizers here are trolls.

I look at performers who, after many years of performing, are recognized for a life-time of achievement and innovation. They are respected for being different and for not compromising even during the rough times. They always stood out from the crowd, taking the good with the bad. They made a mark and their legacy means something. Hopefully, Adam's dancers, back-up singers, etc. will be a mere moment in time for his career. We who follow him daily are aware of almost every breath he takes. In the big picture, things will likely change. Not that he'll become less sexual or less risky, but just different and new. He hass already made history in a certain ways. And he didn't do that by blending in with everyone else. It's not all about that incredible voice. If it was, life would be simpler, but a lot less interesting.


Anonymous said...

@DRG 8:29 AM.
Very well put and I couldn't agree more, it's what makes Adam so unique and what attracted me to him from the beginning. I also prefer to love the real Adam rather than trying to change him into something he's not. I remember Adam pointing out in an interview a long time ago there is a fine line when it comes to entertaining people, on one hand he is very aware not to take things too far in fear of offending people but at the same time he said he doesn't want to stand on stage boring the audience either. Adam is never boring, always entertaining and for the life of me I can't understand why people need to nitpick at every little thing, he's just completed 3 concerts in Tokyo all 3 were sold out, that venue holds around 2000, so well done Adam, keep up the good work, you can't please everyone but I think Adam is already aware of this but the large majority of fans truly love the guy and love his concerts.

Anonymous said...

Adam is the consummate entertainer IMO. The voice, the drop dead gorgeous looks, his warmth and friendliness, the emotions and soulfulness he shows when singing the ballads, his tolerance and acceptance of all people, the goofy, funny antics....this is Adam to me. And I love all of it .

The stuff with's just pure entertainment, nothing more. The audience loves what he does on can hear it and see it. Adam is just having fun up there. His moods change from the sexy to the soulful depending on the song and it sure keeps the whole concert interesting and mesmerizing IMO. I wish he would bring this concert to the US for a few dates. I'd be there in a heartbeat!


Anonymous said...

I'm one of Adam's older fans, turning 62 next month, but I can honestly say that I love watching Adam's concerts. As far as the sexy bits, I find them amusing but I certainly don't find them to be offensive in anyway, it's all done in a tasteful tongue in cheek way, with a wink and a nod, it's not meant to be taken seriously. I only wish Adam was doing a full tour of TP as I was really looking forward to seeing him live again.

Anonymous said...

IMO it's injustice to judge Adam on a few seconds stage performance of his dancers touching him. Then we sound like TMZ or other tabloids that take things out of context to bring down Adam. How about his other stellar performances? Why don't we talk about them? Why when he does a few seconds OT act we talk about it threads after threads? Or when he takes pic. With men we talk about his rumor break up threads after threads? Since we aren't aware of bigger pic. And what we see are only tip of the iceberg why spend so much time on speculating things signing in with our comments as anonymous?

Life is too short. Just enjoy this multitalented artist and his performances that doesn't offend you cause he has done plenty of those.

Anonymous said...

9:28 AM

Exactly. It's all done in a very cute, stylized way. No one who has been a fan all along and enjoyed his GNT performances would be the least bit offended by what he is doing now.

Anonymous said...

DRG and poster @8:36, Thank You!
There are some that troll here, but people who care enough about Adam's career to worry if he or someone else might be harming it are not trolls - if they honestly care.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the Bandberts. They are a pain in the ass. Only what Adam did on GNT is good enough for them and Adam's career and what he does now is bad. And especially the dancers! Lol, Adam should be more keen on what 95% of the fandom thinks. The 5% has fooled him to believe in their false reality.

Anonymous said...

8:36, I disagreed with almost all of your list about positive and negative posters and made my own.

Positive Posters
1. Accept all the facets of Adam's personality
2. Love Adam's voice
3. Live in the moment of enjoying Adam's performance
4. Believe in diversity
5. Let Adam live his life his way
6. Don't spread rumors
7. Don't argue
8. Recognize legitimate trolls and ignore them
9. Enjoy the variety of feelings in a concert, from heartfelt and tearful to sexy and silly
10. Appreciate how lucky we are to get concert vids and photos

Negative Posters
1. Say Adam shows too much gay
2. Complain about too much makeup or tattoos
3. Only comment on what they don't like in a performance
4. Have no exposure to what is going on with other current artists
5. Think it's OK to state their opinion in a mean or derogatory way because it's their opinion
6. Aren't really comfortable with people being gay so think Johnny is" too gay"
7. Think Adam should not be himself in order to get more fans even though Adam has stated he wants to be himself even if it means less fans
8. Think they know how to run Adam's career better than Adam and his staff
9. Can't ignore the obvious trolls
10. Think a youtube video is the definitive summary of a live performance

Anonymous said...

11:11 damn that was a great post.

Anonymous said...

@11:11 AM.
An excellent summary of both the positive and negative and I totally agree with you.

Anonymous said...

11:11AM Love your list! It's a keeper that's for sure!

Anonymous said...

I wanted to say thank you for being a constant voice of reason.... I agree with you Adam does seem to still be the victim of double standards .... I like the sexy moves and I have no problem with the dancers backup singers or anything about his performance.... If I wanted some one to conform to all the rules I would find another singer to follow .... On the other hand I alway try to have respect for the way others feel and think... I can understand how some people might take offense to what they may consider inappropriate behavior .... I guess it's like Adam said some like it ... some don't ... my thing is Adam's message is be yourself and accept people for who they are... this is Adam ... he's not changing.... thank goodness .... I havee been staying off this site lately ...too much bitching at each other ... But I always come back cux ofpeople u ... And a few others ....peace light and love to u ...and here's to more sexy moves... and more discussion about them.... rose petal

coloforadam said...

