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New Pictures: Adam Lambert Having Fun at night in Singapore!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, March 8, 2013

Posted at : Friday, March 08, 2013

VIA emily_callaway: "Such a fun night!"


Anonymous said...

Sorry honey no matter how good you look , you're not his type!

Anonymous said...

I'm a bit jealous of her nearness to Adam anyway. lol

Anonymous said...

Adam invited the blond guy to his concert. So, Adam likes more muscular guys now.

Anonymous said...

Wow, nothing but pretty in that picture. Lucky people getting to meet Adam.

Anonymous said...

If Sauli is going to Adam's concert it is possible he watches it from the arena's sauna box with even better looking hunk(s) while Adam sweats on stage.

Anonymous said...

It looks like Adam is promoting the hedonistic lifestyle. Imo, that's why the media asked him about the certain lifestyle that he promotes at his shows.

Anonymous said...


And you know that is the case because...........

Anonymous said...

@6:08 fandom ninjas

Anonymous said...

Hedonism = the doctrine that moral value can be defined in terms of pleasure

Adamluv said...

The young woman looks like Selena Gomez. Dont know why I'm even bothering to comment since the trolls have already arrived. Nevermind. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures.

Anonymous said...

adam lambert voice-music makes me happy- hes the best of all- love him for life;fns for life as well.

Anonymous said...

Boy-could Adam and the girl in the pics ever make a beautiful baby!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yea, she does look like Priscilla Presley and Adam is like Elvis.

Anonymous said...

torso touching with the glam one. omggggg omgggggg omgggggggggggg

Anonymous said...

she wants some hunk a hunk of burning glam love while they do the jailhouse rock and wearing their blue suede shoes. I don't see him pushing it away.

Anonymous said...

Why can't fans get a picture with Adam without people here turning it into garbage? Are you jealous or do you just like to stir up trouble?

Anonymous said...

anon 7:14 no, but thank u very much

Anonymous said...

alot of trolls are sitting here waiting for another troll to spill their trollful comments on the blog. and when the troll don't like what the other trolls say, they bash the trollful comment with another trollful comment. The trolling is getting uncontrollable.

Anonymous said...

Didn't know Adam invites fans backstage.

Anonymous said...

the song "Touch my body" comes to mind when viewing the pics.

Anonymous said...

I would give anything to understand what being "gay" means. How does one know if they are gay? Is being gay a mental thing in the brain that transfers to the sexual feelings. I am trying my best to understand what being gay really means. Can Adam really not be turned on by a beautiful woman? I have read so much about being gay, but with all my research, I still do not understand what makes the gay person know that they are "gay". Is it strictly a mental thing or is it just a physical thing? I am being honest here-I really would like to know. My best friend told me that when he was about five or six years old-he knew he was different, but he did not even know the "gay" thing existed. Anyone care to comment. BTW, I am not prejudiced in any form way or manner, and I love Adam Lambert with a passion.

Anonymous said...

@7:28- great question- I actually feel the same way- hope someone answers us

Anonymous said...

@7:28 Do you go for both sexes? Is that why your confused? If your straight how do you know?

Anonymous said...

7:28 and 7:36 must be sexless if they don't understand.

Anonymous said...

I always wondered if a blindfolded person had an unknown person to sexually caress them, kiss them and do other very sensual things to them, AND, that blindfolded person did not know if the "giver" was a man or a woman, wouldn't the blindfolded receiver get turned on no matter what the sex of the "giver" would be? WOW, this is really something to ponder. Does it means the actual visual is totally the master of SOMETHING? I don't know if I am making myself clear, but think about it. Years ago, we had this question put forth to us in a college course when we studied the human sexuality of the brain and body. We never could come to an exact conclusion of what gay really is, but this was many years ago when "gay" was not openly discussed like it is in this day and age. Another question could be if a bigoted person hated gays, and that bigoted person became blinded by an accident, and their caregiver was gay, would they still be bigoted toward their caregiver? I also am a person of some crazy deep thinking.

Anonymous said...

7:28 has a good question. Perhaps a thoughtful, intelligent person can answer it for all of us. Understanding is key.

Anonymous said...

@7:28. Honey ur wasting ur time if u think u will get a mature answer out of anyone they think is a troll, no matter how sincere u are. Troll in this place means anyone who deviates from the bane of their existence. Which is basically kissing Adam's ass 24/7. You must not stray from that in any way and that includes questioning his sexuality...or even anything pertaining to it, as well as anyone else's, as in the end, it all leads back to Adam.
You must be new here or else u would know the rules-lol.

Anonymous said...

if Adam was blindfolded and felt the soft hand of a female without seeing her face, he would still cum glitter.

