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Gorgeous Montage of Adam Lambert's Game Endorsement Video!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, March 1, 2013

Posted at : Friday, March 01, 2013

VIA Worldw_Glamily


Anonymous said...

I would like to see Adam in a major ad campaign. He is a top star so why hasn't he by now? The man can sell anything because he is authentic, beautiful & articulate.

Anonymous said...

I like the one in the middle....the one with the "pucker"......JAK

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree with you JAK! So adorable!

Congrats to Adam for getting this endorsement in China! Good luck! Hope the game sells millions!


Anonymous said...

The most outstanding and appropriate Adam feature for this game endorsement is Adam's eyes; they depict those alien features in the game accurately; fierce yea! Mmm also my depiction of Adam aiming his infrared lasers to fight the shapeshifters (my Glampire poems) appeals to me. lol! A related old poem:

Big shoot boom bang
Adam is jogging to the bank
So exciting on Adamland
Rants, vents, pants, friends
All lend a hand


snap gurl said...

Lookin more & more fem all the time. The peach lip gloss is so rad. The spike heels aren't far behind! Giving raja some competition!

Anonymous said...

I love the bottom middle picture with the teleprompter in the sky look lol love your poem Lam-my.

Anonymous said...

to the gurl that has snapped.

I bet Adam was thinking about your comment all the way to his bank.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this montage! :=D

Anonymous said...

9:28.....Thank you! Appreciated!

9:39.....That's cute! You remember his $$ print t-shirt...ah he was wearing it, skippety-skipping as frisky as a lamb to the bank! lol! Okay serious...this cheque is fat baby fat! lol!


Anonymous said...

@9:39 he has a bank also??

Anonymous said...

That face could sell anything.

Congratulations, Adam!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

@JAK each one of these wonderful pix could be turned into a "pucker" at a moment's notice.

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Anonymous said...

Watched the airport vid of Adam and Tommy arriving in Shanghai. Seemed like Tommy was trying to get in the back seat of the VIP Benz with Adam. What a bozo, although I think it was both Adam's and Tommy's idea. You know from before, how they get these ideas (they like to shock, but end up irritating people). It must not be easy for promoters and business partners to plan things with Adam, because Adam likes to do the opposite. Mercedes Benz is a German brand tho, so maybe they would support the Adommy anyway. Lmao

Anonymous said...

Oh we would not want that, looking to fem for a beautiful, sweet gay man would we, like you people crucified his dancer Johnny for it! Adam has said he had a very masculine side also a very Fem side as you call it, and both are Gorgeous! This is the big time girl and most likely someone else made him up for the shoot, but Adam quite skilled at it himself! I have a feeling other things like this will be heading his way! I think the offers have been swirling, he been getting so big in China because of the voice and the MaMA awards, he always been popular last few months it has really charged up! Also believe Adam feels better about doing them now that he free of that pocket drainer 19, he will get way more profit from this now, plus merchandise sold fr concert and much other stuff! I believe this is just the start of this kind of thing, alway thought Japan, and China was place to start for this kind of thing, I think it would be great to start a cool jacket line he endorses there think it would sale good for men, he has many men follower's as well as woman there in Asian! You know the jerks that come on here to try and bring Adam down, are running on fumes, he doing so well they are just grabbing at staws now to try and bring him down with fem stuff now, they are getting laughable! I am not talking about the loyal fans on here just the T's! Sue

Anonymous said...

After the Helsinki concert Adam will start making the third album and his crew will have new jobs. I saw Monte's tweet and I guess Tommy will be working with him. Btw, I don't hate Monte. I don't hate Tommy either. His fans can be very off-putting though, and Tommy himself is just, you know.. like this

"You walked into the party like you were walking onto a yacht
Your hat strategically dipped below one eye
Your scarf it was apricot
You had one eye in the mirror as you watched yourself gavotte
And all the girls dreamed that they'd be your partner
They'd be your partner, and...

