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More Pictures From Miami! Gay Pride!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, April 13, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, April 13, 2013


Anonymous said...

That top pic is obviously not from this trip to Miami. He's got his 'stache, etc. Am happy he's having such a fun time tho. Can't wait for videos of tomorrow's show!

Anonymous said...

Different shirt in that top photo too. But looks like lots of fans got a picture with Adam.

Anonymous said...

I know Adam sez he grows hair fast, but.....

Anne Marie said...

Would love to hear Adam sing "Kindness keeps the world afloat" by Matisyahu. I think that it has a message for people of all races and religions. Try it out and see what you think.Adam loves songs that express love to all.

Anonymous said...

I'm tired just watching this. So glad he looks like he is having fun. Sing your face off boy.

Anonymous said...

adam lambert is love his music is about love-and tolerance- all over the world hopefully loves him good voice-good human being -good looks as well;adma lambert a mix breed- jewish-scandenavaian-nrwegian descent-american born.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if he gets tired of all the photos but I guess it's part of the job and a great opportunity to gain fans.

Anonymous said...

Adam hasn't met a camera he doesn't live!! Lols

Anonymous said...

Mixed breed? Woof!

Yes he gets tired of the photos. In a very early interview (I think during idol tour) he said he couldn't understand why people asked for photos and autographs. Why couldn't they just be in the moment and enjoy meeting and share that exchange. Makes sense to me.

A very unpopular sentiment I'm sure, so shall I be brave and use my tag? Oh, why not............JAK

Anonymous said...

This party was an official event for Pride. I'm sure he got paid to be there and socialize. He didn't even seem to be drinking. The real party happened later and without cameras.

HK fan said...

The top picture is from the Cyndi Lauper event....

Shaley said...

I personally would rather have a picture than an autograph. It captures that moment forever & is something to treasure. Hopefully he understands a bit more now. He's so sweet and accommodating to his fans-it must get tiring tho. I know my face would hurt from smiling so much!