Extraordinary, sexy human being. Just don't like that hat though - it covers up that gorgeous hair!! Can't believe I chose this thread to say that!! Have loved Adam for 4 years now .... every facet, every move. Just not the hat!! Bet he doesn't care and that's what makes him unique and honestly Adamazing!!

glitzylady said...

@DRG and @rose petal
You are two posters who I consider to be both "Voices of Reason" not to mention very very patient and loving. Thank you for being who you are, just like Adam is who he is.

Anonymous said...

Streaming for Adam Lambert has now become very important to Bill Board 100.. so Please join YouTube.. Look at request AdamLambert for more information..

Finally the fans and not radio can make a difference and hear the music they like..

Anonymous said...

11.11am you go girl! I agree completely, but lets face it the best of us argue with the Debbie Downer's sometimes even if we try hard not too! But that was one terrific list and much, much better than 8.36 one! So much more true to reality, I'm sure she doesn't agree! That was just excellent 11.11. I also agree with Canadian, Lam-my, DRG, and of corse my Rose Pedal. All of you express things better than me. I do getaf and argue and say things sometimes, towards some of these negative people that think they are helping Adam they just want to control him! Adam is Adam I feel this way, don't change a hair on him not if you REALLY CARE FOR HIM! I love him the way he is, his career is his career as long as he happy that is what counts! Korea and all 3 Tokyo have sold out. Tokyo was back to back three concerts hard to sale out like that, add them up that a good size concert, he has larger ones I other parts of Japan and Finland, Russia! Oviiously he pleasing people at his concerts, I think Adam could take any criticism but the word boring he sure steers away from that! I think his concerts are wonderful so balanced! A few video's will never give you the totality of a live concert, or be a true measure of it! But just the video's are great do the concerts are fabulous! People read these things you people who think they are helping Adam by fussing about everything you are not! I'm 64 but young at heart, I love it all! Adam has younger, he does here too! Hopefully he will get more with next album, which there will be plenty if us real fan's around to enjoy it! Now maybe I should not say real fans but sorry, I do not feel some of you are! If you really enjoy someone you do not constantly try to change them to fit your specifications! You enjoy them for who they are, Adam is at his best being true to himself! Adam also a smart man and he knows what countries to turn it down in, give him some credit, please! He certainly turned it down in Indonesia a few years back. All I can say is thank you 11.11 that was perfect! Correction on above line, that was I do get angry sometimes, boy do I. Sue

Anonymous said...

Rose Pedal, u stayed away for a good bit because of all the negativity! Then I just got really angry and started arguing! It is better just to stay away when these people start all this, but sometime's it hard not to try to defend Adam! Why be a fan or a half hearted fan of someone if you do not like the person he is a he a great one, and true to himself do not try to change him, it is better to fine someone that matches your taste! He just perfect for me! Correction that was I stayed away not u, oh those fingers! Sue

Anonymous said...

You're a fan if you consider yourself a fan. You don't have to like everything about an entertainer to be a fan of theirs. And what other obsessed fans think about you doesn't matter. But it might be wise to stay away from fansites where only they exist. Anything other than gushing is not easily tolerated.

Anonymous said...

With the FYE era we were all fans of 19 corp. indirectly. Did you know 19 took 1/2 of FYE era gross revenue before all other expenses and tax fees? This is according to Forbes. Tespassing era is all Adam's artistic work and he deserves more support. Stream his music on youtube, vevo and other legit. online music. If you believe in his stellar voice support him more now than ever.

ASL said...

The Fever routine is meant to be Cabaret camp. Classic burlesque. It is introduced by a Bob Fosse-esque version of FYE @9::28AM and @9:51AM said it well: The Fever dancing is “done in a tasteful tongue in cheek way, with a wink and a nod”, “it's not meant to be taken seriously”.

Anonymous said...

I do wish I knew how to do all that, I just have this I phon 3! When by contract comes up I am gonna get a Better one, I do not have computer either! You know will help Ad in anyway I know how! That was I phone! Sue

Anonymous said...

I so agree with you! 1.50. Sue

Anonymous said...

I'm not skeered of being a Glambert. I'm not skeered of anything that Adam does (on or off stage). Hold on Fans. We knew it was going to be a bumpy ride! Just relax and enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

1.39 gushing is a lot better than tearing someone down all the time! You are right it would be a lot Bettet not to come on a fan site that alway's supported Adam and be constantly negative! If you consider constant negativity towards Adam being a fan I guess you are a fan! But not much of one!

Anonymous said...

Oh Yeah, in your face!

Anonymous said...

Adam is pure Adam. So good to see him back with the moves and grooves on the tour. True to himself always!

Anonymous said...

ASL, Yes, that's a good way to say it. Adam comes from live theater and live club acts. He has a lot of cabaret in him, and I love it. I love the winking, tongue-in-cheek humor. Too bad some people don't appreciate it.


Anonymous said...

2.01 so agree! Sue

Anonymous said...

@1:56, this is 1:39. Let me make this clear. I didn't say there was anything wrong with gushing, did I? I said that those fans who didn't want to gush all the time should stay away from sites where that goes on. If they want to express criticism, they should do it elsewhere.
Example: If I wanted meat as part of a meal, I wouldn't go to a vegan restaurant.