You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you
You're so vain, I'll bet you think this song is about you
Don't you? Don't You? "

AliceC said...

Actually, it's made by ADAM LAMBERT HUNGARY. I can see their watermark.

Anonymous said...

Love Tommy, he is just a bit too shy... which can give an impression as being vain.

Anonymous said...

@4:38 Maybe Tommy is shy but he seems very determined to get more visibility alongside Adam to please his fans, who are his first priority.

Anonymous said...

Next thing the Tommycrays want is Adam's fan club in China to be closed, because Tommy isn't the priority in it. Being young is not an excuse of being stupid.

Anonymous said...

I also would love to see Adam with a major ad campaign for a designer clothing line or even introducing his own cologne/fragrance. It seems everyone from Britney Spears to Nicki Minaj to Adam Levine now is in the fashion or fragrance business. So why not Adam Lambert? He is articulate, charming, and intelligent and certainly more than capable to represent or promote anything that he feels comfortable in doing. I'm still waiting for that coffee table book with the best of the best pictures of Adam that we have seen over the last 3 or 4 years. What a great Christmas gift this would make for this year. I am sure he has other projects in the works but probably has to focus mainly on putting this third album together. After all, this is what Adam is all about...making music.

Anonymous said...

Too much eye make-up!

Anonymous said...

Just asking . . . who is the target user of his perfume line? And for clothing line, it is a very limited market with his name . . . I wish I'm wrong.
I heard that JLo's the big percentage of her 80M earned last year was from her perfume line, not from her records or concerts.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it's just getting into a car, nothing more.

Oh, and Adam is very hot in these pix! Now THAT'S an undisputed fact! LOL.


Anonymous said...

I know only one thing Adam perhaps wants to commercialize and it's the Adommy. It's his lovechild. I would not want to buy androgynous Adommy perfume though. Smells like a bad idea and no profit, lmao.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

@7:17 Lmao

Anonymous said...

Bunch of new fans' videos of WAG concerts on youtube. Check them out!

Anonymous said...

I like that heavy make up in this commercial video accentuates the color line in the video game. To me, it's perfect. I'm quite sure that the company executives putting out this video game previewed the commercial and gave them their 100% approval.

Anonymous said...


HE IS PERFORMING IN THE MAIN ARENA at the Mercedes-Benz Arena. This taken from the Mercedes-Benz Arena site:

The Mercedes-Benz Arena boasts an 18,000 seat multi functional performance space. Using only the most current equipment available to the industry, the main arena can be partitioned and divided to host any number of shows and satisfy any lighting, sound, and seating arrangement request. Also available to visitors is the Mixing Room, an intimate and private theatre / club designed with state of the art technology to guarantee shows deliver a unique experience to each guest

Anonymous said...

7:05 -- Asking kindly, here. Please go play in traffic.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:17 a.m.

Das ist verboten hier! Shoo! ^o^

Anonymous said...

6.56 his clothing line and why I said jacket's should start in Asia, where he is very hot right now like I said! He very hot there right. Ow just exsactly why he got the game! Any clothing line he does would probably be fairly high end, but he could start with a middle of the road t shirt line and jacket line. The jacket line could be two fold some fairly expensive in major stores or whatever and some averagely priced in other stores for the massive! ChInesr and Japanese seem to buy lot of his Trespassimg merchandise, he could also start out with small jewelry line, I do think a unisex type perfume line may go over in Asia, but all this is up to Adam! Sooner or later he gonna catch big in US, then maybe something there I would focus on Asia right now where they adore him! Just about everyone I see woman, maybe men at concerts and airport have on or carring some kind of trespassing merchandise, so with next album he could cook up new merchandise material! Look at how is doll for chairity even here got way more bids on it that JLo's did! Sue

Anonymous said...

