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Adam Lambert's Concert for Gay Pride Featured in Miami Newspaper

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, April 12, 2013

Posted at : Friday, April 12, 2013

Read the article over at HERE.


Anonymous said...

Very nice article by a mainstream paper.

Anonymous said...

I hadn't seen it yet thanks.

Anonymous said...

That face......!

These lyrics were written in the 60's.............
How did they know Adam would come along to enchant us?

The first time ever I saw your face
I thought the sun rose in your eyes
And the moon and stars were gifts
You gave to the dark and endless skies......

Sigh....songwriter a Brit named Ewan MacColl

The recording of this song by Roberta Flack is #1 on my playlist for drifting and dreaming........JAK

That's a mighty fine face !

Anonymous said...

Like us on Facebook at AT&T Live Proud or retweet specially noted tweets between April 1 and June 30, 2013, and we will donate $1 or $0.50, respectively, to The Trevor Project, up to $50,000, with a minimum of $25, 000. Limit one Like and retweet per person, per account.

10 winners will be chosen to meet Adam in Hollywood.

Anonymous said...

Agree and even though it doesn't show it.... there's a might find rest of him to with they face :).....and I love that song .... if there was ever a mass case of love at first site ...Adam's gotta be it .... rose petal

Anonymous said...

I like the photos they are using lately...

Anonymous said...

@ rose petal......JAK here....I'm just concentrating on the face. I don't want to bring to mind the rest of him.......I'm having an echocardiagram next week since Dr. Discovered my heart is murmuring......trying to remain calm and un-aroused I don't want them to discover that my heart is panting too ! LOL

Anonymous said...

12:47 thanks for the link I went to that page and can't find a like button anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Good idea ....Adam could certainly mess with the results.......good luck....rose petal

Anonymous said...

1:35 PM, you have to be signed in to Facebook to like it. I'm surprised there are only 1,233 likes right now. They are donating to the Trevor Project for each like or tweet.

"Like us on Facebook at AT&T Live Proud or retweet specially noted tweets between April 1 and June 30, 2013, and we will donate $1 or $0.50, respectively, to The Trevor Project, up to $50,000, with a minimum of $25, 000. Limit one Like and retweet per person, per account."

Here is a link directly to the FB page:

Or retweet AT&T, Trevor Project or Adam when the tweet includes #attliveproud like this one from April 11:

Show us your LGBT pride. #attliveproud

lorraine said...

@JAK Hope all your test results come back with great news.We need your beautiful heart and mind here on this site.
Roberta Flack's song brought tears to my eyes the first time I heard it; I was sitting on the subway,{still lived in N.Y. then} and as I looked around at the fellow passengers, there was an unusual silence as Flack's voice soared over the radio waves. Little did I know way back then,I, still a teenager, would one day see a face that this song was written about....Yes, I also "see" these words in the faces of my husband and children--but none other...till Adam. Thank you for the memory. XO

Shaley said...

I'm a caregiver to a wonderful 90 yr old lady who voted yes to same sex marriage here in WA state-yay! Anyway, her much younger friend came to visit the other day and somehow the conversation turned to music shows. When we got to Idol, I told her I was still following Adam from season 8. Her eyes lit up & she gushed over how he could sing and his clothes & hairstyles, etc. but she hasn't kept up with him. I filled her in on what all he's doing now, etc., then I showed her a recent pic of him. She looked at it for a few seconds then said: "He is very good looking. almost pretty in a way-he's got beautiful features actually". She looked at me as if she wasn't sure if I would be offended by her calling him pretty. Little did she know-lol! I did tell her that we fans say that all the time about him. His face is the perfect mixture of beauty & masculinity;)

Anonymous said...

FABULOUS poster! :-D

Anonymous said...

Shaley, sweet story. Which picture did you show them?

Shaley said...

The recent black & white one (side view). I also showed her one with Melvin & she said "he looks a little more sinister there"-lol!