Anonymous said...

I need a list of the fans who are qualified to write on this site.

Anonymous said...

And some wanted Adam to do a Rock album. I don't know any Rocker without OT performances.

Anonymous said...

This is 1:39 one more time.@1:56,you implied that I considered constant negativity toward Adam a trait of a fan. Nope. That's not a fan. I would consider them delusional if they hated everything about Adam and still called themselves a fan.

Anonymous said...

LOL @2:14.
You don't need a list. You just need to love everything about Adam all the time if you want to join us.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I draw the line at simulated butt sex and guys rubbing Adam's penis on stage. If that floats your boat, then that's fine, but that's a little too much for me. I don't like it and no one can make me like it. I'm not paying for that!

Anonymous said...

Whoever complains about Adams stuff!!!! You are just making yourselves miserable idiots and it's true!!!!!!

Just don't bother to watch him that's all!!! Anddddddddddd Yessssssss you are all brain dead!!! Ha!Ha!

Oh! I love to see these idiots make tantrums all the time:)))))))


Anonymous said...

You're right Canadian, how dare 2:26. The nerve of her to "draw the line at simulated ---- sex and guys rubbing Adam's penis on stage." Its done so tastfully and tongue-in-cheek.


Anonymous said...

An then there are the Johnnyberts who think a lack of awesome talent is just a facet of diversity.

Anonymous said...

Adommycrays call the dancers sluts. Lol, you can expect that from those who love the porn fanfics.

Anonymous said...

Whoever made the list of traits of negative and positive posters is being closed-minded. open your mind to the fact that people can love Adam's voice and most of his performances and cringe over others. The same people who are being critical at times are the same people who also think he is the best singer and performer in the industry today. It's not that black and white.

Anonymous said...

2:26 PM

Lol why do I suspect that you have watched those few seconds over and over and over again?

Anonymous said...

@2:54 PM, which list because there are two of them.

Anonymous said...

2.26 good than more people who enjoy Adam being himself! That little cabaret act his like two minutes! The rest certainly is not all that wild, just Adam dancing Luke crazy and putting on a great show! You are gonna be hard pressed to find any other pop rock singer with any real concert chops that will please you! But there are some that just stand and sit and sing the entire time, why not follow them, you are not gonna change Adam. Adam is gay and as long as he hides it, it is fine! But, if he shows it in anyway no support, sings wrong song no support, wrong picture on here you people are done! Stop making everyone here miserable, I am not telling anyone to leave or not have an opinion, but if you do not enjoy the person Adam is, and he will adjust it to more homophobic countries, why stay here and run down someone we love As He Is! That Fever thing is such a little part of this concert, and I heard some mighty big applause and yell afterwards! It's just a little Maury Caberet, if it was with a girl there would be no problem! People say no other gay people do that on stage, I doubt that but there are not a lot of out Gay pop stars period! 2.35 Canadian I second that, what you said! Sue

Anonymous said...


I saw @11:11's list.

Anonymous said...

Terrance has a bf who was in Tokio too. The dancers do a show. They don't pretend they have something more going on with Adam, like Tommy does. Tommy hides his gf's to keep his fans happy and deluded.

Anonymous said...

I just saw @8:36's list, and I agree with it. That's generally what I see.

Anonymous said...

3:04 Even if Tommy did that, why would that upset anyone?

Anonymous said...

This is 1.56, you were very snarky about people gushing over Adam! 2.13! You do not have to like something but, let people that except Adam as is, enjoy him! The thing is if you do not want to go to a concert because of certain things than don't! You stated your dissatisfaction, do leave it at that! No one forcing you to do anything are to watch anything! But let who like Adam the way he is, enjoy him that one little skit is certainly not the whole show! I hope I made myself perfect clear! Yes, if anyone had ever seen a Rock convert of Aerosmith, and many others, this is nothing they grab everything in sight, and talk like sailor's! For those who want Adam just to do Rock, you Bettet think twice! I would live it frankly, he did a great job with queen! He also grabbed a couple of things there!

Anonymous said...

11.12 much more true! Some people keep agreeing with there own posts!

Anonymous said...

5.04 how about who cares!

Anonymous said...

@3:08 What does Tommy benefit from that? Batshit crazy fans who terrorise and troll the rest of the fandom, because they want Tommy fucks with Adam. Maybe he gets good prezzies from them but that's all. Not any sane fans anyways. In fact Tommy has turned his back to the sane fans. He is just dumb.

Anonymous said...

This is 1.56, and again I say you are not much of one! Keep fighting with me I am not gonna agree with you! You Do not have to agree with everything but I doubt you barely like anything! To 2.13! 11.11 much more true to the poster's here!

Anonymous said...

Lol Tommy is as interesting as wallpaper. Anyone either for or against him is crazy. He's just background music

Anonymous said...

I am tired of all this BS negativity, I'll come Back and gush later!

HK fan said...

exactly, thats what I was just going to come and write, The fever routine is just a take on Cabaret and Burlesque, risque, tongue in cheek but all innuendo.

perfect list, makes much more sense than the previous one.

re the first point on you negative posters list.
The emphasis is ALWAYS on Adams voice, no amount of dancing, stage antics or whatever you want to call them take away from that fact.

