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Another Picture from Last Night + New Tweets

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, April 6, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, April 06, 2013

Adam Lambert rocks a cool pair of eyeglasses while exiting Bootsy Bellows nightclub on Friday (April 5) in Beverly Hills, Calif.


Anonymous said...

Adam's trending #1 on Yahoo

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Is it possible to photoshop Johnny out the photo? Anyone...please...I'm begging...

Anonymous said...

@3:13PM Why?I thought everybody love this jerk and his dirty moves!

Anonymous said...

Johnny seem to be constatly slobbering over, hanging onto, flirting with Adam both onstage and off. Ummm, Johnny, I don't think you are his type.

glitzylady said...

I suspect Adam wouldn't appreciate some of these comments about his long-time friend Johnny. Pretty sure Johnny isn't a jerk..

Adamluv said...

@glitzlady - it's a lost cause. Mean insulting comments all made by anon. posters (of course). . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Cant think of a better time to have you friends around than now. The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

Awww, Johnny is just sucking up to the Boss. I doubt he would get any work outside of West Hollywood without the opportunity Adam has given him. Employment , and travelling the world as well. He must be very, very grateful to


Anonymous said...

nice to have friends rally around you when you need them.

glitzylady said...

True. What was I even thinking? :/

Anonymous said...

Out of subject.Just read Perez comment about Adam&Sauli split!OMG!Poor little Perez is very happy about this split.He hoped that his dreams about Adam will become true.

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady When I read your comments sometimes I think "OMG! Love is blind!" How come you didn't want to agree about Sauli & Adam situation? How come you don't want to agree that Johnny is gross and his behavior is terrible?

glitzylady said...

@Anon 5:19 PM
Just because sometimes I don't agree with everything people (for instance you perhaps??) say here on this blog, and occasionally give my own opinion?? Everyone else does :))) Can't please everyone. At least I sign my comments....

By the way, what part of "the Adam and Sauli situation" am I supposed to "agree" with? Or not agree with?? I'm completely baffled by your comment. I said in a couple of comments that it's their business, not ours. If you don't agree with that, whatever....


Anonymous said...

To me it is obvious that Johnny loves Adam and has really enjoyed being a part of his performances again. I think Adam get's a kick out of Johnny's dancing - great, if sometimes over the top - and silly, animated antics. They have been friends a LONG time.

Some of the comments here about Johnny are extremely rude and totally uncalled for. Being "honest" is always helpful ... it is not mean just because "that's my opinion and I'm entitled to it". Johnny has a kind heart and I imagine these comments are very hurtful. Try putting yourself in his shoes. He's just trying to live a happy life. So let's lay off Johnny, can we?

Wishing both these artist much success! They are talented, work hard, and deserve it!

And please remember, Adam is trying to change the world for the better. Let's help him!!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

OMG, how much more obvious do trolls have to be for you!

Anonymous said...

LOL they are pretty silly glasses that most men couldn't pull off wearing while still looking adorable and sexy.

Anonymous said...

I like the glasses, you look like a male secretary, or a Liberian.

Anonymous said...

Adams clarified the glasses now.
As to Johnny, his been around a long time as has many of Adams good friends.

Anonymous said...

You can't fool the Glamberts. Amazing how receptive they are at times like this and especially as many have been feeling the breakup vibes for a while now.

Anonymous said...

Who likes the hair?

Anonymous said...

I'm loving the hair. But the glasses are LOL. Glad he has fun with his clothing and accessories.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:45 PM You would be wrong, I have seen Johnny Rice dance in several videos and work with a NYC choreographer. He does not need Adam to support him, he's been doing it himself for years.

I don't like him as a dancer with Adam but I don't insult him or spread lies about him and in this photo he looks as well groomed as Adam.

Anonymous said...

Let's get back to ignoring the trolls.

Anonymous said...

OK, how many would buy the glasses?

Anonymous said...

i want that glasses adam wearing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What the heck has Johnny done to anyone he Adam friend, he not sucking up to anyone. Also knock off the uncalled for remarks to Glitzy Lady, she a wonderful loyal fan of Adam and one of the very kindest best people on this site! Sue

Anonymous said...

Oh god nooooooo! Not johnny Adam!!!!! Noooooooooooooo!!!
Oh, & shut up sue.

Anonymous said...

