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New Pictures From Last Night: Adam Lambert at Sky Bar in Los Angeles

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, April 4, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, April 04, 2013

VIA judhein:
"A night out with my daughter @semipreciousweapons and @adamlambert"

VIA caseygill: darling @adamlambert

VIA EsjayJones: @adamlambert what beautiful humans #skybar #ichooseu @preciousweapons


Anonymous said...

I wish I had the stomach and mid drift of that second guy.

Anonymous said...

I need to move Adam back to the hills . . . too much temptation living in condo near bars . . .

Anonymous said...

Are they Adam`s friends? Or some fans?

Anonymous said...

@8:01 Agree! Adam go back to the hills! That blond guy looks familiar but I don't remember who he is if he is familiar.

Anonymous said...

So much for the role model.

Anonymous said...

Hey...he´s holding a water bottle in his hand!! You don´t have to judge him all the time!!!!

Anonymous said...

Justin's hair looks trendy.

Anonymous said...

It was a release party for a new single and most of the people in the pics either co-wrote or recorded the song. It's called "I Choose You". The blond guy is from Semi Precious Weapons. The lady in the first pic is one of their moms. So just stop with the trash talk, it was an industry related event. It was held at an invitation only club, the Skybar.

Anonymous said...

who is the blonde female all up in his business?

Anonymous said...

The blond girl is a production manager for a bunch of people you may have heard of like Foo Fighter's, Bieber and LMAFO. From twitter I'm guessing she is friends with the girl with the dark hair and blond streaks, Esay Jones, who is a recording artist from South Africa and sings on the single.

Anonymous said...

All legit industry people very excited about how well their new single is doing. Good enough for you guys or do you want to complain and make up rumors?

Anonymous said...

@8:32 I was just coming to write what you did,thank you. People need to stop jumping to such negative conclusions about Adam and stop judging him. Let him live his life,he is a wonderful role model!

carolynj said...

Thanks to those of you that post facts, not speculation. I really appreciate your research and it keeps me reading the comments.

Anonymous said...

Yes thanks for the facts:) See how easy it is to start spreading rumors:( Excited about his upcoming music!!!!

Anonymous said...

I see Adam is still a fan of Horus, nice t - shirt!...JAK

tea said...

Adam needs to keep himself in the spotlight. This partying some are complaining about is a part of that process. Let him do what he has to, let him enjoy the process, and all of us relax and enjoy the pictures we get to see. Sitting at home with juice drinks and working out are not going to accomplish any of that.

Anonymous said...

@8:48 AM Yeah but do you also see how quickly false rumours are corrected by facts.

Anonymous said...

I add my thanks to the fan who posted the facts... very interesting as well as plainly informative! Thanks a bunch. So refreshing.

And oh, btw, I will give the same old same old stale comment that bugs so much that one peep ruining many of these threads... and I will say: Dayum Adam looks goooood here

Anonymous said...

The role of a pop star is not one of a recluse.......nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

9:13 am

Yes I did!!!!:) And oh boy am I happy that sun is shining and life is back on track again:)))))))

Anonymous said...

@nancdruuu2 April 4, 2013 at 9:16 AM

Right On. Always like your posts.

And well said 9:13


Anonymous said...

Is that why Tresspassing didn`t succeed? He was home too much?

Anonymous said...


I think he also needs down time, sporting and healthy eating to be able to do all the hard work:) Being successful shouldn´t rule the other out!

Anonymous said...

So if Adam`s career fail its Sauli`s fault.. He was at home too long.. Not connecting.. (I don`t mean that..)

Anonymous said...

9:34 am

NOOOOO! NOT AGAIN! You cannot blame Sauli for Adam not succeeding with Trespassing in the US! Adam is a huge success abroad! Live with that!

Anonymous said...

9:40 I was joking. Bad humor I know. Hard day.. I did say I didin`t meant that!

Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with him going out but the point is we don't hear about him doing anything else. We hear nothing about new music from Adam

Anonymous said...

9:42 am

I kinda got that, but it is fuel to the flames especially nowadays in these threads!

Let´s be happy for Adam:)

Anonymous said...

9:48 :)

Anonymous said...

Poor guy. He is not allowed to get out and live his life.He cant have his pics taken with other men.He is not allowed to keep his personal life to himself. Maybe some of you would be happy if he chained himself to his front door so he cant leave and put a paper bag over his head so he cant have pics taken. Would you be happy then? He wont get much accomplished like that but hey, thats how you want him to live his life.

Anonymous said...