Exactly, the voice is foremost, but 8.36 chooses to focus on other things and ignore the voice.

great list.
And I agree with the comment about negative posters not being aware of what other musical artists are up to.
Adam does not do anything worse sexually on stage than the majority of live performers out there (apart from country singers and WGWG's).... the defining deifference is, he's gay. Which I still think is the real issue with many posters here.
The bottom line is 'its OK if Adam is long as he doesn't show it too much...

Anonymous said...

IA Tommy is like wallpaper. Slightly arrogant by nature. But his fans are like bloody annoying pests.

Anonymous said...

@Sue, I'm 2:26 PM, you should know that I like you and have always respected you on this site. I'm surprised that you would say that to me or any of Adam's fans. I'm one of Adam's biggest fans. I've voted until my fingers were sore, I've bought and given more of Adam's CDs to family, friends, and even strangers, and I've given over a $1000.00 to Adam's charities. Just wanted to let you know who you were talking to because what you said wasn't kind.
For the record my other favorite artists are: Queen, Prince, and Parliament Funkadelic

Anonymous said...

3:15, Yes, for decades, rock bands have pushed the envelope sexually onstage. Adam's actions are really tame in comparison, except that they're gay. Funny how we aren't bothered by one, but some of us can't seem to accept the other.

Two more shows in Japan, then it's on to Shanghai!


Anonymous said...

LOL at 2:26 thinking that is simulated sex or that anybody is really touching Adam's penis. They need to take their mind out of the deep end of the gutter and realize what hinting is. I suspect they really aren't comfortable with gay people and don't want to be reminded Adam is gay.

Anonymous said...

@4:06 PM, Apparently, you haven't seen that video. Check out Tokyo Day 3 Fever.

Anonymous said...

3:45 PM
Lol so you did't object to Prince performing on tv in assless pants? just terrance touching adam's fully clothed butt?

Anonymous said...

Good god people. Stop trying to convince the Delusionists that Adam is ruining what is left of his career by turning it into a campy x-rated gay porn late night caberet show. Suited only for sleazy theater districts. (ha! & remember the days after Idol when he said he wanted to be a "rock star"??)
He was fooling himself also then, I suppose. Because now-he is finally being the real Adam. And to those of you who stick with him no matter what-carry some mace with you. Those places get a bit "shady" at night.

Anonymous said...

@3:45 PM, I would love to see Adam in assless pants!

Anonymous said...

4:14, I saw it and that does not look like simulated sex to me or like anybody actually touched his penis. It was a few seconds out of a long concert and is not a big deal. If you dislike it so much, take your homophobia elsewhere and find a nice conservative Christian musician to be a fan of.

Anonymous said...

4:22 PM
Yes, sure glad there aren't any trolls here - just big fans like you!!!

Anonymous said...

4:24 PM
haha I remember he was asked about it once and said his butt wasn't cute enuf.

Anonymous said...

@4:32 you are so right. How can anyone have the nerve to dislike something an artist does, & still call themselves a "fan"?? And the nerve to call it as THEY see it. have to realize where that term actually originated from. The word fanatic. But I digress.

Anonymous said...

Those "trolls" sure do their homework!

Anonymous said...

4:51 PM
Lol you are the same idiot who has trolled (and been banned from) every other adam site, saying that you are a fan and doing nothing other than belittling everything adam does.

I doubt you have even watched his concert videos.

Anonymous said...

I have a question to the non "trolls" on this site. If you are a fan who has nothing but positive things to say about Adam, why do most of you still choose to post anonymously?

Anonymous said...

@4:58pm: I'll show my face if you will.

Anonymous said...


Is there anything Adam could do on stage that you wouldn't approve of ?

This unconditional love is being carried too far.

And I find females who simulate sex on stage disgusting too.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but 1:56, you are nuts. I have not made any posts about disliking any of Adam's performances. The only posts and responses I have made here are about why people who didn't want to gush about Adam should stay away. LOL
You are assuming that I have made other posts. They belong to someone else. Trust me, if I made them, I would admit it. I'm not ashamed to admit that they have every right to be critical of Adam and still consider themselves a fan. I'm just saying that maybe they shouldn't post here.
Don't get so upset.

Anonymous said...

Wow, all of this over 30 seconds out of nearly two hours of performing? You'd think he murdered somebody while naked on stage, not had two brief dance moves.

Anonymous said...

Oh for the love of Adam!!!

Adam's a remarkable talent. He is tongue and cheek....he's creative...he's 'get a load of me' crazy good. He's articulate,mesmerizing.He's respectful while forging his own identity.

He knows his audiences.
He owns his performances.
He sets the bars.
He is his own barometer.
He is a consummate performer.
He's interesting...

He's everything most of today's performers are not.

Shaley said...

