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"American Idol" Devin Velez Mentions Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, April 03, 2013

sKIP to 6:24 to see him talk about Adam Lambert.


Anonymous said...

Very sweet of Adam to DM Devon

Anonymous said...

@4:49 That's one reason we love Adam, the others probably know them better than I do.:)

funbunn40 said...

I thought Devin had a great voice and think he could very well,maybe in the vein of Marc Anthony. He's not necessarily the obvious hearthrob, but the boy can sing. It was so generous of Adam to tweet him. Adam is very intuitive and must have known Devin's cover would be compared to his, which really is unbeatable.

Anonymous said...

Please vote for Adam or PP is gonna win!

Anonymous said...

This is is nice but kind of annoying to me.

Anonymous said...

Haven't watched Idol much this season. Busy with real life work and home and Adam's out of this world WAG Tour. I set up my DVR to watch it in half an hour tonight. Who is good this season and worthy of watching without fastforwarding and skipping judges comments except Kieth Urban? Hope a girl wins this season!

Anonymous said...

I love Ideology :)

Anonymous said...

Just voted about 50 times on the poll. Adam is pulling ahead a little, but we can't let up. If there's anyone I don't want him to lose to, it's P2. This Devin guy is nice and all, but doesn't have the natural charm that Adam has.


Anonymous said...

If a boy wins, he's sure to be gay, but it's gonna be a girl this year.

Anonymous said...

When you vote on the 102q poll, be careful because the names switch places and you could be voting for PP when you want to vote for AL.

Anonymous said...

Be careful on the poll.

Adam and PP change top/bottom positions. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam is the best! :)

Anonymous said...

This Devin kid looks like a tame version of Macklemore. I swear they could pass as brothers. I'm not watching Idol, but I saw a clip of his song for the save on E. Good voice.

Anonymous said...

I think he looks like the cartoon character TinTin.

Anonymous said...

PP fans are voting. Adam is going the wrong way. Please vote.

Anonymous said...

In memory of Adam on Idol 8, I am gonna vote for Adam on that Q104 poll. Adam FTW! Maybe they are doing marketing research to test Adam's popularity vs. P2! Vote away Glamberts!

Anonymous said...

Adam is ahead now. Q104 had a request line number that I noticed while I was voting and I called and asked for an Adam Lambert song. She was very nice and said sure I can do that for you and now my freaking radio is broke. boo hiss She seemed so nice I bet she played him.

Anonymous said...

I just voted a bunch more. Adam has over a 10% lead, but the competition is far from over. P2's fans will be back in force! We have to maintain our lead. Keep voting!


Anonymous said...

Keep voting Adam is a little ahead of P2. blueeyes

Anonymous said...

I like the Spanish song Devin sang for a possible save and after hearing Devin singing the (half) Spanish song, I thought the judges could have used the save on him. What Devin lacked on the show was probably charisma or something that would arrest the viewers' attention. Maybe he shouldn't have chosen Tracks of My Tears because viewers would inadvertently compare it with Adam's version; his version was sort of all over the place whereas Adam's was really stark to the point with bare instrumentation and bare make-up, capturing our attention with a pristine white suit and meticulous combed-back hair. But after this Devin interview, I think Devin has charisma and it's genuine. I heard Adam may be appearing on Idol...yea that's something to look forward to and spice things up a bit. Now it's actually good but there seems to be something lacking, a kind of fire which Adam will be able to provide with abundance.


Anonymous said...

Just watched Idol tonight as they performed rock songs. One was "We are the Champions" and the other was "Satisfaction". And wouldn't you know, all I could do is remember Adam performing these songs during season 8. Both contestants did a decent job on the songs, but no one compares to the performances Adam gave..those vocals, his stage presence and his overall appearance were just amaaaaazing. It's obvious a female will win this season, but I don't feel the same interest or excitement in watching the show as I did back then. I guess Adam just spoiled it for me with those unbeatable performances. And maybe all these reality singing competitions are just becoming too commonplace with very little exceptional talent resulting from them. Oh, well, so let me finish reading the other stories and comments on this site about my favorite know who, before I call it a night here on the east coast.

