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Funny Picture: "I wanna c ur glambulge"

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, March 10, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, March 10, 2013


Anonymous said...

I consider myself fun loving, but not so sure about this...

Anonymous said...

Hi can someone find a way to stop all the fake blog leads and advertisements.

Do we know what Dang Dang translates to? thanks

Anonymous said...

1:22 pm

I think I read somewhere it means Adam...they used to say Lord Dang and Adam said no Lord, just Adam:)

Anonymous said...

Ha!Ha! That's funny and wishful thinking indeed!!!:)

He is a Dang!!:)


Anonymous said...

And these are countries that one thinks are sexually oppressed? Think not. Lols. The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

Oh my, it's in lights. I'm both laughing and horrified.

Anonymous said...

@The Dark Side yes I was thinking the same thing!Also the way the crowd screams whenever Adam makes even the tiniest sexy move lol!

Anonymous said...

Dang Dang according to Urban Dic is A large penis.

HK fan said...

The above photo is from the HK concert, pretty sure...
Dang is Adams name is Chinese...

Anonymous said...

why don't the straight women get over it already.

Anonymous said...

Sir Dang can I touch or pull your DANG DANG if your DANG DANG doesn't mind?

jt said...

5:04. Thanks I just had a good laugh!!!!

Anonymous said...

Freaky. He reaps what he sows.

Anonymous said...

Everyones out the box compared to the US. They need to let if fly a little.

Anonymous said...

4:13 thanks for that link I have been searching all over for that.

Anonymous said...

The first time I saw Adam's Chinese nickname, Dang Dang, was from a birthday video to Adam from some sweet young China fans, Shanghai. That had no sexual connotation. It is an endearing name given to a toy cat / mascot and inflatable (can be inflated to 4 or 5 feet size). The China fans call him...Adam / Ah Dang / Ah Darng. And then subsequently Dang Dang / Darng Darng. lol! Then very recently, Lord Dang was added; to which Adam replied: No Lord, just Dang. No reference to gb so far. Now with this poster it seems to have acquired a sexual nuance which in fact I made reference to in a rather civil way by making a tiny sensual comment. I commented about that video that the Chinese nickname Dang Dang fits Adam because all his things dangle on him like accessories, his hair and then cheekily added and!


Anonymous said...

Well real glad he reaps what he sow's he one of the sweetest, kindest lovely gorgeous singer's in music today! He deserves only great things to happen to him. He deserves to be loved by his fans who Truely care for him as the man he is. Adam is who he is, he needs no remodeling to fit so called fans taste. You cannot make someone fit your taste you either like that singer, performer for who he is are find someone that fits your taste better. That way his true fans who care for him as is can love and enjoy him better, that's only fair! Sue

Anonymous said...

Very well said Sue!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! PRS. Sue

Anonymous said...

Wow, first time I didn't get dizzy reading your post - no misspelling!!! Great!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully Sue's hands are less painful.