@5:13. Thank you. You hit the nail on the head. It's the unconditional love of the enablers that's going to be the "death" of Adam's career. Or at least the type of career he was once hoping for. He is never going to make it in the mainstream market with this path he's chosen to take. I saw that & tried to make my concerns known a while back, but was basically bullied away from here for daring to state my opinion. At that time, I was about the only one. But now I see there are a few others who are slowly coming around.
This "mini" tour is the raunchiest yet. And you can't compare it to the GN tour. Yes, it was theatrical & campy-but was done tactfully & with taste. The dancers were balanced and the moves were for the most part pg rated at best. I won't go into the Adommy part of it, as it's neither here nor there at this point. The campy part of this show is bordering on gay caberet. (I was surprised to see someone else actually use that phrase here;) It may be "Adam being Adam", but that is not appropriate for a general audience music concert. I'm not comfortable showing it to any of my friends or family-not even my husband-& we've watched a lot of Adam together. I'm even uncomfortable with some parts, & I consider myself fairly progressive. And I assure you, those outside of the Adam bubble are going to have the same reaction.
I know to most of you, I'm just spittin in the wind, but I'm truly concerned for his career. I love him with all my heart, but I don't support this path he's taking. (And yes, it can be both ways.) If this is how he chooses to express himself, then I hope he's happy with his little Glamily of supporters, because it is never going to grow in this direction. And it makes me very sad.
PS: I know most of you thought you had seen the last of me, but I wanted the other ones with concerns to know they have support from one who is not afraid to show her "face". We have every right to be here as you do-as long as it's sincere & non abusive.
So I'm back. Get used to it. Hey-I might even surprise you-& let you see that there are plenty of things that I do love about Adam;)

Anonymous said...

Okay @6:41. Fair.

I only have one question.

Why do the careers of artists like Madonna...or Rihanna...or Britney...stand the test of time? They are the epitome of raunchy. Do you think their fans worry about their boundaries or their careers where their performance styles are concerned? Probably not. In fact,I think these women profit from their 'individuality' (if you call it that).

Why,in all fairness,can't Adam perform the way he wants to perform without the scrutiny?

What is the difference?

In fact....Adam is never half naked when he performs.

Please tell me why they get to do their thing without the constant criticism and Adam is held to a different set of rules of etiquette?

Anonymous said...

Shaley, is it just the parts in Fever that you are concerned about? I really don't see anything else that could be construed as raunchy. If so, I'm wondering how 30 seconds of one song can be the wrong path.

Anonymous said...

Shaley , Shaley you never left us I'd recognize your frequent use of hypens anywhere. lol poser

Anonymous said...

6.41 welcome back, you are not special you are a dime a dozen here, nothing special at all! I am trying to be all level headed and loving here, but I do not feel that way to you. Like Adam I have to be true to myself! You seem to be so happy you have some other people here to run Adam's career, there are two or three here at most they post over and over, answering themselves and pretending to me several people! So they really need you, because there are more people here who love Adam for who he is! If he never reached the stars you want, he making a very good living being himself! That's what important, but eventually he will! Adam is not as clueless and you think the man is! Adam has said he knows his Audiance if they are wild he is wild, if they are tame he is tame, if he sees kids he more family friendly! But no child under a certain age should go to about 90 per cent of the pop rock concerts, Adam's is very tame in comparison. I hate to burst some of your bubbles but there are many gay kids out there that are gay and Adam being himself has prevented them from hurting themselves if not something more awful! Adam will adjust to his audiances I think the ones in Asia except Adam for himself do he acts accordingly to that, it's his concert, he gonna do it the way he wants your not gonna change it, but have fun with your negativity, if that makes you happy! Boy it sure seems too, i will not believe you saying it does not, you can just tell how excited you were to find more overbearing fans trying to change Adam, he tried to change it did not work! People want the real Adam, at least the true loving fans do!

Anonymous said...

7.33 is sue forgot to sign!

Anonymous said...

It bother's her more Shaley whatever, because it two men not a woman and a man. But if it was two woman rubbing all over each other half naked that would be fine also! She may say that's not it! May she will be honest and and admit it! But it is the man on man gay thing no one will convince me different, the same with the rest of them! lady Gaga simulated sex on American idol finale couple years ago when singing edge of glory , very few complaints, a man and a woman, hundred of other incidents! If it's two woman or straight pirn that's fine. This was a few seconds that all nothing bad at all rest of what I saw! I think Kesha, Britney and many have done way farther! I do not want to mean. It I convinced of this one!

Shaley said...

@ 7:07 pm: No, it's also the general cabaret feel to some of it, & the silly dancer routine-even when it's not raunchy. It's more suitabIe to theater. He's trying to sell records & get his music played on the radio. I just feel he could reach a much broader audience if he would just concentrate on the music, & that God given voice of his. @7:10 pm. Is that the best snark you could come up with? Good try. Perhaps you should find the Creative Writing fan site. Your post might make more sense there.

Anonymous said...

The concert was fun and I loved it, I was so outraged by the fever song I watched it 20 times! Cabaret, campy very much the same with a bit if twist to it! What do you call brieney's lap dancing while lip syncing, people seem to like it they go! Even if there are complaints about her singing. Adam does a lot of straight singing also his concerts are very balanced with fun and good old singing!

Shaley said...

@7:33: your opinion is totally your perogative. Agree to disagree. And how did I give you the impression that I think I'm special? @7:48:if Adam had female dancers rubbing all over him, or visa versa, it would still be a raunchy show & not suitable for a general audience. It would make me just as uncomfortable, because I'm trying to look at the broader sense. But since you are convinced otherwise, I won't bother responding to your posts anymore. Oh wait, I can't do that since you choose to post anonymously. I wonder why...Good try tho. Your immature ramblings still aren't going to chase me away.

Anonymous said...

ok back to the salt mines. Is there anyone on Spotify that can help me. I just got spotify unlimited but don't know which way to listen to Adam so it counts. HELP! radio, media player something else?

Anonymous said...


you might as well give up, they are never gonna get it.
It"s hopeless. They are going to assume your reaction is homophobic. I've made the same comments and been called a homophobic troll (a troll, how silly can people get?)