TJR is a good friend and a good guitar player and I'm time will be a great guitar player! All this Atommy CRAP or whatever you but balls choose to call it is just that CRAP! tommy trying to get in back of car with Ad big deal if that even happened he probably thought his guitar case fit better in back seat! Stop picking on every little thing and about 99percent if not 100 percent fiction! That was NUT BALLs not Butt balls, correction to above comment but both fit! Sue

Anonymous said...

Go Girl all this crap gets so old.... Like u I come here to enjoy news of our boy and gotta read a bunch of crap about two great guys who are obviously friends..... And just friends ....rose petal

Anonymous said...

Sooo much eyeliner! Beautiful shots!

Anonymous said...

People that are very insecure are the ones that pick on others. Don't add fuel to the fire, it will soon go out. Don't waste your time or energy.

Anonymous said...

So someday keeps telling spam comments to go away and a couple others are stirring up the Tommy crap while yet others are saying too much makeup and too gay. How did this place get to be so unpleasant?

Adam looks great and I am happy he got an endorsement deal.

Anonymous said...

Thank's Rose Pedal it really is getting so boring, this Game thing is a pretty big deal so let us try to bring it down like we do everything else, puck on the make up, he getting to fem, let build up Sauli who in most cases they care nothing about to make it look like Adam taking a back seat, never gonna happen! They are both working on their careers and both doing well! Both exceptionally nice people who I respect greatly!i am not talking about the real fans of Sauli's and Adam's but the trouble maker's! Yes we should ignore it, but when someone say's mean things about people I care about just like I would my family, the mother bear in me takes over, Sorry! Adam looks fine, sometimes he goes heavy on make up for things sometimes light, who care' s he never struck me as fem., the way he talks and all is very male! Correction that was pick not puck on him! Sue

Tanya said...

Some people are new here or something. Yep, I agree with 11:48 this place surely did become unpleasant and that's a shame. Oh well, who cares about this closeminded people with a major butthurt thing going on? Most of them sound like homophobes who want to turn Adam straight. Never gonna happen lol.

Also if someone didn't notice he actually toned down his image at the beginning of the Trespassing era. Don't you remember such thing? And his first singles were so harmless. And how that helped Adam, huh? Some people are created to be controversial and flamboyant. It's your choice if you gonna like or at least support everything Adam does or go away which I recommend to a lot of people here. No one wants to hear your whining and bitching on a website dedicated to Adam Lambert. Create your own and bitch there. Just saying.

And also he looks VERY hot with a make-up. I love me some fem Adam and I'm a girl. What's wrong with been androgynous? Smh at people who dislike it.

With that said go Adam and make their faces crack! Love you <ЗЗ

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Who says Adam's too Fem? Well everyone's entitled to their opinion but perhaps you don't remember, or don't even know Adam the Alpha Male? Well we sure saw. That side of him during his GNT in DC. The 931 Club, I think, when a security guard tried to stop a fan in the front row fron taking Adam's picture and Adam, right in the middle of a song, caught what was going on and got right up ( he was on the flor at the time ) went over to that guard, kicked him out of the way, screamed at him to get out, followed him to Make sure he left, returned to center stage, with huge, masculine strides, never skipped a beat or note, came back to stand right in front of that fan and strutted and said, "Take my picture bitch"! The audience went wild! Adam was the most masculine and strong I've ever seen him....Alpha Male ....all the way.

Now about the Fem side of Adam and the makeup.....Adam has the most gorgeous, symmetrical facial features I've ever seen on a man. He obviously is a hunk, I mean, c'mon his body is very masculine (all parts of him). His facial features are so beautiful and Adam loves to play with makeup and realizes how to accentuate his beautiful features I.e. his eyes, skin, hair etc. he knows the makeup enhances his eyes. He appreciates any beauty and tries to make the best of it....I say go for it Adam!!! When you got it , flaunt it!!!

Sorry for the long rant but my patience is wearing out with those picking on Adam....I'd say he's doing extremely well for himself and I hope he keeps right on doing it.


Anonymous said...

