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Huge Crowd at Hong Kong Concert! Latest Adam Lambert News From Hong Kong ViA @glam_alidol

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, March 4, 2013

Posted at : Monday, March 04, 2013


Anonymous said...

omg those leather TP outfits were outstanding. Excellent job!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, these fans really go all out for Adam in those Leather TP outfits. Can't wait to see the vids from the show in Hong Kong. Adam must be having the time of his life with the huge audiences and the great reception he is receiving in all the venues where he is performing. And he certainly deserves all the love and acceptance we see from these fans. Now all we need is for the same success and recognition for him here in the USA. Let's hope it comes with the release of the third album and the first single from it.

Anonymous said...

Great to hear the numbers would good and made the promoters happy!

Amazing outfits those girls made!

And now I want to see Adam in his cartoon socks :)

Anonymous said...

7:19, Adam has way more success and recognition in the US than in Asia.

Anonymous said...

REALLY? Where?

Anonymous said...

I wanna see those socks.

DRG (and vids)

Anonymous said...

Adam should get Persian-American concert promoters here in L.A. They know how to fill up Staples center in full in matter of no time with high ticket prices. I go to concerts of barely known pop Persian singers here in L.A. and they sell out high ticket prices in no time either at Staples or Nokia or Gibson. I really don't understand why he doesn't have any concerts here in U.S. his own country and everybody knows his name, Adam Lambert. Come on Adam's management do something!

Anonymous said...

those girls are going to have many fashion designers working under them someday. loved the eye of horus shirt.

Anonymous said...

usa adam lambert concert now- pls adam ask ur management pls-concert all over usa.lots of people want to watch ur concert here.

Anonymous said...

I´m confused about the title ?! Isn´t it Shanghai concert Alidol is talking about? Hong Kong concert is just coming, today Tuesday,the 5th. Time differences!

Anonymous said...

One speculation: Adam told fans that he will be back in China again. He sold tickets more than he expected. Originally was 5,000 and ended up selling more than 7,000. We got tweet from Dr. Brian May that there is a possibility of collaboration again with Adam. IMO there will be Queenbert concerts in Asia. That's where all entertainers are heading now cause that's where the money is and eventually Adam's popularity will trickle from East to West.

Anonymous said...

8:13, all of the concerts Adam did since launching Trespassing, the number one debut on Billboard, the Jimmy Kimmel Show, Good Morning America, the recent People Magazine chart, the constant polls on Ryan Seacrest's site as well as PopCrush and PopDust. The fundraiser for Marriage Equality, the Dragon Attack jacket being referenced on Glee, his appearance on Pretty Little Liars, his appearance on Fashion Police. Hosting Divas and including all the promo for that like CNN and Wendy Williams. Performing with Cyndi Lauper at her fundraiser, the award from Nile Rodgers' fondation. That's all off the top of my head - I'm sure there is more. Tons of success and recognition, way more than in any other region or country.

Anonymous said...

The pic of the three girls is from Hong Kong. I think it is a mix of tweets.

Anonymous said...

@8:49PM I agree with you alidol is in China and she went to Shanghai concert. Definitely her tweets are about Shanghai concert not Hong Kong. Hong Kong concert is tonight. Expected crowd for Hong Kong is 3600.

Anonymous said...

The picture of the three girls is from Hong Kong but alidol tweets is about Shanghai concert.

Anonymous said...

I hate to burst the happiness bubble, but for Shanghai, 7,000 sold tickets is not a big number. I attended Adam's concert in Phoenix, AZ, a few months ago, and on a WEEKNIGHT, at the Phoenix fairgrounds, we had a crowd of 7,000 people-a night when everybody had to go to work or school the next day. A good Shanghai crowd would have been at least 18,000-but, he will definitely get there and very soon, I think!!! If Adam would appear with Queen in Asia, can you even imagine the ticket sales?

HK fan said...

Most of these tweets are about the Sganhai concert....
Hong Kong concert has happened yet, its in a few hours...
And the HK venue doesn't hold 7000.

HK fan said...

Alidol is in HK, she decided yesterday to fly in for the concert.

Anonymous said...

Adam goes where his promoters book him.

Anonymous said...

Alidol is a great fun of Adam and we must be thankful of all the information she provides us. But she is not a professional and her enthusiasm often exceeds the reality. So we must forgive her.
But for the sake of truth, 7000 thousand saled tickets is really not a big number (in a venue for 18000) in a several million city of Shanghai and in a country of over billion people.

Anonymous said...

I think adam is more well know in the us but more Popular in asia

Anonymous said...

The arena is sectioned off, into 3 sections of 6,000! For different things! Sure sometimes it's all opened, maybe! Adam very first solo concert in china, think it was just this section made available for that! He did not have acess to the entire arena, it was 6,000 section and to capacity standing room! Now they see his capacity sure next one will be made bigger, as he gets more and more famous there! What space he was given was filled to total capacity, from what I am told! Again the arena is sectioned Off! Sure more space will be available for future concert's , believe me word of mouth will spread! He building gradually and quite fast actually a big following in China! He did great, the promoter's seem quite happy it is his very first solo concert it will get bigger and bigger! Happy for Adam!

Anonymous said...

Let's be realistic, there are well over one billion people just in China and most of them have never heard of Adam Lambert. I'm glad he has had so many concerts in Asia recently and is gaining fans, but it's not realistic to think he is more successful or popular there than in the US.

Anonymous said...

I think 7,000 people in Shanghai is not too bad for an American Idol alumn who was on American Idol almost 4 years ago...and who did not have a tour in the US. But as mentioned earlier by another poster... Adam did a lot of appearances on TV. I don't live in the US and I have seen them all on internet !