Knock off the nasty trespassing, comments that overall that album has done well with its abroad sales. If it had not done well in Asia he would not be nominated for a Chinese music award or would he have been at the MAMA awards. What some people keep seeming to overlook is one of the reason's he getting the Davidson award is as stated in the article, he continues to be a top saler world wide. I believe they said trespassing in Singapore has been in top ten for months also Russia and mostly no. 1 in Russia that's that may be the song but that part of album. album doing well in China only been out month and a half! Will do even better after he does Chinese music awards and Chinese idol. What some people overlook as unlike many from Idol Adam a world star. There are other places rather than America to sale his album! Not very many from Idol has that I doubt any are as popular as Adam is and will continue growing in Asia, he getting more opportunities there all the time. I hope the next one does better here but he still has many parts of the world that do play his music, and do but it, any way you look at it that album still had at least 4 no. 1 in America and many no. 1's abroad! People need to stop jumping to conclusions some here wanting to think the worse, every time a picture is posted, someone should not have to always rush in and explain what really going on, saying he needs to move back to the hills. Stop thinking he aleay's doing the wrong thing he a grown man can handle his own life without our intervention. If trespassing had done as bad as some think he would not be getting third album and he is, I suspect he doing some ground work, and may have done some recording whatever he starting on it. The album trespassing done well abroad and he doing well abroad, he done good things here to. This is a 24/7 Adam Lambert site to promote Adam not to bring him down, and constantly jump to bad conclusion about his social life, let him live his life please! I am sure I will be lectured about my comments I do not care, this is the way I feel about it! Sue

Anonymous said...

I couldnt have said it better myself Sue

Anonymous said...

Sue may I ask (nicely :)) where are you from?

Anonymous said...

ignore angry jealous immature trolls PLEASE!!

Anonymous said...

lol sue, everytime i see that big block of text i just skip over it. no one is gonna read all that

Anonymous said...

I'm happy you are able to share your views, Sue. Now how about allowing others to do the same without you jumping all over them.

Anonymous said...

ok OT but maybe Adam's little segment will be on AI tonight. There are six weeks left until the grand finale.

Anonymous said...

Sue Thanks for your excellent and logical Comment! HH

Anonymous said...

that sounds like quite a doings Adam was at last night. Glad to see Lambert invited.

Anonymous said...

He already said he was starting new music, when he went to Vienna. He is working in it he does not need to check in with us, this is night stuff, we do not know what he does in the day time. He been working hard he got award shows coming up, he has to shop for. Just got back week or so ago can he have a few days off, I sure they are not really off, he doing many things. I believe among other things he may have done a recording in Vienna, but whatever he doing ground work. Have you ever heard of networking, making contacts. I do believe he done a bit more than just go to bars in the last four years look at all he has accomplished. I am quite sure music was discussed here. You say that's all you see, because unless he wants it no one going to be in the recording studio taking pictures he working! He already said he knows the direction album going in, he doing the ground work and most likely starting some recording, album takes writing and everything other than that, Adam has other people working on material too! I cannot take this constant negativity to Adam who does not deserve it! Yes thank God there are some kind people here who love him and have his back! But there are twi many here just solely for the purpose if running him down, and the ones that always jump to the wrong conclusions, then there are the same people over and over making life miserable over Adam personal life! So I will go way as long as I possibly can again,because if you really care for Adam you cannot take being on this site for long,best check in on what he doing and not check comments! Save the nasty comments towards me, I voluntarily taking another vacation never should have come back in first place! Sue

Anonymous said...

Skip over reading what you want, who cares plenty people write big one's ! I only write them when the negativity has gone on and on and on! This is last one have a nice day! Sue

Anonymous said...

I am sorry for the long ones, I get upset apologize for another long one! No one can stay on this blog that cares for Adam, any length of time! It's not just this one here its days if tearing him down, that's been going in here! Sue

Anonymous said...

I don't see that much tearing him down. Of course a few stupid comments. But thinking he and Sauli have broken up, for example, is not tearing Adam down.

Anonymous said...

A few comments about Sauli? Like 130 on a blog yesterday, saying crap about Adam!

Anonymous said...

All the gossips, negativity & untrue crap that sells trashy magazines on celebrities have driven some to OD on drugs to self medicate. This is " Bullying"!!!
Celebrities are human beings like you & I, they just happen to be FAMOUS!!! & in the PUBLIC EYE!

Don't spread RUMOURS on Adam on this site:(

Look at what happened to Michael Jackson, after his death they found out "he's INNOCENT"!!! wtf!
Gossips causes anxiety, sleepless nights, etccccc

Be KIND Be NICE to Eachother, we are all the same with the Same " Wants"
Peace All:)

Anonymous said...

Sue....welcome to the club!
You're joining a long list of originals that only pop in and out due to the snarkiness, or negative comments that seem to pervade this blog now.
Have a beautiful day all!

Anonymous said...

i'm with sue, only come and see pics, updates and try to ignore the negative comments. what is the value in that.

Anonymous said...

@11:07 AM Agree. It's just an opinion like a wish that Adam would end this speculation so that fans could move on.

Anonymous said...

Looks to me like Adam was hanging out with people in the music business, and that's a good thing. Making and maintaining connections is really important. I think Adam will get down to business soon with new music. And I'll bet anything he's often busy during the day with management, etc. At night, he's out and about, seeing people and being seen. It's part of the job (and part of who Adam is.)