You are the perfect adam fan! You love everything he does! If he tones it down you luv it. If he wears too much makeup you love it. If he kisses tommy you love it. If he kisses sauli you luv it. If he sings rock you love it if he sings pop dance that only girl divas sing you love it. If he dances w femme johnny u luv it if he dances w brook you love it. If he speaks his mind you luv it. If he tells everyone to speak their minds you....... oh wait......

Anonymous said...

Adam's body is masculine?? He has girly arms and pretty feminine hands. And it looks like he wants to keep it that way. At least sauli has some muscle on him, he works out. Adam prefers to look girly. And skinny. More femme all the time. Maybe he's doing it to keep sauli. Maybe sauli secretly is a top!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks great when he is being very masculine and also when he is being more feminine. Either way works for him and is attractive. I think he has the kind of body that simply does not bulk up easily. He does exercise and manages to stay thin, but, like some other men, he could exerise all the time and never get that sculpted muscular look that other men get. Sauli is a different story. He has a completely different body type. Yes, he works out, too, but his body achieves that muscle definition that Adam's simply doesn't do. My husband is tall and strong and quite physical, but he doesn't get that defined muscle tone, either. We've had a private joke for years where I squeeze his relaxed bicep and say, "Make a muscle," and he says, "I am."

Adam's body is well-proportioned and masculine. Some of his movements are more feminine sometimes, at least when he wants them to be. But, to me, he's all man, with all the testosterone he needs. JMO.


Anonymous said...

1.41 yes you are the perfect Adam fan and that what we who Truely love Adam are, and I back you 200 per cent against these people that should be on another site! If you so dislike so much about Adam, fine someone that fits your up tight tastes, Ad never will! Sauli is a bit more toned down for Finland but he sometimes wears quite a bit if make up, nothing wrong with that he is also gay! Adam pretty much works constantly, with very little time off and after all these concerts he will be working on an album not weights, he has bills! Sauli is getting a boost in his career so happy for him, but he has had a lot more time in the past two years to work on tanning and muscles! Frankly I have always thought the opposite that Adam more masculine than Sauli, but who cares! Both of them are way more masculine than lot if gay people that is a fact! I just saw on qvc a big hair dresser Chaz Dean, usually had longer hair got the Adam hair cut wearing rock type jacket, looking some what like Adam a lot really, Ryan S. Adam cut, JB Adam cut big heart throb with teens, skinny not ver masculine and by the way Dean had make up on, yes he a very sucessful hair dresser so who cares if he real masculine seems like nice guy too! I like Adam slum body, he got more of a model's body than Sauli he so tall! Who cares about his hands, so stupid he a singer he does not do lots of manual work. Anyone who does not think traveling constantly and performing is not work is nuts! Adam had many masculine qualities, he has gem. Ones too who the hell cares! Correction I love Adam's slim body, he wears clothes so well! Sue

Anonymous said...

That is he has fem. one too, so what it all balances out, correction again. sue

Anonymous said...

Why don't you trolls just give up??? Can't you see they have a comeback for everything??? They will never see it your way!
~Love is blind... but the neighbors ain't.~ ;-)

Anonymous said...

Sue and others, I hope you don't think Sauli lives on Adam's expense. He does earn money and it does not come from Adam. Who knows he might even have to pay rent for Adam.

Anonymous said...

Way too much eye makeup. It doesn't matter if the wearer is gay, straight, bi, transgender, male, or female it just off putting. It gives the appearance of a clownish comical look, sorta like when a teenager discovers makeup and gets heavy handed with it. In Adam case it makes him look less handsome. However, I'm so happy for his game endorsement!

Anonymous said...

Adam's makeup looks good here, but Tommy has gone overboard with the eye makeup lately, imo.

Anonymous said...

Sauli's birthday is this month. I doubt Adam takes Sauli anywhere unless he gets the trip free. I know it's rude to say so, but the fans worry too much how much Adam is spending money on Sauli although we don't know he gave him anything yet.

Anonymous said...

