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Adam Lambert Featured in VH1's '100 Sexiest Artists' segment

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, March 8, 2013

Posted at : Friday, March 08, 2013


choons said...

No Sound. Even on youtube. Want sound please. Looks really great.

Anonymous said...

He was 26th which is a good position. He is the sexiest man alive and if People wanted to name him that, it would be a step forward in the right direction. Adam Lambert is sexy because he has not only amazing good looks, talent and personality but he exudes confidence. And he is brave to be who he is without hiding it like so many do. He is proud, happy and generous. Sexy is sexy like he said. He really is the sexiest person on the planet.

tea said...

I can't hear it either, but thanx for the memories. ;)

Anonymous said...

Have trying to see the videos, but all I have been gettin is a black screen, red box/with > sign. HELP!

Anonymous said...

This is a video of somebody recording their tv. I turned my speakers up to ear splitting and could barely hear it. We will have to hope for a rip of the show or a link to it on VH1.

8:20, can you click on the arrow? It may take a few seconds for the video to load once you click on the arrow for it to play.

Anonymous said...

Adam is in idiot and jerk.Also he is a chubby screaming Jewish boy who is trying to be the most openly gay in whole world!He is cute, has such a voice but nobody cares.They need straight young artist with many hits as Drake,Bruno Mars or the high level of stupidity Juist B, PSY and NM!Adam lost his chance on 2009.I hope he will get few $$$$ to cover Trespassing expenses.I know Brian& Rodger love him like him as he would be Freddie's son and take care about Adam a lot.But they cant't afford to spend few millions $$$ for Adam's new album.

Anonymous said...

Look for this show on VH1. It looks like they are rerunning part of it tonight?

From Tuesday to Friday, VH1′s 100 Sexiest Artists will continue to unveil the sexiest male and female artists. Last night, we counted down numbers 100 to 61. Tonight, numbers 60-41 will have you mildly hot, Thursday’s countdown of #s 40-21 will have you medium spicy and by Friday’s finale of numbers 20 to 1.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't get any sound in either, it looked rather interesting.Did you have any problem getting the sound in delilah Mercury?

Anonymous said...

I could barely hear it, but the last remark ( I think) was, "He is destined for wild success...and that's sexy". Amen to that!

Happy birthday Lammy! It is still March 8th here.

If Adam is performing in the Miami Gay Pride Parade in April, he could pencil some time in for Seattle Parade in June. Sigh!One can only hope.

Love to the Glamily. There are great fans here...and one or two who apparently don't know what "chubby" means... Or does it mean drop dead gorgeous in another country ;)

Marriage equality should be the law of the land in the USA in two years or so...or so I hear. Happy Days!


Anonymous said...

8:35 PM, Hope you feel better now. Feel sad for you that you have to rant and rave about someone you don't even know. Adam is laughing all the way to the bank.

Anonymous said...

8:35 PM, Hope you feel better now. Feel sad for you that you have to rant and rave about someone you don't even know. Adam is laughing all the way to the bank.

Anonymous said...

Of you are on West Coast coming up in a few as they count down from 100. Can't hear the video but I am sure this will show up on other videos. Gale are you listening??

Anonymous said...

Please ignore the troll!!

Anonymous said...

woah.... 8:35p.m bad day, how sad, u r so angry over someone who's talented, good looking, charming & much love by his international Fans!!!
Breathe, chill, be happy for other's success:)

Love & accept yourself anon 8:35p.m

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....I cheated...popped in my hearing aid (which I rarely ever use or rarely even know where it is). So along with earphones I could hear it. Just compliments and a few mildly funny remarks. All good.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:35 p.m.

I do hope your poisonous personality problem is only a temporary condition. Paxil or Prozac might help! ^o^

Anonymous said...

WOW! @8:35-your bigotry is rearing its ugly head. BTW, I married a chubby screaming Jewish boy and he made his first million before he was 35 years old-so put that in your pot pipe and smoke it! I wonder if you are a Christian or a MUSLIM, PERHAPS? Only a freakin' bigot would even bring up Adam being Jewish. He is a handsome, super talented white boy!!!!

lorraine said...

Jak---I'm so excited for you! It seems Adam will be going your way and performing in Miami at Gay Pride on April 8th. I'm hoping that maybe you will be able to see him at last.....

Anonymous said...

He's 29th.

Anonymous said...

Did you not see the IGNORE THE TROLL comment?

lorraine said...

Sorry-the correct date for the Miami Pride performance is April 14th. And I did just see your response about going to live concert events, Jak. Just wanted you to know you were the first person I thought of when I saw the event posted. Living here in San Diego, I hoped he would go to your state,eventually and I'm glad he is,but sorry you won't see him--but totally understand all your reasons.

Anonymous said...

I did not comment on 8.35 at all, but if I wanted to I couldn't I have no earthy idea what the the person is talking about, he or whatever's got to be sniffer something strong! Only gonna say one thing, if Adam is chubby then there no hope for anyone, the man has gotten very skinny, he either getting slammed for being skinny or chubby, whatever! I would love to see a picture Of all these body beautiful's that write this stuff, to this handsome sucessful man! Correction that was sniffing , people on these post have every right to respond to whatever they care too, as long has it promotes Adam in a possitive light! By the way I am Jewish and Getman, not the religion however, so you are also insulting me! Sue

Anonymous said...