Anonymous said...

@7:18: no, you forgot-it's one troll answering themselves over and over again.

Anonymous said...

All will become clear to you with the questions after you've been thru puberty.

Anonymous said...

I was told when young that Gay was being happy and there was no possible way you could be happy and sad all at once.

Anonymous said...

anon 8:13 are you one that is sitting and watching the time below the comments?? watching each passing minute after minute of each trolling comment being made???

Anonymous said...

I've never met Adam but I like his personality less now than 2 years ago. That means the music becomes more and more important.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who can't deal w the thought of adam being with a woman is very emotionally immature. As most of us are mature women who wouldn't stand a snowballs chance in hell either way-I find it completely pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Adam is probably bisexual. He finds women attractive and he is a very masculine man. But he says he is gay so he is gay. And he is beautiful in every way. Love him so much.

Anonymous said...

7:28, how do you know you are heterosexual? That is the same way people know they are gay. It is a biological thing which makes it both mental and physical. If your best friend is gay why can't he explain it to you?

Anonymous said...

I am a true Adam fan and I have also wondered many times about what "gay" means. Does a gay man mentally think they are a woman when it comes to the sexual act and does a gay woman mentally think they are a man in the sexual act? This is an honest innocent question. It has nothing to do with hate or bigotry. I would love to understand every aspect of Adam. Nothing could ever stop me from being his fan-it is just that I would love a direct answer from someone who is gay to answer this question.

Anonymous said...

Adam said he is bicurious. He has "bi" thoughts. BI means both sexes. YES he gets turned on by women.

Anonymous said...

I think a bi man thinks he is a man and woman and he can satisfy anything that walks his way. Best of both worlds so to speak.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert acts very feminine and masculine to me. I think he can turn it on either way he likes. I always said that you watch the body language when either sex is in the room with him. If his body is turned towards them, he is attracted. I think he said that chemistry is important with either gender.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I even think a heterosexual can have a "bi" thought or tendancy. Being a female who has been with mostly men, I have experimented with sexuality. Both have turned me on in one way or another. I always think of sexuality as being mentally stimualating as well as physical. I think great sex is all in the mind really.

Anonymous said...

@8:18 pm seems to me his ever increasing need to prove his defiance of "the rules" and to prove a point is becoming the most important thing to him. It's getting to the point of obsession. It didn't work with his latest album, it's not going to work with this vulgar stage show. Seems he's a lot more insecure than he let's on.

Anonymous said...

all artists in any genre of music will tell you that they struggle with insecurity in some shape or form. yes, I believe Adam was an insecure person and still struggles with acceptance in his personal and professional life. He pushes the envelope in his live show. He sees how far he can take it and get the tongues wagging afterwards. Madonna has done it for over 3 decades. He is her male equivalent.

Anonymous said...

8:30PM you have got to be kidding with such an inane comment. this site is a drag

Anonymous said...

He said if you don't like what I do then maybe I'm not for you. He wants his audience to see his personal struggle. Rock and Roll is SEX and that is what ADAM will do. I see him going in a raunchy rock direction. That is when he is at his very best! QUEEN is just a taste of what he can do!! I truly would love a Zeppelin type album from him in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Adam has said he has never dated girls. He is gay,gay,gay. Not bi. He had sex with a woman once prob just to see what it felt like.

Anonymous said...

Lo well i see him doing broadway if he can find a good part. I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for his album

Anonymous said...

Never dated girls, but what is dating anymore. He has been out to dinner with them alone and has even asked one out on a coffee date recently. If he would date one, it wouldn't be in view. His view on dating may be different from the norm. I even hear he takes his bf and bff on movie dates and they share popcorn.

Anonymous said...

Lol what? You can't be serious.

Anonymous said...

This site is the best. We need a site where we can really say what we feel. People need to quit judging other people's comments. If you disagree, then do so redirect fully without making snarky negative comments. Most times it is positive but we want to be honest. We all love Adam so let us speak.

Anonymous said...

He sure is enjoying himself with the club boys. He and sauli must have an agreement to an open relationship. That would make more sense for adam anyway. Didn't think he could stay domesticated for too long. You can take the boy outa the club...

Anonymous said...

@ 7:28-my best friend can not fully explain it to me. The reason being is that he knew he was different at the age of 5 or 6, before he knew anything about what gay meant. He did not have sexual feelings at that point in his life. He told me that it took many years for him to realize that he was gay. All he would ever say to his friends is that he knew he was different and he tried to love women, but when he had his first sexual experience with a man, he felt he found himself. He still tells me that he can't fully explain what it means to be gay. He is extremely masculine with absolutely no feminine traits. He told me that beautiful women can really turn him on but he has no desire to have sex with them. He prefers his actual sexual partner to be a man. Oh, well, I will keep my mouth shut from now on (or, I mean my fingers, since I am typing this). Signed, a true Adam fan that is not a TROLL.