My gay 21yr old son and I have seen 4 of Adam's performances and enjoyed all of them. Until now. His response to Adams dancers and these Fever antics was "shit, just what we need now with the DOMA act going back before the Supreme Court!" Adam is not helping!

Anonymous said...

Shaley she said in the next comment her name was Sue. She is handicapped with her typing and freq forgets to type her name but will state it when she remembers it. No need to boss and bully. You sound like a very frigid person.

Adamluv said...

@8:24 how dare you and your son try and blame Adam on putting up roadblocks in the advancement of gay rights in this country. He has done more for the gay community in the minds and hearts of a lot of straights than anyone else I can think of. And the fact that your son is gay and thinks like that is extra insulting! And I bet you'll come back here with your cowardly anon. tag and attack me. Well, bring it on! I refuse to let an ignorant statement like yours go unchallenged. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

8.18 look underneath my post, 7.33 I said I forgot to sign it it is Sue! I am not afraid of you at all! I also am not trying to chase you away, your Jusy another negative Nellie! You did sound so proud that people had your same opinion! Your opinion is your opinion and my opinion is immature rambling, how immature can you be! I have a right to my opinion and a right not to agree with you! I am not immature, thank you for not responding to me anymore. Again you are entitled to your opinion I will not be immature enough to call them be as negative ad you care to be, and I will have Adam's back, because in reality he never gonna read them! Sue

Maggie said...

Thanks for the reply.

For some of the others, Shaley made a comments that was reasonable and polite in regards to Adam and used her name as opposed to those who leave mean spirited or trolly or shit-stirring comments without their name. While I do not agree with Shaley, I respect her opinion. I don't respect the opinion of trolly shit-stirers.

For 8:24, if these youtube vids make the Supreme Court uphold DOMA we have way bigger problems than Adam getting a pat on his ass. I hope your son is on his best behavior for the next couple of months. Wouldn't want him ruining the DOMA decision.

Shaley said...

I'm done responding to bullying posts. Shame on you. Adam would be ashamed of your lack of acceptance for other's differing views. You do it with everyone who doesn't see everything just like you. If you care to discuss things in a mature manner, then great. But the positive patty's here are never going to see anything wrong with anything Adam does. I have my way of seeing things (blinders off) & when I have something to say, I'll say it. And you'll know who I am. But I refuse to reply to the bullies.
And I thought Adam fans were open minded. And that includes accepting all opinions*not just the ones you agree with.

Anonymous said...

Love you 8.34 and 8.36 thank you for your posts! Adam has done more for gay rights Thsn anyone, I second how dare you! That performance was not shit! I do not believe for one minute if that was two straight people it would not bother you negative people! It is the gay thing, yes I will say that I stick to it! 8.24 you just proved me right by what you said! I make typing mistakes, because of my fingers! SUE!!

Anonymous said...

Sue, Adam has not done more for gay rights than everyone else. Yes, hes had made a contribution but you insult many people, including those who have given their lives, when you say that. Please be respectful of all who have worked for LGBT rights.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a passionate artist and most artists deviate from the norm especially in the way they present their art. Picasso is a classic example; try deciphering his portrait and figure paintings. Adam is trying to express his art in terms of his inner feelings through music and the lyric. This kind of artistic expression is almost uncontrollable; he can't just adulterate it to accommodate his audience. He controls the show not the other way round. But Adam being very respectful and aware of other people's culture, feelings, have toned down his sensual acts quite a lot already. Even at this Fever 2-minute act, I can feel he's a little wary. The only time I saw him presenting his sensual theatre, uninhibited, full blast, was at his AMA performance; that was to be his least I saw it once.


Shaley said...

@8:34: Frigid? LOL.
And sorry Sue. But you need to try to accept the fact that it is still possible to be an Adam fan & not agree with every move he makes. Don't take it so personally. Glad you have his back. I'm sure he appreciates it-as he appreciates acceptance of everyone & their opinions. Remember his tweet?
@Maggie-thank you. I appreciate that.

Anonymous said...

Sue I don't know too many people that would be offended by your comment. You follow Adam and know what he has done first hand for the gay community, you may not know much about the others. You are a sincere caring person, don't let anyone lay a guilt trip on you. Goodnight folks!! It's been real.

Anonymous said...

Oh, for God sakes he done a lot for gay rights please excuse me non signer! Adam has done a whole hell if a lot do gay rights! I did not mean he was the only one in the world that had worked for gay rights, was a bad choice of words! I admit when I am wrong I am not or never have been a bulley! How dare you call me that, just because I do not agree with you! You are a hell of a lot more like a bulley than I am! You just post away on here, I could care less! I just will not read them, they are meaningless anyway! Sue

Anonymous said...

Sue, nobody called you a bully.

Anonymous said...

omg please don't tell me we will have to go through all this nonsense every freaking concert. Oh Lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Bentz. No hope for me now. lol

Shaley said...

Sue: you are a bully if you disrespect others and their opinions, & make them feel uncomfortable & unwelcomed if they dare to state them. You jumped all over me. You're getting way too upset. You seem unable to deal with negative opinions. Perhaps it's a good thing I use a tag. That way you can skip right over my posts. I seem to get your BP raised way too much. Wouldn't want to be the cause of anyone's stroke.

Anonymous said...

9.10 thank you sweetie! I am out if here! Let the negative Nellies,trash the possitive Patties, have fun! Good night to the true glambert's! One thing yes Adam excepts people's comments, he also blocks people from his twitter if they are nothing but negative, remember that! He just did it last week from his twitter page! If you have a problem with his performance, tweet him it is not our concert! He may be excepting, may not! Now I am finished with this! Sue

Shaley said...

