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Adam Lambert featured in new issue of Cosmopolitan magazine

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Anonymous said...

Woo ! Hoo! look forward to the issue on Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Alright Adam! I'll be looking for this issue!


Anonymous said...

This is very cool! Is this the hard copy version? Hope so.

Anonymous said...

Adam mentioned with a A-list movie star, very nice! We will take it!


Anonymous said...

not a bad comparison at all.

Anonymous said...

At least they paired him up with a real "looker"! And is that Charlize Theron in same issue?.....
wait'll I tell my main man his "hobby" and my "hobby" are between the same 'covers' !!!...JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK, Love your two "hobbies." In my house, the place where I have my laptop has been dubbed the Berting Room by my family. When I'm deep in LambertLand, they know to just leave me be. My hubbie has his "fave babes" too, so it all equals out. (And he'll be with me at the SD show.)


glitzylady said...

Off topic slightly..but let's see if we can meet at the SD show :) and all of the other 24/7 peeps who will be there...

Anonymous said...

Can't read the words under the picture. Can someone please assist? Thanks in advance. :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, glitzylady, I'll be at Lambertlust's party. Hope you'll be there, too.


Anonymous said...


Look at the bottom right under says
Adam Lambert took some "tips" from Halle Berry's signature
Style......that's the same thing it says under adam's picture...
Only much fuzzier!.....JAK

lorraine said...

I'll be in S.D. to see The Rock God, as well. I live in San Diego. Where else would I be????? Still wishing I could meet him somehow. Never wanted to meet any other star or celebrity in all my life-but there is something special about Adam and I just want to give him a hug some day-and say, "Thank you."

Anonymous said...

lorraine, I'm with you. I've never been a fan of anyone like I am with him. I've never met him either, but maybe someday....