Anonymous said...

Not sure why he is going back to glam stuff and glam look. I like natural Adam. He doesn't need all that stuff...the makeup and outrageous costumes. Just be Adam. He can express himself anyway he likes but he doesn't have to hide behind that flashy stuff. I am sick of the glam stuff. And oh, how I hope Fever goes away - dance moves and kissing.

Anonymous said...

9:00 Thank you for an intelligent answer. Very informative. You are the opposite of a troll. You explained things. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam was toned down when he was trying to sell his singles to radio. He has said that the stage show is all his doing and it represents his vision . So this is him and what he wants.

Anonymous said...

@8:57 do you mean be able to speak your mind freely even if it isn't always completely flattering to adam?
If so-you are on the WRONG board.
THEY CAN NOT DEAL with differing opinions, esp if it doesn't showcase Adam in the most positive of light.
Nice thought, but it's never gonna happen.

Anonymous said...

is dating now considered hooking Up? or vice versa? who in the hell really dates anymore? come on now

Anonymous said...

when he kissed Kesha it was after she ate a bologna and cheese sandwich and still had mayo in the corner of her mouth.

Anonymous said...

I really like his sexual vision. he doesn't want to be a candy coated artish for radio. Good bOY

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OK-here is a question for all of you. If being gay is so easily understood, why does it take many people many years to finally know that they are gay? I would love to know the answer to this!!!!!

funbunn40 said...

@9:00PM, Well said. It's true that by the age of six a child exhibits male or female preference traits in their own behavior before any sexual knowlege. There's a theory that during the first trimester of fetal development a chemical is produced in the brain that determines male or female sexuality traits, to simplify it. It has nothing to do with morality. you can't "pray gay away." Adam from a young age displayed female traits and as he said, he dated girls in highschool occasionally, but never felt any sexual attraction,like he did for boys, but never acted upon it, he just "felt different."

Anonymous said...

9:00, what your friend told you does explain being gay to me. He knew something was different at an early age and he wants to have sex with other men. How gay and straight paople act comes in all sorts of versions and doesn't alweays indicate their orientation. But wanting to have sex with only the same sex as you does.

There is increasing amounts of scientific data to back up that sexual orientation is biological and not something people "choose" or something you can change.

8:21, no, you don't imagine mentally you are the girl if you are gay or the boy if you are lesbian, it just means you are sexually attracted to the same sex.

Anonymous said...

omg the troll on here is completely unhinged and is starting to repeat herself from thread to thread, so funny !!

Anonymous said...

PFLAG is a great resource for those of you with questions on being LGBT.


Recommended books

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much @9:38 and @9:39 for your explanatory comments. As my best friend tells me, he is still trying to fully explain to straight people what it means to be gay-he talks just like Adam does in "UNDERNEATH" on what a struggle many gay people face each day in their lives. Listen carefully to the words of "UNDERNEATH" and listen to Adam's STRUGGLE. Being gay is not WRONG, but it is a STRUGGLE for many people. My friend said to me many times, "I fully accept what I am, but I wonder "WHY" I am what I am". What it means to be gay really needs to be discussed in an open forum. Education truly opens the mind. Adam refers to being gay as a freak of nature. My friend would be offended at this remark. He says that G-d got bored one day and said, "Hey-I think I will do something different today"! This has always been his joke. Maybe all of you STRAIGHTS are the FREAKS!

funbunn40 said...

I commend the ones that are asking the questions about what determines being gay and wanting to understand. I think Adam has shown that gay people are just like anyone heterosexual with disappointments,fears, body image insecurities, etc.and just wants to love and be loved like anyone else and should have that right. His highschool best friend, Danielle Stori is still his best friend. (platonic girlfriend, like a girl would have, experimenting with makeup, clothes, etc.)Adam likes female companionship as many gay men do. They have common interests that are non-sexual. Adam is not bi-sexual. His bi-curious comment was made because he had no experience sleeping with a woman and didn't know what it would be like. He satisfied that curiousity and has said, "it was fun, but nothing he is attracted to trying again." That was him being kind and diplomatic towards whoever the woman was, because he wouldn't publicy insult or be rude. Even tho' he looks masculine and does have some masculine traits, he has predominant female traits and tendencies. Being gay does not make you automatically "bi."Adam has stated on a number of occasions that unless there's a surprise under that skirt, he's not interested. Don't know how it Just as we just know we are straight,it's the same for gays and your mind and body will respond accordingly. Without getting into technical genetics, I hope this helps make some sense to those that really want to understand and support Adam and anyone that's gay. The ignorance and cruelty are still out there and still with a very few, on this site. I hope that one day people will accept each other for their heart and not for whom they love. If there are any gay men that can help us all understand, please feel free to comment. We did in the past have male posters that were very welcome and appreciated and I hope they still are here, even if they choose not to comment. We should feel free to ask questions. None of us have all of life's answers and we should be able to share any answers that we may have with re3spect towards each other. :)

funbunn40 said...

