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Latest Adam Lambert Pictures on Gili Trawangan Island (Indonesia)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, March 13, 2013

gunzandmoses: "This pic makes me wanna get a colonic @realadamlambert"

Peta Johnston:
"A great couple of days with the girls. Thank you girls and to our new friends as well. We will be back Gili T xox — with Amee Stuart and Restu Fauzy at Gili Trawangan."

sylviaholscher: #hangingout#lastnight#AdamLambert#gili#indonesia


tea said...

I love the silly faces.

Anonymous said...

what's that black thing he's wearing? a skirt?

Anonymous said...

Looks like a tunic. With shorts underneath? But nice skin showing. And lots of freckles :)

Anonymous said...

I need to run into Adam while on a tropical vacation!

Anonymous said...

Must have been fun. Did he go straight from concert to the beach?

Anonymous said...

That woman is a glambert, because she is trying to get Adam drunk.

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choons said...

Methinks Adam needed to detox (except for alcohol haha) and hit the spa in Bali so he will be in tip-top shape for the rest of his tour. Just one of the girls!

Anonymous said...

I bet that was a fun mini vacation for Adam and the guys.

Anonymous said...

ok how bout a #badgirls evening with the 24/7 peeps. lol

Anonymous said...

that is my kind of slumber party. chips, whips, dips, pecs, and glambulges. omggggggggggggggggg

Anonymous said...

First of all: I love Adam's voice.

Second: How much does a man's liver and other internal organs stand alcohol? I mean, Adam seems to drink quite a lot. I bet he drinks wine with food and that's ok. But after the shows "he has to relax" on After parties and on free time go to bars and clubs and drink shots and drinks etc. He is a tall man, but is there a limit when the organs start to suffer? Of course I don't know how much he drinks but he seems to be on some pics quite drunk (I don't mean these pics but there are such also; I guess he likes vodka, tequila and other strong stuff and shots). Drinking does not make his voice worse and he is not drunk when in public or on stage. But, on free time,vacations, week ends etc. None of my business, I know, just wondering.

Anonymous said...

@11:19 "It's Iceland -- or the Philippines -- or Hastings -- or --
or this place!"

This place is the shizz

Anonymous said...

Adam is in good company.

Anonymous said...

We just see pics of Adam when he is out which is often at bars which doesn't seem that often to me. It is entirely possible to only have one or two drinks when you go out. So we really have no idea how much he drinks. Just another thing for the stage moms and trolls to go on about.

Anonymous said...

Please do not start, it really is not anyone's business. He is on a couple days vacation, he been working is ass off! If he had that big of a problem he could not put on the kind of concert's he does! Some time picture's are shown here, several times. Lots he is just goofing around! It's oviious he had a few drinks here, he on vacation. He got a great family if they see a problem at anytime I am sure they would not be shy in telling Adam! It's not our place to talk behind his back about it! Sue

Anonymous said...

11:26 am

I´m kinda sharing your thoughts. It´s not our business, but I`m happy to believe he has loved ones who give opinions and perspective on these things. All I want is the best for him.We all need close people around us to keep us focused and´s only human..

Anonymous said...

Ok, to be honest I think some of Adam's so called friends are more like leeches. There's Tommy leeche and now this new Gunzandmoses leeche, and also Sutan leeche and Terrance leeche. The only person I like in Adam's crew and who is sane is Johnny.

Anonymous said...

11:45 am

So glad your opinion doesn´t count on the matter!

Anonymous said...

@11:48 why you react then?

Anonymous said...

Leeches? gunzandmoses is Terrance's friend. Adam has been friends with Sutan, Terrance and Johnny since long before American Idol when there was nothing to leech off of.

Anonymous said...

11.55 am

DUH...doesn´t count for ADAM!! I thought spelling it out wasn´t needed:)

Anonymous said...