C'mon.....both Johnny and Tommy Joe hit the Powerball when they met Adam. Both just had the "look " that Adam wanted on his stage. Set for life with mediocre talent because Adam is so loyal to friends. DREAM JOBS.

Anonymous said...

9.59 shut up yourself troll!

Anonymous said...

Sorry 9.59 suppose to ignore ya! You are ignored!

Anonymous said...

By the way the two above comments are Sue, none if you have guts to sign anything!

Anonymous said...

Those glasses .... haha in a good way. I really liked Adam's look in glasses he wore while pretending to read the news (maybe it was the weather!) when he was part of Idol. I think there's a gif of it. He looked like the most adorable media reader/scholar ever!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I'll pass on the glasses but can I take Adam home with me instead? :)

Anonymous said...

I hope adam doesn't spend too much time with johnny. Sure would hate to see that priss rub off on him.

Anonymous said...

Yes and that could be the problem, Adam has a lot of good qualities but I can't help feeling he is easily led and mixes with the wrong crowd. I got the feeling that when Adam first met Sauli he saw him as someone very special, sad to think it hasn't worked out.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is not easily led, he certainly has a mine if his own, I imagine Sauli saw Adam has someone very special too! It was mutual not working anymore and it's over! Adam doing fine!

Anonymous said...

A.N.D... 10:49pm goes directly to my earlier point ... ugly inside spews ugly out. You, and those like you, can't seem to help it at this point in your evolution. The good news is that eventually you will grow and develope. Sometimes a short plause before posting a nasty comment is all it takes to water the seed of spiritual growth.

Adam can be extremely macho, as in his American Idol performance of Whole Lotta Love, and he can be fabulously fem. Together it makes for one VERY Sexy, interesting guy.

Then we go to the many interviews and he sounds just like you and me, except highly intellegent, mature, funny and friendly.

I like to watch and learn. Adam is exceptional.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Xo Laura thank God a nice person! Well at least a day off I loosing it again not getting things done, and tired. Thanks you for commenting! Nothing is wrong with Johnny, everybody is different! Sauli people go home to Sauli K. Site! Sue

ASL said...

@10:38 PM

Here's the Adam w/glasses gif:

ASL said...

Sorry! That gif is gone. So sad. It was adorable.

Anonymous said...

xo Laura,11:32 PM
You should practise what you preach, your own comment is hardly very nice in fact it's nothing more than patronising, you assume you know what is correct and what is not and you show yourself to be ignorant when you fail to agree with someone else's right the have an opinion.

Anonymous said...

Here you go, Adam w/glasses 1:49 (entire video is so cute!):


glitzylady said...

Thanks for your kind words. As Adam says "Forcefields up!" :))))

Anonymous said...

You can photo-shop Johnny or anyone you don't like out of Adam pics but you can't photo-shop them out of his life. Fans who think Johnny stole Tommy's song and spent too much time with him after hours on the tour will just have to deal. (Poor Tommy - such a sweet guy and some very weird followers.)

Johnny and Adam go back a LONG way. Adam is in a transition in his music and he personal life. he needs to be with good friends who knew him before he was famous and loved him when the only thing he had to offer was himself. Adam has been out for over a week with lots of people and 10 days later he sees his good long term friend?

Anonymous said...

I ask this again. SUE why do you hate Sauli and why do you call him Sauli K? I don`t think Sauli has done anything wrong.. You seem to be so hostile.

Anonymous said...

Please be kind to Johnny. He is a long-time friend of Adam, a friend of Sauli and Tommy too.

Anonymous said...

Johnny seems to guy who likes flirting. Nothing wrong with that.

Anonymous said...

Wow, lots of negative comments from people who don't know either Adam or Johnny. Disrespectful don't ya think!

Anonymous said...

Yep and Adam is now single and so is Sauli. There was a picture of Sauli hanging out with his friends in his Ingsram. I'm happy to see them happy with friends :)

Anonymous said...

Yes let's all be kind to each other. It feels good! BTW Tommy started to follow Sauli's twin sister on Instgram. That's nice :)

Anonymous said...

What also nice Adam liked Sauli's sister picture and Sauli's sister liked Adam's picture :)

Anonymous said...

If you comment on troll statements . .you are FEEDING THEM . .I know you want to have Adam's back . . .but if you comment they won't go away . .

Kante Luis said...

thank you