@9:22PM, As to your question, "why does it take so long for someone to figure out if they are gay?" I can only guess it's because of being isolated, ashamed, fearful of what others would think of them, religious, moral judgements against them, particularly if raised in a rigid, judgemental home and maybe a sense of denial, knowing they will be ostracized, bullied and condemned. Eventually we all have to acknowlege to ourselves who we really are at an age of maturity. I can't speak for anyone that's gay, only try to understand and support them, seeing them only as a fellow human being, trying to walk their individual path in life, as I am trying to walk mine.

Anonymous said...

Friends, you must go RIGHT NOW to the website called Born This Way Blog. It is One Of The Most interesting, fasinating and informative sites out there. Once I started reading I couldn't stop. Each short, personal story is posted with a picture of the storyteller as a child. The pictures evoke such empathy - these are OUR children, our brothers, our sisters. This blog is a MUST READ for all of you interested, and confused, and maybe plain clueless about what it is to be gay ... to grow up gay. When you're born straight you don't spend a lot of time thinking about gay issues unless somehow personally affected. The blog is an incredible eye-opener.

I also recommend watching Oprah's recent interview with Nate Berkus. You should be able to YouTube it now... it was on her Super Soul Sunday show about three weeks ago. So insightful.

But for me it all started with Adam and YouTube shorts by his first boyfriend Cheeks (Brad Bell). I have had close gay friends, but Adam, with all that intelligence, talent and sex appeal, has taken me on QUITE the journey. I am a changed woman.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

anon 9:52 maybe you are a troll that is unhinged. think about it real hard!

Anonymous said...

Fran Dreschner is an actress and her ex husband was gay. He kept staying around her and bedding her every chance he got. I think gay men have secret bi relationships.

Anonymous said...

Hell Yeah I'm hetero and so glad to admit it. how can I sign up for a gay boyfriend? and Yeah I'm a f****** freak

Anonymous said...

Danielle Stori will be there when all the other freaks have their 15 min. She and Adam have a deep connection.

Anonymous said...

anon 9:52 it is so entertaining, because you keep reading deep into it. right?

Anonymous said...

how can someone be hetero in youth, bi in twenties and straight up GAY in their later years??

Anonymous said...

Sexual preference is neurobiological and Cynthia Nixon is gay by choice.

Anonymous said...

why does lesbians want sex changes and be with other lesbians?

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....I think this has been an interesting thread (for a change). Sorry, that sounded kind of mean. I apologize.

The first person who questioned how do you know....made me immediately think of being 12 years old. My best friend Nancylived next door and we were inseparable buddies, I loved her (still do). We hugged each other hello and good by, we held hands as we skated or walked along the street, we cuddled together on cold Illinois winter nights, we saw each other naked when getting into our swimsuits. It was natural and comfortable. Then Jimmy started flirting with me, I was flattered and thrilled....when we held hands, my hand sweated, when I sat thigh to thigh with him on the school bus, my knees felt weak, when he would reach up to brush my bangs out of my eyes, his fingers on my forehead made me dizzy. I was a very unaware of sex young girl and asked my mom why I felt that we had "the talk"..........remember this was 1947 ! Innocence was rampant, the norm...

She explained it well. At that time I didn't know homosexuality existed.

Anonymous said...

JAK again.....published too soon.

imagine the turmoil I would have felt if it were Nancy causing me to have those emotions.....I would have kept my mouth shut and worried myself sick. Now young people recognize when they have a sexual attraction to their own sex and though the subject is better understood, some still fight against accepting it. It's different , it's scary and unless they are lucky enough to have understanding parents and friends, it takes a long time to accept it as fact.

So, in answer to how do you know if you're gay, listen to your body, it will tell you!

Jadam said...

This has been a great thread. Except of course for a couple? of silly nasrky comments.
JAK your simple explantion was outstanding.

Anonymous said...

true-true-the ldy in this photo look like priscela presley-adam lambert look like a bet elvis presley-omg nice if the can make a baby>i agree with the anonymous comment here.-ok music pls adam lambert.