Anonymous said...

Ihe is quite known in Asia by way more than you think because if the finale of the voice china, viewed by 520 million people! Also the MAMA awards, seen in many countries by way more than that! If he was not popular he would not have gotten a very rare coveted game endorsement ! Lot more than you think know exsactly who Adam is! He growing all the time, suspect next three or four years growing steadily he will be one of the biggest stars from America in china! He did wonderfully for his first solo concert, you can bet the next one will be even more sucessful, I also think tickets were expensive!

Anonymous said...

Adam has had successes in America and Asia and other countries he still a young star growing all the time! But I would say Asia plays his music and 6 singles were released off last album there, heard if I had you no. 1 for weeks and fever also did well! His music is played well in Asia, Russia Fenlamd and others another single just released I Finland! Adam is gradually. Holding a big fan base in Asia and other's when the promoter's now see he can fill those concert's and gradually will get bigger and bigger! Adam has also had many successes here, in America such as Diva! He must been famous a short time and he is very unique, Adam will have many successes! He has many talents so he may be bigger here in one way bigger there in another, he steadily growing in both places, he gets good radio play in Asia and in others, and he did a wonderful job on the Diva's, and PLL! So let hope no. 3 is the charm for all! He a young artist and much room to grow, let keep in mine Carey underwood who popular here as no popularity in Asia or any where other than north America maybe a bit in England! Adam is an international star and growing! He in the past year look how far he has come there in Asia, plenty room to grow! Let's all be happy for his ever growing popularity in both here and there, not to mention the queen thing! H let me happy he still thriving when many from idol even after him has gone flat, he growing every year! He got so many talents and hosting is one of them, like Diva's! No reason to argue at all!

Anonymous said...

I'm happy for the success that Adam has achieved. He is my favorite singer and performer.

Anonymous said...

Adam can only fill a venue, not put people on the roof of it. Obviously the promoter expected less than he got and this is a pleasant surprise for him.

Adam is better known in the US but he has been more successful in other countries including Canada, Australia, new Zealand and Finland, all of which charted his singles much better than the US did. He is hot in Asia right now and his cd has also done very well in Russia. No slouch in South Africa either.

Adam did do concerts in the US during the Trespassing era. If he hadn't done the State Fairs and Fantasy Springs last year, promoters might have been interested in a small tour but taking the same show to the same place twice in a year is not considered a good idea unless you are really hot and sold out the first concert in seconds.

Don't put it past Adam to take the WAG concert into a few US State Fairs this summer.

Queenbert would be nice. If Adam can pull in 7000 in cities like Shanghai and Tokyo, maybe Queen can double it, LOL!

Anonymous said...

11:30 PM
Adam had a massive Glam Nation Tour in the U.S. in 2009 and took his Glam Nation Tour internationally in 2010. He performed night after night with very little down time both in the U.S. and overseas so don't say he didn't tour in the U.S. No doubt Adam will perform in the U.S. and other parts of the world again when the time is right.

Anonymous said...

There's a photo online of the audience in Shanghai. Phew! It was massive so no need to go on pessimistically about Adam not attracting a lot of people to his concerts. Let's be positive and support him in all his endeavours.

Anonymous said...

I think that Adam is still pinching himself..........I don't think he ever thought he would be known all over the world and have the success he is having. And the fact is that his popularity continues to grow rather than just be a blip on the radar.

I believe that Adam really wants to get into TV and movies and given a chance he will conquer both. Fame is so fleeting for so many that the slow and steady rise is probably a better way to go and also easier to handle. Just look at Justin Bieber as an example..... too young, too much fame, too many expectations and cracks are starting to show.

Also, I was thinking was that Adam was such a smart and brave young man to come out a the beginning of his career. I'm sure that it has had an effect on his career but his honesty about who he is has helped so people feel that it is okay to be different. Adam's voice is out of this world and along with his charming personality one can't help but love him. The looks don't hinder either.

Mega success will be his in the long run!


tea said...

The leather outfits are impressive.

All this discussion about if Adam is successful enough drives me crazy. My reality check is Adam is a hard working entertainer. His voice is magnificent. His personality is magnetic. If that isn't success, I don't know what is.

Thanx to whoever put these tweets in 24/7.

Anonymous said...

Why am I not surprise about the numbers coming to his concerts . . . .if only they would promote a couple tours here in the USA . . just to see how they sell . .maybe we too could see our amazing Adam in concert again . . .Miss you BB....

Anonymous said...

Adam had no choice to come out . . . because this is who he is . . honest
I'm just so happy he is doing what he loves and I get to hear him sing.....

Anonymous said...

To anon at 9:07 pm: I agree with all that you listed as far as success and recognition for Adam in his career. However, one thing has eluded him recently and that is successful singles from TP with extensive radio play. TP may have debuted as #1 Billboard, but then the album dropped and really went nowhere unfortunately. Adam doesn't seem to get radio play and there wasn't a full concert planned here in the US for the new album. As an Adam fan, I am just pointing out the truth of what is not happening in his career. Most people here at home don't even know what he is doing or where he is because there is no publicity about his success in these Asian non-tours and the other things he as done recently esp. Queenbert. I hope the third album does well and brings Adam all the recognition and success that he so deserves because he is the best vocal talent in music today.

Anonymous said...

I think the two singles that were released from TP were a big mistake. Too ordinary. Trespassing should definitely have been the first , then Shady or Chokehold, then Running or Underneath. People expected something different from Adam. They didn't get it. So the album tanked. Only those who bought the album know how many great songs are on it.