Correction I am Jewish and German, also Ad does not need millions which you can bet your booty Brian and Rodger do have, he already promised third album to RCA. He already started on, and rest your mine trespassing over all because of world sales has done quite well! I only understood a little of that rant, but none of it was true! With head phones I did understand what they said very true. I remember that designer guy being on a segment like that about Adam after he lost to KA, he said he was so upset over it he could not Sleep for days, referring to this vid! Sue

Anonymous said...

Sue, you sound just as angry. You need a longer break and to talk to someone about this issue.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a pity Adam didn't go on AI when he was younger giving him more time to establish his career, to build a larger fan-base. Although he is doing well, it seems like a struggle for him. Most artists start losing fans the older they get or rely on the die-hard ones they made in their younger years. I hope he has success with his third album, but given that TP was such a great album but just couldn't seem to get off the ground, I can't help wondering what lies ahead for Adam.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam going on Idol when he was older gave him more experience to rely on and obviously he remains grounded. None of the weird meltdowns that many stars have had like Brittney or maybe Bieber right now. He isn't too old for bigger success. We have been watching from the beginning. Many stars have "overnight success" and then we find out overnight was really ten years.

Anonymous said...

I did see Adam's segment on VH1 tonight and it was great, very complimentary, showed a range of clips from early to current. Look for a rerun! Adam is number 29.

Anonymous said...

YAYYYYY for the Queen name drop! ^_^

Anonymous said...

Dear 12.54 I am not angry and nothing I said sounded that way, stop blaming me for every unsigned comment on here, my dear you are so pathetic! I did not write 9.39! That person had every right to write it however! I have a right to express myself without your approval. You come on here bossing people what to do, telling us what we are allowed to say, if anyone needs help you do, its like your way or the highway! I read someone tell you yesterday when you were bossing them around you do not run the show here and you do not! Please understand this, I needed to take a break because of people such as yourself causing trouble constantly here, not because. I have such a problem. I did feel I was reacting to stupidity and people who were just fools, so I called myself on it like mentally healthy people do! Many people have made much worst comments than I have, just pick on me every time. You are not getting rid of me so if you do not like it, that's just to bad! I called you on some nasty stuff you said, and you been out for me ever sense, I have your number, so bulley away, I here to stay and love Adam! There nothing wrong with me that the absents of people such as yourself would not cure! You just keep picking on me , everything wrote on this page I signed, can you say the same! I am here to stay, but I will from now on take Glitzy Ladies advise and ignore the turkeys, snd show my love for Adam physician heal thy self, good advise for you! Sue

Anonymous said...

I really love this site but I hate the ugliness that is sometimes expressed here. Yes everyone has a right to their opinion but meanness is so unnecessary and has no place here or anywhere else. Telling a devoted fan to take a break and see a therapist.......honestly that's just too much. Also why do some of you waste your time on this site if you are not a fan of Adam's? No one is perfect and Adam certainly is not but that is what makes him so attractive to most of us. He does not take himself too seriously and we should all follow his example.


Anonymous said...

Sue, I was refering to your posts at 12:00 and 12:39 am.

GMT, just a couple of days ago Sue said she had a migraine for days and wasn't sleeping because she was so upset about the posts here. Talking to someone could mean her husband who was out of town and not seeing the lack of sleep and migraine. I meant it out of genuine concern for Sue.

Anonymous said...

Adam is the best star we have in the world today. Period.

Anonymous said...

I could see the video and could hear it, though very low volum. Good comments overall. Of course, I'd put Adam WAY up higher on the list, like NUMBER ONE. I will not dignify the troll/ranter with a reply.


Anonymous said...

Thank you GMT, I so Appreiate what you said and all you said! I am absolutely not buying what 6.02 explaination's is! She been saying uncalled for stuff to me, for a good while now! I was not all that angry, but that rant was bigotry and I am Jewish by blood only and not just a dab of it, and German sure couple others thrown I'm for good measure, so it was offensive to me also, of course it was because of Adam, I said something! In the future will just try to ignore her constant bulking of me! Sue

Anonymous said...

I believe 12:34 and 6:02. Don't see anything wrong with her comment and see it as being concerned.

Anonymous said...

So many patronising comments on this site!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mix breed? Umm...

By the way, typing in all caps is considered yelling.

Anonymous said...

darn I missed this segment when it was on.

Anonymous said...

Just checked and VH1 is showing the countdown of 100 Sexiest Artists today (I'm in LA). Sooo, I've got my DVR programmed for the segment that will include Adam. Heck, if he's 26 or 29, I'd say that's pretty darn good out of 100!

Anonymous said...

JAK here....In response to @ 9:01 a.m.

If being a mixed breed makes you handsome/beautiful...then I must be stunning!
Since I am Scottish,English, Irish, Austrian, Slovakian and a tad French. I will no longer think of myself as a mongrel, but as a carefully orchestrated gene pool of the best of 6 nations!