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Explosions at the Boston Marathon Finish Line

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, April 15, 2013

Posted at : Monday, April 15, 2013

Some blog readers were there today. I hope you guys are all right!

Glitzylady and her husband were there today and according to her twitter, they are okay! Brownie's brother was running in the marathon and hopefully he's alright!

But unfortunately there are people who have died in this and many more who are severely injured.

If you're in Boston, be careful and take care!

Federal authorities have officially classified the bombings as a terrorist attack. And President Obama is going to speak soon...

For the latest news, visit


Anonymous said...

I just heard an 8 year old is among the dead.

I hope they catch the sickos who are responsible for this.

Anonymous said...

Very sad day for the world...

I don't live in America but this is very very sad.

Glitzylady, so glad to hear u are okay!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you are all okay!!

I heard from the news that one of the dead was 8 years old girl:(

After we celebrated the gay pride then this horrible bombing in Boston.

Very sad day...


Anonymous said...

I am praying and sending thoughts to everyone there. I can't believe this happened. Watching the news on TV makes me want to cry, seeing people hurt everywhere. Very scary day. I hope this doesn't turn into something much bigger, like 911.

Anonymous said...

Thank God GlitzyLady and husband is ok. I just heard cell phone coverage has been shut down there for the most part. Heard on the news right now, in Boston love ones trying to get through having hard time at this point cell phone coverage down. Just heard it just thought I would report! Sue

Anonymous said...

Things just are not the same in America any more. You just can not get to relaxed in your surroundings, be aware all the times. You never know. My prayers are with you Boston. Hope they catch who ever did this. This is so sad.

Urethra_Franklin said...

Glitzy!! Stay safe!! <3

Anonymous said...

My cousin lives in Boston and we were all going crazy to get a hold of him. My aunt was going more crazy. But finally we got to speak to him and he is fine. Thank God! Our hearts go out to all the victims! Time to reflect and pray!

Anonymous said...

Thanks you,Lord!Glitzylady and her husband are okay!
Praying for all of these poor people in Boston.


Anonymous said...

I was wrong it's not a girl it was a boy:(

Very sad day for all of us indeed...


Anonymous said...

Admin, thank you for the update on the situation and for mentioning your readers that we knew were there. Safe wishes to all.

Anonymous said...

This is so sad. Thanks glitzylady for letting us know that you & your husband are OK.

glitzylady said...

Thanks all for the messages of concern, for myself, my husband..and the victims and the people of Boston. My husband finished the Marathon literally moments before the blasts, and was about a block away when they detonated. I had just gotten off the subway on my way to meet him. There were people running everywhere, sirens, emergency vehicles everywhere, confusion, and eventually, tears, worry and fears about those friends and loved ones whose whereabouts was unknown for a time. Cell phone service was turned off as a security measure. New reports and rumors of other bombs, subway closures, the feeling of not knowing what was happening and feeling insecure and suddenly vulnerable. And of course ultimately thankful that my friends and family there to celebrate the Boston Marathon were safe and accounted for. My prayers and thoughts of safety and healing to the city of Boston and all of those affected by this tragedy.

Anonymous said...

glitzylady, that must have been frightening. what a horrible tragedy. i hope they catch the people responsible.

those poor people who died and injured.....

Anonymous said...

I heard there were 7 bombs. OMG. If all 7 bombs had detonated, this would have been 100 times worse.

Anonymous said...

glitzylady, thank you for letting us know you and your husband are ok. We are all so shocked and sickened by the bombing. Our prayers to the victims.


Anonymous said...

Thank God! Glitzylady and her husband are fine, sorry to the moments of anguish who lived! Let us pray that these incidents as deplorable, is not repeated anywhere in the world! HH

Anonymous said...

@glitzlady thank god you and your husband are okay. What a terrible tragedy and how scary it must have been. My prayers and thoughts to everyone in Boston.

Anonymous said...