Uh, Bubye.

Anonymous said...

SUE you made me scare my old dog!! I laughed out so loud when I read negative nellies and positive patties.

Anonymous said...

Another new club just sprouted. It's called...Don't Be Skeered Club! lol! Randy is the president, lol! Lately a lot of new clubs have sprung up; do you know where they are...They're all along Cuckoo Street! Drop in on any one of them; they also serve this scrumptious Skeered cocktail. lol! If you break down this word, skeered, you can see red! lol!


Shaley said...

@8:24: You are right. How can you reason with people that think all the negative posts are coming from the same person or two?? I was hoping that more would "face up" to post their concerns, but why bother when you are going to be outnumbered by the blinded by the light Adam posse & their lynchmen.
Let them live in their fantasy world. It's dwindling as we speak.

HK fan said...

I appreciate you coming back and stating your point of view politely and in a reasonable manner. Unfortunately that can't be said for all the negative posters. As you say everyone is entitled to their opinion, BUT you have to be prepared that not everyone here is going to agree with you and will have their say too.

a couple of points do you know that Adam wants to make it as ' a mainstream' artist?? He has said just recently in an interview that sales and chart positions are not as important to him as the music and his fans.

This concert is not raunchier than GNT, there is just a few seconds of suggestive moves in the whole concert, in one song. If you're not comfortable with it, then don't watch that song.

All these concerts so far have been performed in Asia, and the Asians are culturally a much more reserved bunch than us Westeners...yet all I hear during these moments in Fever are extra large screams and certainly doesn't sound like the audience are offended one little bit.

and @7.00pm

Please tell me why they get to do their thing without the constant criticism and Adam is held to a different set of rules of etiquette?

This comment of yours, is so true.

Shaley said...

I appreciate what you're saying, but not everyone is able to discuss this in a rational manner, as you seem to. One in particular seems to get very upset at anything being said that isn't bathed in sunshine.
I'm truly not here to start trouble. I just, once again, hoped it would lead the way to a more two-sided civil discussion. To prove that you could do that without being a "troll". But all it has done is upset people more. I'm a bit hard headed I suppose. As 8:24 stated-I'm wasting my time. I truly believe now that you have to be an "outsider" to get my point. Perhaps I'm becoming one of them, so the best thing to do is leave.

Anonymous said...

@Shaley, I just read your post and wanted you to know that I couldn't have said it better, and that I feel the same as you.

Anonymous said...

I honestly think if Adam's antics on stage offend people you have some serious problems, people need to broaden their minds. Adam's concerts are very tame compared to others in the pop scene today. Adam's concerts are truly professional, and a joy to watch. I'm so grateful that as a mature age fan I still have a sense of humour and can find enjoyment watching Adam perform with his dancers.

Shaley said...

I just have one more thing to add.
I hope that Adam is happy & content with his small fanbase. And it is small in the scheme of things. There are so many people who have never even heard of him. He is not going to get on the radio & he's not going to win over the general public with him constantly pushing the bounderies. It's not that he's held to a higher standard IMO, but the fact that the world is not accepting of overtly gay stage antics. Yes-it's a double standard, but that's the way it is. Things are changing, but there's still a long way to go. So if all he truly wants is to please his fans, then I'm sure there are enough left to keep him in designer clothes for a while yet.

Anonymous said...

buh bye

Anonymous said...

watch that BP Shay.

Anonymous said...

Lol...thanks to the last two posters for proving my point;)
Aren't you both up past your bedtime?

Shaley said...

Ooops-that last post was from Shaley. Posted too soon. What's your excuse?

Anonymous said...

8:24 PM

Oh lmao. That is the funniest (and totally made up) story I have seen here yet.

Anonymous said...

Shaley, you've got it all wrong, Adam is first and foremost true to himself, and if fame and fortune follow then that's just an added bonus but Adam would be far happier with a smaller fan base rather than being a phony and misleading people because that's not his style, he's too honest for that. Adam's been pushing boundaries far too long to change now, he's had no other choice, being a openly gay artist is not an easy path but it's the path Adam has chosen for himself, I have nothing but respect the man and in the long run I'm sure others will agree with me. He's a good person everyone who meets him has nothing but nice things to say about him. Perhaps he's not for you and may-be your better off finding another artist more to your liking.

Anonymous said...

Lol don't be fooled by "Shaley". She's the same girl who posted for years at IDF as Hirsten. Her whole schtick is to try to turn Adam fans against him. She's an attention whore who is best ignored.

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my - Couldn't agree more - you are speaking my language! Yes, Adam, don't be skeered, we love to see everything you have to give us! We are waiting, holding our breath! We will defend you to the death my darling! Be free beautiful song bird and do your stuff! How can anyone this beautiful offend! Your fans are legion and eyes are on you to perform for us. Wish I could be there - but I will be in spirit. nancdruuu2

tess4ADAM said...

I only have one comment about ALL the negative comments on this thread ... to quote ADAM's last addition to SHADY ...


Love 'n Light thru ADAM

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I've met Shaley, as has Glitzylady, and she is a real fan of Adam. She isn't Hirsten. Shaley was very nice when I met her.

Anonymous said...

3:28 that is exactly what I thought after reading that comment. lol my two year old could make up a story better than that.

Shaley said...