Anonymous said...

I have been hearing If I Had You & What do you want from me on radio lately. My granddaughter was in the mall in Springfield IL. & said she heard several of Adams songs played all thru the mall.Great news keep it up PLEASE.blueeyes

Anonymous said...

I don't like how the back ground singers&music are louder than the contestant.Some times it just drowns them out.I'm talking about Idol.I like Amber.

Anonymous said...

I watched rock week on AI too. I kind of liked Angie Miller the best but they all did a great job. Orianthi was the main guitarist tonight. She was with Adam on the first leg of his GNT, good musician but not the best entertainer IMO. I don't have any idea who will go home, I usually say Lazarus but he was quite endearing and confident , doing Queen.

Anonymous said...

Whoa, contestants are singing Adam's S8 to be careful because as I've said people will make comparisons. So far only one singer that strikes a chord, singing an Adam song is Zhangwei in a duet with Adam in WWFM. Perhaps they should devote an Adam week to only Adam's songs and covers; that'll be interesting because hard as they try, no one has really come close to singing them with a high standard.


Anonymous said...

I am voting on that poll,don't want P2 to beat Adam. Not watching idol anymore. It does surprise me that contestants sing songs that Adam did,cause no one can compare and I always attach Adam to those songs he sang on A1.

Anonymous said...

I watched Iol and found it kinda boring...there's no spark electricity, excitement for me. After watching Adam no one has come anywhere close to Adam's caliber. I'm not saying that they're aren't some good vocalists on the show but not in Adam's league.

Lazaro doing We Are The Champions :(. Sorry, Queenbert Reigns!


Anonymous said...

LOL, they aren't singing Adam's songs.

Anonymous said...

Oops, typo in the above post..should be Idol not lol!


Anonymous said...

LOL, where are the people hating Brett the stylist's outfit the other day? They should see Amber's outfit from the group number tonight. Jeans so ripped you see most of her legs, plaid shirt tied around her waist and a studded leather vest that is worthy of Adam. LOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

Voting - Adam is ahead at the moment but his percentage is going backwards!! PLEASE VOTE and be careful when you vote because the names keep getting switched around.

Anonymous said...

Devin is an interesting young man. Not watching Idol (can't stand NM) but Devin has a great voice. Is he out of Idol now? And who's the guy with the red bowtie? He looks kinda cute.

Back to voting. ADAM to win!!

Anonymous said...

^P.S. Just read that Devin was eliminated. Too bad - he actually sounded good - and I've discovered the guy in the red bowtie is Lazaro Arbos.

Anonymous said...

Experiential Trespassing Night

Still processing, an experiential night of Adam in the flesh, belting wave after wave of hit songs from Trespassing and For Your Entertainment
Expelling his first wail from the top of the familiar staircase, he stylishly descends, enticing
If I Had first live Adam wail, so that's what it sounds like...glorious; yet I had wanted to feel more his voice embedded in my subconscious
Fever, another hot, thumping favourite as dancers tantalise with sensual slithering and swirling; Adam, theatrically pandering
Outlaws of Love reveals his vulnerability, spirituality; a quick waltz to offset the sober reality
Strangely, WWFM touched me the most because the loud banging subsided, stripped to allow his voice to take flight in full-throttle liberty
A wholesome audio-visual interplay; the stage decor stripes and spotlights entwined with the ear-shattering band and sweeping lasers
Heighten Adam's command of the stage, like a wise sage, strutting up and down; his rock-solid voice emancipates
Singberts demonstrate their love ostentatiously wearing their self-designed t-shirts with the logo Trespassing
My daughter who knows music, appreciates Adam's professionalism, voice...very good performer...she says, applauding
Thank you Adam for the Trespassing concert of glamour and camaraderie; my most memorable and eventful birthday notwithstanding
Till we meet again another time; rock and roll, live life to the fullest...may your dream fill your days with immense happiness
The Sing concert, interviews, fashion-showcasing, even as a marriage go-between, delivered
Disembark on our shores once again; we'll welcome you back with open arms when your third album streaks across our sunny blue skies and beeline into our theatres


Anonymous said...