3:00 PM, you mean it's off putting to YOU. It's not to me. I've always loved eyeliner (and nail polish) on guys regardless of their orientation. And heavy eye makeup can look great on either sex when applied correctly. I think Adam is very talented at applying eye makeup. I wouldn't mind a couple of lessons :)

Anonymous said...

very dumb thread and I see that girl still whining at 1:58 LOL

Anonymous said...

so happy for Adam and Sauli!! These troll comments don't mean jack sh*t.

Anonymous said...

Adam done plenty for Sauli, a place to live, with a pool as before. New place all the comforts, excercise room, pool, entertaiment place, nice place of corse Adam has been taking care of that because Dauli has not worked that much, which was fine because Adam wanted him with him! Now that he getting career advancement maybe he will do some things for Adam too! Every time they were at gro. Store at liquor store Afam had his wallet and credit card out! He had taken him on nice trips not that it's any of out business, but it's quite obvious Adam has paid most the bills, if not all! I do not think Sauli on the other hand is a big user, I think he buys his own clothes and does not seen to ask for expensive things like cars and stuff, or he probably would but him one. I think they both help each other with being supportive but as for as financial adam certainly has done more for Sauli than Saulu Adam! What trip did Sauli take Adam on? What money Saulu made he was able to spend on hisself, that how it seems to me an I am entitled to my opinion too! But whatever trips, or bills or whatever is between them! Just bringing this up because again the trash some of you non fans are bringing up. I remember on a picture I saw yesterday, Sauli with scarfe people saying when came out while ago he looked to fem. also remember people saying on a picture Sauli had to much eye make up on! This trying to use Sauli to run down Af in pathetic, you do not care about him you are using him as another means to run Adam down! Live with it people he just got a great endorsement, he crazy loved in Adia life is good, if your Idol as not done as well try working harder like Adam Lambert has for 4 years! He been true to himself his fans, and worked through all the busy bodies running his career and running him down! Inspite of you life is staring to look way up for Adam And Sauli! Please Go and make your own fan site of your perfect muscle man, with no make up, and no talent! Because that not Adam ha a massive talent do not give a crap about all this other stuff! Stop trying to make Adam over, he wonderful handsome way he is! Just move on sown the road please, this is an Adam Lambert support site, that what is gonna stay so your beating your hateful heads against the wall! I have made a ton of mistakes because I do more when I am really mad! I sure you get what I am saying! Sue

Anonymous said...

No he does not pay rent for Adam. Sauli earns money but at this time nothing like Afam does and he could not pay that high price rent on a monthly bases! His career is going up so that would be great if he could help or spell Afam a month or so! That is their business! I only mentioned it because of the crap said here! I like Sauli but make no mistake at all Adam Lambert is my first priority and will always have his back! I was a fan long before Sauli was in the picture at all! I agree with 511! 2.51you are right you will never win, and the neighbors love both Adam and Sauli, like Kelley O. Yes that woman fr last week is back to give everyone a migraine! Have fun non fans that Luke to ruin sites , you will not! But have at it I have things to do and do not give a damn about any of you'! The thread is stupid thanks to those few crappy people, only! Sue

Anonymous said...

@ Sue

Then please go do them, your repetitious complaints and chatter make my eyes ache.

Anonymous said...

any new things out there for a migraine?

Anonymous said...

Sue, none of us know any of Adam's or Sauli's financial business so please stop speculating on who might have paid for what.

Anonymous said...

Sue, you don't know what Sauli has paid for so stop making comments on it.

Anonymous said...

I hope you get some rest tonight. Take some Valium. You are way too invested in Adam. You need to chill honey, before you pop a blood vessel.

Anonymous said...

@Sue, just do what Adam will appreciate with a smile.
Yes, he might appreciate your effort but with an eye roll.

Anonymous said...


Your heart is in the right place but your Hands are on the keyboard way too often. Since they are painful give them a rest and give us a rest. We are glad you love adam but there is no prize offered for the longest most rambling comments.

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