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E Online: Gay Stars on Magazine Covers

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, April 12, 2013

Posted at : Friday, April 12, 2013


Adam Lambert

Most bets were on Lambert becoming the first gay American Idol, but the big prize went to Kris Allen. Did Lambert's suspected sexuality have anything to do with the loss? That debate will rage on forever.


Anonymous said...

Adam was the best contestant the show has ever had. So, it probably did. I didn't know or even care that he was gay. All I knew was that he was the most talented, charismatic, gorgeous and exciting performer I have ever seen in my life. Plus, a voice that is unmatched to this day.

Magiclady said...

Amen to that!

Anonymous said...

Well, he surely has won over the whole world since that long, long ago year...

And how many other non-winning participants have also went on to amazing careers (J. Hudson, Daughtry, etc.)

Every single day, Adam Lambert becomes more and more popular internationally with an incredible fanbase.

Anonymous said...

I suspect it did .

Anonymous said...

7:44, Exactly!

Anonymous said...

Anon at 7:44pm- I so agree with your comment. It didn't matter to me if Adam was gay. I really didn't even think about that aspect of his personality. His amazing vocal talent, style and mesmerizing stage presence just kept me coming back each week for more. It was the first and the last time I ever voted for a contestant on the show. There hasn't been anyone like Adam since then and it doesn't really matter that he did not win. He has become an international superstar, a very visible spokesman for the LGBT individuals in our society and extremely involved in various charitable causes. He is first and foremost an incredible performer and whether or not he is gay is not a factor for me. His message of love, understanding, acceptance and respect is one I wholeheartedly endorse.

Anonymous said...

@8:21 Beautifully stated!!!

Anonymous said...

Ditto, what the person stated about Adam. Love Adam.

Anonymous said...

I saw that magazine just a couple weeks ago....I keep it in my tax file drawer ( with other important papers) ! JAK

Anonymous said...

Anon. 8:06PM
Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood have also done really well and Kelly enjoys international success too, although I don't know if she's as successful as Adam is internationally. Adam has taken the world by storm!

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:21. TY for your kind comment. I agree with everything you so eloquently wrote. Like you said, first and foremost an incredible performer.

Anonymous said...

What was so amazing is that Adam is so masculine that the thought never crossed my mind as I watched AI. And even if it did, it would not change how I felt. Can't control the closed mindedness of America at the time, but we can hope that his high profile will make a positive difference going forward.

Anonymous said...

9:21, look at your own comment. Saying Adam was "so masculine" perpetuates homophobia. LGBT people come in every size shape and color, just like the rest of us. Think about it before calling others close minded.

Anonymous said...

Be nice....don't pick fights!

Anonymous said...

I agree completely Anon 9:21 - I just thought Adam was a handsome, sexy man with an incomparable voice. Never crossed my mind that he might be gay - even tho it wouldn't and doesn't make a bit of difference. And I too only voted for Adam that season and have never voted since. Actually, I haven't watched any AI since. No one can compare to Adam, so why even watch the show anymore?

Anonymous said...

Season 8 was the only time I voted on the show. And that was for the amazingly, talented Adam Lambert. I was mesmerized every time he performed on the stage and couldn't wait to see what he did week after week. I never watched AI after that and I will always be his biggest fan because his voice enthralls me.

Anonymous said...

It should be pointed out when Adam's fans make homophobic comments.

Leilani Aloha said...

Totally agree with anon:7:44PM & 8:21PM

Fell in love with Adam's voice from day 1 of AI 8, his charisma, good looks, fashion sense, intelligence, compassion,song choice, etccccccccccc!!!!

Adam's Born To Sing!!!
I said it in 2008 & again today
Adam's got the "It Factor"!
An International Rock/Super Star!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought that Adam won in 49 states except Arkansas which generated 38M votes out of the 99M from all the other states?
If that is a fact, it is not homophobia which did it but cheating.

Anonymous said...

To this day I can't forget that night. I tried for an hour and I wasn't able to get through. I live in West Coast and on AI website where fans congragated the most I noticed East Coast fans had the same problem. I tested Kris' lines and it was all open. No busy signals. Possibly some people gave up since they couldn't vote for the first hour. I didn't give up. Ended up voting for only three hours. Oh well. That's history and four years later Adam is a Sure Fire Winner.

HK fan said...

Thats what I heard too....
I don't think it was homophobia at the time, otherwise he wouldn't have made it to the final.
There were far too many rumours going around about AT&T and their 'voting parties' in Arkansas for there not to be some truth in it, and the numbers seem pretty telling.

Anonymous said...

Great, here go the conspiracy theory people again. How many times has the WGWG won? America loves the white guy with guitar. If he is country and Christian, even better for him.

Anonymous said...

@7:44 and 8:21 well articulated and so true. Thank you for those wonderful posts.

It's literally taken me years to accept the outrage I felt that night when the results were announced ....and Adam lost. I know it sounds crazy but my whole family cried when we heard the results. We were in complete shock. It was so obvious that Adam's talent was so far above any other contestant (to this day IMO). That was the only season I voted and after that horrible fiasco I vowed I would never vote again and I haven't. The cheating rumors about Arkansas and AT&T were really addressed properly, Adam didn't push it. He and Kris seemed to be on the same page about the whole results thing. So many other countries, upon meeting Adam in interviews, all STILL tell him he should have won. The world thinks it and I still think it. Whether it was homophobia or cheating or a combination of both I don't know.

Adam deserves all the acclaim he's getting can't hold back talent like that...reality show or not.


Anonymous said...

correction...."cheating rumors about Arkansas and AT&T were NOT really addressed"


Anonymous said...

No!! No!! It was Cheating!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I don't think it was homophbia or cheating. Kris took the votes from Danny when he got kicked off. NO way Danny fans voted for Adam. IT is AI's voting system that needs to be fixed. When you can vote as many times as you want, it just makes a mockery of the results. That reason alone makes the acusations of cheating unfounded.I know I had three phones voting the entire time for Adam. Now you can vote online and get 50 votes at one time by texting. They just want it to appear the still have millions of viewers.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it was homophobia or cheating. Kris took the votes from Danny when he got kicked off. NO way Danny fans voted for Adam. IT is AI's voting system that needs to be fixed. When you can vote as many times as you want, it just makes a mockery of the results. That reason alone makes the accusations of cheating unfounded.I know I had three phones voting the entire time for Adam. Now you can vote online and get 50 votes at one time by texting. They just want it to appear they still have millions of viewers.

Anonymous said...

Just tried to watch AI here in Finland. Jeez, it's so bland without Adam!! Tonight's theme was rock and roll. Could not help comparing Adam with these contestants. No one could hold a candle to him!!! Adoring Finnbert

Anonymous said...

Apparently people can talk about homophobia in voting but wont address it when a fan makes a homophobic statement.

Anonymous said...

She did not make a homophobic statement, you chose to read it as homophobic. quit trying to cause trouble.

Anonymous said...

I am sure the producers along with Adam and kris discussed the cheating allegations and none of them wanted season 8 to be branded a scandal.
That would never have been a smart thing for any of them, especially Adam , he moved on like a gentleman.

Whatever happened, happened, it's over and as you can see the best man did win! We see him winning almost daily.
He is known worldwide........JAK