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New Picture: Adam Lambert at Frenz Frenzy, Osaka

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, March 1, 2013

Posted at : Friday, March 01, 2013

VIA @hirokoinkobe


Anonymous said...

@laura_ansa: Sauli on Korkojen Kera Talk Show in Finland

Anonymous said...

Official interview of Sauli at 14:00 min. mark:

Translation please Finland Glamberts. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Those great grey-blue eyes!

Anonymous said...

I wish we had a translation of the interview. Sauli is so charming and funny. AND SO HOT AND HANDSOME AS WELL. I'm assuming this is a recent interview??? He looked so cute and coy when they mentioned Adam. Like he was blushing.


Anonymous said...

Can't open the first interview, but the second one is so cute. We need translation!

Anonymous said...

They played Trespassing at the beginning of introducing Sauli. The official website has a clear video but I couldn't understand a word of it except when the hosts asked Sauli questions about Adam. Heard Adam's name few times and hope we get a good translation of what they asked Sauli about Adam.

Anonymous said...

A rare photo capturing Adam in a pensive moment--a melancholy memory of a hurt, long ago penury, or the stoic look of peripatetic existence? The setting's name, Frenz Frenzy, can set off a quirk mood in any sensitive body. No matter, the dark Adam in near tears is still hot. atm

Anonymous said...

He said it took time to settle down in Los Angeles. But now he has own friends too and he starts own his TV-show (for FOX). There is going to be famous or wellknown Finnish people from LA in that show.

Anonymous said...

Sauli told had done hola hoop with Kelly couple of times :).

Anonymous said...

Sauli has been busy today. This is Tutka with Katri from Friday afternoon:

choons said...

@11:37 can't open any of the vid clips - a pop-up screen arsenna lightsomething ...what is that? :(

Anonymous said...

If you want to read a good translation, look at Twitter @Tiiqqu and @Miachihu. They are working on it right now. The Tutka translation will probably be ready tomorrow.

Is this better link (Korkojen kera)?

Anonymous said...

Sauli is indeed very confident, gorgeous and kind:)

I try to translate Sauli´s interview. It´s going to be pretty long, so scroll if not interested:)

The introduction said that everyone in Finland got to know who he is because he won Big Brother in 2007. And now he´s known outside Finland borders, because he fell in love with Adam Lambert. And he nodded:)

They talked about that he arrived last Thursday and he´s been very busy. No time for rest, at least for now. They mentioned, of course, his upcoming TV-show. He´s going to interview famous Finnish people who live in LA. He mentioned that for example Riku Campo, some hockey players and chefs are going to be guests on the show. He didn´t want to reveal too much:) He wants the show to be kind and warmhearted one:) Well, no surprise there:)

The hosts asked about Adam of course:) Adam has asked Sauli´s opinion of the songs on Trespassing album and they wanted to know if Sauli gave direct feedback. And Sauli said that yes he did and he is a direct person. If asked, he´s telling the truth. Although he admitted that he doesn´t know much about music business(audience had a laugh at that), but recognizes hit songs when he hears them:)

The first year in LA went getting used to American lifestyle. Now he´s settled in:) Has lots of friends and new things happening career-wise as well. They talked about Fault magazine pictures and how Sauli liked it. And if opportunity occurs, he would also like to do modeling.

When he was laying on the sofa spreading his hands, he was asked if he has been housewifing. And he laughed and said to Vappu (blond host) that yeah sure.. been laying on the sun the whole time. Seriously he said he´s trying to get his career going and now succeeding with his show. And Sauli said that Vappu has been their guest at their home.

Sauli was asked about marriage plans. Sauli said that he hasn´t been thinking about it.

Because Adam and Sauli moved to a new home, he was asked if he´s been talking to Kelly Osbourne. Sauli said yes he has and did some hula hooping with her a couple of times. And she also gave him vitamins. Vappu said... "from Kelly Osbourne, knowing her past it would some what suspicious "(and the audience laughed)

Sauli invited the hosts to Adam´s gig and it seems they´re going together. Sauli is going to be in LA in the end of March, after Adam´s show.

Tomorrow Sauli has a hosting job in winter happening for families.

This pretty much sums up the interview. Might have forgotten something...sorry!. But all and all the interview was very nice, funny and sunny. Just like Sauli:)


choons said...

@1:20 thanks! love it.

glitzylady said...

Thank you for your general translation and description of Sauli's interview! He is truly a sweet guy! I'm always interested in what Sauli has to say...

Anonymous said...

Good job, Wilma!

Anonymous said...


You are most welcome:)


Anonymous said...

Put down the drink and have a cheeseburger Adam. You're looking a bit anorexic lately.

Anonymous said...


We see Adam's expression differently.
That expression says WTF to me !

Magiclady said...

I have to agree. Not sad, WTF seems more like it or get out of my face

Anonymous said...

Interesting photo. :)

Anonymous said...

Pink lipstick? Hmmmm. I dunno. I think peach looks so much better on you gurlfrand.