I posted on the top post about Adam partying, but just a quick repeat. He sometimes looks like he's very drunk, but I don't think he necessarily is. He puts on a good "party face," I think. I thinki people want their pics taken with him, and when the camera is there, people tend to mug for the camera in a silly way. I'm not naive. I know he's a party boy who likes his liquor, but I think he's ok.


Anonymous said...

@11:59 And I'm not saying Adam should get rid of them either. I think I would only like or get along with Johnny.

Anonymous said...

Terrance has been Adam's friend for a long time. Adam seems to hang with him a lot.

Anonymous said...

I some friends that are in a band ....they are getting fairly well known.:: one of them is very cute and has a great personality people are always wanting to take a pic with him..... one day we were at a music festival... taking a lot of pics... I noticed he had a crazy look on his face on all the pics... I got on to him for running what was gonna go on the wall.... he said sorry I get so tired of getting my pic taken I decided I give everybody one good one then I'd make the rest goofy .... I explained to him that wouldn't work this time... Lol..anyway point is you can't tell anything from a pic.... anyway wish id been there ... to get drunk with him.... Lol.... rose petal

Anonymous said...

12:15 pm

Are you really trying to convince somebody that leeches are not to get rid of?? If you think they´re leeches, you certainly wouldn´t like them around. No need for softening what you said.

choons said...

there seems to be a disturbed child on this blog - or an immature adult.
Responding to their remarks is a waste of time and lowers the quality of conversation.

Anonymous said...

@11:45 AM, Johnny is a leech too.

Anonymous said...

wanting to take advantage of his glambod. way to go girls;:)) don't think disturbed, just brutally honest dahling

Anonymous said...

anon 12:29 number 1 only a disturbed individual would read disturbed comments.

Anonymous said...

hey anon 12:29 number 1!!!! quit answering yourself.

Anonymous said...

from the Facebook comment of the lady in red in the pics:

No Bru he is a very talented young man with a nice heart and a huge personality. He is one of the most grounded celebrities I have had the pleasure to meet. I have met some with half his talent and twice his ego! I am in awe of him....

Anonymous said...

AL loves being photographed. it is very obvious. He would take a pic with just about everyone:) including Monte Pittman.

Anonymous said...

Because Adam is so approachable and just like boy next door, crazy people think they are somehow entitled to give him advice how to run his life.

Anonymous said...

Looks like girls gone wild for Adam!!!haha..nandruuu2

Anonymous said...

Adam accepted to have a drink and chat with the lady and perhaps some other celeb didn't. Imo, it has nothing to do with anyone else's ego than her own ego.

Anonymous said...

Okay...since Adam is not with guys in these pics, he just has to be picked on this time his drinking! Oooh boy, the man can´t do anything right!!!! Tough life!

Anonymous said...

it looks like the TROLLS have big LEECHES. mmmmmmmm gooooood

Anonymous said...

Adam must be heartbroken cause Brandon is not with him :(

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam will have a juice diet when he goes back to L.A.

Anonymous said...

"Entitlement isn't sexy". I forget 90 % what Adam says, but those words are still the wisest and best he has ever said.

jt said...

Ladies in pics were on vacation from Australia and bought a round of shots for Adam and his group. They were all having good clean fun, wish I had been there.

Anonymous said...

12.33 what did the woman say about Adam? He nice enough to sit with them have a drink be like joe ordinary which we know he is anything but that and she said something against him? Sometimes I think Adam only problem is he too damn nice, people take advantage of him and feel entitled to say stupid remarks about one of the most humble talented and sweet, crazy talented guys in music and on the planet and now I am mad! He was just being friendly and socializing with people there! Most stick in the mud celeb's would never have bothered to talk to them at all! She sure looked like she was enjoying him to me! Sue

Anonymous said...

I hope the leeches suck all the blood out of the trolls. Can we please stop replying to the trolls? If we don't, they are never going to go away. Stop making it so easy for them.

Anonymous said...

