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Adam Lambert is in Hong Kong

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, March 4, 2013

Posted at : Monday, March 04, 2013

And Adam is showing off the music he's recently downloaded.:


tea said...

Lucky Hong Kong
Everybody Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Adam gave an incredible show in Shanghai. All I read from the Chinese media and fans' tweets is extremely positive. The pics (13 today in one of Shanghai's newspapers!!) are fabulous. The crowd pics at the Mercedes-Benz arena are WOW! Adam needs to self promote via his twitter and facebook accounts because the US media seem to not cover him when he's out of the country. I mean, that show and the ones in Japan were crazy good!!

Anonymous said...

Pics from Shanghai show:

Anonymous said...

And here is that amazing crowd at the Shanghai show:

Anonymous said...

@7;43 I wish U.S. media would cover Adam more,but even when he was singing with Queen it wasn't covered.Of course if there is something negative to cover about Adam that's when they do. I feel so proud of Adam and watching the videos from these overseas concerts just proves how totally amazing Adam is as a singer and performer!

Anonymous said...

High Quality Professional video of IIHY, Naked Love, and Cuckoo in Shanghai:

Anonymous said...

MSN reports Adam's first concert in Shanghai:

Anonymous said...

@milkywayfairy: Got notice from Amazon China that my @adamlambert Trespassing album order is delayed,
they are out of stock \o/

Anonymous said...

Short Press Conference video in Shanghai:

Check out this user's videos on right hand column next to the above video link.

Anonymous said...

433 pro and fans pics. at Shanghai concert:

Anonymous said...

MSN reporting on Adam - WOW - Great!

Anonymous said...

C'mon US Media! You've got a national treasure giving magnificent performances all over Asia and Eastern Europe! It's about time you noticed some of them and the love being shown Adam by so many countries!


tess4ADAM said...

The US media didn't even mention ADAM's Unity Award from We Are Family Foundation ... all they're interested in is his tattoos ... that's how shallow they are. They only print controversial news about ADAM ...
if we want good news about ADAM to circulate here ... WE (Glamberts) have to do it ourselves ... #Reality

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

The US media doesn't report on other performers concerts around the world or all the awards they win either. Adam is not alone in this, it's normal.

Anonymous said...

3:31, Thanks for saying that. It's very true, even with the top stars.

Anonymous said...

Interesting variety of music.

Anonymous said...

Mostly in media wants the bad or negative news bec. of money!!!! That's my opinion:(

It doesn't matter anymore to me as long as we all stick together for Adammmmmmmmmmmm!!!! The rest of the world is behind him anyways.

The most important is that he is happy and successful right now...


Anonymous said...

Hope Adam pimps his own music rather than everyone else's. I love him and hope he becomes a huge star in the states like he is overseas. I also want him to have acting gigs but all these frontside tats will have to be covered up.
I think he is going in a risky direction. No I am not a troll.

Anonymous said...

6:02, Adam isn't a bigger star overseas than in the US. And the tats don't need to be covered. Music stars are all over US magazines and tv shows with their tattoos showing.

choons said...

hey cool - Adam likes some of the same music I do ... yesterday I downloaded Imagine Dragons, Stars, and Johnny Marr (formerly The Smiths)! so much good music out there - but my fave is Adam. AdamAdamAdam.

Anonymous said...

Adam is bigger in Asia than here. America is slow when it comes to him. There is a reason the best album of the year Trespassing did not do well in the states. Rep Conservative wingnuts who aren't accepting kept it off the radio. Furthermore, tats are a freedom of expression but they are ridiculously tough to cover. Bad choice to have sleeves of tats when you want opportunities. Others may show them in music or TV/movies but they were prob already established.

Anonymous said...

How is Adam bigger in Asia than in the US? Any numbers or exapmles to back that up?

Anonymous said...

Uh, maybe the fact that he's not doing a USA "mini" tour? To me, that speaks volumes.

Anonymous said...

Go look at all the comments regarding Asia and the US on this thread.

Your mini US tour comment just means you want one, not that you understand the issue.

Anonymous said...

Everywhere Adam performs overseas he is adored. We US Glamberts adore him too but the US media isn't exactly overly-friendly towards him but I guess we should feel grateful for the positive vibes he receives. We can keep the Adam Lambert flag flying by supporting him to the max and beyond.