7:38, be careful, there has been much misinformation today and news reports have been changing. It is going to take a while for the confusion to settle down and real facts to be reported.

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady- thank-god you and your husband are o.k. Thanks admistrator for concerns on my brother- he's o.k also. 1 block away from explosion. What a scary world we live in- hold everyone close that you love.


daydreamin said...

@Glitzylady and @brownie thanks for letting us know you and your loved ones are ok. My prayers go out to all those affected. Who the hell does this?!

Anonymous said...

This is a somewhat accurate report thus far:

Anonymous said...

glitzy... i barely know what to glad you are safe. i think every year of taking kids in as i worked in exact area of finish line for years, was there on Saturday... nervous wreck tonight, sad for victims... dont even know what to think or say... but glad you and yours are well!


funbunn40 said...

@ Glitzylady, Brownie, anon5:34 and anyone on this site that had family, friends in harms way, I'm stunned and so grateful that you and yours were spared. I was enroute to Ft. Lauderdale airport to board a flight to Atlanta and then to Charlotte when I first heard this frightening news. I was able to watch tv coverage during the flight and it sickened me. The death of the 8 yr old child,un-named other person and the horrific maiming of others is almost too much to bear. The man seated next to me in the air was at 911, witnessing it and losing his business partner. This brings that tragedy back full force. When I landed tonight around 10:30PM there were 4 huge tv trucks outside of baggage claim. They may have been waiting for Boston passengers, but I just don't know. Thank God you and hubby are safe, Glitzy. Brownie, so glad your brother is also safe. Sorry I missed you at Gay Pride. I'll post more later. It pales in importance after this painful disaster. @ 5;34, You are also in my thoughts and so glad your cousin is safe. Each day is a gift and it reminds us to hold our loved ones closer. My prayers are with all of you and the victims and families of this horrible tragedy. I just don'y know what to say...

Anonymous said...

Such a tragic day for the innocent Marathon runners, their friends, families, volunteers, all first responders, spectators who were injured or, worse yet, those poor souls who did not live to see another day. It left me sickened to think we are still so vulnerable to horrific acts of senseless terrorism.

My prayers go out to the people of Boston to bring comfort in their time of sorrow.

Thank you, glitzylady, brownie and others we may know here in our Glamily, that were involved in some way, for your bravery and keeping in touch with us to report back and let us know you are okay.

Hopefully, the truth will be known soon as to who is responsible for this tragedy and they will be brought to justice.


Anonymous said...

Stay safe!
Boston is so, so sad..


Anonymous said...

Love from across the world. Such a sad day.

Anonymous said...

When awful tradegies like this happen, lives bond together, no matter who we are or where we're located throughout the world. Thoughts and hearts are with those in Boston right now.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone effected by the tragedy in Boston, Mass. A senseless act of madness brings home the true meaning in life. Love is the answer and hate and anger bring only despair and heartbreak. Peace and light to all the Glamily on this site wherever you call home..nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

at least 40 people have been killed by a major earthquake near the Iran-Pakistan border.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about the earthquake in Iran-Pakistan! I remember my grandmother, who immigrated from Italy, telling me about an earthquake she experienced firsthand - having to run as fast as she could to avoid being enveloped by the quake! So much suffering all over the world. All we can do is hope and pray to make it through another day it seems. Light and love to our friends all over the globe who are enduring so much pain and hardship....nancdruuu2

HK fan said...

Awful hearing about this earlier today. So glad you and your husband are safe Glitzylady, and you Brownie. What a terrible day for you. My friend was running in the marathon, she's ok too thank goodness, she was a couple or 2 away when the bomb went off.
Sending prayers to all those envolved.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady I am so glad you are OK. I was worried something like this might happen at the Miami gay pride festivities, but never at the Boston Marathon. I really wish Adam would not do those events, because there are so many wackos out there. I pray they catch this guy or guys. This is just such a senseless act to me. This is terrorism no matter who did it, in my opinion.

glitzylady said...

Thank you all...