Sue, the posters here have lots of different styles, those who are brief, those who are wordy (like me sometimes), those who sign their tags, those who don't. All I know about you is that you write from the heart and are passionate about Adam. If your emotions run away with you sometimes, I truly empathize, because it happens to me, too.

DRG (trying not to take the troll-bait so often)

Anonymous said...

Just commenting on what 11.59 said because it was positive, god bless you sweetie everything you said was true, thank you for that! 11.51 it is a shame it's a great site but being ruined by some that are jealous of Adam and bring him down! Not saying that everybody who has an opinion, but a lot of them. The Sauli stuff is so unkind and totally uncalled for. Just yesterday Rose Pedal said she was out of here for awhile, I notice even DRG and JAK who I know love Adam try to stay away when this crap starts! People say ignore I mostly have lately but between that almost 160 comments yesterday and others lately about Adam personal life of which none of us know nothing of and lot of negativity towards it, was to much! Thanks to anyone here who has back my comments up! Like I just commenting because they were positive comments only! Sue

Anonymous said...

I have read this blog since it started every day.I really don't think I have missed a day.I just read over the negative comments wishing they would be taken off but it takes all kinds of people to make a world.I will not let any one keep me off of this sight if it is in my own power.Adam looks happy that is what is impotant to me & I am thankful he had such good parents.I will always be a fan.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I was wrong I meant 11.50 and 11.51 hit wrong key sorry on my above comment, thanks DRG! Sue

Anonymous said...

12.57, your strong and I am glad, your needed here! Guess I am not as strong in the stomach! I will comment to positive people sometimes. But when it get nasty I just turning screen off! Sue

Anonymous said...

Hey Sue - You Tell Em Be-atch! (And I mean that in a very loving sort of way) I agree with you completely.

Anonymous said...

Adam knows WHERE to network, and HOW to network. He has been around LA for over 10 years, he knows the score, and everyone he meets seem to love him, whether that be socially, or in a recording studio. Both equally important. Promotion, Promotion, Promotion. The reason that David Cook is off the radar, and Kris Allen is giving concerts out of his living room is because neither of these guys knew how to promote themselves out of a paper bag. Adam will get NOWHERE by sitting at home waiting for Sauli, and vice-versa. Geezuz, people, seems so fundamental to me, I so admire these two guys for competing in the cut-throat music/television business......and they get so much shit on this blog. WTF !!!!!!! EASE OFF. GIVE THEM A BREAK>

Anonymous said...

All ya'lls just waaaaay too sensitive. Oh, and did I mention waaaaay too involved?
Get a grip people!

Anonymous said...

Get your own grip, we positive ones are just fine!

Anonymous said...

Just to let u know who hates Sauli and Adam together, they are still together and happy!!!!

The nay sayers are just full of jealousy and I'm loving it he!he!


Anonymous said...

Canadian, I wouldnt bet on it.

Sigmund Fraud said...

Glamberts be one craaaazy bunch. Wonder if Adam ever wonders why that is...I know I do-lol!

Anonymous said...

Adam looking a lot like Neil in the 1st photo & mighty fine too. :)

Anonymous said...

Canadian, what were you thinking!! This thread has been relatively ok, many are trying their best to ignore the trolls and then you come in here and say the most volatile thing you can! Most of us are sick of the arguing, rumors and trolling. Please let things be and don't throw gasoline on a nearly out fire.

Sigmund Fraud said...

@6:18pm: Mmmmmmmmmm....Interesting dear. Your defensive post with it's slightly sarcastic undertones & declarations of constant positivity, make me wonder if you might slightly be losing that grip;)

Anonymous said...

I tell you one thing-you all are way more entertaining than this year's Idol;)

Anonymous said...

If the astronauts brought back enough swiss cheese to feed the world indefinitely, you'd think there'd be no more moon.

Anonymous said...

all the ladies wanting their lips on the glam one. what gives?

Anonymous said...

Kree Harrison will be the next American Idol. just sayin'

Anonymous said...

Canadian, agreed, please don't do that again.

Anonymous said...

@9:06: Have you seen the man????

Anonymous said...

@9:18: You're tryin to spoil the fun.

Anonymous said...

9:18. 9:19. 9:20. 9:21

Anonymous said...

Adam is very busy connecting every night at bars.

Anonymous said...

Really I hope this farce would end. Adam knows what is going on but doesn't correct rumours which have gone wild.

Anonymous said...

Folks just your common sense about the nay sayers here...!!:)

Reverse sychology is your power to improve your perspective in life...

Let the nay sayers celebrates their negativity and we the true fans celebrates the positivity...:)


Anonymous said...

Clearly Adam is working hard with his new music at bars.

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with Adam going out but I wish there was some music news. I imagine he is still negotiating with RCA or trying to find a record deal somewhere else. If he was working on his album his bio would say that.

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