II am not replying to trolls I want to know what the woman in the picture said, sounded like it was not nice! She sure seems to be enjoying herself, to me! The post getting nuts again, so I think I will go take a vacation in my shower! Sue

Anonymous said...

Looks like Adam is having a fun time. I just got back from Mexico and just about every picture has a glass of wine in it. So what! We were having fun and relaxing. It doesn't mean you got drunk every night. Do some of you people never relax and have fun?

Anonymous said...

adam lambert easy of the alcohol- drinbk moderately- too much alcohol is bad for ur liver- wind up having liver cnacer-pancreatic cancer; more veggies-fruits fish and chcilekn avoid too much friend-not good for you and for ur heart.
i rember patrick swacze-died of pancreatic cancewr- reason?drinking or drinking too much- pls adam want you to live longer. and make music.

Anonymous said...

oh my why did I even open the comments section here.

Good comment Choons about the lowering of the conversation! And I am a fierce proponent of free will and the scroll bar... but sometimes evev that doesn't help... oh well. I'll just go back to reading the headlines.

Anonymous said...

So are Adam and the troops on their way to Ukraine now?

Anonymous said...

24/7 land of the damaged trolls.

Anonymous said...

Yep..I´m rather new in here. Has it always been like this???

Anonymous said...

@2:03PM No, this place was dead before the anons came and for awhile there were a few gay men who used to comment, but the regulars didn't like their opinions either. :)

Anonymous said...

OMG! My Internet was down for 24 hrs and I almost has withdrawal! So I just got Internet back and my first site to visit was 24/7 to read about all Adam news.

Looks to me Adam is just relaxing with friends...doesn't look drunk to me at all..just having fun and being friendly. He works so hard he's entitled to a couple days to just be himself. How would any of these trolls like it if they were under a microscope 24/7? Geez, give the guy a break!

I'm so happy to hear about a San Diego if I can pull it off to go I'll be ecstatic!


Anonymous said...

anons are people also. let them have their opinion. anonette

Anonymous said...

it is called anonymous alchoholisis.

Anonymous said...

2:03 PM, it used to be a great place, until the trolls found out the commenters here can't ignore them. It's really escalated lately. I wish people would quit taking the bait and responding to the trolls.

Sigmund Fraud said...

The peeps on here who are always defending Adam & can't deal with differing outlooks are the ones who need professional help. It kills me when they turn it around, lol.
So sad really. Poor Adam. If he only knew.
Carry on kiddies. My thesis isn't done yet.

Anonymous said...

@12:15pm so glad you like johnny. Too bad you don't know her. I'm sure you and she would be best girlfriends, although I'm pretty sure she'd out femm you!

Anonymous said...

@12:33pm is that all you know how to say? Think of something else ( if you are intellectually able), that's just getting so old.

Anonymous said...

Another wasted thread

Anonymous said...

Oh my , soon as I saw pics of Adam and alcohol, guaranteed thread of bull shit.
Let the guy have some fun for Christ's sake. He's young, and likes a good time. Phenomenal singer !!

You go Adam, do what the hell you feel like doing.

Anonymous said...

the leeches on the trolls need to quit repeating themselves.

Anonymous said...

Adam should take the beautiful Danielle to the Islands. at least he would have very nice arm candy.

Anonymous said...

How about the fleas on the leeches on the trolls? What say you?

Anonymous said...

There are some absolute nutters on this blog lately. It's hard to make sense of their posts because they drivel on and on with bad grammar and punctuation ad nauseam.

Anonymous said...

OMG everyone's going nuts on this thread.

Anonymous said...

I guess in today's society with facebook, twitter, instagram and whatever else is out there, nothing is private anymore. It's all posted for everyone to see. So if you don't want to be embarrassed, don't do anything stupid you will regret because it is out there for all eternity. Adam is just having fun, relaxing, having drinks with people he met while on a mini vacation. He has been working very hard and needs to wind down until his next concerts. There is nothing wrong with these pictures. He looks great and loves to make those silly faces.