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Miami Beach Gay Pride 2013 Promo Video

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, April 11, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, April 11, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adam is gaining momentum and striking out on the Equal Rights for all issue. Yea Adam is the right person to help highlight this momentous event. Not only are his country people paying attention to him, his millions of fans back him on whatever he says or sings! But the opposing parties are mighty, from what I observe; the fact that his beautiful songs are not as popularly played as others, round the clock. And not only that, Adam's major music awards come mainly from abroad. Oh Adam, Congratulations! I heard you will be bestowed a significant award as Best International Artist of the year! Yes you are indeed, and the most diligent and talented if I may add.


Anonymous said...

Miami mayor will give Adam a key to the city at 1:00pm. Read it here:

Anonymous said...

Those in Miami, check out these magazines:

Anonymous said...

@AdamLambertHelp: Adam Lambert - Concert: April 14th at Miami Beah Gay Pride at 8 pm - World Clock Twitter List

Anonymous said...

Wishing I was in Miami for this. Somebody take vid for all of us who can't be there!

tea said...

Thanx 9:47 for posting a link about the Key to the city.
Also thanx to everyone who posts links with more information about our Adam.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm going, don't know how good I am at taking videos and have no idea what I'm up against has far as getting up close. I'll be there around noon on sunday and first thing I'll do is scope out the crowd. If anyone knows any info about the waiting lines (time mainly) or what time you have to be there to get up close- please let me know.



Anonymous said...

This is a mess!

tea said...

I Like this article.

Anonymous said...

sounds like Adam may be singing with a track and have Terrance and Johnny with him. Sounds like it will be a fffun day.

Anonymous said...

Another article says full crew, band, dancers, etc and that it is live.

Adamluv said...

@brownie - have a wonderful time and come back with lots of details. Should be all sorts of fun fun fun! . . . Adamluv