One more thing to say & I'll get out of your fantasy world. I am who I am. My local Glam pals know who I am. I have made my concerns for Adam known to them, & even if they don't agree-they have the maturity to accept them with the knowledge that I have every right to my opinions as a true & loving fan of Adam's, & that just because I state them-doesn't mean I am dissing him. And I'm greatful, because their friendship matters to me. Most of you on the other hand-I don't know from Adam (ha ha). So frankly, I don't give a shit what you think. I only came back to let it be known that not everyone who dares to disagree with Adam is a troll. But as one other poster stated, no one is ever going to convince you of that, therefore so be it. You win. Carry on with your unconditional adoration. Adam's back is well covered, & I'm sure he's greatful (& laughing all the way to the bank).

Anonymous said...

so glad to know what makes Shaley tick, it has been on my mind night and day.

Anonymous said...

Back on topic, if anyone cares...I want the top picture on this thread to be the cover for my gas cap door. Loving his bum and that look over his shoulder is perfect.


Anonymous said...

Hey nancdruuu2!
Yea I did feel right from the beginning we always feel more or less the same with regard to how Adam expresses his art form of singing and stage presentations. Eg. the latest stage decor of flooding the whole stage in stripes with different colour changes of spotlights, eye-catching, wholesome. I look forward to not only Adam's soaring vocals but how this particular totally-bathed in yellow stripes and lights, pans out on the actual stage. It boils down to Adam's staunch belief that he needs to bring a fresh perspective to the table each and every time he performs for a large audience on a concert tour. The way he chooses to sing/perform should not be aligned with obstinacy or being uncomprising...not the same thing; this is Adam's passion ready to pounce, it's as natural as breathing to him. lol! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

@3:28 and 1:29....believe what you will. There are as many different types of gays as straights. My son makes many appearances to help further acceptance of gays, in fact you probably saw him on the Oscar show. He is one of the youngest members of the Gay Men's Chorus of L.A. they sang Sunday night. He wants to get married and the DOMA act is a huge hurdle. It was his opinion that Adam should use better judgement.

Anonymous said...

7:37 you said it all in the second sentence of your comment.

Anonymous said...

@7:37: bless you & your son, but give it up. They will never understand.

@8:29pm you said it all in the second to the last word in your second to the last sentence.

Anonymous said...

I just came over to this thread because it was mentioned in a 2/26 post. The second half of the discussion is interesting and I applaud Shaley for using her name, which I do not have the guts to do.

The thing for me is that Adam has said that he can't be anything or anyone but who he is. He does want big fame and success but (only my opinion) he would consider the hiding of his true self to be too high a price to pay.

I don't understand why people are so upset about Fever - it's far less X-rated than the GN Fever. It's totally tongue-in-cheek and perfectly stylized Gay Cabaret. The audience noise goes up exponentially when Johnny moves in - you can tell that people are getting a kick out it.

To the mother of the boy in LA Gay Men's Chorus who sees her son's participation in the Oscar ceremonies as a significant contribution to LGBTQ rights: you only have to look at this year's Idol to see how much Adam's visibility, his public scrapes, his words and his onstage activities have, inadvertantly or otherwise, helped contribute to greater mainstream acceptance of LGBTQ people. He has definitely paid a price for that but, true.

Last year, Adam performed with Queen and the US press barely noted it. I doubt his Asian tour will get enough coverage to inject him into the DOMA discussion and, if it does, it won't affect the course of history.

I am politically active and have been avidly watching the progress of SSM rights in the US for several years now. The time is right and it's happening.

It isn't going to be derailed by anything so small as 3 gay guys dancing hilariously to a song that could have been a #1 hit, except that Adam decided to be true to himself and sing it to a "he". Very few people sit at the crossroads of an opportunity like that and have the glorious guts to take the road less travelled.


Anonymous said...

P.S. If your son lives in California, he will not have to worry for much longer. The courts are definitely going to rule against Prop 8 - it was unconstitutional.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I rarely come to this site but it's been fascinating reading these posts. I happen to think the boy dancers aren't that great and would prefer Adam had dancers that were less campy as well as at least one female dancer & better choreography. That's just my opinion. BUT I have NO problem AT ALL with Adam being frisky on stage. Also, just because your son is gay doesn't make him some kind of expert spokesperson for the entire gay community. If he really thinks Adam has "poor judgement" and is damaging the LGBT cause - even tho Adam has won awards for his work in this area AND has literally SAVED THE LIVES OF GAY KIDS because of his willingness to be open and out and be himself - then I think your son needs to have a serious re-think. Perhaps he needs to analyze what it is about an overtly gay performer that makes him dismiss everything else about Adam and instead base his entire opinion on a few seconds of dancing in one songs performance. Please don't try and use one gay person's view to argue against Adam being himself on stage. There are all kinds of people in the gay community, just like in the straight community. They are not all going to think the same way and they are not more "RIGHT" just by virtue of being gay. Cheers

Anonymous said...

My gay son Trevor reckons Adam Lambert is too OTT and should tone things down because he's single-handedly destroying the entire worldwide LGBT cause and might even be a Westboro plant tasked with doing just that. But then Trevor wears nothing but dark brown corduroy jeans, baby-shit brown shirts and cardigans with leather sleeve-patches, works as a janitor, spends his spare time watching the History channel and is also a brainless, hateful jerk that no-one likes, not even me. :)

Anonymous said...

2:20 Ahaha!!! I love you :D