Very beautifully said, Lam-my! You sure do love you some ADAM. I also do, from the first time I saw him perform on AI, I fell in love with him, (and his voice). I pray he is around for many many years to brighten up our everyday lives. I love drinking a great margarita and watching Adam and Queen performing in Kiev. That video to me is absolutely priceless!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you!! Whoa, what would I pay to get front row seats for a Queen+Adam concert...goodness! Not so likely though, but yes they were superb in the Kiev concert, highest number audience recorded so far. I watch the Queen+Adam videos constantly...Adam was soaring.


Anonymous said...

Kree, Candace, Amber - My personal top three on Idol, but ALL the girls are great!....nancdruuu2
p.s.ADAM was a doll to reach out to Devin that way, but we all know that!

Anonymous said...

Went to vote for Adam Q104 poll closed and Adam 's on to the next round....YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Devin has a good opinion of himself,however,he has a lot to learn. His voice is good,but performance SERIOUSLY lacking. He won't be learning anything from me,but he should take some of those tweets seriously because those are potential fans (maybe)

Anonymous said...

Devin has a good opinion of himself,however,he has a lot to learn. His voice is good,but performance SERIOUSLY lacking. He won't be learning anything from me,but he should take some of those tweets seriously because those are potential fans (maybe)

Anonymous said...

Amber is the standout; with clear powerful voice projection; hits the high notes spot-on; reminds me of Adam. She has a unique fashion sense and nice face; also has great composure. Angie also has a clear strong voice but so far she seems to be choosing songs that don't showcase her pretty powerful voice to its fullest potential. These two stand a very good chance to reach the finals.


Anonymous said...


Yeah...went to vote and Pink and Maroon 5 are up against each other now. I'm assuming Adam won the round against PP but I don't see the results anywhere.

Anonymous said...

yeah, I'm assuming Adam beat P2, too. I guess they'll post the two finalists after this last round.

Anonymous said...

Did you see the duet of Crazy Little Thing Called Love. I believe it was Lazero and Angie.It was waaaaaaaaaaaay bad.

Anonymous said...

adam performed Tracks of my Tears in a grey suit not a white one... whatevs, no biggie... the white one was of course for, as we shall never forget, Feeling Good... of which the recorded version from the show that year, the studio version, was a most amazing stunning vocal. And if you are really are a hard core Glambert, you'll remember the awesomeness of the Live Show's REHEARSAL version from that season of which a few bits were actually televised on the live shows :)

Anonymous said...

Somehow Lazaro continues to the next round on IDOL. Is it a sympathy vote because how can you keep forgetting the lyrics, sing off key and still continue to the next week? He has ruined several duet or groups songs as I recall. Not interested or excited about any of these singers as I was for season 8 with Adam and the other performers. His duet with Allison I. (Slow Ride) was amazing and "We are the Champions" with Kris Allen and Queen was one of the best finale numbers that Idol has ever seen. I wish Adam would make a guest appearance, but I doubt he will this season. And if they put together an entirely new judges panel for IDOL, I would like to see him on that for the new season.
There are several things I would like for Adam and his career, but who am I? Just a loyal fan who wants to see him happy and successful in life and with his career.

Anonymous said...

You can vote until you get a cooling off notice. Q104

Anonymous said...

I like Lazaro. He is cute and the girls are crazy about him. I though he would be out also. But enjoy watching him. He is a cutie.

Anonymous said...

wow, Adam won against P2... Sometimes I read in another blog about speculations of P2's internet fanbase, whether it is strong enough to keep P2 going after his success of "Home"... Now we know the answer. THen again Adam Lambert against Pink or Maroon 5 will be a tough one.